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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Hi again Dewguru!


I am almost ready to release an initial version of my True Immortal Cultivation mod and would like to take the Bigger Windows from DW, as they look good and the vanilla narrative event windows are just too small to fit moderate descriptions. Is that okay? (I'll mention it in the release section, that it was taken from DW).


Also made the mod compatible with DW (using traits and checks if it is present).


I hope I'll find someone to test and give me some feedback ;)

Should you answer positively I'll release and tell you in a PM.

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5 hours ago, Gildoniel said:

Hi again Dewguru!


I am almost ready to release an initial version of my True Immortal Cultivation mod and would like to take the Bigger Windows from DW, as they look good and the vanilla narrative event windows are just too small to fit moderate descriptions. Is that okay? (I'll mention it in the release section, that it was taken from DW).


Also made the mod compatible with DW (using traits and checks if it is present).


I hope I'll find someone to test and give me some feedback ;)

Should you answer positively I'll release and tell you in a PM.

The Bigger Windows used by Dark World are in fact from ngppgn's original work. Ngppgn gave permission for folks to use it (as it was nothing without someone using it), so I'd say if that's all you're grabbing, make certain you reference Ngppgn instead of me.


Here's his post for the Bigger Event Windows:

Customization have been made to fit Dark World, and I don't mind if you grab those customizations. The current customizations are largely thanks to contributions from Drax70 and TrxXx, so if you stick with what Dark World is using for the Big Event Window, I'd recommend giving shouts out to Ngppgn, Drax70, and TrxXx, as without the 3 of them, it would look like it does now.

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Dark World & Crusader Kings 3


I've decided that I will indeed be doing a Crusader Kings 3 mod.

It will be called Dark World.

It will NOT be a port of the existing Dark World Reborn mod.

The initial release will be little more than random events, which will utilize 2D images.


Things like custom named NPC's and the like, won't be coming until I learn more about how to use the dna settings to craft look-a-likes from the CK3 models.

I'm going to take a look at the framework that is being worked on to see if I can leverage it in a way to make my life easier.

Not going to look to add non-human races to the mod, unless they can easily pass as humans (meaning something like Vampires could be added, while Werewolves not so much). I'm hoping this would change over time as new models are released within the community.


As I get comfortable with CK3 modding, and some things regarding it expand, things that are found within Dark World Reborn in CK2 will likely make their way over to CK3. For those that made contributions to DWR, with your permission, I'd be glad to bring those over to Dark World in CK3 over time as well.

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Hello, there was a problem with joining Lilith's society, when you try to contact them, he says that the condition is not met (screenshot), but which one is not written. Are there any necessary traits or features? He started out with a campaign of Lilith children, there are traits of lust and hedonism, he also chose the race of demons.
 https://prnt.sc/uffeex - screenshot

And another question is that with Society of seduction. After the introduction to them, and the arrival of the man in the cloak, they are no longer mentioned. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance for your answers. I'm not a native English speaker, so sorry

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On 9/8/2020 at 8:29 AM, dewguru said:

Dark World & Crusader Kings 3

Hey that is excellent news! Go ahead and use any of my events that you see fit in CK3. While CK2 is still superior in terms of sheer quantity of events, I am finding that it is a tad bit jarring to play both games at the same time. CK3 is much better mechanically and with all the QoL mods on Steam Workshop my initial complaints about CK3 interface are placated. And now, there simply isn't enough time to play and enjoy both the games! So I assume most of the players, like me. would find themselves inadvertently moving to one or the other.


On 9/8/2020 at 8:29 AM, dewguru said:

The initial release will be little more than random events, which will utilize 2D images.

2D images are good, and I don't think they will take away from the game's 3D aesthetic that much. But I am yet to see a mod utilize them in-game. Eagerly waiting for them!


On 9/8/2020 at 8:29 AM, dewguru said:

I'm going to take a look at the framework that is being worked on to see if I can leverage it in a way to make my life easier.

