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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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1 hour ago, dewguru said:

The encounter events are part of the yearly pulse random event check. Some events aren't available if you're in command, and others, like the encounter events that Drax70 contributed, are available (require you being in command at the time actually).


If you're in command for long stretches of time, then you're more likely to get them.


This last update, I felt that in my last play test, that I wasn't getting enough annual event hits, so I gave them an improved chance to happen by reducing the null chance.


thank you, i will give it a test. sorry to bother again but just to clarify by in command you mean when your leader is fighting with your army correct? i only started playing a few months ago so I'm still learning everything ^^". also if a werewolf, has the bitch modifier would the events still trigger? or would being a werewolf prevent that?

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8 hours ago, fenrirbloodmoon said:

thank you, i will give it a test. sorry to bother again but just to clarify by in command you mean when your leader is fighting with your army correct? i only started playing a few months ago so I'm still learning everything ^^". also if a werewolf, has the bitch modifier would the events still trigger? or would being a werewolf prevent that?

You shouldn't need to be fighting. For example, if you've a retinue, and your leader is the retinue's active commander, then it should suffice I'm pretty certain. I know some folks have gotten them to run though, as some misspelling and grammar adjustments were provided to make. :)


If the game is doing it's checks the way I'm hoping, then race shouldn't matter if you're a bitch. To get the bitch tag, one typically has to be weak minded, unless it was done via another method - but regardless, being used should just look for the bitch character modifier and little more.

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11 hours ago, dewguru said:


This last update, I felt that in my last play test, that I wasn't getting enough annual event hits, so I gave them an improved chance to happen by reducing the null chance.


NOTE: I made an error when I said the above ^. It turns out that it's the first thing I did after packaging the prior update, so the increased occurrences of random annuals will be part of the next update.


For those that don't know, to keep things mixed up, one method used by CK2 is the change for a null event (meaning no event). With how Dark World Reborn yearly_pulse events are set-up, it also uses the null event method, and what the next update will do, is reduce the chances of a null event happening, so you should see an increase of the random Dark World Reborn related events with the next update.

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4 hours ago, dewguru said:

You shouldn't need to be fighting. For example, if you've a retinue, and your leader is the retinue's active commander, then it should suffice I'm pretty certain. I know some folks have gotten them to run though, as some misspelling and grammar adjustments were provided to make. :)


If the game is doing it's checks the way I'm hoping, then race shouldn't matter if you're a bitch. To get the bitch tag, one typically has to be weak minded, unless it was done via another method - but regardless, being used should just look for the bitch character modifier and little more.

thank you XD I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions. I only know of the werewolf toy start, feral event, and the spirit quest has a chance to make a new one. I knew the even looks for the bitch modifier, but what other factors does it look for?

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1 hour ago, Rolksu said:

the game crashes everytime (3rd play) a certain point in the game after 9-10 years, i think its about some event in the game looping, can someone help me? i disabled all mods except Dark World Reborn and it keeps crashing.

gonna dump the log files

its the best mod i played so far, i dont want to stop playing it



error.log 26.09 kB · 1 download graphics.log 3.36 kB · 0 downloads historical_setup_errors.log 454 B · 0 downloads

You might think you're playing with no other mods, but that error.log says otherwise.


Now, I don't know what other mod(s) you've got going on, but what is listed in there isn't related to Dark World Reborn.


I can tell because of all the errors related to an event file that isn't part of CK2 or DWR. Specifically where it mentions events/rdu_events.txt


And I'm not certain what happened with all of your dynasties, but most of those names look legit, so I'm guessing you've some kind of mod that's conflicting as well with your coat-of-arms textures, which is something that DWR doesn't touch at all.

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2 minutes ago, holyfrog77 said:

Quick question: Is it possible to have a character become a genie?

Presently no. And I don't know if there ever will be. I do have ideas about having it to where you could someday MAKE someone a genie, which is pretty much a magical form of slavery.

