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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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9 hours ago, dewguru said:

Hrm. Like where you'd be an omega werewolf who's working for Fenris, or an omega/bitch human who's werewolf consorts are agents of Fenris?

Do you know how to message someone through the site here? If you do, hit me up that way and we can do some brainstorming and I can share an example with you on what would be needed so I can take it and put it into the mod.


yup. its just hard for me to pick both, Im a sub so the Alpha and beta one screams at me, but i like playing the Rise of the Pack . 

Also will Incest events be added?

and also and event adding a breeding stock sounds fun, just a thot.

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2 hours ago, Apex-Fox said:

yup. its just hard for me to pick both, Im a sub so the Alpha and beta one screams at me, but i like playing the Rise of the Pack . 

Also will Incest events be added?

and also and event adding a breeding stock sounds fun, just a thot.

I'll take a look at it. Seems doable. If it looks like it'll be more than I'm imagining, I'll likely pass on it due to what else I'm trying to get done.


Many of the sex acts work with kin. A few, do have special text if it is an incest situation, but in most cases, it just treats them like someone normal. While I will say that I definitely do the occasional Divine Marriage play session, the issue is that I already write so much narrative text, and trying to hit every situation would be cool, but then it'd also leave the mod a whole lot smaller than it is now, especially as I realize I begin to burn out when I'm tweaking the same thing over and over again to account for that stuff. So, more may trickle in, but we'll need to see. I've a lot to wrap up by September.


There is a Harley breeding event, where if you've got bestiality content enabled, she'll get the okay from you to invite some of the other women in the kingdom over for a breeding party. I've been thinking of the potential for more, perhaps not necessarily breeding specific events, but orgy type events, which could result in pregnancies from folks who aren't their normal spouse/lover.

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22 hours ago, dewguru said:

Family palace is a Merchant Republic location, so you'd need to be one to use that building.


I never said any of the others were going away, and those who have played as a Merchant Republic have asked in the past for a proper building in their Family Palace, so, now they'll have one. What the capital scope means though is that for the castle, tribe, or nomads, you'll need to have the building in your, well, capital. Otherwise the training aspect won't be activated.



Oh, ok, thanks for clarifying that! ?



As for your second point - I've zero idea what you're talking about, so I can only assume you're speaking about a specific game start scenario, as while I could indeed be playing the game oddly, in the way that I play, I've never been awash with all the money I needed. Cities and Ports already have those buildings, and all that's being done is an adjustment to their taxation rate, which is more than what it used to be, yet considerably less than vanilla based buildings. For example, building all 3 levels of the Slave Market in a city, is equal to a Level 2 Market Place in the city (and that upgrades even more).


No, I was referring specificaly on the wealth bonus it will provide, as a building ( THIS is not needed! ? ), apart of giving me the ability to train and sell slaves ( THIS is needed )!

I'm not sure if you understood me, sorry, english is not my native language.


And I wanted to ask you, do you have any plans for the Arena?!!

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1 hour ago, Honourable596 said:

Is the mod finishing development?

Maybe. CK3 will be out, as will CyberPunk 2020. If it the mod isn't finished with development, it will be on a hiatus for about a month at least due to my investing time into CyberPunk 2020. And if CK3 appears to be mod friendly at all (for my skill and what I'm wanting to do - I'm not a 3d modeler), then I may switch my efforts over to that.


If I do consider this mod finished from my work in order to focus on CK3 modding, then I will clearly announce it in order to avoid any of the confusion that took place previously when I last went on hiatus, and I'll update the use of the mod to be freely available to anyone who wishes to continue working on it here at Lovers Lab.


If CK3 doesn't grab me, or if I don't like what it'll take to mod it, then all we're looking at is a month long hiatus while I scratch my CyberPunk 2020 itch.


I mentioned this all back are the beginning of the year, but with an actual CK3 release date, and hoping that CyberPunk 2020 doesn't slip again, I figured it was worth slipping that in as a reminder for folks.

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9 hours ago, Mezuthial said:

Love the mod, been playing around with it for days. One thing happened though, which I'm not sure if it's by intent. Rayne died of old age. Can vampires die from old age? Also curious how to get turned into a vampire.

