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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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2 hours ago, Kimrobb said:

Hey guys, I've got a problem with some traits and illnesses, after the notification the trait doesnt spawn, for example "viking" trait gets removed when should be upgraded to the next level or desease doesnt occure after "symptome" message. Is it a common thing and I messed something up or a unique bug and I messed something up in a unique way?


Be aware, that if you upgrade or add a mod to an already existing game, and that mod/update includes new traits, that it WILL ruin your save, as it throws your traits out of whack.


If it's not that, I've no idea.

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11 hours ago, dewguru said:


Be aware, that if you upgrade or add a mod to an already existing game, and that mod/update includes new traits, that it WILL ruin your save, as it throws your traits out of whack.


If it's not that, I've no idea.

Damn, fresh save new game, not a single extra mod, probably my old disabled mods may be spoiling something, judgind by my overall moding knowledge its possible, not sure for CK2, will try to clear everything and reinstall the game. Anyway, thanks for the answer!

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A couple of (smallish) bugs (involving Bestiality). First, no one gets pregnant from the Stable Morale Show (even if they have the Breed Collar equipped, btw, how do you get that legitimately? It's never offered by the merchant wagon.) Second, while Harley (and potentially your female ruler) could get pregnant from her (and again, potentially you) screwing her hyenas, they don't get the therianthrope trait the child is supposed to get. Either because the event references another event in a different file, or the target is bad. here's the code for the pregnancy event for mothers who love animals a bit too much...


From the dw_visits file


# .9040 Birth Event - for mothers with the dw_animal_pregnancy flag
character_event = {
    id = dw_visits.9040
    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes
    trigger = {
        has_bestiality_content = yes
        mother = {
            has_character_flag = dw_animal_pregnancy
    immediate = {
        dw_apply_therianthrope_traits = yes


And the one where Harley (and once again potentially you) get the freak on with Harley's Hyenas (part 4 the breeding, and your words, not mine)


# Harley gets her freak on with her hyenas, Part 4 - Player mounted
narrative_event = {
    id = dw_hvevents.1223
    is_triggered_only = yes
    desc = dw_hvevents1223
    picture = harley_hyenas_04
    window = "BiggerEventWindow"
    title = fun_with_harley_title
    option = { # Thanks for the release
        name = dw_hvevents1223a
        opinion = { modifier = dw_good_master who = event_target:dw_hvevent_target }
        event_target:dw_hvevent_target = { opinion = { modifier = dw_good_pet who = ROOT }}
        hidden_tooltip = {
            if = {
                limit = {
                    any_artifact = { has_artifact_flag = breed }
                set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_hyena
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }

Strangely, I found a second version later on that actually may seem to work. I will give it a try later, but here it is.


# Harley's Breeding Event idea - Participating
narrative_event = {
    id = dw_hvevents.2074
    is_triggered_only = yes
    picture = harley_breeding_01
    title = dw_breeder_bash_title
    window = "BiggerEventWindow"
    desc = dw_hvevents2074
    immediate = {
        random_courtier_or_vassal = {
            limit = { has_character_flag = dw_npc_harley }
            save_event_target_as = dw_harley_target
        random_courtier_or_vassal = {
            limit = {
                NOT = { has_character_flag = dw_npc_harley }
                NOT = { character = ROOT }
                is_female = yes
                is_adult = yes
            save_event_target_as = dw_guest_target_1
        random_courtier_or_vassal = {
            limit = {
                NOT = { has_character_flag = dw_npc_harley }
                NOT = { character = ROOT }
                is_female = yes
                is_adult = yes
                NOT = { character = event_target:dw_guest_target_1 }
            save_event_target_as = dw_guest_target_2
    option = { # Um, no.
        name = dw_hvevents2074a
    option = { # Potential pregnancy? Sure
        name = dw_hvevents2074b
        hidden_tooltip = {
            event_target:dw_harley_target = {
                random_list = {
                    75 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_dog }
                    25 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_wolf }
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
            event_target:dw_guest_target_1 = {
                random_list = {
                    75 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_dog }
                    25 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_wolf }
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
            event_target:dw_guest_target_2 = {
                random_list = {
                    75 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_dog }
                    25 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_wolf }
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
    option = { # Potential pregnancy? Sure - Count me in too
        name = dw_hvevents2074b
        hidden_tooltip = {
            # Player
            random_list = {
                75 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_dog }
                25 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_wolf }
            character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
            # Participants
            event_target:dw_harley_target = {
                random_list = {
                    75 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_dog }
                    25 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_wolf }
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
            event_target:dw_guest_target_1 = {
                random_list = {
                    75 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_dog }
                    25 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_wolf }
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
            event_target:dw_guest_target_2 = {
                random_list = {
                    75 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_dog }
                    25 = { set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_wolf }
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }

And why didn't you give a choice for a female player to join in when Batgirl and Harley have their fun with Harley's hyenas (although it could be that the hyenas can't take the three of you, since according to the localization file, one is breeding Batgirl and the other is completely spent...

