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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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1 hour ago, Drax70 said:

Hello @deuguru!


Bug report:

I have noticed that some "eunuchs" have dick traits, which I found hilarious!



Honourable596 has the gist of it, however, do you know if they were created as eunuchs, or did they have junk and then became one.


The mod is set to not go and assign dick traits to any existing eunuchs. If one ends up having a dick trait, and then they become a eunuch, then there isn't anything special to remove it.


Largely because it shouldn't matter. There isn't a fertility bonus from a dick trait large enough that should impact the eunuch's inability to reproduce, and most sex interactions check to see if the individual has a working cock, and a eunuch is set to produce a false on having a working cock for sexual purposes.

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I'm going to make a change to the Ball event (the random Ball invitation that is right now just a Masquerade Ball). I'm not happy with how I was tracking time with it, so I'm changing it up. It's very possible I'll totally jack something up, so when the next update releases, if it's all working correctly, you should be able to go through 4 events at the ball before the ball ends for the evening.


Plus there will be 3 different balls in the next update, so the invite could result in the Masquerade Ball, a Bestiality Ball (can be skipped with the game rule turned off), and a Mystery Ball.


No ball event should just end unless you click on an option to leave the ball (you can leave early), or you run out of time. When you've run out of time, you'll get an event that talks about how late it is and how everyone's leaving.


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3 hours ago, Honourable596 said:

@dewguru Is there anything else we're expecting in the next update?

It's largely random events for the ball invitations. So far, there would be a total of 23 random events, with several of those having multiple stages. There are a few other events as well, but the ball invitations are clearly the bulk of the update.


Plus a couple fixes for issues that were brought up.


Narrative text alone, the word count on just the new content for the ball is at 12,750 words according to my editor, with a total of 68,069 characters used. That doesn't include the event coding, image associations, blah, blah, blah.


I know you didn't say 'is that all' - but just as a plug - for those that wish there would be more - I do welcome narrative text contributions (it's doubly awesome if you've images to share with the text as well).


Several offers have been made over the past several months. The only one that has provided anything to me so far is Drax70. (Thanks Drax70).


Some folks may still be working on contributions. If they get around to providing them, it'll be awesome. I won't think less of anyone who doesn't provide something after expressing interest, as I realize the time that can be involved. Writing narrative text and trying to select the right images is a larger time sink than folks can realize.

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1 hour ago, Honourable596 said:

Damn, found another bug @dewguru. When you have the dick and tits traits rule enabled your character's dick, and probably tit traits are randomized every time you load in the game.

Edit: I always give my character a dick trait in the character builder before starting a new game if that helps.

I've not been able to reproduce this, and you're not the first to mention it happening. Let me look again....


I looked in the code again just now, and I did find one oddity. In the check that is done to determine if it should skip trying to assign a dig trait, I DID NOT have the largest size of dw_gigantic_dick included.


So if you had a Gigantic Dick, it would disappear when another size trait was applied. Outside of the Gigantic Dick size though, the others look like they're being taken into account when preventing a new one getting assigned. It would also explain why my testing didn't catch it, as I was using sizes like huge and regular when doing it.


If you're having the issue, and it isn't a Gigantic Dick, and you're not using a different body trait related mod, then I'm not certain what the issue could be.

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Hey Dewguru!


There are a few typos in the newer events, especially the random sexual encounter and education events selectable choices. Nothing severe except stuff like stewart for steward and choices like "I am fuck" lol


When heroes and villains content rule is turned off, the Batman knight event fires too often, like once per 50 years. Once per game should be enough, I think - unless it is working as intended.


Lastly, can I submit whatever events that I would like to write? Or is there a specific event chain you would like to introduce? I ask because working in a given scope would be much more efficient than writing something extravagant that is ultimately too much hassle to code. 


Terrific updates, by the way :D


can we create an event where a scandal lets everyone know a lady's breastsize akin to "big dick known modifier"?

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26 minutes ago, dewguru said:

I've not been able to reproduce this, and you're not the first to mention it happening. Let me look again....


