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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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2 hours ago, bicobus said:

You might wanna make those events happen once per lifetime, it'll then be a natural spacer for the appearance of Heroes and Villains characters.


Might create the opposite problem for immortal characters. Maybe an "on death" timer that delays respawn by 10 or 20 years instead? Would really help with characters like Harley who (due to being insane) plot, get imprisoned, and are executed - only to show up the next week like nothing happened. Though it is kind of par for the course in comic books...

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8 hours ago, bicobus said:

You might wanna make those events happen once per lifetime, it'll then be a natural spacer for the appearance of Heroes and Villains characters.


Is there an easy way to track such a thing without having a separate variable for each item? The only method I could think of would be a pain in the ass to implement.


I will say that with what I'm presently testing, most of the non-manually triggered Visit Hall/Lair items should only trigger once if the characters aren't set to respawn.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, DrPill said:


Might create the opposite problem for immortal characters. Maybe an "on death" timer that delays respawn by 10 or 20 years instead? Would really help with characters like Harley who (due to being insane) plot, get imprisoned, and are executed - only to show up the next week like nothing happened. Though it is kind of par for the course in comic books...


Hrm. Not a horrible idea with the respawn frequency. Not sure of the best way to pull it off without it being a pain in the ass. I initially would think 20 years, since a death to rebirth gap of a generation seems cool. I usually play long enough for such a gap to work, as I usually play for about 50-100 years in a session. Not sure how long others tend to go.


Edit: Making it 10 years. There will be a new Rule option where you choose the respawn. Options are none, immediate, 10 years. When someone dies, if it's immediate it'll clear the flag right away, making the target eligible for respawn the next time the event comes up. 10 years has a delay of 10 years before the flag is cleared.

Edited by dewguru
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10 hours ago, dewguru said:


There will be a new Rule option where you choose the respawn.


Sounds great.


I also thought of the "generate courtier" decisions - recruit commander/priest/courtesan/etc. That is, once the Lair is built, player gets a "recruit hero/villain" intrigue choice. Would prevent immediate flooding of the player's court with EVERY hero/villain triggering at once and give some control over their rare of showing up. Or maybe something like the "delayed start" rules for Aztecs/Mongols/plague - yes early but not for the first X years of the playthrough.

Edited by DrPill
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Uploaded the version that I'm presently testing. If you're not using the Hero/Villain content, then there are minimal changes. I've got a series of additional events I'm planning on adding.


I have not updated the Drax 70 version at this time (Drax 70 version offers some different images).


Here is the change log for the latest version if folks are interested.


v1.94 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible
    - New Game Rule option for Respawns - changed Yes to Immediate and added a 10 Year option. Note: this for clearing a flag setting, so an event still needs to trigger to bring them back.
    - I felt that hero/villain content was firing too frequently on top of each other, so I scaled back some of the on_action triggers, and moved some content around that can be triggered via a decision (see more below)
    - New Events (primarily Villain related)
    - Visit your Lair or Hall (Hero / Villain content - available once a month) Contains a few new events, and a bulk of events from the former random hero/villain events.
    - Updated a couple small event artwork to a larger size
    - Set a number of random hero/villain events to no longer happen outside of the new Visit your Lair/Hall decision.


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I've got some other events I'm working on, and as my testing continues, I may end up further tweaking the Hero/Villain stuff.


I just hit a point where it was good to wrap up and post things as they stood, as I begin working on the others. Besides, I've been known to take some lapses if I get distracted, and testing has been going a little slow lately as I've been doing some HellDivers 2 and Dragon's Dogma 2, so I may as well get something posted since I mentioned I had things I was testing.

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Found an issue as I played more of v1.94, so I'm packaging 1.95 now to correct it.


I'll be posting the updated file soon.


v1.95 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update is NOT considered to be save game compatible. I tweaked some trait names, so it could mess with the trait index that is built on a new game.
    - New Event
    - Fixed an existing event for a specific NPC that would never fire if they were in prison
    - Fixed an issue where some events associated with visiting your Hall/Lair wouldn't show up for potentially months
    - Updated the custom photo cycle decision to work for Mirage, who has two potential images


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6 hours ago, isliael said:

can i ask what new event is that?


It was just introducing Giganta as an npc for villain play sessions. I've got more events I'm working on, but I noticed the issue with the Visit that seemed important enough to go ahead and fix.


The next set of events I'm working on will be should be more than just villain content.

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Still not seeing the Hall/Lair visit work like I want, so I'm changing things up more.


Definite change that will be coming - I'm pulling the vast bulk of the Intro events that aren't based on the presence of another character into one Recruit decision. This includes the original recruit options that allowed you to select say Harley or Nightwing. One drawback - this has removed the direct select option of the 4-5 heroes or villains, and now it's a random result - similar to the Invite Commander or Invite Debutante type decisions. It's just in this case, the random individual will be a named NPC. This should give the player a whole lot more control over whether their court gets flooded or not.


I'm now testing out my revised visit hall/lair decision, and if I don't like it still, I'll move back to tweaking them as annual events. Either way - with a vastly reduced number of intro events in this pool, it should reduce court flooding.


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Small update. Still dabbling. New update will likely come out next weekend.