The Framework would be seriously helpful if it works as intended, and the in game characters actually involved in 'Dark World Debauchery' would be preety amazing thing to witness. However the same thing can be achieved where there are no actual sexual encounters by using current modding and debug tools too, I think. Simply showing character in different emotions (like in-game) and with or without clothes (or with some of the more 'modded' clothes) would make a cool backdrop for a lewd event. I personally think that any sexy image we put up for a lewd event tends to get stale eventually - losing its appeal. A procedurally developed backdrop would hold my interest forever really.



Regarding monetizing... its your call really. But I strongly agree with what you said, money, even through donations, brings responsibilities and obligations. I like writing and still I can't get any work done if a deadline is attached to it ?! After all we do this to relax... I think!

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17 hours ago, Lord_Bob said:

how do i have sex with my lover? i dont see an option to do it. I am using this mod with AGOT btw

Look for the option "Spend time with" in the menu that opens up when you right click on a character portrait.



When using with big overhaul mod like AGOT always ensure that you have added a dependency to that mod in Dark World's .mod file using notepad.


It looks something like this ---


dependencies = {"MOD NAME"}


To get correct MOD NAME for AGOT open .mod file using notepad and look for the first line which would be


name = "MOD NAME"

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5 hours ago, logincrash said:

Wow, this mod sure came a long way. Glad to see it's still being updated.

Anyway, I'm having a bit of trouble - some of the event images are missing. It probably has something to do with the other mods I'm using.

CK2 mod list.jpg



I don't think it is any of your mods, because I play with similar ones! I even play with HIP which is an overhaul mod and I get no issues!

Try to uninstall-reinstall the mod, just in case something else was messed up during the installation!

If this doesn't work, get in the game and when an event like this fires, save the game, close it, enter the installer and start disabling mods one by one except DWR ( this mod's event is firing with the save... ).

Disable, enter the game, load save, close the game and "rinse and repeat"!

If the problem persists then wait for the "Big Guy" ( @dewguru ) to help you out!


Thanks! ?

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2 hours ago, Drax70 said:

I don't think it is any of your mods, because I play with similar ones! I even play with HIP which is an overhaul mod and I get no issues!

Try to uninstall-reinstall the mod, just in case something else was messed up during the installation!

If this doesn't work, get in the game and when an event like this fires, save the game, close it, enter the installer and start disabling mods one by one except DWR ( this mod's event is firing with the save... ).

Disable, enter the game, load save, close the game and "rinse and repeat"!

If the problem persists then wait for the "Big Guy" ( @dewguru ) to help you out!


Thanks! ?

A simple reinstall worked perfectly.

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On 9/11/2020 at 9:35 AM, jim raynor said:

Hey that is excellent news! Go ahead and use any of my events that you see fit in CK3. While CK2 is still superior in terms of sheer quantity of events, I am finding that it is a tad bit jarring to play both games at the same time. CK3 is much better mechanically and with all the QoL mods on Steam Workshop my initial complaints about CK3 interface are placated. And now, there simply isn't enough time to play and enjoy both the games! So I assume most of the players, like me. would find themselves inadvertently moving to one or the other.


2D images are good, and I don't think they will take away from the game's 3D aesthetic that much. But I am yet to see a mod utilize them in-game. Eagerly waiting for them!


The Framework would be seriously helpful if it works as intended, and the in game characters actually involved in 'Dark World Debauchery' would be preety amazing thing to witness. However the same thing can be achieved where there are no actual sexual encounters by using current modding and debug tools too, I think. Simply showing character in different emotions (like in-game) and with or without clothes (or with some of the more 'modded' clothes) would make a cool backdrop for a lewd event. I personally think that any sexy image we put up for a lewd event tends to get stale eventually - losing its appeal. A procedurally developed backdrop would hold my interest forever really.



Regarding monetizing... its your call really. But I strongly agree with what you said, money, even through donations, brings responsibilities and obligations. I like writing and still I can't get any work done if a deadline is attached to it ?! After all we do this to relax... I think!