For the code (but not the localization, this is already getting too long, here it is.

# Harley and Batgirl playing with one of her hyenas

narrative_event = {
    id = dw_hvevents.1310
    is_triggered_only = yes
    desc = dw_hvevents1310
    picture = harley_batgirl_03
    window = "BiggerEventWindow"
    title = dw_playtime_title
    immediate = {
        random_courtier_or_vassal = {
            limit = { has_character_flag = dw_npc_harley }
            save_event_target_as = dw_hvevent_target_01
        random_courtier_or_vassal = {
            limit = { has_character_flag = dw_npc_batgirl }
            save_event_target_as = dw_hvevent_target_02
        if = { # If BatGirl has a breeder artifact, Batgirl may get knocked up
            limit = { event_target:dw_hvevent_target_02 = { any_artifact = { has_artifact_flag = breed } } }
            event_target:dw_hvevent_target_02 = {
                set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_hyena
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
        if = { # If Harley has a breeder artifact, Harley may get knocked up
            limit = { event_target:dw_hvevent_target_01 = { any_artifact = { has_artifact_flag = breed } } }
            event_target:dw_hvevent_target_01 = {
                set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_hyena
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
    option = { # Sure, have your fun.
        name = dw_hvevents1310a
        event_target:dw_hvevent_target_01 = { opinion = { modifier = approves_of_my_behaviour who = ROOT months = 12 } }
        event_target:dw_hvevent_target_02 = { opinion = { modifier = approves_of_my_behaviour who = ROOT months = 12 } }
    option = { # You both disgust me.
        name = dw_hvevents1310b
        event_target:dw_hvevent_target_01 = { opinion = { modifier = resentful_of_my_behaviour who = ROOT months = 12 } }
        event_target:dw_hvevent_target_02 = { opinion = { modifier = resentful_of_my_behaviour who = ROOT months = 12 } }
        opinion = { modifier = opinion_disgusted who = event_target:dw_hvevent_target_01 months = 12 }
        opinion = { modifier = opinion_disgusted who = event_target:dw_hvevent_target_02 months = 12 }
Edited by James_E_C
missing tag
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3 hours ago, James_E_C said:

Just tested the events, and while they could get you/Harley/Batgirl pregnant, the children will NOT be born with any traits (much less the race traits they should have)


A quick look at the birth event shows it's based on a filter that also expects the flag of dw_animal_pregnancy.


So, from my 5 minute look, it looks like the impregnated person should be getting two flags. One that indicates they've an animal pregnancy, and then another that determines what kind.


I should probably remove the check for the dw_animal_pregnancy and instead set-up a scripted_trigger that just looks for one of the animal flags to be true.


I'll likely take a stab at a fix for it with the next release.


Speaking of the next release, it's not going to be big. Just a couple fixes and a few new events, most being additional Red Sonja adventure type stuff. Probably going to hit around next weekend.

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16 hours ago, James_E_C said:

Just tested the events, and while they could get you/Harley/Batgirl pregnant, the children will NOT be born with any traits (much less the race traits they should have)

As I also looked at these events recently, let me try to help a bit.


For those pregnancies to go through you need a few different contents enabled.

First you need hero and villain content because the merchant wagon is part of the hero and villain yearly events.

Then you need bestiality content to be able to buy the breeding collar

Heroes and Villain content again to get Harley and bestiality in addition to get her hyena events.


Then what happens is if one of the females being used by the hyenas has a breeding collar (or technically any artifact with the breed flag) they will get the dw_pregnancy_hyena flag and get send to dw_visits.9030 event

For this event you need classical monster content or no half beast children, if you have that and pregnancy check rolls for no dw_pregnancy_hyena flag gets removed and you can try again next time. If it results in yes it will add the dw_animal_pregnancy flag and impregnate.


Then when the child is born it gets the dw_visits.9040 event which requires bestiality content again, it will add the traits to the child and finally remove all flags from the mother.


So if you either lack, hero and villain content, bestiality content or classic monster content, you will not be able to go fully through.



That said I kind of have the feeling you run the LF mod alongside that. I had the problem, too as well as someone else a few pages ago. It blocks your bestiality content trigger. Which would check out with both being unable to buy the breeding collar and the pregnancy going through but the child trait not working. The only thing strange with that is that the harley events shouldn't fire as well. Did you maybe use console commands to trigger those?


If that is the case what I posted before was:



For the bestiality part. Do you by any chance use Luxuria Fantasia? Because I had the exact same problem recently.