5 hours ago, fenrirbloodmoon said:

thank you XD I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions. I only know of the werewolf toy start, feral event, and the spirit quest has a chance to make a new one. I knew the even looks for the bitch modifier, but what other factors does it look for?

There is a chance for the Spirit Quest path to result in a werewolf seeking out a weak minded named individual to make them into a bitch.

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9 hours ago, dewguru said:

Now, I don't know what other mod(s) you've got going on, but what is listed in there isn't related to Dark World Reborn.


I can tell because of all the errors related to an event file that isn't part of CK2 or DWR. Specifically where it mentions events/rdu_events.txt

If they have that file, it's likely they have the Ruler Designer Unlocked! mod or a mod that took that file. Don't know why it would crash the game though, unless they removed the mod without starting a new game as it does add traits that the events check for so that might be messing with their game. Since it's not on Steam anymore, I can attach it if anybody wants to check the events it has. I don't think I changed the file so it should be good.



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4 hours ago, Honourable596 said:

@dewguru I keep getting the rape a prisoner event (I'm saving them up for a great blot) while I'm off on a kowtow to china. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to be in the dungeon raping prisoners while I'm also half a continent away.

I could see where that'd be really annoying. I'd be glad to help of course, if i knew for certain it was my mod that was responsible. The only rape that I can think of in the mod right now, is where a Villain can target a prisoner to rape them, and a couple events in Drax70's contribution.


So... with my mod, you're having to initiate the raping yourself, or meeting specific conditions (and I don't think Drax70's involved prisoners).


If there is an old part of my mod that I don't recall which does what you're saying, I'm not aware of. There isn't anything I'm seeing in the on_action either, so if something is prompting you from my mod, I'm not recalling what could be doing it.


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10 minutes ago, dewguru said:

I could see where that'd be really annoying. I'd be glad to help of course, if i knew for certain it was my mod that was responsible. The only rape that I can think of in the mod right now, is where a Villain can target a prisoner to rape them, and a couple events in Drax70's contribution.


So... with my mod, you're having to initiate the raping yourself, or meeting specific conditions (and I don't think Drax70's involved prisoners).


If there is an old part of my mod that I don't recall which does what you're saying, I'm not aware of. There isn't anything I'm seeing in the on_action either, so if something is prompting you from my mod, I'm not recalling what could be doing it.


I'm the ruler. I have a bunch of prisoners. I keep getting an event for a random female prisoner to put her in her place via rape. The event has two choices: to do so (and get the cruel trait) or to abstain (and get 20 piety).

It's either from this mod or one of it's sub-mods or Luxuria Fantasia or one of it's sub-mods.

Again my problem is that it's rather immersion breaking to be teleporting back to your dungeon for prisoner booty calls.

prison rape event.PNG

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11 minutes ago, Honourable596 said:

I'm the ruler. I have a bunch of prisoners. I keep getting an event for a random female prisoner to put her in her place via rape. The event has two choices: to do so (and get the cruel trait) or to abstain (and get 20 piety).

It's either from this mod or one of it's sub-mods or Luxuria Fantasia or one of it's sub-mods.

Again my problem is that it's rather immersion breaking to be teleporting back to your dungeon for prisoner booty calls.

prison rape event.PNG

Wrong thread...

This is from LF!


Ask for help in LF thread...!



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So I just started a game with the intention of playing a daughter of Papa Fenris.

Made my character, picked a county, had my first meeting with Fenris' representative.

Imagine my delight, then, when I realised Mr. Fluff Daddy Fenris had spawned in my realm.
A little save-editing later, and it was official! :D
"Oh, daddy!" :face_wolf:

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2 hours ago, fenrirbloodmoon said:

what exactly makes one weak minded?

Good question. :)

Here's what the mod is looking for in regards to what would indicate a weak, or highly susceptible mind to influence/control.



