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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Hello everyone! I wish all the best in the New Year!!!


@dewguru, since this will be the last update, don't forget to remove any event pictures that are in the "gfx/event_pictures" folder that are not going to be used, it's better to keep the folder clean!

I could help with that, if you want...! ?


It's been a long time for the update, any news? ?




Edit: Bug report:

- When I free the Genie, the "Rub Aladdin's Lamp" option remains in the Decision menu. It activates the 3 wishes every next generation... without the Genie!

- Just an observation... When I visit Belle's village and visit the Cobbler, I have the option "Anything new going on?" but nothing happens, is this intended or you have any plans or future quests for the option?

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Doesn't seem to work with After the End: Old World (AKA New Era - Old World). Add dependencies to the .mod file. Works fine with a huge number of other mods, just seems to have a problem with this one. The error file was huge but almost all of it was caused by NEOW and appeared even if DW:R was not enabled. Only errors that were definitely caused by this mod were do with non-existent images for events. Any ideas how to fix it?

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Re-download and re-install the mod...!

And... read the first page...! ?


Edit: Bug report:

- I asked for a gladiator in the Arena.... I got a Male with enormous boobs...!!!??? ?

- I get this in the error.log:

[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'lilith_blood_moon_prison_cell'. DWLilith.1039
[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'lilith_blood_moon_prison_cell'. DWLilith.1040
[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'lilith_blood_moon_prison_cell'. DWLilith.1049

[event.cpp:1263]: Non-existent image for event picture 'brothel_female_common_OptionsB'. dw_bordello.2000
[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'brothel_female_common_Options'. dw_bordello.2001
[event.cpp:1263]: Non-existent image for event picture 'brothel_female_common_OptionsB'. dw_bordello.2001


 and this in the text.log:

[internationalizedtext.cpp:1921]: 'dw_the_wizards_currency' not defined!
[internationalizedtext.cpp:1921]: 'dw_the_chosen_of_lilith_currency' not defined!


NO idea about that... ?

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On 7/23/2020 at 6:23 PM, Falsehood11 said:

Not sure if I'm just doing things wrong, but despite having bestiality content enabled, I can't get any of the events related to fire on their own. Nothin', from the ball to the collar to Harley's Hyenas, and I'm already about 150 years into the campaign. I even tried manually adding the dw_bestiality_content="dw_yes_bestiality" line to the save file and they still won't trigger.

AS far as I understand they maybe part of Lux Fantasy or maybe LF Extras not this (was DOCtax D redborn ages ago).


I Have seen the event before long ago and now have not either, but idk probably just hasn't triggered for me yet by chance and again not sure which of the 3 it is or if this one or the other incorporated it now and allowed other not to or what.


(Know this a old post but from my looking for what does what etc... saw this post and figured would reply.)



Through further looking here and the notepad villian+hero in mod I think it was reintegrated into this mod just not her jester playtime and maybe your offspring bit, but hyenas and couple others are so think it just a rare chance every 6months.

(not sure about any other beast best content).

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How do you get Belle to join you properly (preferably as lover)


Is there issues with it still?



I have killed or beaten beast many times (with hunters/alone/with council help) after telling her I will do so because I like her.


But then when I visit her at cobler all she does is repeat the go kill beast >_>



The only other seeming event I have gotten is Gaston telling me about picnic otherwise just the (food for hp, fail hunt, etc... sort of stuff).

Assume I just need to get a random chance to trigger proper scene to get affection a point higher or something, but figure would ask just in case.


Edit: Got it working It simply says Belle has plan 2x as assume mistake or bug (1 repeats 1 is actually confirming kill and continuing)

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On 12/21/2020 at 5:33 PM, Drax70 said:

Bug report:

- Despite the fact that I have "Hero & Villain" content disabled, I'm still able to build the Lair and the Hall in my county!

- When I'm at war, I get Ball invitations....! ?

- The Bordello improvement events still fire twice...!

- And something strange happened after my character died. All the characters, from the Bordello improvement event, died instantly with him from a natural death, despite the fact that most of them were below thirties...!!!


By the way, any progress....? ?


- Don't build them. I don't recall exactly what, but the method to have them not appear at all wasn't working completely as intended and was filling the error.log with, well, errors. Not something I'm looking to touch further.

- No rest for the weary?

- No idea.

- Odd, and no idea.


Regarding progress, I've survived the holiday period, got my fill of fun and disappointment from CyberPunk 2077, and I just recently (thus my being back here in the thread) decided that I should get back to doing that last bit of content I wanted to add. So, I'm here to peek at the forum quick, then I'll get to dusting off the cobwebs that appeared from it being a month since I looked at the code.

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On 1/4/2021 at 6:09 AM, Drax70 said:

Edit: Bug report:

- When I free the Genie, the "Rub Aladdin's Lamp" option remains in the Decision menu. It activates the 3 wishes every next generation... without the Genie!

- Just an observation... When I visit Belle's village and visit the Cobbler, I have the option "Anything new going on?" but nothing happens, is this intended or you have any plans or future quests for the option?


- Hunh. No idea.

- Hrm, maybe?

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On 1/7/2021 at 6:24 AM, Drax70 said:

Edit: Bug report:

- I asked for a gladiator in the Arena.... I got a Male with enormous boobs...!!!??? ?

