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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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12 hours ago, dewguru said:


What are you looking for here?

I looked through most of your error log, and I didn't see a single entry related to Dark World Reborn. You've a shit ton of errors related to that New Era: Old World mod.


I can totally understand if DWR doesn't work as expected with an overhaul mod, especially when the overhaul mod itself is swamped with errors.


Also - when using overhaul mods, you typically have to make the change that is covered in the Q&A section of this thread. Take a look at the bottom Q&A on the first page that is under the original post about the mod (the second post).


Well, the game crash whenever is loading the game after I click "play", anything you might say (or, in this case, you said) is helpful :D


Ye, I know of the all "dependencies" parameter, i just made sure dwr loads after which basically has the same effect


I'll try to troubleshoot and will let you know! Thanks again for your time :)

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4 hours ago, warpx said:


Well, the game crash whenever is loading the game after I click "play", anything you might say (or, in this case, you said) is helpful :D


Ye, I know of the all "dependencies" parameter, i just made sure dwr loads after which basically has the same effect


I'll try to troubleshoot and will let you know! Thanks again for your time :)


Just something to be aware of, since you mention crash on loading. If you mean it's crashing on save load, and you updated any of your mods, you could be experiencing a corrupt save file. Things like a mod adding new traits in an update will break a save game, same thing if you add a mod to an existing play session and it has the same.


But that aside, that error log is huge. My error.log is typically only a few lines (looking at my current one - it's only got 8 lines) that are related to those rewards that they worked in before CK3 was released.


Also - this was posted in the mod page on Steam Workshop on the 19th.

@tacticool those crashes were caused by a graphical bug which has been fixed in the soon to be released version


And it looks like an update hit today, so perhaps that'll help out your crashing.

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Thanks Nocturina, that was really helpful. I found the trigger in the mentioned file and removed it. So far I couldn't see any difference. I hope I don't have to start all over to trigger the content?


To dewguru: Sorry, this has to be the LF mod then. Because of the Secret Society and the Offmap Power I probably thought everything with Lilith in it is from DWR.

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2 hours ago, dewguru said:


Just something to be aware of, since you mention crash on loading. If you mean it's crashing on save load, and you updated any of your mods, you could be experiencing a corrupt save file. Things like a mod adding new traits in an update will break a save game, same thing if you add a mod to an existing play session and it has the same.


But that aside, that error log is huge. My error.log is typically only a few lines (looking at my current one - it's only got 8 lines) that are related to those rewards that they worked in before CK3 was released.


Also - this was posted in the mod page on Steam Workshop on the 19th.

@tacticool those crashes were caused by a graphical bug which has been fixed in the soon to be released version


And it looks like an update hit today, so perhaps that'll help out your crashing.


Damn, too late to edit the post so I will reply


The problem was present on the starting of a new game but I think I found a solution! I removed the offmap power (lilith) which caused the crash and added dependencies to the .mod file! Now everything works as it should


Thanks again for being so nice and patient :D

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Hello @dewguru!


Just a question/request...!

Is it possible for you to remove the Lilith Rule Campaign option and add it as a normal Society, like the Worshipers of Satan? Giving the choice to the player to join the Lilith Society, if he/she chooses to, middle campaign?

I'm asking because if, for example, I have already started a campaign and I want to try this part of the mod, then the only choice is to start a new campaign.


Except, I'm missing something...? ?

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Alright, I'm a little worn out from work. Going to catch some z's before I get around to zipping and posting the next release files. Assuming I don't sleep through the night, it should be later today.


Change Log:


v1.90 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update is compatible with Save Games created with DWR version 1.83 or later. Save games with earlier versions of DWR will break.
    - New Events (The adventuring chains in the Grand Inn with Red Sonja are limited presently. This is clearly where I crashed at and instead of taking a week to add more variety, I just got it ready as is for release. I am looking at another update with more variety next update.)
    - New Drax70 provided Events - an handful of additional Beauty and the Beast content
    - The Drax70 version of the mod (uses some different images) - also now includes lewd sounds for some events. Thus why its also a larger file size.


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5 minutes ago, Drax70 said:

Hello @dewguru!


Just a question/request...!

Is it possible for you to remove the Lilith Rule Campaign option and add it as a normal Society, like the Worshipers of Satan? Giving the choice to the player to join the Lilith Society, if he/she chooses to, middle campaign?