Those events are locked by the "has_bestiality_content" trigger, which on Dark World is toggled by a game option.


Luxuria Fantasia lists Dark World as a dependency, so everything in Luxuria Fantasia using the same naming will overwrite the Dark World equivalent.

And they also have the "has_bestiality_content" trigger, which used to be turned on in their in game decision options. This option has been removed as Luxuria Fantasia only used that trigger in a single event (that they probably forgot about). Yet the trigger is still there overwriting the Dark World one with no option to turn it on.


If you want to fix that yourself you can go to the scripted_triggers in Luxuria Fantasia, it is in the "LF_scripted_triggers.txt" file and delete the bestiality entry.


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2 hours ago, Nocturina said:

As I also looked at these events recently, let me try to help a bit.


For those pregnancies to go through you need a few different contents enabled.

First you need hero and villain content because the merchant wagon is part of the hero and villain yearly events.

Then you need bestiality content to be able to buy the breeding collar

Heroes and Villain content again to get Harley and bestiality in addition to get her hyena events.


Then what happens is if one of the females being used by the hyenas has a breeding collar (or technically any artifact with the breed flag) they will get the dw_pregnancy_hyena flag and get send to dw_visits.9030 event

For this event you need classical monster content or no half beast children, if you have that and pregnancy check rolls for no dw_pregnancy_hyena flag gets removed and you can try again next time. If it results in yes it will add the dw_animal_pregnancy flag and impregnate.


Then when the child is born it gets the dw_visits.9040 event which requires bestiality content again, it will add the traits to the child and finally remove all flags from the mother.


So if you either lack, hero and villain content, bestiality content or classic monster content, you will not be able to go fully through.



That said I kind of have the feeling you run the LF mod alongside that. I had the problem, too as well as someone else a few pages ago. It blocks your bestiality content trigger. Which would check out with both being unable to buy the breeding collar and the pregnancy going through but the child trait not working. The only thing strange with that is that the harley events shouldn't fire as well. Did you maybe use console commands to trigger those?


If that is the case what I posted before was:


  Hide contents

For the bestiality part. Do you by any chance use Luxuria Fantasia? Because I had the exact same problem recently.

Those events are locked by the "has_bestiality_content" trigger, which on Dark World is toggled by a game option.


Luxuria Fantasia lists Dark World as a dependency, so everything in Luxuria Fantasia using the same naming will overwrite the Dark World equivalent.

And they also have the "has_bestiality_content" trigger, which used to be turned on in their in game decision options. This option has been removed as Luxuria Fantasia only used that trigger in a single event (that they probably forgot about). Yet the trigger is still there overwriting the Dark World one with no option to turn it on.


If you want to fix that yourself you can go to the scripted_triggers in Luxuria Fantasia, it is in the "LF_scripted_triggers.txt" file and delete the bestiality entry.

First, I have everything enabled (why have the mod if you're going to turn it off?), so that's not the problem. Besides, I like the content of Heroes and Villians. The only one I have a problem with is those random courtiers who turn out to be vampires trying to feed on me, and sometimes they don't take no for an answer.

That said, I also use LF, because I like the fantasy part of it. That, and it has a religion that I can customize to my heart's extent. Not as much as in CK3, but can't have everything can we?

As far as the events go, yes, I did use the console to trigger the breeding events (just so I could test them atleast).

So I deleted the trigger, although given that the trigger seemed like it was on anyway, doesn't really matter.

That still doesn't apply to the Stable Morale Show events though, since it misses the dw_visits.9030 trigger.

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Noticed another slight bug. When sacrificing people for Lilith in the Blood Moon Festival, you don't receive a negative modifier from relatives... Shouldn't you suffer a massive penalty (say, ATLEAST a -100, if not much larger), since not only did you kill their relative, you sacrificed him/her to a demonic entity?

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11 hours ago, James_E_C said:

Noticed another slight bug. When sacrificing people for Lilith in the Blood Moon Festival, you don't receive a negative modifier from relatives... Shouldn't you suffer a massive penalty (say, ATLEAST a -100, if not much larger), since not only did you kill their relative, you sacrificed him/her to a demonic entity?

Not if you sacrificed them in secret..! ?

You kidnapped/imprisoned them, so they left or even "vanished", according to the relatives!

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5 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Not if you sacrificed them in secret..! ?

You kidnapped/imprisoned them, so they left or even "vanished", according to the relatives!

Not sure I buy that, for 2 reasons. First, if one of your vassals or members of your court doesn't come, they recieve a penalty to opinion. Second, it's a FESTIVAL, not exactly a secret, especially since after sacrificing people, you start to look demonic with demonic abilities.