Yes, vampires can die from old age. Some can become immortal through a couple methods, and I've plans to add another method. It is important to note that even immortal characters will die off in CK2. While this mod has had a chance for immortal beings to 'ascend' after a century or something like that, vanilla CK2 also added an event where an immortal character can decide that they've lived long enough and pretty much do the same thing, at an even younger age if I recall correctly. It's also rare, but still, immortality for npcs isn't perfect for those that do get it.

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On 5/18/2020 at 6:59 AM, dewguru said:

Well, that would seem to cause an issue. Interestingly though, in going back through the mod file history, that mistake has been in there ever since those events were first introduced back in October.


And that event has run for folks other than myself, as they've even commented on it specifically.


Now, clearly, I had a typo that the game was somehow more tolerant of. I wonder if something changed with one of their 3.x updates that stopped being so forgiving.


All in all, I do appreciate your catching that. I've looked at that event probably half a dozen times in the past two days, and my focus was never on a bad window name.

Hmm, this is true, the event never fired for my ruler. I only could see the character modifier on other characters, so I thought that was the way it was intended!

Also, I did see some random crashing now and then, but wouldn't have imagined to link the cause to that event! That's some mighty fine detective work!

Big thanks, Tom Cucker and Dewguru for fixing it up!

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With the Wizard Tower (in this mod) and associated interactions, plus the Hermetic Order (CK2 secret society), I'm not really seeing a need for me to keep that Wizard Secret Society that this mod adds.


Just curious - does anyone even use it? If so, what is about it makes it worth keeping to you (assuming you view it as such).


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22 minutes ago, dewguru said:

With the Wizard Tower (in this mod) and associated interactions, plus the Hermetic Order (CK2 secret society), I'm not really seeing a need for me to keep that Wizard Secret Society that this mod adds.


Just curious - does anyone even use it? If so, what is about it makes it worth keeping to you (assuming you view it as such).


I always use the wizard society. But in my last playthrough I tried out the viking warrior lodge (with the plan to do everything, leave, and join the wizards) and got bogged down with the build a legend part. I'd already done everything that I wanted to do with that character.

Back on topic: the best part about the wizard college is that it lets you do everything the Hermetics do without meeting the requirements of the Hermetics. That saves my reformed viking religion a precious customization slot.

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Is there a way to enable the Child of Lilith content mid-game? I started off without choosing a Dark World Campaign and wanted to work my way up to becoming a Succubus/Incubus character. When I finally became an Incubus, I found out many demonic abilities and events I had played through before weren't firing. I looked through the mod's logs and found that the Child of Lilith event firing is required for these events to fire. I'm really enjoying my current gameplay and would really hate having to start over from scratch. Is there any way I can enable this event and the content with it through commands?


Thank you!

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17 hours ago, 123abcde2 said:

Is there a way to enable the Child of Lilith content mid-game? I started off without choosing a Dark World Campaign and wanted to work my way up to becoming a Succubus/Incubus character. When I finally became an Incubus, I found out many demonic abilities and events I had played through before weren't firing. I looked through the mod's logs and found that the Child of Lilith event firing is required for these events to fire. I'm really enjoying my current gameplay and would really hate having to start over from scratch. Is there any way I can enable this event and the content with it through commands?


Thank you!

I plan on rolling through the Succubus/Incubus content as that was the first content I assembled when I originally made Dark World.


I wasn't intended to limit a bunch to the start, so I'll need to look at that. The start should just be what provides one the demon_kin trait ideally, but it's been so long since I wrote it, it's very possible.


In the meantime - you can run the console command of event DWLilith.10  to manually trigger the Child of Lilith starting event.

18 hours ago, Pantheress said:

I didn't even realise there was a wizard society. :P

It's pretty much the Hermetic Order, and it was intended to be more of an underground arcane order, but then I just went the easier path with the Wizards Tower.


If someone's seeing benefit from it, I'll leave it, as it doesn't hurt anything, but I've no plans on altering it at all.

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20 minutes ago, dewguru said:

If someone's seeing benefit from it, I'll leave it, as it doesn't hurt anything, but I've no plans on altering it at all.