Yes, while I definitely see a lack of things to do if I'm not being an active war monger compared to the distractions in CK2, I do see myself feeling like CK3 is just more solid overall.


I've cleaned up most of the mess I was experimenting with, and right now it's just a couple of random events. Using a 2D image is a little more of a headache now, as the only way I see how to handle it is by setting it up as a scene overwrite. I'm hoping to add just a couple more this weekend and then I'll release it as sort of a placeholder/starting point.


One thing I played around with, that I thought might be interesting, would be using a 2D image overwrite, and then show a character over it. Such as the player walking in on their child pleasuring themselves (2D image background) and in the off-center left position I could put the player with an expression that is influenced by their trait (embarrassed, excited, etc.). The only drawback - setting this up is more steps than previously, or at least it feels that way thanks to the overwrite.


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Been trying the mod out recently and noticed something.  If I enslave someone and decree them a prostitute they go to work in the brothel.  That part works fine (though the pay notifications are annoying I'd rather it was just added to the monthly revenue).  BUT, and this is the bug, if I have the Arena / Warriors Circle built, they automatically get made into gladiators even if I don't want them to be (and in most cases I don't).  Seems like something it auto adding that that shouldn't be.


Also, if you buy a potion and save it for later (like a Youthfulness potion) and then have your ruler drink it, they may instead pour it out.  The mod doesn't check to see if the target is the player, and instead treats them as an NPC.

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On 9/23/2020 at 10:47 AM, EinarrTheRed said:

That part works fine (though the pay notifications are annoying I'd rather it was just added to the monthly revenue).  BUT, and this is the bug, if I have the Arena / Warriors Circle built, they automatically get made into gladiators even if I don't want them to be (and in most cases I don't).  Seems like something it auto adding that that shouldn't be.


I was about to write a bug report when I "stumbled upon" your post! :P

Yes, the notification part isn't suppose to shown to you, according to @dewguru...

Apparently, you have the notifications turned on, like me, and it comes up as an event.


As far as the "gladiator" trait is concerned, I have noticed that if you have the Arena or Warrior's Circle built, then all the people that are made slaves, tend to get the "gladiator" trait automatically.

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On 9/25/2020 at 6:33 AM, Drax70 said:

I was about to write a bug report when I "stumbled upon" your post! :P

Yes, the notification part isn't suppose to shown to you, according to @dewguru...

Apparently, you have the notifications turned on, like me, and it comes up as an event.


As far as the "gladiator" trait is concerned, I have noticed that if you have the Arena or Warrior's Circle built, then all the people that are made slaves, tend to get the "gladiator" trait automatically.

Its not an event, its... I think the proper term is "high priority msg" that lil pop out window in the upper right corner and you get the lil bell sound when it triggers.  Most of the time its this lil thing and it tells me I got 0.1 g or 1.2 g or once it said -0.3 gold (how'd she lose money?)... and once I had one gal (a former countess no less) who earned me 112.3 gold in on month!  Popular gal.  LOL


I wish I understood modding this stuff better, I've figured out a few things but most of the scripting stuff still eludes me.  I've no idea what is causing slaves to all end up gladiators if you build the warrior's circle or arena.  I'd like to fix that but I've just no idea where to even look.


Another one I've just found is trying to recruit mages into the mages guild.  It won't let me recruit anyone unless their AI Rationality is less than 0... in other words, lunatics.  But if they have the lunatic trait you can't recruit them because they are actual lunatics... so... I can't recruit anybody.  This seems broken, and I suspect it was supposed to be AI Rationality is => 0 rather than < 0... but I can't find it to change it.  I don't yet understand the file structure so I'm just guessing as to what things to look through.


Any help, hints, tips, or hey... the actual answer... would be appreciated. ?