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On 10/2/2021 at 7:52 PM, Nocturina said:


  Hide contents

For the bestiality part. Do you by any chance use Luxuria Fantasia? Because I had the exact same problem recently.

Those events are locked by the "has_bestiality_content" trigger, which on Dark World is toggled by a game option.


Luxuria Fantasia lists Dark World as a dependency, so everything in Luxuria Fantasia using the same naming will overwrite the Dark World equivalent.

And they also have the "has_bestiality_content" trigger, which used to be turned on in their in game decision options. This option has been removed as Luxuria Fantasia only used that trigger in a single event (that they probably forgot about). Yet the trigger is still there overwriting the Dark World one with no option to turn it on.


If you want to fix that yourself you can go to the scripted_triggers in Luxuria Fantasia, it is in the "LF_scripted_triggers.txt" file and delete the bestiality entry.


That's what I did, based on your recommendation, but nothing changed yet. Do I have to start a new game? And how can I start those events with the console (or toggle the game option of Dark World)?

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On 10/2/2021 at 8:01 PM, James_E_C said:

Noticed another slight bug. When sacrificing people for Lilith in the Blood Moon Festival, you don't receive a negative modifier from relatives... Shouldn't you suffer a massive penalty (say, ATLEAST a -100, if not much larger), since not only did you kill their relative, you sacrificed him/her to a demonic entity?


Tried to handle this a long time ago, and it didn't work as intended. Then no longer cared about getting it to work, and that's not changing. It's important to realize that I am NOT actively supporting this mod any longer where I'm trying to make things more realistic. I'm also not interested in trying to squash every single bug that is found. This mod is in the phase where it is getting laid to bed.


The only things I'm really doing now is adding content that aligns with a play session I'm doing, or because I had a random interest in adding something when surfing for images related to this or another project. I do plan on communicating when I finally post what I view as my final update.


All that said - I don't mind folks posting stuff like this. As you never know, I might be all "yeah, I think I'll take a quick look at that" - but please just recognize that it'll be pretty random if I decide to address something that's been working as is for so long in the mod already.

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19 hours ago, James_E_C said:

Not sure I buy that, for 2 reasons. First, if one of your vassals or members of your court doesn't come, they recieve a penalty to opinion. Second, it's a FESTIVAL, not exactly a secret, especially since after sacrificing people, you start to look demonic with demonic abilities.


If there would be even a rumor of even an exposed cult member, in the Dark/Middle ages, they would be burnt alive, legaly!

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11 minutes ago, dewguru said:


Tried to handle this a long time ago, and it didn't work as intended. Then no longer cared about getting it to work, and that's not changing. It's important to realize that I am NOT actively supporting this mod any longer where I'm trying to make things more realistic. I'm also not interested in trying to squash every single bug that is found. This mod is in the phase where it is getting laid to bed.


The only things I'm really doing now is adding content that aligns with a play session I'm doing, or because I had a random interest in adding something when surfing for images related to this or another project. I do plan on communicating when I finally post what I view as my final update.


All that said - I don't mind folks posting stuff like this. As you never know, I might be all "yeah, I think I'll take a quick look at that" - but please just recognize that it'll be pretty random if I decide to address something that's been working as is for so long in the mod already.

I didn't realize that you had already tried to solve that problem. I'm new to CK2. Hell, I'm new to LL. Originally came here because I wanted to get rid of that stupid leaf for nude CK3 character. So I didn't realize that this mod was no longer actively updated (outside of new events, as you said). Sorry about irritating you with my bug reports.

Having said that, there are 3 things that I would ask you to look into. First, is the Stable Morale chain. If you could add a trigger (or atleast check mine) that would allow a female ruler to become pregnant by the horse she's boning? My (badly copied/modified event from Harley's Breeding Idea event, also applied it to the female commander mounted and Belle mounted events) is this:

        if = { # If Female Ruler has a breeder artifact, Female Ruler may get knocked up
            limit = { DWCourt.3123 = { any_artifact = { has_artifact_flag = breed } } }
            event_target:dDWCourt.3123 = {
                set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_horse
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }

Second, there should be a Futa trigger that should be added to a couple events in the Drax Random events (I don't know if he would approve of the modification, though). I think futas should be able to teach (and possibly impregnate) their female daughters from the Daughter caught masturbating event, and likewise futas should be able to teach the ir female courtiers (Drax70_random.360 event)

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8 hours ago, James_E_C said:

I didn't realize that you had already tried to solve that problem. I'm new to CK2. Hell, I'm new to LL. Originally came here because I wanted to get rid of that stupid leaf for nude CK3 character. So I didn't realize that this mod was no longer actively updated (outside of new events, as you said). Sorry about irritating you with my bug reports.

