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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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On 10/23/2021 at 11:07 AM, James_E_C said:

How do you access the slavery content? Yes, I DO have slavery allowed in the game rules, but I can't make a person my slave, I can't make an unlanded prisoner my slave, and i can't make a ruler (that's my prisoner) my slave. I thought it might be due to having other slavery mods, so I disabled them. But enslaving someone doesn't work. How do I do it? I both tried to right click on the person/prisoner and do it through the intrigue menu.

Do you have the slaver's dungeon?

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Hi, does anyone know why the "non-consensual sex" game rule does not appear in my CK2 game rule window?


I am trying to use the DWE mod from Aliris and I think some events are stuck behind the "non-consensual sex" game rule which they said should appear (which in my case does not).


Currently I am using DWR, DWE, LF, Ala's body mod.

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I don't understand what's happening. I join the society of seduction and either I'm thrown out by an already existing member, disappear from the member's list (basically the game itself throws me out) or after I invite someone else that someone throws me out. I initially thought it was because I didn't have the lustful trait or the hedonist trait. Trait with them both and each of them and no change. I chose to be a cambion, 0 change. Demon? Nope.

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36 minutes ago, S0ul_K1ller said:

I don't understand what's happening. I join the society of seduction and either I'm thrown out by an already existing member, disappear from the member's list (basically the game itself throws me out) or after I invite someone else that someone throws me out. I initially thought it was because I didn't have the lustful trait or the hedonist trait. Trait with them both and each of them and no change. I chose to be a cambion, 0 change. Demon? Nope.

Same thing with me. I posted that earlier. It seems to be a strange mod conflict with Tentacle Dreams, if you have it. However, no one could answer HOW to fix it...

Although it's the wrong mod. Society of Seduction is LF, not DWR.

Edited by James_E_C
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I disliked how the Villain Lair and Hero Hall buildings just cluttered the building list if you turned the Heroes and Villains game rule off, so I edited the building text files so that if you do turn it off they simply won't appear. In the first zip:

        potential = { has_dw_herovillain_content = yes }

in the other one:

        potential = {
			FROM = {
				has_game_rule = { name = dw_herovillain_content value = dw_yes_herovillain }

I tested a bit on my end and either one should work. Just copy-paste the contents of one or the other into Dark World Reborn\common\buildings and overwrite. Dewguru has my permission to integrate these edits into the main mod if they wish.

DWR buildings.zip DWR buildings2.zip

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On 10/23/2021 at 6:03 AM, Drax70 said:

Yep! Actually, in every province, it is not capital-bound...! At the bottom of the building list, above the Grand Inn!


Yeah got it figured out. Apparently DWR conflicts with CK2+, disabling that made all the buildings appear in the province build window. Which is good because I thought I was going crazy not finding it, heh.

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On 11/2/2021 at 2:16 AM, Rather Not said:

I disliked how the Villain Lair and Hero Hall buildings just cluttered the building list if you turned the Heroes and Villains game rule off, so I edited the building text files so that if you do turn it off they simply won't appear. In the first zip:

        potential = { has_dw_herovillain_content = yes }

in the other one:

        potential = {
			FROM = {
				has_game_rule = { name = dw_herovillain_content value = dw_yes_herovillain }

I tested a bit on my end and either one should work. Just copy-paste the contents of one or the other into Dark World Reborn\common\buildings and overwrite. Dewguru has my permission to integrate these edits into the main mod if they wish.

DWR buildings.zip 16.74 kB · 3 downloads DWR buildings2.zip 16.85 kB · 0 downloads



This always bothered me!!! ?

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On 10/25/2021 at 5:21 PM, IttuP said:

@dewguru Any thought on races and culture/trait as a standalone mod on the side? Like only a race mod. Or would that be quite difficult?


I have no plans on making any future CK2 mods. The next update might be my last one. Going to have another play session of CK2 this week, followed by one of CK3 and I'll determine if it's time to switch my seemingly diminishing time to mod, over to CK3 finally.


On 10/26/2021 at 10:17 AM, kassandra12 said:

Hi, does anyone know why the "non-consensual sex" game rule does not appear in my CK2 game rule window?


I am trying to use the DWE mod from Aliris and I think some events are stuck behind the "non-consensual sex" game rule which they said should appear (which in my case does not).


Currently I am using DWR, DWE, LF, Ala's body mod.