    OR = {
        AND = { # An adult who has sub-par learning and intrigue, even without the traits below, clearly shows a lack of mental strength
            is_adult = yes
            learning < 5
            intrigue < 5
        # Those with minimal education show a lack of focus or aptitude
        trait = naive_appeaser
        trait = misguided_warrior
        trait = indulgent_wastrel
        trait = amateurish_plotter
        trait = detached_priest
        # Some children are like open books
        trait = curious
        trait = idolizer
        # Mental illness - some mental states are a sign of weakness
        trait = depressed
        trait = drunkard
        # Some have clear mental weakness
        trait = imbecile
        trait = inbred
        trait = slow
        # Lifestyle - some people live such a way that they develop it
        trait = hedonist # a little too open to trying things
        # Other traits contribute as well
        trait = trusting
        trait = content
        has_character_modifier = dw_omega_male
        has_character_modifier = dw_werewolf_bitch



At the same time, here is what is considered as mental strengths.



    OR = {
        AND = { # Someone who has achieved a learning and intrigue of 10 without any of the traits below clearly has a strong mind
            learning = 10
            intrigue = 10
        # Those a the peak of their education paths have either strong focus or sheer natural apptitude.
        trait = grey_eminence
        trait = brilliant_strategist
        trait = midas_touched
        trait = elusive_shadow
        trait = mastermind_theologian
        # Some children show a clear mental fortitude comparable to adults
        trait = willful
        trait = brooding
        # Mental illness - while it can be caused by mental manipulation, once in place, it is difficult to deal with
        trait = lunatic
        trait = possessed
        # Some have clear mental prowess
        trait = genius
        trait = quick
        # Lifestyle - some people live such a way that they develop it
        trait = schemer
        trait = mystic
        trait = strategist
        # Other traits contribute as well
        trait = cynical
        trait = paranoid
        # TODO add iron_will trait
        trait = mind_control # One who can use it, is also resistant to it
        has_character_modifier = dw_alpha_being



These come into play in a few areas, not just in deciding whether or not someone is potential bitch or omega, or even alpha material.


There are a couple methods for weakening those who aren't mentally weak - in order to bring them into that zone, but it's really limited right now to a couple areas (vampires, mind control, and I believe demons), and is part of what I'll be tweaking, expanding on some here in the future.


If you don't like how some of the above is configured, take a look at \mod\Dark World Reborn\common\scripted_triggers\dw_scripted_triggers.txt and scroll down until you find the has_mental_resistance or has_mental_weakness blocks.

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25 minutes ago, dewguru said:

Good question. :)

Here's what the mod is looking for in regards to what would indicate a weak, or highly susceptible mind to influence/control.


  Hide contents

    OR = {
        AND = { # An adult who has sub-par learning and intrigue, even without the traits below, clearly shows a lack of mental strength
            is_adult = yes
            learning < 5
            intrigue < 5
        # Those with minimal education show a lack of focus or aptitude
        trait = naive_appeaser
        trait = misguided_warrior
        trait = indulgent_wastrel
        trait = amateurish_plotter
        trait = detached_priest
        # Some children are like open books
        trait = curious
        trait = idolizer
        # Mental illness - some mental states are a sign of weakness
        trait = depressed
        trait = drunkard
        # Some have clear mental weakness
        trait = imbecile
        trait = inbred
        trait = slow
        # Lifestyle - some people live such a way that they develop it
        trait = hedonist # a little too open to trying things
        # Other traits contribute as well
        trait = trusting
        trait = content
        has_character_modifier = dw_omega_male
        has_character_modifier = dw_werewolf_bitch



At the same time, here is what is considered as mental strengths.