Having said that, there are 3 things that I would ask you to look into. First, is the Stable Morale chain. If you could add a trigger (or atleast check mine) that would allow a female ruler to become pregnant by the horse she's boning? My (badly copied/modified event from Harley's Breeding Idea event, also applied it to the female commander mounted and Belle mounted events) is this:



No irritation. Really.


It was more me trying to make things clear. Since LL displays post counts, I've noticed a lot of newer people posting lately. Just wanted to ensure that folks knew this was a mod at it's end life, but that posting things is fine because I might decide 'fuck it' and make a fix, while the odds are low - there is still a chance.

Edited by dewguru
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Only reason I ask for you to do it is that I've discovered my modding skills are crap (and self taught). My modding limit is to copy, paste, and change a variable here and there. I've been able to sort of increase the duchy limit to 20 in CK3 (just can't get change of the notification if you have more than 2 duchies to 20). I also managed to create a bunch of minor titles for the Haremaic religion (but that was again mostly copying and pasting). Tried that with the Court Event to allow Futa females to educate female courtiers, but I screwed it up so much that I actually disabled the entire thing. With my attempt at the Stable Morale event, I didn't screw it up (so far as I can tell), I just didn't make it so a female could become pregnant from the horse they are screwing...

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On 10/4/2021 at 3:44 AM, vanpett said:

That's what I did, based on your recommendation, but nothing changed yet. Do I have to start a new game? And how can I start those events with the console (or toggle the game option of Dark World)?

Sorry for the late answer, I don't usually check this site every day.


And no you don't have to start a completely new game, when you load into the game it will load all the files in, so it will be in effect if it worked.

You might not notice right away as most events are in yearly randoms and might not trigger for some time.


The Dark World options are game rules, so you have to set them when you start a new game, if you are not sure what you set you can click on the small "i" button all the way on the top left of the screen, between your character portrait and the edge of the screen. That will bring you to the screen with quick info to the culture and religion you are playing. There should be a game rules button there, where you can check how the rules are set. I don't think you can normally change them in a game in progress and would have to edit the save file to change them, but that is not hard to do either.


And for forcing the events you type "event 'insert event id'" in the ingame console.


For example if you want to quickly check if bestiality is on now, type "event dw_hvevents.1210" without the quotation marks, that will send you to the merchant cart event, the breeding collar will always be available if two conditions are met, bestiality trigger is on and you don't already have it.


So if you don't have one right now and you still can't buy it, there is still a problem.

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On 10/5/2021 at 3:18 AM, James_E_C said:

Only reason I ask for you to do it is that I've discovered my modding skills are crap (and self taught). My modding limit is to copy, paste, and change a variable here and there. I've been able to sort of increase the duchy limit to 20 in CK3 (just can't get change of the notification if you have more than 2 duchies to 20). I also managed to create a bunch of minor titles for the Haremaic religion (but that was again mostly copying and pasting). Tried that with the Court Event to allow Futa females to educate female courtiers, but I screwed it up so much that I actually disabled the entire thing. With my attempt at the Stable Morale event, I didn't screw it up (so far as I can tell), I just didn't make it so a female could become pregnant from the horse they are screwing...

May I ask if the change with the trigger worked for you, can you get babies with the right traits now? That made everything work for me but as somebody else asked about that as well, I may have to look into it again if it still doesn't.


And for your stable events. The easiest would of course be if dewguru decides he likes the change and does it himself as you wouldn't need to edit it again if another update comes out.


But if you really want it right now, I could help you if you want.


For the event with the player, you don't need the event target part as you are the one getting the event. Just that will do:


    if = {
        limit = {
                any_artifact = { has_artifact_flag = breed }
        set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_horse
        character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }

that goes into DWCourt.3123 the last of the ruler parts. As you said you already tried modding you probably know where this goes but just as an example it should look something like this:



# .3123 Stable Morale Show - Ruler (female) series mounted
narrative_event = {
    id = DWCourt.3123
    desc = DWCourt3123
    picture = stable_ruler_female_4
    title = dw_stables_morale_title
    is_triggered_only = yes # triggered by .3120-3122
    option = { # Like the stallion, I'm finished. - used from 3122
        name = DWCourt3122A
        add_character_modifier = {
            modifier = dw_morale_booster # Small bump to troop opinion
            duration = 90 # 90 days
        if = {
            limit = {
                any_artifact = { has_artifact_flag = breed }
            set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_horse
            character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }
        hidden_effect = {
            beast_lover_check = yes

Doesn't have to go the exact same space but somewhere into the option and not break into any other brackets.


