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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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On 1/30/2022 at 2:18 AM, Shuuu said:

If you do start modding ckIII are you going to use the existing sex framework or make your own like you did here? Curious cause i like your work but it would suck for all the current ck3 mods to be incompatible lol. XD


I've decided that I'm going to wait for the new Royal Court DLC to drop before I do anything modding related that I'd consider releasing, as it is making some considerable changes.


I also have no current plans on using the present sex framework. Anything I build, would not rely on any other external mod. That said, the way I understand the framework operates - if I did include sexual events in my mod, they would not conflict with the framework in anyway.

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Super small update coming out.


Change Log:
v1.93 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update is compatible with Save Games created with DWR version 1.83 or later. Save games with earlier versions of DWR will break.
    - Modified the Bordello Improvement quest chain (after the initial event, future stages are handled by decision - to help handle things if the ruler dies mid-upgrade and to allow the player to advance when they have gold on hand)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a guide somewhere that covers the mechanics, events/event chains and other gameplay elements in Dark World Reborn? 


At the moment I just want to know how to get a character (preferably female) with the angel trait to join my court. thought that if there was a guide then in the future simple questions would not need to be posted in this topic.

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So what are your thoughts on vampires in this mod from a gameplay perspective? Sure DWR's vamps are not as much in depth as other more focused mods (Princes of Darkness), but are they still interesting? For example, do they die of old age? Or decease? What about their feeding, health and powers? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi! Could anyone help with this? I installed it according to the guidlines on the page, and when I go to play CK2 it shows up and I checkmark it, but when playing none of the game rules show up and it might as well not be there. I'm on mac if that changes anything

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  • 3 weeks later...

What about therianthropes? When they can come in my court or other world? I see only werewolves by Fenris event, but what about some snake kin, bird kin and other? It have race traits in common/traits, but I don`t see them in the game. Something-kin is exist, or there is only werewolves? 

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Just wanted to pop in to let anyone like me, who is using Guardians of Azeroth, know that you can get the heroes/villains to stop vanishing without a trace by changing the dw_npc_scripted_effects file - find on the character you want where it says race = (X), and change X to be a race actually within the mod itself - I'm using Kul Tiran, but anything works. 

They'll spawn without their custom profile pic, but if you then use gfx_culture (charid) Orc to set their GFX culture to the Dark World Orc, then they'll look correct as well. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are dragons actually implemented? They seem to exist in the files and in the description but there doesn't seem to be any way to access their content. Is there a way to get the dragon trait at all, even through cheaty methods? Do they count as theiranthropes too?




Also, I've noticed a few bugs in the mod. First off the Raynor siege "spoils" event only has an opinion loss in a single one of its end outcomes, which makes no sense. Also, the spawning for Hellboy is hella bugged, I have about 13 different Hellboys in my world right now all part of the same dynasty, it seems like the checks to see whether or not Hellboy is alive is broken.


I have Heaven and Hell content turned off anyway, so clearly that is also bugged.

Edited by Whatiswrongwiththisthing
new bug
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/9/2022 at 6:52 AM, RathAzu said:

Just wanted to pop in to let anyone like me, who is using Guardians of Azeroth, know that you can get the heroes/villains to stop vanishing without a trace by changing the dw_npc_scripted_effects file - find on the character you want where it says race = (X), and change X to be a race actually within the mod itself - I'm using Kul Tiran, but anything works. 

They'll spawn without their custom profile pic, but if you then use gfx_culture (charid) Orc to set their GFX culture to the Dark World Orc, then they'll look correct as well. 

if you don't mind me asking, which file/folder is this line of code from? (the dw_npc_scripted_effects one) I'm currently trying to stop exactly what you have described from happening


Edit: managed to find it, under common/scripted_effects/dw_npc_scripted_effects.txt. though the gfx_culture command doesn't seem to fix the custom profile pic

Edited by FiendishFriedFish
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/11/2022 at 12:31 PM, Fire Lord said:

So what are your thoughts on vampires in this mod from a gameplay perspective? Sure DWR's vamps are not as much in depth as other more focused mods (Princes of Darkness), but are they still interesting? For example, do they die of old age? Or decease? What about their feeding, health and powers? 

From what I understand, vampires are like elves and Kitsune with more than 1 tail: immortal. They won't ever die from aging, though like all other immortals, enemies in combat can sometimes merc you. I think you're basically immune to sickness, as your health is usually so high that it can't do anything to you. However, there is a disease all immortals can succumb to if you're unlucky, which is of course an RNG event that decides you suck.

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On 7/21/2022 at 9:54 PM, jimsoprano said:

Just found out that new version added sounds to DWR, but it seems having conliction with Tentacle Dreams' sound files. Anyone know how to make both mods sounds compatiable?

Do you know where the sound file is located?

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Thanks for the continued work on this, my friend. It's always entertaining to have this mod in any list, alone or with other mods. A thought occurred though, while I was playing.

Ended up getting Venom again, though this time the bugger tried to assassinate me, but I caught and executed him. The thought I had was this, is it possible to add a decision to the whole symbiotes line of events to either take Venom for yourself on your first meeting and become a tentacle-kin and/or if you keep him, get Carnage for yourself for a similar result? Would be cool to actually PLAY Venom/Carnage just saying. 

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