Dark World Reborn does not have any such game rule. Alas, I cannot speak to why another mod's game rule may or may not be displaying. Unless we've somehow named two rules the exact same thing - which I doubt - there shouldn't be anything in DWR that's preventing it from being seen.


The only time I myself as a player have seen where none of the game rules I was expecting to see, weren't there - was when I had two .mod files which both tried to point a mod of the same name to two different folders (so the game didn't do either of them). For a version or two - this would have happened if you had both the default DWR and the Drax70 DWR variation. No idea of course if you're seeing something similar, but I figured I'd share the one time I encountered the same issue.

On 11/3/2021 at 6:29 AM, Yanslana said:


Yeah got it figured out. Apparently DWR conflicts with CK2+, disabling that made all the buildings appear in the province build window. Which is good because I thought I was going crazy not finding it, heh.


I don't use CK2+, but some others in the past used DWR with it, and they did mention that there were a couple things they had to do to get them to play together. In theory - it's somewhere within the 200+ pages of this thread. :)


On 11/1/2021 at 7:16 PM, Rather Not said:

I disliked how the Villain Lair and Hero Hall buildings just cluttered the building list if you turned the Heroes and Villains game rule off, so I edited the building text files so that if you do turn it off they simply won't appear. In the first zip:

        potential = { has_dw_herovillain_content = yes }

in the other one:

        potential = {
			FROM = {
				has_game_rule = { name = dw_herovillain_content value = dw_yes_herovillain }

I tested a bit on my end and either one should work. Just copy-paste the contents of one or the other into Dark World Reborn\common\buildings and overwrite. Dewguru has my permission to integrate these edits into the main mod if they wish.

DWR buildings.zip 16.74 kB · 3 downloads DWR buildings2.zip 16.85 kB · 0 downloads


If it doesn't generate unhappy lines in the error.log file, I'll take a look at including it in the update. I want to say a couple of us wrestled with getting an error free method working many moons ago. Of course, I could be entirely misremembering it - since I always play with the content enabled.

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So, after looking at the game files, I can see that I use the potential = { has_xxxx_content = yes} method on the wizard tower related buildings, so I'm leaning more towards never having cared or thought of excluding the hall or lair buildings.


It'll be in the next update for those of you who expressed seething hatred towards their existence. ;)


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I have a a question and a suggestion. The question first. Are you actually going to add the rest of the Fairy Tale characters and storylines (you sort have Snow White, created it's own, currently mostly empty, event) but what about Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Rapunzel? Probaably will not be as involved as the Beauty and Beast story, just more akin to the Allice in Wonderland events.

The suggestion. You have the Jus Prima Noctis event. Given that's it's historical fantasy that rulers did that, why not go all in and make it work for female rulers as well? Maybe even have a futa version that ADDS opinion (because you take both spouses), where you fuck the bride, and the groom fucks you. That I could maybe even do, since all it requires is a little event and localization editing. If you want, I could attempt to do the modified version and either send it to you or I could post it here.

Also, as I was writing this, I have another suggestion (that I could probably do, but I think it might be slightly beyond my modding skill level). You have events for children coming of age, being caught masturbating, and marrying. If you have sex with the person in all 3 events, they also become your lover.

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On 11/9/2021 at 7:25 AM, dewguru said:


I have no plans on making any future CK2 mods. The next update might be my last one. Going to have another play session of CK2 this week, followed by one of CK3 and I'll determine if it's time to switch my seemingly diminishing time to mod, over to CK3 finally.



Sad to hear but also exciting. Bright side, if you decide to switch, you'll get a long(ish) break, at least until RC comes out.

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10 hours ago, nolife6969 said:

how to add custom image for event etc?

you would need place your custom image in /gfx/event_pictures, and then change the "picture =" in the event you are looking to change to reference you new image instead of the old one. 

For example, if i wanted to replace dw_sex.2001 with a picture of trollface, i would place my trollface image in /gfx/event_pictures and name it trollface.dds, then i would open the relative event file (dw_sex.txt in this case). 

i would then replace the picture = redsonja_02 with picture = trollface


narrative_event = {
    id = dw_sex.2001
    is_triggered_only = yes
    title = dw_redsonja_title
    window = "BiggerEventWindow"
    desc = {
        trigger = { is_female = yes }
        text = dw_sex2001f
    desc = {
        trigger = { is_female = no }
        text = dw_sex2001m
    picture = redsonja_02 #WE'RE LOOKING RIGHT HERE
    option = { # Oh yes, take it
        name = dw_sex_suck
        narrative_event = { id = dw_sex.2002 }

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EDIT: Ok, after some trial and error, Rise to Power was the conflicting mod, taking it out makes everything work, as far as I can tell.