For the female commander part we need the event target so looks like this:


        if = {
            limit = { event_target:dw_horse_breeder_commander = { any_artifact = { has_artifact_flag = breed } } }
            event_target:dw_horse_breeder_commander = {
                set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_horse
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }

This goes into DWCourt.3132 last event of the female commander ones.


And lastly for Belle it is practically the same, we just take the event target belle is saved as:


        if = {
            limit = { event_target:dw_horse_breeder_belle = { any_artifact = { has_artifact_flag = breed } } }
            event_target:dw_horse_breeder_belle = {
                set_character_flag = dw_pregnancy_horse
                character_event = { id = dw_visits.9030 }

that goes into DWCourt.3150


Just did a quick check and they all worked. Hope that was helpful.

Edited by Nocturina
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On 10/6/2021 at 6:02 PM, Nocturina said:

And no you don't have to start a completely new game, when you load into the game it will load all the files in, so it will be in effect if it worked.

You might not notice right away as most events are in yearly randoms and might not trigger for some time.


The Dark World options are game rules, so you have to set them when you start a new game, if you are not sure what you set you can click on the small "i" button all the way on the top left of the screen, between your character portrait and the edge of the screen. That will bring you to the screen with quick info to the culture and religion you are playing. There should be a game rules button there, where you can check how the rules are set. I don't think you can normally change them in a game in progress and would have to edit the save file to change them, but that is not hard to do either.


And for forcing the events you type "event 'insert event id'" in the ingame console.


For example if you want to quickly check if bestiality is on now, type "event dw_hvevents.1210" without the quotation marks, that will send you to the merchant cart event, the breeding collar will always be available if two conditions are met, bestiality trigger is on and you don't already have it.


So if you don't have one right now and you still can't buy it, there is still a problem.


Thanks for the very precise answer, Nocturina. I checked in the game rules, and the bestiality content in the Dark World options is on, just as I thought. But although I deleted the content in the LF file, when I summon the merchant cart, there's no breeding collar available. So yes, there is still a problem.


Any idea what else could cause this? The only mods I use are DWR, DWR Drax70 version, LF, LF Extras and LF Beyond Heresy.



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The solution to the stable event worked perfectly for me. Now all I need help with is the "Female Futa Educating Daughter (or female courtiers) event" Here's the code

### .1000 Educating a Young Adult Courtier - addtional related content in Drax70_random and Drax70_court_events
# .1000 A young courtier reaches adulthood, only to find their education may not yet be done.
character_event = {
    id = DWCourt.1000
    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes
    immediate = {
        save_event_target_as = dw_young_adult_target
        if = {
            limit = {
                is_female = yes
                liege = {
                    is_female = no
                    is_adult = yes
                    prisoner = no
                    in_command = no
                    is_incapable = no
            liege = { narrative_event = { id = DWCourt.1100 } }
        else_if = {
            limit = {
                is_female = no
                liege = {
                    is_female = yes
                    is_adult = yes
                    prisoner = no
                    in_command = no
                    is_incapable = no
            liege = { narrative_event = { id = DWCourt.1200 } }

and here's my (possibly and probably lousy) attempt at fixing it. things in parenthesis would be my commentary on why I changed it.

### .1000 Educating a Young Adult Courtier - addtional related content in Drax70_random and Drax70_court_events
# .1000 A young courtier reaches adulthood, only to find their education may not yet be done.
character_event = {
    id = DWCourt.1000
    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes
    immediate = {
        save_event_target_as = dw_young_adult_target
        if = {
            limit = {            
                is_female = yes
                liege = {
                    OR = { (so the following works)
                    is_female = no (meaning a male ruler)
                        AND = {
                        is_female = yes (female ruler)
                            OR = { (but has to be a futa. Both DWR and LF would be acceptable. I think it would work even if you have both)
                        trait = futa
                        trait = lf_futa
                    is_adult = yes
                    prisoner = no
                    in_command = no
                    is_incapable = no
            liege = { narrative_event = { id = DWCourt.1100 } }
        else_if = {
            limit = {
                is_female = no
                liege = {
                    is_female = yes
                    is_adult = yes
                    prisoner = no
                    in_command = no
                    is_incapable = no
            liege = { narrative_event = { id = DWCourt.1200 } }

Looking at this, I want to make sure I added enough (or didn't put too many) brackets.

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1 hour ago, vanpett said:


Thanks for the very precise answer, Nocturina. I checked in the game rules, and the bestiality content in the Dark World options is on, just as I thought. But although I deleted the content in the LF file, when I summon the merchant cart, there's no breeding collar available. So yes, there is still a problem.


Any idea what else could cause this? The only mods I use are DWR, DWR Drax70 version, LF, LF Extras and LF Beyond Heresy.



