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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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There are a couple of things I'm curious about when it comes to the heroes & villains stuff.

1. Any particular thought process when you decided whom to include? I saw that there are Superman villains like Livewire, but Superman himself isn't in the mod.

2. I saw that there's code for Spider-Man, but I've never actually encountered him in the game. Is he recruited through a random event and I have just been unlucky?

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On 3/28/2021 at 8:01 PM, SensualTentacle said:

Power Girl is on about the same power level, isn't she? And she's in there.

Meh.... We can live without him anyway....! ?


Welcome to the forums, by the way!!! ???

Edited by Drax70
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10 hours ago, SensualTentacle said:

There are a couple of things I'm curious about when it comes to the heroes & villains stuff.

1. Any particular thought process when you decided whom to include? I saw that there are Superman villains like Livewire, but Superman himself isn't in the mod.

2. I saw that there's code for Spider-Man, but I've never actually encountered him in the game. Is he recruited through a random event and I have just been unlucky?


There is an event where The Vulture tells you about a new rival of his which when it triggers spawns Peter Parker in someone elses court; am currently trying to figure out if Miles Moralis made it into the mod mostly because if I remember correctly I saw a portrait artwork that looks like it could have belonged to him in the mod files; but I'm not sure if that was just placeholder art for a future idea that didn't pan out or if the event to trigger him is hidden away somewhere else that I haven't found it yet X)

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I installed the mod as instructed, extracted it into the mod folder. With the mod enabled the game crashes and the error log says "gfx/FX/buttonstate_linear.lua" is missing, whatever that is. I created the file just to see if it works and I can start the game now, but the mod is broken. I tried both versions of the mod got the same error.

Any idea what's causing this?

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4 hours ago, Frantas said:

I installed the mod as instructed, extracted it into the mod folder. With the mod enabled the game crashes and the error log says "gfx/FX/buttonstate_linear.lua" is missing, whatever that is. I created the file just to see if it works and I can start the game now, but the mod is broken. I tried both versions of the mod got the same error.

Any idea what's causing this?

I think something got corrupted, did you try to modify any vanilla files or you had any other mod that replaces the vanilla files? Because I don't get this error...

Try to verify your CK2 files through Steam (IF you have the Steam version..) and redownload the mod and read the first page for proper installation!


@dewguru has thorough and very helpfull instructions there!

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5 hours ago, Drax70 said:

I think something got corrupted, did you try to modify any vanilla files or you had any other mod that replaces the vanilla files? Because I don't get this error...

Try to verify your CK2 files through Steam (IF you have the Steam version..) and redownload the mod and read the first page for proper installation!


@dewguru has thorough and very helpfull instructions there!

It can't be another mod, this is the only one I tried. 

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7 hours ago, Drax70 said:

I think something got corrupted, did you try to modify any vanilla files or you had any other mod that replaces the vanilla files? Because I don't get this error...

Try to verify your CK2 files through Steam (IF you have the Steam version..) and redownload the mod and read the first page for proper installation!


@dewguru has thorough and very helpfull instructions there!

Okay, so I fixed it somehow. I just reinstalled everything until it worked. 

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On 3/15/2021 at 8:51 AM, zkady said:

why cant i reform a pagan group? i have all the requirements but where it says reform i get that i have to fill in all the options when i already have them

Better late than never.
It's Elemental Love conflict with some mods.
Thanks to Simeon who found it and checked.
Just disable it.

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Hi boss,


For event 7710 in dw_on_action_randoms.txt (Ball events) option 2 (I enlightment) is it missing a change to the dw_ball_counter value? Currently it terminates the event chain immediately after choosing the option without setting the ball counter back to 0.


I'm assuming it's supposed to increase the counter by 1 then reroute back to the options event.


If it's supposed to terminate the chain immediately though, I think it's still supposed to change the counter back to 0 like the other termination options?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/29/2021 at 4:12 AM, sage20500 said:


There is an event where The Vulture tells you about a new rival of his which when it triggers spawns Peter Parker in someone elses court; am currently trying to figure out if Miles Moralis made it into the mod mostly because if I remember correctly I saw a portrait artwork that looks like it could have belonged to him in the mod files; but I'm not sure if that was just placeholder art for a future idea that didn't pan out or if the event to trigger him is hidden away somewhere else that I haven't found it yet X)

So there's no event that spawns him in your court? I might have to create a submod to fix this.

