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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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5 hours ago, KhorneFury said:

I am not sure if it's bug or not but when I use new Use Bitch or Omega Male decision as Werewolf ruler on my courtier female bitch I dont get any picture with text. Anything that happens is that she gets pregnant every time. But now strange things begin when I use charinfo cheat to see whos father only what I see is Pregnant in child of:  *name of female courtier*.

Also 1 of 2 childs came inbred without therianthrope and wolf trait. Looks like that female courtier impregnates herself when I choose Use Bitch or Omega Male. I'll try to restart game few times or reinstall mod but honestly I dont think it will help.


<SNIP of edit updates that were me rambling and going insane as I was looking at the wrong thing for two hours>


I see the issue. The decision is missing a pair of FROM = {} scope focus on a pair of events.


Since I also discovered that I've a duplicate targeted decision (the wrong thing I was looking at was the Visit Bitch targeted decision), I'm going to go ahead and pull those things over (giving more variety), and then I'll post the overwrite file once it's done.

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Hey, I found a minor bug. If you buy the Werewolf Blood potion to give to an other, you can keep giving it to people as the targeted decision erroneously removes a character flag rather than the modifier given when bought. Error is on Line 865 of dw_potiondecisions.txt.

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14 minutes ago, 0wnyx said:

u guys follow the ck3 development ? any ideas if their 3d ish models or the game overall has potential for loverslab ?

I've preordered it, but I've not watched any of the developer diaries. I find the less I actually dive into games, the less my expectations are. Helps avoid disappointment.


That said, I've no 3Dish modeling or animation skills, so I'm not expecting to do too much there. I am curious if they'll allow for a static image override, or if everything will be forced to show that 3D character box. Since you apparently have to unlock certain things like hair styles and stuff, it'll be interesting to know if you can just do a mod override on that, or if we'll be forced to do non-mod play sessions once it's out.


Over all, I'm intrigued, but not sweating it too much either.

4 hours ago, TrxXx said:

Hey, I found a minor bug. If you buy the Werewolf Blood potion to give to an other, you can keep giving it to people as the targeted decision erroneously removes a character flag rather than the modifier given when bought. Error is on Line 865 of dw_potiondecisions.txt.

Thanks, will take a look.

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Hello dewguru!


You should check the picture folder!

There are some pictures that are obsolete, they don't seem to correspond with any event at all.


So far, I found these:







They must be from a very old version of the mod because they are 450x150.



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41 minutes ago, Drax70 said:

Hello dewguru!


You should check the picture folder!

There are some pictures that are obsolete, they don't seem to correspond with any event at all.


So far, I found these:







They must be from a very old version of the mod because they are 450x150.



There are a number like that. I've removed some in the past, and I've already removed some others with this next update, as I verify they're not being used.

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A slavery change that will be in the next update will remove the decision where you go and have to manually collect a slave prostitute's wages.


After the update, it'll be an annual check that will take a look at any slave prostitutes, and then transfer their wealth over to the liege of the slave prostitutes. I'll probably have it trigger a 'pay day' type event so you're aware that your bank account should have grown. If I do add the event, you'll have the option to set it to not notify you in the future if you don't want the annual reminder.


Also, I'm going to add a 'Claim captured slave' targeted decision. So if while doing your conquering, you end up with someone else's slaves in your prison, you can just pluck them and add them to your court since they're already slaves.


Next update is still looking good for mid-June, and just a reminder - the mid-June update will NOT be save game compatible.


Edit: One more thing - Drax70 provides me some scantily clad images that are more scantily clad than what I'm looking for on some events. However, I know that some folks like such things, and Drax70 spent time pulling such images together, that it seems like it'd be a waste to not offer them. So, at some point (I don't know if it'll be before or at about the same time of the next patch), I'll package and offer them as an additional download for anyone interested in overwriting the default mod images with something more revealing.

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On 5/27/2020 at 7:38 PM, dewguru said:

There are a number like that. I've removed some in the past, and I've already removed some others with this next update, as I verify they're not being used.

I found a couple of others....





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12 hours ago, dewguru said:

A slavery change that will be in the next update will remove the decision where you go and have to manually collect a slave prostitute's wages.