So, I'm having some trouble that I would appreciate some help with if possible. Some traits and items don't seem to add correctly to my player, the ones that I've seen so far are the prostitute trait when trying to become a prostitute and the items from the exotic goods merchant. It seems to be items added by this mod, because I do get the water clock. There also seems to be something similar with the tentacled dreams mod (going to post over there as well, just mentioning it here in case it's related and helps reveal the cause) where after going through the tentacle indoctrinations (1>2>3) it won't give me the tentacle slave trait, and just removes indoctrination 3. Also, not sure if this is related or a different issue, the werewolf events (haven't tried other campaigns) seem to be really rare, across a few different games after the first decision to start the campaigns I've only gotten 1 event total, where a werewolf was sent to join my court with some money.




Dark World Reborn
Luxuria Fantasia
Luxuria Fantasia: Extras
Dark World: The Mercenary Commander
Cheri Scripting Library
Crusader Milk
Cheri - Tentacled Dreams
Cheri - Tentacled Dreams Images
DZM Expanded
Dreams of Sodomy 0.04
A Bigger Interface
Artifact Acquisition and Overhaul
Artifact Search
Rise to Power
Minimap Makeover
In heavers GO: no fog
A Revolutionary Borders Mod
Better Ledger (Font/Hotkeys)
Caesar's Books
Caesar's Wonders
Cannibal Kings
Colored Buttons
Cultural Cities Remix
Decisive Battles
Flogi's Buildings & Technology Mod
Flogi's Te.(AB SubMod)
Gold For Favors
Goodbye Grandma, a mod to prune infertile female courtiers.
Historical and Fantastical Artifacts
Hold more Duchies
Impossible Invitation Warning
In heavens Graphics overhaul
Interface: Century Gothic
Interface: Stellaris Colors
Kings of Slaves and Vices Remastered
Less Random Deadly Duels
More Buildable Wonders
New Immersive Events
Novus Graphicus
NoxBestia DPA-Dark World Custom v0. alpha
OP Immortals
Orange Ransom Button
Purchase Claims
Rename Anyone
Roll's Community Traits Mod V2
Tentacled Dreams Extended
Tooltip: Century Gothic Bold 18
Trait Softcap Exterminated
Velvet Tooltip



Edited by Antastead
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9 hours ago, Antastead said:

EDIT: Ok, after some trial and error, Rise to Power was the conflicting mod, taking it out makes everything work, as far as I can tell.


So, I'm having some trouble that I would appreciate some help with if possible. Some traits and items don't seem to add correctly to my player, the ones that I've seen so far are the prostitute trait when trying to become a prostitute and the items from the exotic goods merchant. It seems to be items added by this mod, because I do get the water clock. There also seems to be something similar with the tentacled dreams mod (going to post over there as well, just mentioning it here in case it's related and helps reveal the cause) where after going through the tentacle indoctrinations (1>2>3) it won't give me the tentacle slave trait, and just removes indoctrination 3. Also, not sure if this is related or a different issue, the werewolf events (haven't tried other campaigns) seem to be really rare, across a few different games after the first decision to start the campaigns I've only gotten 1 event total, where a werewolf was sent to join my court with some money.




  Reveal hidden contents
Dark World Reborn
Luxuria Fantasia
Luxuria Fantasia: Extras
Dark World: The Mercenary Commander
Cheri Scripting Library
Crusader Milk
Cheri - Tentacled Dreams
Cheri - Tentacled Dreams Images
DZM Expanded
Dreams of Sodomy 0.04
A Bigger Interface
Artifact Acquisition and Overhaul
Artifact Search
Rise to Power
Minimap Makeover
In heavers GO: no fog
A Revolutionary Borders Mod
Better Ledger (Font/Hotkeys)
Caesar's Books
Caesar's Wonders
Cannibal Kings
Colored Buttons
Cultural Cities Remix
Decisive Battles
Flogi's Buildings & Technology Mod
Flogi's Te.(AB SubMod)
Gold For Favors
Goodbye Grandma, a mod to prune infertile female courtiers.
Historical and Fantastical Artifacts
Hold more Duchies
Impossible Invitation Warning
In heavens Graphics overhaul
Interface: Century Gothic
Interface: Stellaris Colors
Kings of Slaves and Vices Remastered
Less Random Deadly Duels
More Buildable Wonders
New Immersive Events
Novus Graphicus
NoxBestia DPA-Dark World Custom v0. alpha
OP Immortals
Orange Ransom Button
Purchase Claims
Rename Anyone
Roll's Community Traits Mod V2
Tentacled Dreams Extended
Tooltip: Century Gothic Bold 18
Trait Softcap Exterminated
Velvet Tooltip