Also, there doesn't seem to be a Miles in dw_npc_scripted_effects.txt. I also found portraits for Superman, Supergirl, Jean Grey, Emma Frost and others. And they also don't appear among the npcs that have been coded.

Does Dewguru have any plans to keep working on this mod to add these characters? Otherwise I might do it in my submod.


By the way, I noticed something odd when I recruited Nightwing. For some reason, he got one of Thor's portraits. Looking through static_portraits.gfx I found this:

                        3 = { portrait_has_trait = nightwing02_pic }
                        4 = { portrait_has_trait = nightwing02_pic }

I guess the code got confused that the same trait would give two different portraits and gave a random portrait instead. So one of those should probably be changed to nightwing01_pic

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I decided to actually look through the files to see which superheroes and supervillains have got portraits (and corresponding portrait traits), but haven't been coded as characters.


Complete list:

Black Cat
Artemis Crock
Emma Frost
Jean Grey
Miles Morales
Black Canary
Sue Richards


So, if Dewguru isn't planning to do anything with them, and I don't want to create more portraits just yet (I'm better at coding and writing than picture editing), I know where to start with my submod.

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45 minutes ago, SensualTentacle said:

.... and I don't want to create more portraits just yet (I'm better at coding and writing than picture editing), I know where to start with my submod.


If you want portraits, I can help you with that...!!! ??

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Hey @dewguru !

I always wanted to ask and I kept forgeting...


- Why isn't the Lilith Society in the Society Tab and you have it as an optional campaign from the Rules?

  That would be better to choose to join or live the society on demand, wouldn't it?


  Would you consider this...? Pleeeease! ?


- Furthermore, there are some icons missing in the Intrigue Tab, Decisions section, like "Visit Belle's Village" and "Visit the Arena"...!

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Bug report:


- It seems, that with the new update, my prostitutes stop giving me any money...! Some times I get minus amount of gold, like -15! :(

- The event picture, that it says to f@ck a trap, from the Travelling Merchant event, is showing the dwarf lady not the "trap_bonus_trait" picture!

- The Bedding event, if I have the shy trait and choose the "I have to get away from this place!", shows a picture of a shy woman instead of a man!

Apparently, this event was made only for women OR @Raynor missed to add the option and a picture for men!

Though, a picture could be added with the same text event and the same options by adding something like this:



narrative_event = {
    id = raynor.106
    desc = {
        trigger = { is_female = yes }
        text = raynor106
        picture = bedding_shy
    desc = {
        trigger = { is_female = no }
        text = raynor106
        picture = bedding_shy2


- When I choose to dance, in The Ball event, it doesn't choose a character. The option says that "My (my name) opinion of No Character changes...."

- In Beauty and the Beast, the event dw_beauty.630 shows 2 options "It seems as though she has something planned."! I'm not sure if this intended though!

I thought you should know to verify, if not.



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Is there a special requirement or rule required to be enabled to recruit Sorcey?

I can recruit Hermione immediately after building the wizard tower in all my starts.

But Sorcey doesn't appear at all.


Directly using the console to start her event dw_wizardtower.104 works though.


Edit: I might have found out why.



trigger = {
            OR = {
                has_global_flag = dw_npc_sorcey_alive
                has_global_flag = dw_npc_ignore_sorcey


The trigger for her recruitment seems to be looking for global flags that cannot appear until we actually tried to recruit her once. Adding a NOT prior to the OR seems to do the trick.



trigger = {

            NOT = {
            OR = {
                has_global_flag = dw_npc_sorcey_alive
                has_global_flag = dw_npc_ignore_sorcey



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Is this compatible with Elder Kings? I can't get both of them to work together. I mean, I can acess EK without crashes or any issue, and the game recognizes that the mod is active, but I can't get any sort of perk, trait, artifact or the like.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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