  Hide contents

    OR = {
        AND = { # Someone who has achieved a learning and intrigue of 10 without any of the traits below clearly has a strong mind
            learning = 10
            intrigue = 10
        # Those a the peak of their education paths have either strong focus or sheer natural apptitude.
        trait = grey_eminence
        trait = brilliant_strategist
        trait = midas_touched
        trait = elusive_shadow
        trait = mastermind_theologian
        # Some children show a clear mental fortitude comparable to adults
        trait = willful
        trait = brooding
        # Mental illness - while it can be caused by mental manipulation, once in place, it is difficult to deal with
        trait = lunatic
        trait = possessed
        # Some have clear mental prowess
        trait = genius
        trait = quick
        # Lifestyle - some people live such a way that they develop it
        trait = schemer
        trait = mystic
        trait = strategist
        # Other traits contribute as well
        trait = cynical
        trait = paranoid
        # TODO add iron_will trait
        trait = mind_control # One who can use it, is also resistant to it
        has_character_modifier = dw_alpha_being



These come into play in a few areas, not just in deciding whether or not someone is potential bitch or omega, or even alpha material.


There are a couple methods for weakening those who aren't mentally weak - in order to bring them into that zone, but it's really limited right now to a couple areas (vampires, mind control, and I believe demons), and is part of what I'll be tweaking, expanding on some here in the future.


If you don't like how some of the above is configured, take a look at \mod\Dark World Reborn\common\scripted_triggers\dw_scripted_triggers.txt and scroll down until you find the has_mental_resistance or has_mental_weakness blocks.

oh wow so a lot of different factors influence it, thank you

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1 hour ago, Salazard260 said:

Raally nice concept congrats! But unfortunatly it just keeps crashing aroud 1098 and i just can't continue playing (starting in 1066, werewolf campaing), I'm playing with the latest version of ckii, any advice ?

Big fan 

Best advice would be to provide your error.log file, which should be located in \Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\logs


Although I would be surprised to see something, as I just finished a session that ran just shy of 100 years without crash and nothing in the error.log file that was related to Dark World Reborn, so it's very possible that it won't show us anything special, but we won't know without seeing it.

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16 minutes ago, dewguru said:

Best advice would be to provide your error.log file, which should be located in \Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\logs


Although I would be surprised to see something, as I just finished a session that ran just shy of 100 years without crash and nothing in the error.log file that was related to Dark World Reborn, so it's very possible that it won't show us anything special, but we won't know without seeing it.

Thanks for the quick answer, here it is:



[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: naname, near line: 1" in file: "mod/inviteapaganwanderer_vanilla.mod"
[dlc.cpp:621]: Incorrect MOD descriptor: "inviteapaganwanderer_vanilla.mod"
[texturehandler.cpp:197]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx/models/hlup_normal.dds.
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait trait into opposite of homosexual
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait = into opposite of homosexual
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait trait into opposite of bisexual
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait = into opposite of bisexual
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_is_futa_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_is_futa_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_is_junior_spouse_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_is_senior_spouse_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type tentacle_monster in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type tentacle_monster in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type tentacle_monster in trigger
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "has_tentacled_dreams_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "is_openly_pro_tentacle" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "usually_vulnerable_to_tentacle_sex" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "tentacle_pregnancy_forbidden" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "has_tentacled_dreams_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "is_openly_pro_tentacle" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "usually_vulnerable_to_tentacle_sex" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "tentacle_pregnancy_forbidden" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "is_openly_pro_tentacle" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "is_openly_pro_tentacle" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Thus'styn
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Neni'se
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Blaiso'la
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Kon'feu
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Starrshaache of ---(99913955)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Stormthus of ---(99912852)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Melingon of ---(99909934)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Bolta of ---(99896085)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Five of ---(99903095)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Rensyllbigue of ---(99898134)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Dass of ---(99900761)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Kery of ---(99900762)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Roti of ---(99912313)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Orion of ---(99889912)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27448]: Character 'Orion of ---(99889912)' has invalid religion
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Ellenastra of ---(99889913)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27448]: Character 'Ellenastra of ---(99889913)' has invalid religion
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Corellon of ---(99889914)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27448]: Character 'Corellon of ---(99889914)' has invalid religion
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Ravenspire of ---(99889915)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27448]: Character 'Ravenspire of ---(99889915)' has invalid religion
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'So-fy of ---(99896061)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Diyi of ---(99896062)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Berbuscydag of ---(99896063)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Resezeshasoul of ---(99896064)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Resezeshasoul of ---(99896065)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Berbuscydag of ---(99896066)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Cyantia of ---(99896067)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Dabi of ---(99896068)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Secyanstomy of ---(99896069)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Bla'note of ---(99896070)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Bla'note of ---(99896071)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Po-sylgil of ---(99896072)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Tien of ---(99896075)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Stadyo-ze of ---(99896073)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Rumrilin of ---(99896074)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Rumrilin of ---(99896076)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Tien of ---(99896077)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896078)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896079)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896080)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896081)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896082)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Lysten of ---(99896083)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Lysten of ---(99896084)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Droro'kaen of ---(99889918)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Miak'blaime of ---(99895876)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Konfurziusver of ---(99895877)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Jenraduger of ---(99901779)' has invalid culture


