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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Random question; has anyone ever gotten this bug before? My game was working fine up until a few days ago after I decided to splurge and sign up for the monthly sub to get all dlc in order to grab the portraits and units packs since the only dlc I had ever bought up to this point was the stuff that only modified gameplay; nothing that was cosmetics only. Had a brief hiccup where my computer was having some issues with freezing while I was playing various games and when I managed to fix that and started up ck2 today to play a game I started getting this issue on a couple of the DW npcs (so far I know it affected Blackfire, Starfire, and Thanos, but it didn't effect Anna, Elsa, and X-23). I tried doing a clean install of my game thinking maybe one of the base files might have corrupted something, but after reinstall this was still happening; (unrelated to DW I'm also apparently getting the portrait bug where about half of the base game muslim character portraits are fucked up beyond relief where they are spawning multiple noses and other facial features); has this happened to anyone before or is there any advice that people might have for how to fix this?





So I tried to look some more into this today; completely uninstalled Dark World before reinstalling it and disabling all of the dlc portrait packs; 2/3rds of the Dark World portraits are working just fine; but the last 1/3rd is are still giving me the issue from above; list of characters I found having this issue are

Starfire, Blackfire, Miss Martian, Psylocke, Deadpool, Thor, Wonder Woman, Beast Boy, Hulk, Rebecca, Rogue, Nightwing, Supergirl, Killer Frost, Red Ridding Sisterhood (all of their portraits are borked), Raven, Bloodrayne, Catwoman, Hellboy, Thanos, Wolverine, Xavier, Batman.


I can grab screen shots of each if they are needed; am currently attempting to do some exploring to see if it is the portrait dlcs that are causing this issue or if its one of the other cosmetic mods



ok, so I'm not sure what exactly the problem was, but I apparently managed to fix it by not only uninstalling the game once more but going through and deleting all CK2 files from both my steam game file location as well as the Paradox Interactive folder in my documents. Just went through and did some sequential tests with slowly activating all of the official dlc and the other mods I'm running with Dark World Reborn and the above issue has yet to happen **knocks on wood** so to my knowledge I'm guessing there was a game file in either the Paradox Folder or in the left over files folder from the steam game that wasn't being flagged as corrupted when ever I tried validating files earlier today

Edited by sage20500
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Okay, here is the speedrun route to probably the most messed up way to break the game:

-spend time with wife

-have wife give birth to a girl

-immediately mind control the baby girl to become lovers

-spend time with that girl

-that girl gives birth to another girl

-mind control that girl as well and repeat


Only Tribbles multiply faster.


Multiple ways to fix it:
-Remove the option to become lovers from mind control when targeting children (doesn't fix the underlying issue though, so any potential mod cross compatibility issues might remain)

-Add a prerequisite to the "spend time with" decision to disable the ability from targeting children ("proper" solution)

-Switch the events to something innocuous when targeting children. Just playing some games. What did you think "spending time with kids" meant, you sicko? (The troll solution)

-Or, at the very least, add a check to the impregnation part so that the ability does not impregnate children that should be biologically incapable of childbirth (though that one might run into trouble with Loverslab's TOS)

Edited by Wily Rodent
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Having issues where superhero, rape, and fantasy content triggers for me despite it being disabled in some cases, including the event where my female character has to submit to a bandit or risk getting raped, batman and Charles Xavier showing up, and a Succubus visiting male toons. is there any way to disable these completely? It's extremely jarrring to have batman showing up in my games, and it's very uncomfortable for my character to be raped.

Edited by Jeddaven
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On 12/16/2020 at 7:33 PM, dewguru said:

Documents > Paradox Interactive > Crusader Kings II > logs


In there, you should have an error.log file. Can you past what it is showing? If it's more than a handful of lines, please post it in a Spoiler block.