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On 9/27/2020 at 10:39 AM, EinarrTheRed said:

Its not an event, its... I think the proper term is "high priority msg" that lil pop out window in the upper right corner and you get the lil bell sound when it triggers.  Most of the time its this lil thing and it tells me I got 0.1 g or 1.2 g or once it said -0.3 gold (how'd she lose money?)... and once I had one gal (a former countess no less) who earned me 112.3 gold in on month!  Popular gal.  LOL


I wish I understood modding this stuff better, I've figured out a few things but most of the scripting stuff still eludes me.  I've no idea what is causing slaves to all end up gladiators if you build the warrior's circle or arena.  I'd like to fix that but I've just no idea where to even look.


Another one I've just found is trying to recruit mages into the mages guild.  It won't let me recruit anyone unless their AI Rationality is less than 0... in other words, lunatics.  But if they have the lunatic trait you can't recruit them because they are actual lunatics... so... I can't recruit anybody.  This seems broken, and I suspect it was supposed to be AI Rationality is => 0 rather than < 0... but I can't find it to change it.  I don't yet understand the file structure so I'm just guessing as to what things to look through.


Any help, hints, tips, or hey... the actual answer... would be appreciated. ?



One file, for sure, is the mage trait in common/traits/dw_lifestyle_traits.txt check this just in case!

But just a question, are you using any other mods, like HIP or an other overhaul mod? You should check the traits folder just in case...

Unless you want to wait until @dewguru shows up and enlighten the situation!


And please, inform us if you find anything. ?



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Thanks for the tips, I've been trying to read through all the files but some of it I still don't understand.


The mage trait adds 15 rationality, which if they also happen to be Quick, Genius, Shrewd, Erudite, etc... stuff useful to a mage pretty soon gets Rationality up to 50-60... pretty rational which you'd want is someone who can raise undead armies and call down bolts of lighting... very very frighting... me... ? (Lil Bohemian interlude there)


But I still can't find where it set the limitation and that has me really puzzled.  There's some other stuff that has me puzzled that I can't find, not anything broken just... stuff I want to understand better.  Example, you recruit Hermione, it creates her as a NPC and gives her stats and adds some character flags.  But I can't figure out where the scripted instructions are that add those unique flags to her?  Its gotta be somewhere, so I'm trying to figure that out just to understand how that stuff works better.


I'd like to iron out some of these bugs cause my next game I think I'd like to try playing an elf in Ireland who wants to take over and rebuild the Seelie Court.  Seems like a fun idea.  Beware lowly humans... the elves shall rule again!


As for mods, I'm mostly just using DLC content, the only player made mods I have are DWR and Ancient Religions, that's it.  I was trying LF but it seems like some of its stuff conflicts with DWR so I disabled that mod and started a new game, current game has only had DWR and AR enabled.  I did just get M&M and Holy Fury (got HF literally like 30 min ago  LOL Steam Sale!)  So potential conflict should be minimal.


I have found a few more bugs that I did figure out how to correct, mostly really minor stuff but... here's what I found...


In /Events/dw_wizardtower.txt

Futa potions should not appear if you don't have that content enabled, but they do, this is because the wrong condition is set.  Under Futa Form replace

            has_dw_bodytrait_content = yes


            has_dw_yes_bonus_futa = yes


Mana potions if bought have the option to save for later, however if you save it for later you can't use it and you just lose the potion, I'm not sure how to fix this yet.


In /Localization/dw_on_action_random.csv  For dw_randomevent7260_mm   There is an extra semi-col0n right after the event ID which prevents the text from displaying, remove the extra semi-colon and the text displays correctly.


There's something bugged about Bloodrayne but I'm not sure what it is.  If you make her a commander and assign her to an army she won't stay there, you'll sometimes go to move your army to attack and if you check, she's not commanding in the army.  Not sure why she keeps removing herself.


To be honest, most of the "special" characters I just banish, they kinda get really out of place after awhile.  Randomly generated NPCs would work better for me in most cases but I'm still figuring out how to do that (thus my interest in how NPCs get created).


I don't know if @dewguru is still interested in working on the mod, I've been getting quite a few ideas for additions, but I'll wait to see if he's interested.


