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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Apologies for disappearing for several weeks. My home computer took a nose dive, I raged a bit, and after getting things up and running again, it simply took me a bit to get back between work and some personal stuff (nothing bad, mostly good - just things that kept me busy).


I'll be taking a look at where the mod was, as it was just about ready to post a new update, and I'll look through some of the past posts to see what bugs/questions there may be to answer. It'll be tomorrow though, as work and an after work commitment have me tied up. So, just view this more as an I'm still here post.

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On 3/7/2021 at 9:40 PM, bajamour said:

don’t know what I’m the world happened, the game worked perfect. Had a really long playthrough going with a ton of mods including this, no issues. Next thing I know, it simply won’t load. It literally crashes my computer after it sits at the screen for sometime. 

Have reinstalled, reverified files, redownloaded the mod, and disabled every mod but this. I just can’t load the game with this mod anymore? 


Take a look in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\logs - and open your error.log to see what it's catching (if anything).


The current mod release should only have two bad image references showing in the error.log and that's not enough to break the game on start-up.


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On 3/10/2021 at 5:15 AM, dewguru said:


Take a look in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\logs - and open your error.log to see what it's catching (if anything).


The current mod release should only have two bad image references showing in the error.log and that's not enough to break the game on start-up.


I looked into it a bit and for some reason, the Events files got messed up and that's why it had got stuck there, and I must have done something to the files myself by accident so I did another new version of the mod, reverified my steam files and got it working. All on me, and I appreciate the response.

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On 2/22/2021 at 6:57 PM, Fire Lord said:

Does DWR give you the chance to become a minotaur/tauren? Also, upon that: I noticed that non-event interspecies sex scenes still use vanilla pics. Is there some plan to update this for the sake of immersion?


The stance of the game, is that you're a therianthrope, meaning you're a shapeshifter. So your sex scenes as a human are still very fitting.


In regards of updating the sex scenes - if you were willing to grab enough images, and provide the narrative text to accompany them, I'd be willing to consider taking the considerable time necessary to expand upon them. Shot me a PM if you actually decide to go that route.


Off hand, while I believe there was a culture or two that had history of bull therianthropes, your chances of becoming one would require your being part of the correct culture, and then you'd need a wizard tower that sold potions, a little luck in getting the Awaken Heritage (or something like that, it's been awhile since I looked at the potion name) to appear there, and then more luck in getting the desired racial trait to awaken.

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On 2/28/2021 at 6:40 PM, Mandragora617 said:

Hey I added immortal = yes to the Vampire trait so they do not age, but the problem is the "present vampire heir", the kids don't mature (at least their portraits).

So I'd appreciate a little help as in where do I change the "present vampire heir" decision, so that it gives me a 16 year old boy/girl so I don't have to worry about vampire children?


It'd not the decision you're probably wanting to alter. Take a look in common\scripted_effects\dw_npc_scripted_effects.txt - in there is the area that generates the young vampire child. Search for vampire_heir - there is a male and female option, then age the kid accordingly.

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Here is the present change log as it presently stands. I'll be looking to post the update late Sunday most likely, as I might add one or two more things to it.


And while I said this update was likely to be the last one. It might not be. I've found I'm still drawn more to play CK2 than CK3 at this point, so there is the chance for more.


v1.89 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: Two different versions released. Dark World Reborn (images I prefer) and Dark World Reborn - Drax70 Version (images Drax70 provided)
    - NOTE: Both of the above versions are the exact same - with the only difference being images used. Best way to summarize the difference may be I like drawings, Drax70 likes 3D models
    - Corrected an error where a random male gladiator could join with boobs (thx Drax70)
    - Corrected an error with a missing event picture (lilith_blood_moon_prison_cell) (thx Drax70)
    - Corrected an error in an interface file that was causing an event picture error (brothel_female_common_OptionsB) (thx Drax70)
    - Corrected an error in an event that caused an event picture error (brothel_female_common_OptionsA) (thx Drax70)
    - A handful of new events - nothing major enough to warrant detailing more.


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8 hours ago, zkady said:

why cant i reform a pagan group? i have all the requirements but where it says reform i get that i have to fill in all the options when i already have them


No idea. This mod doesn't do anything special with religions.