Again I always use it because it's the hermetic order without requiring spending a pagan religion customization slot on astrology.

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1 hour ago, Honourable596 said:

Again I always use it because it's the hermetic order without requiring spending a pagan religion customization slot on astrology.

Aye. The comment was directed towards you, but I could see where it could seem like that wasn't the case.


So I'll be leaving it as is, since it's no harm in leaving it.

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Quick mod status update - I'm looking at an update that will likely hit around the second weekend in June.


It'll have some new traits, most of them image related, but not all. It'll have a large number of new potential npc's - and remember, you don't need to collect them all. Banish, kill or ignore those you don't want.


It also will have two more content contributions. Another from Jim Raynor, as well as some content from TrxXx. And who knows - perhaps even more as other folks have expressed interest.


So please enjoy the current version for a bit (especially the CTD bug fix in it that Tom Cucker discovered).


And I'd like to just say a quick thank you to everyone who's been helping lately, such as those mentioned above and Drax70 with his contributions, along with others helping pinpoint bugs/oddities.


Edit: Quick examples of the content I've added in the next release so far.

- Hero / Villain specific content

- Classic Monster specific content

- Gender Bender specific content

- Seeds of Chaos (symbiote/tentacle) specific content

- Mage specific content

- General - 'normal' adult styled content


The above varies widely. Some are just a single random event that checks for the above content, while others are more. By the time the mod hits, there should be even more.

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32 minutes ago, Sylandras said:

I'll still play the current version, but how does the next update look for save compatibility? Cause if it looks like need a new game I'll just do a "smaller" campaign in ireland/uk or something.

The update that I'm looking at for mid-June will NOT be save game compatible.

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Hey, so first, great work on the mod! I want to let everyone who has been involved know how much I appreciate the work everyone has done here as it gives much more to CK2 to make it more than just a war simulator with small relationship building in between (if you have correct aspirations). The events and frequency of them in this mod are really helpful in breaking that up. So, hearing about more updates with more events is definitely great!

I have been looking through the thread though and I have questions from messing with the mod, if someone doesn't mind answering. I haven't seen them distinctly asked, but to be fair, I didn't go through the entire 190 pages (and a few were asked differently before the update announcement or in reading it, it came off to me as unclear at the time what was going to happen). I apologize if they've been answered, totally feel free just to direct me to the answer and I'll be more than happy to read that. I just missed it in trying to catch-up if that was the case.

  1. I have been playing the game and looking through the Event folder for a while now to try and understand what triggers what part of the mod. Keep in mind, I've only played the game for about 2 weeks, and I also don't fully understand the coding, however I have no clue where the DWSex doc connects to. I haven't seen the events from there before and I was wondering if it was connected to something I had turned off from the base mod (I only have on body modifiers and slavery in my main game files I play), or if the entire event line has been turned off.
  2. On the topic of the DWSex doc, will this update finish the missing blocks? *If it isn't tied to anything and no longer triggers, ignore this question.
  3. Moving on, will this update finish the dildo toy branch in the dw_visit doc? I noticed you had a note to complete it and already had the pics completed, so I was just curious if that was in the plans for this round.
  4. With that, you mentioned more orgies a few posts back (specifically seems to be in poly relationships, the one Cara event, and the Drax event in the mod as of right now). Will they now be initiated by visits with concubines as well as poly? Will that also be in the update or was it cut from your thinking for this update? I didn't see a final thought process on that and was just curious how you're looking at updating it from how it runs now.
  5. Finally, and this is a question that was also asked before the update was announced, but will you be adding the personal slave usage to this update? I noticed the line ends after you decide to keep (prostitute) or sell the slave. However, from a player's perspective, the slave then is only a small money gatherer until you decide to sell them, and there's no other triggers you can decide from there. You have it in the FAQ as a possible update and I just never really saw it talked about recently outside of you saying you were unsure about the entire mod heading into Cyberpunk and CK3. Will there be more work to giving more options to that or will that be the finalized version?