Below are the expected changes in the upcoming release, and are what I'm presently testing.



v1.96 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95
    - New events (small variety of events that rely on Game Rules of Heroes/Villains, Bestiality, Fairy Tales)
    - Changed old Hero / Villain Recruit option. Consolidating new additions that aren't based on existing characters, and the result being random.
    - Fixed: Giganta's missing nickname
    - Fixed an issue where the AI could create Hellboy
    - Fixed some missing image references for some Beauty and the Beast events
    - Small tweaks to various things, like setting missing months on opinion modifiers, and reorganizing some things.


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Man, so many things I had left that I wanted to do more work on.


You can tell what I usually play, which is the Succubus/Incubus content and Hero/Villain content.


Does anyone ever use any of the other DWR starts? Not saying I'm going to add anything, anywhere. Mainly curious.

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The Fairy Tales need a little more love, there some extra content that you have left in there unfinished...!

Like Snow White etc.!

And there are the rest that they don't have any "Visits" content, like Alice, Jasmine etc.

Only Belle content is finished, in my opinion! (The poor girl is so stressed and relieved so many times...! 😜)

You could add the feature, after you dream of Lilith and accept the dream and become "lustful", get a visit from the Lilith Order to join, with out it being as a starting "Rule" for the beginning of the game!

Edited by Drax70
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5 hours ago, Drax70 said:

The Fairy Tales need a little more love, there some extra content that you have left in there unfinished...!

Like Snow White etc.!

And there are the rest that they don't have any "Visits" content, like Alice, Jasmine etc.

Only Belle content is finished, in my opinion! (The poor girl is so stressed and relieved so many times...! 😜)

You could add the feature, after you dream of Lilith and accept the dream and become "lustful", get a visit from the Lilith Order to join, with out it being as a starting "Rule" for the beginning of the game!


Some of the new events coming in the next update will include the potential for adding Maleficent and Aurora. So there is a little more Fairy Tales love.


I've mentally toyed with the idea of working in all of the campaign start options into the game via random events, since several have little more than a special starting trait. Not sure I'll venture down that road or not, but it is why I posed the question about what people play.


And going through the code, I can tell that I've rewritten this mod twice from it's original Dark World origins, and the current me has the urge to clean things up again, which I've done here and there.

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You can take inspiration from the animated movie called batman ninja where gorilla grodd sends batman and many villians to feudal japan along with catwoman and stuff. It can make a backstory why they are in the past and can add some immersion. And maybe quest line to send them back or make them stay with you and some artifacts from future. Just my opinion.

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3 hours ago, Skatan said:

You can take inspiration from the animated movie called batman ninja where gorilla grodd sends batman and many villians to feudal japan along with catwoman and stuff. It can make a backstory why they are in the past and can add some immersion. And maybe quest line to send them back or make them stay with you and some artifacts from future. Just my opinion.


Both Marvel and DC have had past offshoots of many of their characters, many with no special lore than it being the time that they are in. Simple, and effective, so that's what I'm largely running with.


To try and connect it all together in some kind of immersive event chain sounds cool, and if I was taking donations for the work, I'd be down for doing that, but as it is, I'm not taking donations, and I don't need the extra events to make it immersive for me.


So I think it's a neat idea, but not one that I feel I need to work into the mod. That said, I've changed my mind in the past.

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Latest update has been published. I've more events and tweaks planned.


v1.96 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95
    - New events (small variety of events that rely on Game Rules of Heroes/Villains, Bestiality, Fairy Tales)
    - Changed old Hero / Villain Recruit option. Consolidating new additions that aren't based on existing characters, and the result being random.
    - Fixed: Giganta's missing nickname
    - Fixed an issue where the AI could create Hellboy
    - Fixed some missing image references for some Beauty and the Beast events
    - Updated a couple small event images that were related to stable visits
    - Small tweaks to various things, like setting missing months on opinion modifiers, and reorganizing some things.


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12 hours ago, jimsoprano said:

Holy this is till updated! thanks for update and I'll test if the Drax version will compat with tentacles which the older ver would make sounds disappear.


I've not updated the Drax70 version of the game yet. If I recall correctly, the events have to have a line in them that says what sound to play, so if there are two different mods that touch the same file, and the one that overwrites lacks the line for sounds, then it'd kill the sounds.


I think the old Drax70 version had some sounds, and Drax70 mentioned 2-3 weeks ago that he could share the sound files again. I was going to wait until I my updates were beginning to cool down before I updated the Drax70 version.

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2 hours ago, Ultrackius said:

Actually, sorry for the double post, I was wondering if this mod had a discord server?


The is no discord server for the mod.


As for the Hero or Villain, if you don't mess with immortality, you can make it real interesting and say start as a villain, and then when your ruler passes, just have their child pick up the mantle of a hero. It can lead to some hotly contested infighting as heroes and villains typically don't get along well, but if you're able to manage the storm, you'd be running a very potent country. And right now, Villain probably has slightly more content, as it's what I usually start off as.

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I started dabbling with the GFX for DW events as a little project to learn SD based image generation. I noticed that DW has a GFX called dw_pregnancy_01, however, I have never seen that ingame. The vanilla event and picture are displayed, when pregnancy occurs. Oversight, or is it too much hassle to interfere with this event due to conflicts? Second question, DW does use the bigger text boxes? I'd like to increase the size to a more convinient scale and create an entire new set of matching pictures.

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