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2 hours ago, Salazard260 said:

Thanks for the quick answer, here it is:


  Hide contents

[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: naname, near line: 1" in file: "mod/inviteapaganwanderer_vanilla.mod"
[dlc.cpp:621]: Incorrect MOD descriptor: "inviteapaganwanderer_vanilla.mod"
[texturehandler.cpp:197]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx/models/hlup_normal.dds.
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait trait into opposite of homosexual
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait = into opposite of homosexual
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait trait into opposite of bisexual
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait = into opposite of bisexual
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_is_futa_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_is_futa_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_is_junior_spouse_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_is_senior_spouse_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_incest_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type tentacle_monster in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type tentacle_monster in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type tentacle_monster in trigger
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "has_tentacled_dreams_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "is_openly_pro_tentacle" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "usually_vulnerable_to_tentacle_sex" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "tentacle_pregnancy_forbidden" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "has_tentacled_dreams_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "is_openly_pro_tentacle" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "usually_vulnerable_to_tentacle_sex" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "tentacle_pregnancy_forbidden" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "is_openly_pro_tentacle" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "is_openly_pro_tentacle" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "csl_has_cock_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Thus'styn
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Neni'se
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Blaiso'la
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Kon'feu
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Starrshaache of ---(99913955)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Stormthus of ---(99912852)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Melingon of ---(99909934)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Bolta of ---(99896085)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Five of ---(99903095)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Rensyllbigue of ---(99898134)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Dass of ---(99900761)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Kery of ---(99900762)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Roti of ---(99912313)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Orion of ---(99889912)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27448]: Character 'Orion of ---(99889912)' has invalid religion
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Ellenastra of ---(99889913)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27448]: Character 'Ellenastra of ---(99889913)' has invalid religion
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Corellon of ---(99889914)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27448]: Character 'Corellon of ---(99889914)' has invalid religion
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Ravenspire of ---(99889915)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27448]: Character 'Ravenspire of ---(99889915)' has invalid religion
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'So-fy of ---(99896061)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Diyi of ---(99896062)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Berbuscydag of ---(99896063)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Resezeshasoul of ---(99896064)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Resezeshasoul of ---(99896065)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Berbuscydag of ---(99896066)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Cyantia of ---(99896067)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Dabi of ---(99896068)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Secyanstomy of ---(99896069)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Bla'note of ---(99896070)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Bla'note of ---(99896071)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Po-sylgil of ---(99896072)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Tien of ---(99896075)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Stadyo-ze of ---(99896073)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Rumrilin of ---(99896074)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Rumrilin of ---(99896076)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Tien of ---(99896077)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896078)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896079)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896080)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896081)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Calri-nax of ---(99896082)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Lysten of ---(99896083)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Lysten of ---(99896084)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Droro'kaen of ---(99889918)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Miak'blaime of ---(99895876)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Konfurziusver of ---(99895877)' has invalid culture
[character.cpp:27444]: Character 'Jenraduger of ---(99901779)' has invalid culture


Well, there is definitely a lot going on in there. Alas, nothing listed there has anything to do with Dark World Reborn. I can see you are using other mods, and at least one, maybe more have issues. Best thing I can say is ensure that each mod you are using is fully up to date, and check their support threads to ensure that others aren't having issues.