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v1.89 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: Two different versions released. Dark World Reborn (images I prefer) and Dark World Reborn - Drax70 Version (images Drax70 donated)
    - NOTE: Both of the above versions are the exact same - with the only differnce being images used. Best way to summarize the difference may be I like drawings, Drax70 likes 3D models
    - Corrected an error where a random male gladiator could join with boobs (thx Drax70)
    - Corrected an error with a missing event picture (lilith_blood_moon_prison_cell) (thx Drax70)
    - Corrected an error in an interface file that was causing an event picture error (brothel_female_common_OptionsB) (thx Drax70)
    - Corrected an error in an event that caused an event picture error (brothel_female_common_OptionsA) (thx Drax70)
    - A handful of events, most related to Heroes and Villains content.
    - Some scripted effect changes to account for missing entries and additional npcs



Update should be save game compatible if you're using the prior version.


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3 hours ago, Drax70 said:

And I was hoping you would start some sort of "Quests" project....!!! ?


Jokes aside, you have done woderous things already with DWR and I hope, some time in the future, you will transfer it to CK3!!!


Thanks! ?



Well, I won't say that the quest/adventure idea that I've long had in relation to the Grand Inn will be in the next update. We'll just have to see.


I can say that the Grand Inn will at a minimum, have a few more events related to it. I just got done adding a pair for the next update.

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On 3/15/2021 at 11:50 PM, dewguru said:

Since I've alluded that the end is near, I do think it's fair to share that I've plans for another small release coming.


Should be save game compatible, no specific time frame on when yet.

Does said release include a functional "I'll join too" option for the Supergirl Bukkake event? Just asking before I try and complete it myself.

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On 3/16/2021 at 8:07 PM, AlexWyrmin said:

Does said release include a functional "I'll join too" option for the Supergirl Bukkake event? Just asking before I try and complete it myself.


Unlikely to be in this release, and I'll admit I totally forgot about said event.

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9 hours ago, dewguru said:


Unlikely to be in this release, and I'll admit I totally forgot about said event.

No problem. Just to make sure, do you remember you never even started making the female on female with strapon event sequence, other than leaving all related pictures in the gfx folder?

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Next update is coming along. Looking like it'll be mainly new events.


Not likely to be massive. So far it's at eight new events and counting.


No planned release just yet. If I had to guess, it'll be sometime next month.

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One quick thing - the next update will have something called an Adventure Chain. There will be at least one, perhaps more.


You'll need two buildings to make it happen. One is the Grand Inn, and the other is an Arena (or suitable alternative added by this mod - like a Warrior's Circle if you're tribal).


In the Arena, you'll need to have recruited Red Sonja, and she'll need to be either a vassal or courtier under you. You then just need to visit the Grand Inn, and hope you trigger the event (note - if your incapable or in hiding - you shouldn't be out at the Grand Inn).


An Adventure Chain will add a trait to your character, that effectively shows you to be away on a pilgrimage while it's taking place. So it could cause issues if you try to go on one, while in the middle of a war.


An Adventure Chain has some randomization to the events that appear. So it's possible to go on an Adventure Chain twice and encounter different events.


The update should still be save game compatible, as the trait that it'll be using, has existed for quite sometime. I simply never got around to actually utilizing it.


If I end up liking it, and found it easy enough to where I decide to add more - then some may be available that do not require you to have Red Sonja. All I can say for certain at this point - the one that I'm building out right now - will rely on her presence.

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Random thing that I just started to see Dew; I'm not sure what might be causing it; but when I'm playing as a Norse pagan who's either Orc Blooded or Elf Blooded; if I'm using the option for a random racial image; and then I go ahead and reform the pagan religion into being Astaru and choose to have myself as the new head of the religion; the racial portrait image is just replaced by a picture of the base portrait with the fancy crown and no hair, reassigning racial portrait doesn't seem to do anything, and if I remove the racial portrait then I get my hair back and nothing else. 

I know if I assign myself a maximus portrait then those seem to work once I remove the racial portrait from being an option; but if I give myself a maximus portrait and then click on the option to assign myself a random race portrait then I go back to the portrait of bald human with crown.... I have no clue if its just something weird going on with the game or if there is another mod that might be causing confusion; but I've had this come up in 2-3 separate save files so I figured I might mention it on the off chance that maybe you might know what's up or to see if maybe anyone else is having this issue?

if you need me to I can post a couple of screen shots of what this looks like in game

I did some more testing, this also is happening for out of skin and out of the abyss portrait choices; for some reason if I have the game assign a random portrait related to one of the races in dark world; the moment I reform a pagan religion (not sure if its just norse or others at this point in time) then the random portrait option just defaults to a bald guy in a crown
















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