Couldn't find the solution so I imagine the guy never actually posted the error.log, so, here's mine! It's quite long btw

Thank you for your time


P.s. it's about the overhaul mod "New Era: Old World", here's the .mod file



name="AAnew Era Old World"
path="mod/New Era - Old World"
user_dir="New Era - Old World"
tags = {"New Era Old World" "Old World" "Europe" "Overhaul" "Total Conversion" "Post Apocolypse"}




Edited by warpx
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  • 2 weeks later...

For some unknown reasons this version is so bugged that i can't find word to describe my unsatisfaction. 
1st: when i "spend time with" women my char has to suck dicks even when this "women" are not futas... Such event triggers almost everytime.
2nd: every child that was born from wife or concubine and not from tentacle monster gets "slave bred" trait. Every fucking time/ At first i thought it was influence of other mods with slavery.. but after turning off one mod after another.. i come to conclusion it's DWR's bug.

Maybe there are more bugs.. but i haven't seen them due to this two issues are critical to me and they spoil my gaming.

If there is a way to fix these without deleting this mod, i'd like to know it..

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1st: I never had this problem, it is very strange...

Did you try playing in a fresh campaign with vanila and DWR?


Don't remove mods in middle of a save game, some things will be messed up for sure.

Never remove or add mods that change scripts mid game and try to continue your campaign, unless they are graphical, music or sound oriented mods...!


I play with HIP, DWR and BLG without problems at all!


2nd: Sorry I don't know about the Tentacle Monster content.

Never liked this sort of a campaign, Vampires and Heroes - Villains for sure, but not Tentacle or Orc or Kitsune and Neko.

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6 hours ago, Drax70 said:

1st: I never had this problem, it is very strange...

Did you try playing in a fresh campaign with vanila and DWR?


Don't remove mods in middle of a save game, some things will be messed up for sure.

Never remove or add mods that change scripts mid game and try to continue your campaign, unless they are graphical, music or sound oriented mods...!


I play with HIP, DWR and BLG without problems at all!


2nd: Sorry I don't know about the Tentacle Monster content.

Never liked this sort of a campaign, Vampires and Heroes - Villains for sure, but not Tentacle or Orc or Kitsune and Neko.

Oh.. no.. i haven't thought that... 8-'(             nah.. just kidding.

of course, i started new game everytime i turned off another mod. 
My usual modlist consists of: DWR, Tentacle Dreams and its expansions, LF and LF expansions, HIP(without one module so i can play in old gods time), some bdsm or slavery mods(so i can make some dukes and kings into my slaves and send them whoring money for me in brothels of just sell as cheap/luxury slaves), mods for elves, orks and other furries(AOH, house of Irae, Elemental love[well, this mod is kind of new to my list and was added just recently when i got back to playing CK2 again]).

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Keep in mind that DWR was in early stages when most of those sub-mods were compatible.

@dewguru, comes and goes every half a year or so with new stuff and new ideas!

Apart of the already included content, any extra, similar tweaks may REALLY mess up your game...! ?

Edited by Drax70
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Well.. i had no problems in april in 2020... I don't know what to do now.. i'm just to addicted to playing with my usual mod list so right now i have to play pure vanilla game in order to have some(meh..) fun. All mods are turned off and the only this that keep me playing this game is achievements that i have to get because of this. It's so irritating you can't  imaging yourself.

Edited by Zerdus
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I think the problem lies in DWR, Tentacle Dreams and its expansions, LF and LF expansions!

If you can understand the code of those three then you will find the problem...

Those three mods use Tentacle events partly similar (in a great degree) and partly different!

Have you tried any combinations of those three?


I can't think of anything else to help you, than to try asking for help in the mod creator's threads, sorry... :(

Edited by Drax70
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On 7/24/2021 at 10:10 PM, Drax70 said:

I think the problem lies in DWR, Tentacle Dreams and its expansions, LF and LF expansions!

If you can understand the code of those three then you will find the problem...

Those three mods use Tentacle events partly similar (in a great degree) and partly different!

Have you tried any combinations of those three?