Also - I see you're using an Ironman save, and if you started with a mod, and then removed it during game play, you really risk corrupting your save game. Same thing can happen if you add another mod that you didn't start a game with.



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10 hours ago, dewguru said:

Well, there is definitely a lot going on in there. Alas, nothing listed there has anything to do with Dark World Reborn. I can see you are using other mods, and at least one, maybe more have issues. Best thing I can say is ensure that each mod you are using is fully up to date, and check their support threads to ensure that others aren't having issues.


Also - I see you're using an Ironman save, and if you started with a mod, and then removed it during game play, you really risk corrupting your save game. Same thing can happen if you add another mod that you didn't start a game with.



I used a few other mods yes, some I found here to go with your work, (Dark World Serpent Expansion v.12, Elven expansion, Cheri Extented Marriage) and a few others I use regularly, ( A Bigger Interface, Revolutionary Border Mod, Bisexuality). The ones I use regularly never seemed to cause any issue but maybe one has become out of date. I should try restarting with just your mod I gess but that's a shame they really added.

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2 hours ago, Salazard260 said:

I used a few other mods yes, some I found here to go with your work, (Dark World Serpent Expansion v.12, Elven expansion, Cheri Extented Marriage) and a few others I use regularly, ( A Bigger Interface, Revolutionary Border Mod, Bisexuality). The ones I use regularly never seemed to cause any issue but maybe one has become out of date. I should try restarting with just your mod I gess but that's a shame they really added.

Many times, errors will begin to appear in the error log at mod load. And your error.log resets with every start of the game. So an option is to unload everything save one mod to start - say Dark World Reborn. Start a game (where you pick a ruler and go into the world), then stop. Take a look at the error.log and see how it looks. If there isn't any crazy errors in there, then add another mod and repeat.


Don't load them to a saved game - remember, adding additional mods to a saved game can cause issues, and you could, be generating false positives then.


That aside - you are very likely to see a couple errors generated that are now part of the base CK2 experience.


[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 

The one above is likely to show up. It's related to the Monarch's Journey from what I learned from the CK2 support forums.


Another one is depending on your start date, you might see an error about so and so was created with children older than he was, or something like that.

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51 minutes ago, dewguru said:

Many times, errors will begin to appear in the error log at mod load. And your error.log resets with every start of the game. So an option is to unload everything save one mod to start - say Dark World Reborn. Start a game (where you pick a ruler and go into the world), then stop. Take a look at the error.log and see how it looks. If there isn't any crazy errors in there, then add another mod and repeat.


Don't load them to a saved game - remember, adding additional mods to a saved game can cause issues, and you could, be generating false positives then.


That aside - you are very likely to see a couple errors generated that are now part of the base CK2 experience.


[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 

The one above is likely to show up. It's related to the Monarch's Journey from what I learned from the CK2 support forums.


Another one is depending on your start date, you might see an error about so and so was created with children older than he was, or something like that.

Ok Yeah that makes sense, thanks a lot!

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I tried with just DWR and LF as they seemed both stable and compatible, no other mods either from lovers lab or steam. And still It crashed after a few years. I am not playing in Ironman.

I tried looking at the file as you said but could'nt really understand where things went wrong.