After the update, it'll be an annual check that will take a look at any slave prostitutes, and then transfer their wealth over to the liege of the slave prostitutes. I'll probably have it trigger a 'pay day' type event so you're aware that your bank account should have grown. If I do add the event, you'll have the option to set it to not notify you in the future if you don't want the annual reminder.


Also, I'm going to add a 'Claim captured slave' targeted decision. So if while doing your conquering, you end up with someone else's slaves in your prison, you can just pluck them and add them to your court since they're already slaves.


Next update is still looking good for mid-June, and just a reminder - the mid-June update will NOT be save game compatible.


Edit: One more thing - Drax70 provides me some scantily clad images that are more scantily clad than what I'm looking for on some events. However, I know that some folks like such things, and Drax70 spent time pulling such images together, that it seems like it'd be a waste to not offer them. So, at some point (I don't know if it'll be before or at about the same time of the next patch), I'll package and offer them as an additional download for anyone interested in overwriting the default mod images with something more revealing.

The annual check makes me wonder if you could have an option to display it as a notification in the top right instead? (e.g. "Your collective wages from your slave protitutes were $$ this year.")


I'd be interested in alternate images as an optional download.

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9 hours ago, TrxXx said:

The annual check makes me wonder if you could have an option to display it as a notification in the top right instead? (e.g. "Your collective wages from your slave protitutes were $$ this year.")


I'd be interested in alternate images as an optional download.

You know, I believe I can have it pop-up as a side message. I saw how to do that once. I think it was something like a message command. I'll take a look into it. Not a bad idea.


Update: I'm not seeing how to post a message. I'm finding things related to it, but no actual command, nor an example that I can pull from after searching through the base game files.

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27 minutes ago, LueRV said:

after I recruited hermione, the mage school disappeared from the intrigue menu.

Mage School? This mod doesn't have a Mage School decision.


It has a Visit the Wizard Tower decision, and once you're in the Wizard Tower, you can train to become one, go shopping, or seek to recruit someone.


The only requirement for the Visit the Wizard Tower decision is that you've built a Wizard Tower in your capital.


When you visit the Wizard Tower, in order to see the training options - you need to not be in the middle of learning one of the specializations, and you need a learning skill of at least 10.

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Hello @dewguru!


I found an other one....:




There doesn't seem to be any others, but if you are cleaning up, then I will wait for the next update!


By the way, did you check your messages? ?



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2 hours ago, Exterminatus666 said:

I don't know if it's part of this mod or an add on from something else but would anyone know how to re open the custom religion event that pops up in decisions menu? i accidentally close it.

This mod doesn't have any custom religions I fear. Do you know what religion it was in relation to? Someone may recognize the mod if you can speak more to the religion, or perhaps what exactly the decision is supposed to do.

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Update is progressing along well, still on target for the middle of June.


A surprise entry into the update, I found myself working on the Arena portion. Not only will there be a new potential recruit for your stable (if you have Hero Villain content enabled), you will also finally be able to have your stable of gladiators fight. Nothing super fancy, but now there is the chance to earn money and prestige through your stable of gladiators, although there are risks, as death is indeed a potential outcome when one enters the arena.


Highest paying matches are those that are against other named gladiators. These may be super rare early on, as it'll be looking for an opponent outside of your court. So unless those within in diplomatic distance have arenas themselves, you may find your fighters just being matched up against nameless rabble or beasts (like tigers).


Some methods to deal with this - build an Arena in one of your vassal's lands, and after a few years, they're likely to have a gladiator or two themselves (really small chance each year of recruiting one, in order to not flood the world with gladiators). You can also recruit a generic gladiator and then ask them to leave your court. They'll usually go somewhere nearby, and then BAM, you've a potential opponent that'll be pulled in. If you've an arena and slavery buildings - you can identify a slave to be a gladiator. So you could be really devious, and make a shitty slave into a gladiator, then sell them, and they may end up being an available opponent as well. So, there are definitely ways to seed other gladiators around that can be selected as opponents without you having to resort to console commands or waiting decades for the ai to get around to using arenas.


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