Let's see, this is the option in the merchant cart event:



    option = { # Breeding Collar
        trigger = {
            has_bestiality_content = yes
            NOT = { has_artifact = dw_breed_collar }
        name = dw_hvevents1210e
        wealth = -25
        add_artifact = dw_breed_collar

So we only have two conditions. I think we can rule out the fact that you already have the collar, as I don't think you accidentally bought it and forgot.


Meaning we are back to the trigger.

That is how it looks in DWR:


has_bestiality_content = {
    has_game_rule = { name = dw_bestiality_content value = dw_yes_bestiality }

So if the game rule is on, it should be on. And considering it works for me, it does work in DWR.

Leaving us with the only option of another mod overwriting DWR's trigger again.


We already took care of LF.

I downloaded and checked your other mods, LF Beyond Heresy only uses a single trigger, that does something else.

But in LF Extras we have this:


has_bestiality_content = {
    has_global_flag = bestiality_content_yes

So yes, here is our problem. As a dependency of LF it will be loaded in even later and overwrite same named stuff before it like DWR.

So the solutions would be either to get that global flag which will then turn the content on. But after a quick check I didn't see a way to do that in LF Extras. Maybe it depended on LF to set that flag before it turned that option off.


The fastest solution would be just to go LF Extras\common\scripted_triggers and in the file DWT_scripted_triggers.txt remove the trigger like in LF.


Don't worry that won't break LF Extras, it will just make the trigger of DWR control the LF Extra bestiality content, too. So then you will decide for both with the game rule.

Only problem would be if you want to use DWR's bestiality content but turn off LF Extra's bestiality content.

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25 minutes ago, James_E_C said:

The solution to the stable event worked perfectly for me. Now all I need help with is the "Female Futa Educating Daughter (or female courtiers) event" Here's the code


  Reveal hidden contents



### .1000 Educating a Young Adult Courtier - addtional related content in Drax70_random and Drax70_court_events
# .1000 A young courtier reaches adulthood, only to find their education may not yet be done.
character_event = {
    id = DWCourt.1000
    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes
    immediate = {
        save_event_target_as = dw_young_adult_target
        if = {
            limit = {
                is_female = yes
                liege = {
                    is_female = no
                    is_adult = yes
                    prisoner = no
                    in_command = no
                    is_incapable = no
            liege = { narrative_event = { id = DWCourt.1100 } }
        else_if = {
            limit = {
                is_female = no
                liege = {
                    is_female = yes
                    is_adult = yes
                    prisoner = no
                    in_command = no
                    is_incapable = no
            liege = { narrative_event = { id = DWCourt.1200 } }



and here's my (possibly and probably lousy) attempt at fixing it. things in parenthesis would be my commentary on why I changed it.


  Reveal hidden contents



### .1000 Educating a Young Adult Courtier - addtional related content in Drax70_random and Drax70_court_events
# .1000 A young courtier reaches adulthood, only to find their education may not yet be done.
character_event = {
    id = DWCourt.1000
    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes
    immediate = {
        save_event_target_as = dw_young_adult_target
        if = {
            limit = {            
                is_female = yes
                liege = {
                    OR = { (so the following works)
                    is_female = no (meaning a male ruler)
                        AND = {
                        is_female = yes (female ruler)
                            OR = { (but has to be a futa. Both DWR and LF would be acceptable. I think it would work even if you have both)
                        trait = futa
                        trait = lf_futa
                    is_adult = yes
                    prisoner = no
                    in_command = no
                    is_incapable = no
            liege = { narrative_event = { id = DWCourt.1100 } }
        else_if = {
            limit = {
                is_female = no
                liege = {
                    is_female = yes
                    is_adult = yes
                    prisoner = no
                    in_command = no
                    is_incapable = no
            liege = { narrative_event = { id = DWCourt.1200 } }



Looking at this, I want to make sure I added enough (or didn't put too many) brackets.

Great that the stable one worked.


Just to make sure, the commentary you added was just here, it is not in the actual game file?


Looking at that event you changed, that is not lousy at all. Looks completely right.

Well done!


And regarding your comment you are correct as well for OR it just requires at least one of the conditions to be true.



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I put my commentary (to help explain what I did and why, so more experienced modders can help guide me) in parentheses, Actual mod comments use hashtags or pound signs. Atleast for CK2. Some programs us slashes to tell the program to ignore that line.

I was giving myself a fit trying to pretend I'm the computer trying to figure out all the ANDS and ORS. One question. When I reference a different mod, do I have to put that mod as a dependency?

You may think I got it completely right, but it doesn't work. Not getting the option to educate my female courtiers when they turn 16, despite being a futa. What did I do wrong? On the flip side, it wasn't as bad as my last attempt that completely fubared the whole thing and none of the events work. This time, they still flag for a female educating males. Could it be that it's one or the other, that both events can't fire at the same time (but multiple events of the same event can fire- if you have 3 males coming of age, you have 3 events to educate them. But if you have 3 males and 2 females, my code has it so just the 3 males get educated).