I'm asking because if, for example, I have already started a campaign and I want to try this part of the mod, then the only choice is to start a new campaign.


Except, I'm missing something...? ?


The Lilith Society should be an option regardless. It's just, well, pretty basic. The Campaign rule is what has you start as a succubus/incubus. You don't need to be one to join the Lilith Society.

You probably need to at least have the Heaven and Hell content enabled for it. But the campaign rules are all about starting traits.

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3 hours ago, dewguru said:


The Lilith Society should be an option regardless. It's just, well, pretty basic. The Campaign rule is what has you start as a succubus/incubus. You don't need to be one to join the Lilith Society.

You probably need to at least have the Heaven and Hell content enabled for it. But the campaign rules are all about starting traits.

Hm, interesting!

Then the reason that I don't get the Lilith Society invitation or even the option in the societies section is that I didn't start as a succubus/incubus, because I DID have started with the Heaven and Hell content enabled.


Thank you for the info! ?

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8 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Hm, interesting!

Then the reason that I don't get the Lilith Society invitation or even the option in the societies section is that I didn't start as a succubus/incubus, because I DID have started with the Heaven and Hell content enabled.


Thank you for the info! ?


Did you select to seek them out? It shouldn't care if you're a succubus or an incubus, although it may be looking for specific traits before it deems you acceptable.

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3 hours ago, dewguru said:


Did you select to seek them out? It shouldn't care if you're a succubus or an incubus, although it may be looking for specific traits before it deems you acceptable.

Seek them out, how???

I had, with previous characters of my dynasty, the lustful or hedonist traits, if that's what you mean the option needs...

2-3 times I have dreamt of Lilith with no further continuation of the event.

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2 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Seek them out, how???

I had, with previous characters of my dynasty, the lustful or hedonist traits, if that's what you mean the option needs...

2-3 times I have dreamt of Lilith with no further continuation of the event.

You have me so confused.


Dreaming of Lilith has nothing to do with the secret society.


Unless I've made some kind of radical change that I've totally forgotten about (possible).


I'll play test it later to see if my memory is failing me.

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18 minutes ago, dewguru said:

You have me so confused.


Dreaming of Lilith has nothing to do with the secret society.


Unless I've made some kind of radical change that I've totally forgotten about (possible).


I'll play test it later to see if my memory is failing me.


Alright - I just ran a quick test. Started the game, not using any Campaign options, but with Heaven and Hell content enabled. I then viewed the Societies tab and expanded out all the available societies. Listed there was Chosen of Lilith. Hovering over the little Show Interest icon shows 3 conditions.


I've clicked on the icon and 9 days later I received a communication about attending a meeting with a recruiter.


No dream, no campaign selection necessary. Not even a succubus or incubus.



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I must check again then on the files, where the selected Rules are saved to verify it...

Meybe I'm wrong, I'll let you know...!


Edit: I'm such an idiot, it was enabled on my previous game which became corrupted and I had to restart with the same character/dynasty!

Apparently, I didn't enable it on the new one, as I can verify it in the game_rules.txt file>>> dw_heaven_hell_content="dw_no_lilith"


I'm very sorry man... ?

Edited by Drax70
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I've downloaded the Drax70 version of the updated mod, and I recognized that the name of the mod file and folder changed between 1.89 and 1.90. Now I've got two mod files and two mod folders: The old "Dark World Reborn - Drax70Version" and the new "Dark World Reborn Drax70 Version".

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5 hours ago, vanpett said:

I've downloaded the Drax70 version of the updated mod, and I recognized that the name of the mod file and folder changed between 1.89 and 1.90. Now I've got two mod files and two mod folders: The old "Dark World Reborn - Drax70Version" and the new "Dark World Reborn Drax70 Version".


Ah yes, sorry about that. I had to do that on my end, as CK2 apparently ignores the - and so it was thinking I had two Dark World Reborns going and pretty much shit all over itself.


So I had to take out the - and everything started working fine on my end. The joys of trying to track two different variations.

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Hello @dewguru!

I have noticed that you have separated the Drax70_FairyTales_expanded_events.txt, I have sent you, from your main files, why didn't you merge them with the main mod, is there any specific reason? But, the Bimbettes extended event is already merged with the same mod files...