- I get this in the error.log:

[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'lilith_blood_moon_prison_cell'. DWLilith.1039
[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'lilith_blood_moon_prison_cell'. DWLilith.1040
[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'lilith_blood_moon_prison_cell'. DWLilith.1049

[event.cpp:1263]: Non-existent image for event picture 'brothel_female_common_OptionsB'. dw_bordello.2000
[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'brothel_female_common_Options'. dw_bordello.2001
[event.cpp:1263]: Non-existent image for event picture 'brothel_female_common_OptionsB'. dw_bordello.2001


 and this in the text.log:

[internationalizedtext.cpp:1921]: 'dw_the_wizards_currency' not defined!
[internationalizedtext.cpp:1921]: 'dw_the_chosen_of_lilith_currency' not defined!


NO idea about that... ?


- Bonus content

- I'll check my error.log, but the brothel part is someone's contribution. It wasn't what I'd call the clearest addition, and I don't know if I'm interested in picking through it. The other one, makes me wonder if I had an image I wanted to use instead of lilith_prison, and somehow botched adding it or what. I'll take a look and see what I find.

- The currency things are from the offmap pieces that were removed. Something must be hanging around.

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Hm, i didn't update this in a while and i'm not even 100% sure it's this mod but... hopefully somebody can point me towards the right direction. :)
After building the wizards tower, i can hire 2 wizards - Hermione and Sorcery. At this point i can make both court wizards, although only Sorcery sems to have options (consult Sorcery).
This seems to be a one time thing... I can not re-hire any of them again, and when one of them dies they're gone. Not sure if that's intentional, but i would like to have the "Consult ...." options at least on any character. Can anybody tell me how i'd do that? After hours of scrolling through t.xt  files i'm tired of it xD

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18 hours ago, dewguru said:


I took a look at this. Found the issue, and it'll be corrected in the next release.

Thanks! It was kinda weird for the time Era... "Silicone Mountains" were not discovered yet...!!! ?


By the way, will the next update be "save compatible"?

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On 1/18/2021 at 5:00 AM, Drax70 said:

Thanks! It was kinda weird for the time Era... "Silicone Mountains" were not discovered yet...!!! ?


By the way, will the next update be "save compatible"?


Yeah, should be save compatible. Just going to be a handful of new events, and fix or three.

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On 1/15/2021 at 3:35 PM, Nazzzgul666 said:

Hm, i didn't update this in a while and i'm not even 100% sure it's this mod but... hopefully somebody can point me towards the right direction. :)
After building the wizards tower, i can hire 2 wizards - Hermione and Sorcery. At this point i can make both court wizards, although only Sorcery sems to have options (consult Sorcery).
This seems to be a one time thing... I can not re-hire any of them again, and when one of them dies they're gone. Not sure if that's intentional, but i would like to have the "Consult ...." options at least on any character. Can anybody tell me how i'd do that? After hours of scrolling through t.xt  files i'm tired of it xD


The wizards act differently. Hermione for example has some random events that can be triggered. Probably not going to change much with how it all works, since the mod is nearing a state where it won't be getting more updates.

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Bug report:

- Blackfire has not the option "cycle custom portraits" in her diplomacy menu!


Edit: I found the issue>>>> In the dw_portrait_scripted_triggers.txt file, you didn't add this for her, has_character_flag = dw_npc_blackfire down at the bottom of the script...!



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On 1/20/2021 at 2:20 PM, dewguru said:


The wizards act differently. Hermione for example has some random events that can be triggered. Probably not going to change much with how it all works, since the mod is nearing a state where it won't be getting more updates.

Ok all good and fine, but could you direct me to witch file (at least in which folder?) i'd need to edit and maybe even what i'd need to change for the possibility to re-hire them?

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I think, if you hire them and they die, then some time later, you have the option in the wizards' tower to rehire them! I'm not sure though, if this is every next generation or with the same character or even, every second generation!!!


The file is dw_wizardtower.txt in the events folder.



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5 hours ago, Drax70 said:

I think, if you hire them and they die, then some time later, you have the option in the wizards' tower to rehire them! I'm not sure though, if this is every next generation or with the same character or even, every second generation!!!


There is a "respawn NPCs" setting that makes the NPC-generating events fire again. If you play an immortal ruler with that on, you'll see heroes/villains who usually die quick (looking at you Harley) respawn endlessly.

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15 hours ago, DrPill said:

There is a "respawn NPCs" setting that makes the NPC-generating events fire again. If you play an immortal ruler with that on, you'll see heroes/villains who usually die quick (looking at you Harley) respawn endlessly.

That sounds like i wanted, just not sure... setting sounds like a game setting? Where would i change that?

Edit. Nvm, i saw it on the start page, sounds like my issue is fixed though, thanks again! Also to @dewguru who solved it already. ;)

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On 1/26/2021 at 6:36 PM, Nazzzgul666 said:


Ok all good and fine, but could you direct me to witch file (at least in which folder?) i'd need to edit and maybe even what i'd need to change for the possibility to re-hire them?


The respawn mentioned above doesn't include every NPC, as it was part of another mod of mine that I integrated and I know I didn't get to every NPC.


If they were included in the respawn, when they die, their global flag would disappear and then they'd be valid options again for recruitment.


I'll look to include them in the next update as part of the respawn mechanism.


In the meantime - if you want to command console the event that hires them - you'll want to target dw_wizardtower.103 (which is Hermione) and dw_wizardtower.104 (which is Sorcey).


Or if you want to mess with removing the global check in the Wizard Tower, you could just edit it out in events\dw_wizardtower.txt - in event id dw_wizardtower.100


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