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16 hours ago, James_E_C said:

I put my commentary (to help explain what I did and why, so more experienced modders can help guide me) in parentheses, Actual mod comments use hashtags or pound signs. Atleast for CK2. Some programs us slashes to tell the program to ignore that line.

I was giving myself a fit trying to pretend I'm the computer trying to figure out all the ANDS and ORS. One question. When I reference a different mod, do I have to put that mod as a dependency?

You may think I got it completely right, but it doesn't work. Not getting the option to educate my female courtiers when they turn 16, despite being a futa. What did I do wrong? On the flip side, it wasn't as bad as my last attempt that completely fubared the whole thing and none of the events work. This time, they still flag for a female educating males. Could it be that it's one or the other, that both events can't fire at the same time (but multiple events of the same event can fire- if you have 3 males coming of age, you have 3 events to educate them. But if you have 3 males and 2 females, my code has it so just the 3 males get educated).

Okay you already know about mod comments, so that is fine then.


As for the dependency, you can freely use events, traits, triggers, pictures and whatever you want from all the mods that are active, you don't need to put it as a dependency for that.


Dependencies are for the cases when you want to overwrite something of another mod. Like if you remember the case with the bestiality trigger from before. There can't be different events, triggers, traits and so on that have the same id/name. So if the game loads a mod that uses something with a name that already exists, it will overwrite the existing one.

The base game will always load first, so overwriting base game events and stuff with a mod always works. But if a mod changes something and another mod changes it again, or one mod changes something of another mod, the last one to load stays. So by adding a dependency to a mod you basically tell the game to load the other mod first so your mod takes precedence.



And back to your event change:

So what you could have done to keep it simpler is just do:


OR = {
      is_female = no
      trait = futa
      trait = lf_futa

as a replacement for "is_female = no" as the futa trait has the potential "is_female = yes" so it can't be on males anyway, and even if that was not the case we allow men for that specific event anyway.


If you want it even shorter you could just replace "is_female = no" with "has_cock = yes" as there is a DWR trigger:


has_cock = {
    OR = {
        AND = { # Guy grouping
            is_female = no # It's a guy
            NOT = { trait = eunuch } # Lost their equipment
        # Female exception that is allowed to have a cock
        trait = futa # It's a chick with a dick

that should about do what you are looking for.


That will not check for your LF futa trait though.

There is a LF trigger:


lf_has_cock = {
    OR = {
        is_futa = yes
        AND = {
            is_female = no
            NOT = { trait = eunuch }

that also has another one as part of it


is_futa = {
    OR = {
        trait = lf_futa
        trait = futa

So this one would check for the futa traits of both mods.

But using a LF trigger for a DWR event is not really future proof if you ever decide to use DWR without LF unless you add the trigger to DWR as well (or your own mod for example)


What you could do is:


OR = {
      has_cock = yes
      lf_has_cock = yes

to check for both, but at that point it wouldn't even be much shorter than the first one I said.



But all the keeping it shorter or simpler aside.

Being unnecessary complex doesn't mean what you did is wrong.

As I said I didn't see anything why your version shouldn't work.


I tried what you posted (without the comments) and replaced the original event with it.

Being female with the futa trait firing DWCourt.1000 for a female courtier returned DWCourt.1100 to me, which should be what you wanted as I thought.

I also let one come of age naturally and also received the event.


So again I can't find a fault with it. You as the liege have to be adult, not leading an army, be in prison or incapable.

And it will also only fire for the direct liege. Meaning you get it from your courtiers and direct vassals, not from vassals of vassals or courtiers of vassals.


Also foreign prisoners consider your their "host" not their "liege" which still lies with the one they originally belong to. You can easily check on their character page who is listed as liege next to them.



So if you took all of that into account and it still won't work, the problem has to be somewhere else. But as long as the on_action is there to fire DWCourt.1000 on adulthood (which should be if you run DWR and is if you say you get it from men growing up) and an event named DWCourt.1100 exists without having another pre trigger or being hidden (which the original one fits) you should at least make it to the point where you get DWCourt.1100.


Only problem could be if another mod also uses an event by the same name. Did you maybe switch between DWR and DWR Drax version and forgot to turn the other one off?


Also in case you are testing these things in the game and then make changes, you have to either close and reopen the game or use a console command like in this case "reloadevents" to make the game load the events in again, it won't update on the fly as you make changes.



I'm sorry if I annoyed you with too much text you might already know about. In short, there shouldn't be any problems with just the event you posted.

Edited by Nocturina
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