Oh and I've also been looking at how the portrait packs work, I think it might be possible for me to make a functional elf portrait pack.


Quick Question:  Is there anyway to make your mage character immortal other than becoming a Lich?  I thought I saw something about ascending and becoming an Ancient One or something, but I can't tell if that was ever implemented.


And the mod needs chastity belts... I swear some of these women are baby factories. ?



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On 9/27/2020 at 4:39 AM, EinarrTheRed said:

Its not an event, its... I think the proper term is "high priority msg" that lil pop out window in the upper right corner and you get the lil bell sound when it triggers.  Most of the time its this lil thing and it tells me I got 0.1 g or 1.2 g or once it said -0.3 gold (how'd she lose money?)... and once I had one gal (a former countess no less) who earned me 112.3 gold in on month!  Popular gal.  LOL


I wish I understood modding this stuff better, I've figured out a few things but most of the scripting stuff still eludes me.  I've no idea what is causing slaves to all end up gladiators if you build the warrior's circle or arena.  I'd like to fix that but I've just no idea where to even look.


Another one I've just found is trying to recruit mages into the mages guild.  It won't let me recruit anyone unless their AI Rationality is less than 0... in other words, lunatics.  But if they have the lunatic trait you can't recruit them because they are actual lunatics... so... I can't recruit anybody.  This seems broken, and I suspect it was supposed to be AI Rationality is => 0 rather than < 0... but I can't find it to change it.  I don't yet understand the file structure so I'm just guessing as to what things to look through.


Any help, hints, tips, or hey... the actual answer... would be appreciated. ?



I beleive the part your looking for in regards to the prerequisites for recruiting mages into the wizard society is located in the file dw_scripted_triggers.txt file in the scripted triggers folder


The code your looking for is the following


has_arcane_college_prerequisites = {
    # Adults only
    is_adult = yes
    # the default high learning score requirement, or a decent learning skill combined with training or traits seen as being open to seeking knowledge/the occult/power
    OR = {
        learning = 10
        AND = {
            learning = 8
            OR = {
                trait = mystic
                trait = lunatic
                is_learned_trigger = yes
                trait = mage
                trait = architect
                trait = theologian
                trait = ambitious
    # and they shouldn't be extremely religious or irrational
    NOT = { ai_zeal = 50 }
    NOT = { ai_rationality = 0 }


From the looks of it, the rationality line doesnt look right as that basically says, it cant be 0 or higher yet the text says # and they shouldn't be extremely religious or irrational

which seems to counteract the code beneath it, but i could be understanding it wrong

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That's it!!!!!  Thank you!


Very easy fix.  Just take that last condition and change it as follows and it works as apparently intended.

NOT = { ai_rationality <= 0 }


Just adding that < fixed everything!  Now if I check a potential mage the condition says


(*) AI Rationality is greater than 0


Just tested it and its working now, now I can recruit NPCs without them being possessed lunatics!  LOL  I'll be curious to see how this affects the Wizard College membership which had been shrinking to nothing.


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So I'm assuming there aren't any real compatibility issues with Luxuria, however, is there a way to merge the traits used?  I frequent Ruler Designer and have noticed that using one set of traits will result in some mods, like the recent mod pointed out by Dewguru True Immortal Cultivation, to not pick up the fact they you have a trait needed to trigger events such as the virgin trait.

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On 9/28/2020 at 6:39 AM, EinarrTheRed said:

There's some other stuff that has me puzzled that I can't find, not anything broken just... stuff I want to understand better.  Example, you recruit Hermione, it creates her as a NPC and gives her stats and adds some character flags.  But I can't figure out where the scripted instructions are that add those unique flags to her?  Its gotta be somewhere, so I'm trying to figure that out just to understand how that stuff works better.


Figured this bit out for those interested.


In the Common folder its in dw_npc_scripted_effects where the extra instructions regarding creating Hermoine and other NPCs is contained.  Hermoine specifically begins on line 3762.


So one more thing I understand. ?

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