Again, I really appreciate the work here! I hope none of these questions sound unappreciative to what has been done or like I demand more from what has been done. More so, this is just curiosity for what is coming next as a player who's using mostly only a small portion of the mod. Though, admittedly, I do like the heroes/villains, fairy tale, and wizard additions with the events stories showing up (I haven't seen much more of the Classic Monsters trigger in my tests of them other than Vampires showing up to die, killing a werewolf, or a hunter showing up then nothing happening). I think it is cool being able to bring comic characters (or Hermoine) into the world every once in a while. Especially with how they trigger (like I randomly found Rogue while testing that part of the mod). So, I'm looking forward to Thor, Thanos, Wonder Woman, etc. As well as any more unique events you have for them (hoping for Harley-like thought out chains for most characters using unique events that don't require the other tags [specifically beastality for her]). Anyway, looking forward to the update! Especially from reading how you felt it may be coming to a close varying on CK3 and Cyberpunk. Also, thanks for answering!

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9 hours ago, ddef said:
  1. I have been playing the game and looking through the Event folder for a while now to try and understand what triggers what part of the mod. Keep in mind, I've only played the game for about 2 weeks, and I also don't fully understand the coding, however I have no clue where the DWSex doc connects to. I haven't seen the events from there before and I was wondering if it was connected to something I had turned off from the base mod (I only have on body modifiers and slavery in my main game files I play), or if the entire event line has been turned off.
  2. On the topic of the DWSex doc, will this update finish the missing blocks? *If it isn't tied to anything and no longer triggers, ignore this question.
  3. Moving on, will this update finish the dildo toy branch in the dw_visit doc? I noticed you had a note to complete it and already had the pics completed, so I was just curious if that was in the plans for this round.
  4. With that, you mentioned more orgies a few posts back (specifically seems to be in poly relationships, the one Cara event, and the Drax event in the mod as of right now). Will they now be initiated by visits with concubines as well as poly? Will that also be in the update or was it cut from your thinking for this update? I didn't see a final thought process on that and was just curious how you're looking at updating it from how it runs now.
  5. Finally, and this is a question that was also asked before the update was announced, but will you be adding the personal slave usage to this update? I noticed the line ends after you decide to keep (prostitute) or sell the slave. However, from a player's perspective, the slave then is only a small money gatherer until you decide to sell them, and there's no other triggers you can decide from there. You have it in the FAQ as a possible update and I just never really saw it talked about recently outside of you saying you were unsure about the entire mod heading into Cyberpunk and CK3. Will there be more work to giving more options to that or will that be the finalized version?

1 - I originally had an idea to try and make sex events a little more choose your own path like, with the thought of just being able to point someone to the DWSex area. It turned out to not quite work like I had planned. Largely, it was difficult to keep a good narrative flow between events, and I also quickly get bored writing variations of the same thing (such as writing about the same thing from two different perspectives - and when I get bored, I stop modding for a bit) Most of those events themselves are touched either through the brothel or visits. Maybe a few other spots.

2 - No to this update finishing the different blocks there. They likely will never be finished. Some may be added, but some definitely will not be.

3 - Nope. That's a TODO that's been hanging around for about 7-8 months now. It's part of that whole writing it from two different perspectives, boring issue. If I did it, I could pretty much guarantee it'd result in my setting the mod aside for a good week or two while I refill my interest meter. Since that's not really ideal in this last dash, I'm focusing on adding things that I find interesting.

4 - Oh, with an orgy, I don't necessarily see it being based on you being in a poly relationship. And while some multi-partner stuff has been added, no true orgy type involvement yet for the player.

5 - Updating the slave stuff is near the top of my plans. I am hoping to get some changes in with this next update, and one thing I'd like to include is the option to use your slaves as well.

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I am not sure if it's bug or not but when I use new Use Bitch or Omega Male decision as Werewolf ruler on my courtier female bitch I dont get any picture with text. Anything that happens is that she gets pregnant every time. But now strange things begin when I use charinfo cheat to see whos father only what I see is Pregnant in child of:  *name of female courtier*.

Also 1 of 2 childs came inbred without therianthrope and wolf trait. Looks like that female courtier impregnates herself when I choose Use Bitch or Omega Male. I'll try to restart game few times or reinstall mod but honestly I dont think it will help.


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