I can't think of anything else to help you, than to try asking for help in the mod creator's threads, sorry... :(

The only solution that come into my mind is.. well.. playing futanari character from the start.. and get married only on futas or men.. following this strategy i would be able to play without "sucking dicks from nowhere" but i would miss the "chad ruler" gameplay when i'm dominating and making other rulers my sissy slaves and then sell them for cash, while chopping some douchebags on duels. Also it's fun to watch how a chad ruler slowly becomes a cumslut futa worshiping Lilith :D
But how to deal with "slave bred" trait.. i have no idea. This trait appears on every child and as i understand it exclude it from inheiritage.. This is the most fucked up thing.

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Um, I don't think there is a "slave bred" trait in DWR....

But, if you mean the "branded_slave" trait then the logic to it is that if the parent is a Slave, then the kid is born in slavery, unless, there is an option to free him/her from slavery to lose the Slave trait, which there is not, saddly.


If it bothers you so much and you understand the code, a way to eliminate this is this:

Folow the path, Dark World Reborn/common/traits, open the dw_lifestyle_traits.txt file with a text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, etc.), find the branded_slave trait and after random = no add inherit_chance = -100

That will probably eliminate it completely! If it does pop-up again try -1000. OR just use the "~" to open the console and write the command: remove_trait (character ID number) branded_slave.


I hope I helped and I hope @dewguru will return to get his hands on those issues, soon!

Edited by Drax70
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Well.. thanks for advice. I'll try it. Though i don't understand why it happens with legal children of my legal wife. If it were children from prisoners.. then it wouldn't be a problem.

P.S. I tried to turn off slavery content in game rules once.. but it didn't work out..

Ha... i looked through mods' code and noticed funny thing:  slave-kid trait came from mod "Slavery". Especially trait's icon. But how could it happen if  turning this mod off was the first thins  i did? Strange...

Edited by Zerdus
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Well... so the issue with femboy/futa picture in events and sudden cocksucking is "solved". It was Luxuria Fantasia.

It seems that DWR and LF' updates during 2020-2021 period made these mode incompatible with each other. Of course if you would like to suck metaphysical dicks of your concubines and wife, you won't feel uncomfortable.

The slave motherless children issue was cause by "Slavery" mod. Though i don't understand why and how. I think i have to delete it for good.


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20 hours ago, Zerdus said:

Well... so the issue with femboy/futa picture in events and sudden cocksucking is "solved". It was Luxuria Fantasia.

It seems that DWR and LF' updates during 2020-2021 period made these mode incompatible with each other. Of course if you would like to suck metaphysical dicks of your concubines and wife, you won't feel uncomfortable.

The slave motherless children issue was cause by "Slavery" mod. Though i don't understand why and how. I think i have to delete it for good.


I told you so...! ?

Luxuria Fantasia is abandoned but DWR is still being developed, I think..!


Just start a new and happy conquering! ?

Edited by Drax70
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16 hours ago, Drax70 said:


I told you so...! ?

Luxuria Fantasia is abandoned but DWR is still being developed, I think..!


Just start a new and happy conquering! ?

no...LF is still developed but it is SFW now. the lst update was on 21st february 2021. The author of LF has no idea why such bugs appear and declare DWR and LF'  fully compatiblity.

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7 hours ago, Zerdus said:

no...LF is still developed but it is SFW now. the lst update was on 21st february 2021. The author of LF has no idea why such bugs appear and declare DWR and LF'  fully compatiblity.


You're missing the history of the mods. Drew left and handed control of Dark World over to Locksley. She kept the mod going and Drew came back. He had a falling out with her over taking donations for working on the mod. He took control of DW back and she took the work she did to create LF. Drew renamed DW to Dark World Reborn. 


That explains things for ya. ;) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/2/2021 at 6:06 PM, Tyrranus said:

was wondering has the dev, or anyone else commented on making a CK3 version of this?

Drew mentioned that it was a potential possibility that he might see about adapting Dark World into CK3; but that if it happened it wouldn't be any time soon do to how CK3 runs (if I recall correctly); if it does happen it probably won't be for another year or two before you see something since this is a pretty massive project for someone to try and convert over to a brand new game engine

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  • 2 weeks later...

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