That makes a lot of sense, Rise to Power messes with a lot of stuff and isnt compatible with most mods that make significant changes. Best best if you wanted them to work together, albeit probably buggily, would be give the other mods dependency on this one so they dont overwrite it (or is it give this mod dependecy on those mods, i forget)

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On 11/21/2021 at 4:16 PM, Rhin said:

you would need place your custom image in /gfx/event_pictures, and then change the "picture =" in the event you are looking to change to reference you new image instead of the old one. 

For example, if i wanted to replace dw_sex.2001 with a picture of trollface, i would place my trollface image in /gfx/event_pictures and name it trollface.dds, then i would open the relative event file (dw_sex.txt in this case). 

i would then replace the picture = redsonja_02 with picture = trollface


narrative_event = {
    id = dw_sex.2001
    is_triggered_only = yes
    title = dw_redsonja_title
    window = "BiggerEventWindow"
    desc = {
        trigger = { is_female = yes }
        text = dw_sex2001f
    desc = {
        trigger = { is_female = no }
        text = dw_sex2001m
    picture = redsonja_02 #WE'RE LOOKING RIGHT HERE
    option = { # Oh yes, take it
        name = dw_sex_suck
        narrative_event = { id = dw_sex.2002 }

i did that but for some reason the image is a blank or i should the textbox that suppose to show the image is blank. only when i replace it with the og that it reappear. 

Edited by nolife6969
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On 11/22/2021 at 4:40 PM, nolife6969 said:

i did that but for some reason the image is a blank or i should the textbox that suppose to show the image is blank. only when i replace it with the og that it reappear. 

Is the image the correct size? Did you convert it to a .dds correctly? These are the only things i can think of


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So I've been trying to figure this out for some time now, and I can't seem to. I've removed all the mods that the Paradoxos mod manager says conflicts with it, but for some reason, I'm still having this issue. When using the heroes and villains stuff, when I get an event (So far can confirm it's happened with the MJ, Doctor Doom, Hela, Deadpool, and Wolverine events), If I choose for them to stay with me, they immediately "Disappear mysteriously" right after. They will be in my court tab, but they will be dead and gone no matter what. I have no idea what is causing this. I've got the court limit turned off, I've disabled every mod I have that causes a conflict. I just don't know what's causing this.

Edit: Nevermid, there was ONE more mod I found that conflicted, but I don't know why it was the one. Apparently if you are using Guardians of Azeroth, they die on spawning...FOR SOME REASON. If anyone else is using GoA please tell me if you know a way around this. Thank you.


Edited by AngelAngelis
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5 hours ago, AngelAngelis said:

So I've been trying to figure this out for some time now, and I can't seem to. I've removed all the mods that the Paradoxos mod manager says conflicts with it, but for some reason, I'm still having this issue. When using the heroes and villains stuff, when I get an event (So far can confirm it's happened with the MJ, Doctor Doom, Hela, Deadpool, and Wolverine events), If I choose for them to stay with me, they immediately "Disappear mysteriously" right after. They will be in my court tab, but they will be dead and gone no matter what. I have no idea what is causing this. I've got the court limit turned off, I've disabled every mod I have that causes a conflict. I just don't know what's causing this.

Edit: Nevermid, there was ONE more mod I found that conflicted, but I don't know why it was the one. Apparently if you are using Guardians of Azeroth, they die on spawning...FOR SOME REASON. If anyone else is using GoA please tell me if you know a way around this. Thank you.


An update. Using the method on the second post like AGOT doesn't seem to work. It disables the ability to even choose a path and, if you say force your character to have the villain or hero trait, you never get the events allowing you to recruit, so that didn't help.

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