[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: naname, near line: 1" in file: "mod/inviteapaganwanderer_vanilla.mod"
[dlc.cpp:621]: Incorrect MOD descriptor: "inviteapaganwanderer_vanilla.mod"
[texturehandler.cpp:197]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx/models/hlup_normal.dds.
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Undefined modifier type! token: lf_fallen_angel_opinion, near line: 20" in file: "common/event_modifiers/LF_Races_Blood_Feud_modifiers.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Undefined modifier type! token: liege_prestige, near line: 18" in file: "common/event_modifiers/LF_Races_Neko.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: allowed_to_target_suzerains, near line: 342" in file: "common/cb_types/LF_Races_DWSE_cb_types.txt"
[eventmanager.cpp:245]: Event #5201091 is missing a title in events/LF_NPCs.txt
[eventmanager.cpp:245]: Event #5201092 is missing a title in events/LF_NPCs.txt
[eventmanager.cpp:245]: Event #5201093 is missing a title in events/LF_NPCs.txt
[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'GFX_evt_carriage_escorted_by_guards'. dwse.2000
[eventmanager.cpp:245]: Event #6200500 is missing a title in events/LF_Races_DWSE_offmap_events.txt
[eventmanager.cpp:245]: Event #6200501 is missing a title in events/LF_Races_DWSE_offmap_events.txt
[eventmanager.cpp:245]: Event #6200700 is missing a title in events/LF_Races_DWSE_offmap_events.txt
[eventmanager.cpp:245]: Event #6200800 is missing a title in events/LF_Races_DWSE_offmap_events.txt
[eventmanager.cpp:245]: Event #6200801 is missing a title in events/LF_Races_DWSE_offmap_events.txt
[event.cpp:1255]: Non-existent image for event picture 'gfx_evt_battle_scene'. dwseom.1100
[eventmanager.cpp:221]: Event is defined more than once. Check if this is intentional: LF_Elf.32
[dynasty.cpp:271]: Invalid culture of origin in dynasty: Xalyth
[title.cpp:7047]: Title Already Exists!
    Title: c_khotan
    Location: common/landed_titles/landed_titles.txt(24559)

[title.cpp:7047]: Title Already Exists!
    Title: c_udabhanda
    Location: common/landed_titles/landed_titles.txt(44792)

[title.cpp:7047]: Title Already Exists!
    Title: c_gaya
    Location: common/landed_titles/landed_titles.txt(47713)

[title.cpp:7047]: Title Already Exists!
    Title: c_lhasa
    Location: common/landed_titles/landed_titles.txt(49338)

[title.cpp:7047]: Title Already Exists!
    Title: c_jiuquan
    Location: common/landed_titles/landed_titles.txt(51133)

[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Undefined modifier type! token: spouse_opinion, near line: 7" in file: "common/artifacts/LF_Races_DWSE_artifacts.txt"
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait lf_werewolf into opposite of dwse_dragon_child
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait lf_werewolf into opposite of dwse_lizard
[trait.cpp:599]: Try to make unknown trait lf_werewolf into opposite of dwse_dragon_adult
[eventmanager.cpp:221]: Event is defined more than once. Check if this is intentional: 400
[eventmanager.cpp:221]: Event is defined more than once. Check if this is intentional: 401
[decision.cpp:752]: Usage of from potential on self targeted decision found, use potential instead! key: lf_turn_on_heat_notifications
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "rtp_is_lower_baron" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "has_house_irae_yes" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "rtp_is_lower_baron" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "dz_has_dw_dz" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "dz_has_dw_dz" at  file:  line: -1
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type cheap_whore in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type experienced_whore in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type exclusive_whore in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type cheap_whore in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type experienced_whore in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type exclusive_whore in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type houseirae_matron_mother in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type houseirae_matron_mother in trigger
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "rtp_is_lower_baron" at  file:  line: -1
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9541]: Unknown trait-type sloth in trigger
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "tont_has_five_or_more_tails_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[trigger.cpp:2193]: Unknown trigger-type: "tont_has_five_or_more_tails_trigger" at  file:  line: -1
[effect.cpp:1147]: Unknown effect-type: "lf_deny_artifact_booty" at  file:  line: -1
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Ghana.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:199]: Warning: save games/Ironman_Tamilakam.ck2 is missing valid file magix, defaulting to TEXT.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[savegamehelper.cpp:194]: Warning:  is missing valid file magix, defaulting to BINARY.
[savegameinterfaces.cpp:399]: File error: Missing Version
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 
[road_to_titus_progression.cpp:285]: Failed to read reward status from storage 


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