Oh, I forgot to tell you, I think I forgot to add the gender activation modifiers, to fire if the player character is female or male or even the female is a Futa!


Sorry! ?



- With the Lilith Society, when I get a mission message, it refers to Lusifer and not Lilith. ?

Edited by Drax70
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5 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Hello @dewguru!

I have noticed that you have separated the Drax70_FairyTales_expanded_events.txt, I have sent you, from your main files, why didn't you merge them with the main mod, is there any specific reason? But, the Bimbettes extended event is already merged with the same mod files...


Oh, I forgot to tell you, I think I forgot to add the gender activation modifiers, to fire if the player character is female or male or even the female is a Futa!


Sorry! ?



- With the Lilith Society, when I get a mission message, it refers to Lusifer and not Lilith. ?


I merged the overwrite, but left the others separate. Helps in troubleshooting and makes it easier to locate things should you decide to tweak them.


Not surprising on the Lilith stuff, since it's pretty much a cut and paste of the Devil society. I never really fleshed out either society, but left them in when I was thinking of removing them, as some folks said they were fine with them as is. I have zero plans on touching either one any further as well.

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20 hours ago, dewguru said:


1) I merged the overwrite, but left the others separate. Helps in troubleshooting and makes it easier to locate things should you decide to tweak them.


2) Not surprising on the Lilith stuff, since it's pretty much a cut and paste of the Devil society. I never really fleshed out either society, but left them in when I was thinking of removing them, as some folks said they were fine with them as is. I have zero plans on touching either one any further as well.

1) Meh, I don't really have any more ideas or plans for it, except, I'm not sure yet...

But.... I have thought of the Visiting the Cobbler! It always bothered me the  option "Anything new going on?"...

There should be something going on, shouldn't there be? ?

Let's say a small quest for a pair of Slippers/Shoes or something? Or even him asking about Belle or even finding him a wife, now Belle has left (after taking her to our Castle for a wife/lover) and he is left alone at home?


2) Fair anough!

Maybe I'll visit this feature, with your permission of course, to correct those minor typos, in the future, we'll see..! ?


Edited by Drax70
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7 hours ago, IttuP said:

Dewguru any future plans ahead you would show? Always looking forward to more ^^


The only thing I can commit to right now is adding some more to the Red Sonja adventure options. Beyond that, I've no plans other than to see what I decide to add after playing a bit.

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5 hours ago, dewguru said:


The only thing I can commit to right now is adding some more to the Red Sonja adventure options. Beyond that, I've no plans other than to see what I decide to add after playing a bit.

Since the Red Sonja bit probably includes the lesbian strapon event chain, according to what you've written in dw_visits.txt, would you mind if I tried my hand at completing the Powergirl bukkake scene?

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I've got a problem with the Red Sonja adventure options: After our first adventure, while my character returns to court normally, she keeps her "out adventuring" and "on a pilgrimage" tags. This makes her unavailable for commanding armies at war, but she still shows up at the Grand Inn. Now if I want to go on a second adventure from there, I can initiate it, but nothing happens after that and my character stays away from court indefinitely, too.


Is there any way to make her return?



Edit: After a year or so Sonja is still out adventuring, but it seems I can accompany her normally again.

Edited by vanpett
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On 9/26/2021 at 6:27 AM, vanpett said:

I've got a problem with the Red Sonja adventure options: After our first adventure, while my character returns to court normally, she keeps her "out adventuring" and "on a pilgrimage" tags. This makes her unavailable for commanding armies at war, but she still shows up at the Grand Inn. Now if I want to go on a second adventure from there, I can initiate it, but nothing happens after that and my character stays away from court indefinitely, too.


Is there any way to make her return?



Edit: After a year or so Sonja is still out adventuring, but it seems I can accompany her normally again.


Ah. Thanks for bringing this up. It'll be fixed in the next update. I didn't realize I applied the trait to her as well, as that part was months old compared to the recently added ends.

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Hey guys, I've got a problem with some traits and illnesses, after the notification the trait doesnt spawn, for example "viking" trait gets removed when should be upgraded to the next level or desease doesnt occure after "symptome" message. Is it a common thing and I messed something up or a unique bug and I messed something up in a unique way?

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