I looked in the code again just now, and I did find one oddity. In the check that is done to determine if it should skip trying to assign a dig trait, I DID NOT have the largest size of dw_gigantic_dick included.


So if you had a Gigantic Dick, it would disappear when another size trait was applied. Outside of the Gigantic Dick size though, the others look like they're being taken into account when preventing a new one getting assigned. It would also explain why my testing didn't catch it, as I was using sizes like huge and regular when doing it.


If you're having the issue, and it isn't a Gigantic Dick, and you're not using a different body trait related mod, then I'm not certain what the issue could be.

I was using the Gigantic Dick and I don't use any dedicated body trait mods. They're not usually worth the hassle.

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1 hour ago, jim raynor said:

Hey Dewguru!


There are a few typos in the newer events, especially the random sexual encounter and education events selectable choices. Nothing severe except stuff like stewart for steward and choices like "I am fuck" lol


When heroes and villains content rule is turned off, the Batman knight event fires too often, like once per 50 years. Once per game should be enough, I think - unless it is working as intended.


Lastly, can I submit whatever events that I would like to write? Or is there a specific event chain you would like to introduce? I ask because working in a given scope would be much more efficient than writing something extravagant that is ultimately too much hassle to code. 


Terrific updates, by the way :D


can we create an event where a scandal lets everyone know a lady's breastsize akin to "big dick known modifier"?

Typos - the examples you gave are events that were contributed. It was a fair amount of content, and I only read and made corrections in probably half of the narrative text, as my main focus was getting the code side stuff set to where the events would fire as expected. I'll scan through it again and see if I can weed out a few of those.


The Batman knight is more or less working as intended. About once every two generations seems about right, and with the next few updates, it should space out even more as additional randoms are added. So, ultimately, it'll be rarer than it is now.


Regarding your event question - if you think there is a chance it may be too elaborate or complex, you just give me an idea of what you're considering and I can speak to whether I could make it work or not on the code side. I've found that ideas that some view as complex, aren't, while others that folks think would be easy, aren't. So the best thing to do would be to ask - which can be done via messaging me here directly in Lovers Lab, or just asking here in the thread I suppose.


As to specific event chains I'd like to introduce, I feel like I've been on an okay roll with my targets, and I'd feel odd saying "I'd like this" and if "this" didn't match your interest, then it'd reduce the odds of your perhaps contributing something. If you've an idea, but aren't certain how to get it in, then bounce the idea off me and maybe I can help figure out what kind of event we'd be looking at, such as a stand alone random event, or perhaps something that splits off from an existing one, or something that decision driven instead. And I'll take care of the coding part (just for clarification).


Lady's breast size - While dick traits are hidden to all save your lover, or via an event, breast size presently isn't hidden. I've considered making it a hidden trait, but to make it work, we'd have to have some kind of general traits though (or perhaps as a Character Modifier instead). As you can still eye-ball what a woman is wearing to at least have an idea if she's flat or packing quite the rack. The general traits would be public, while the actual would be hidden. It could make for some interesting events, like the exposure one you mention, and open options for someone who's flat to pad her dresses in an attempt to look more alluring to suitors. As I get some of these things on my list taken care of, this idea gets a little stronger. Help with the events, and thinking up some decent names for the public breast traits/modifiers would go a long way towards me making this a reality.


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9 hours ago, Pantheress said:

Tiny bug in the Rabbit Dance hunting event. Both buttons are identical, whereas I believe the bottom one should say "Slay it."


Other than that, I just want to say I'm amazed at all these new events and their accompanying pictures. :)


Thanks for this. Just a case where both options are pointing to the same localization entry. It'll be fixed in the next update.

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Update should be out late tonight, or later tomorrow.


Here's the present change log for it.


Change Log:
v1.81 (Dark World Reborn)
    - More events (more random ball events, more random on_action events)
    - New hero/villain
    - Contributed content from Jim Raynor (Bedding ceremony)
    - Fixed a bad picture reference on Drax70s Anal Education contribution, and replaced another to better match the narrative text.
    - Fixed a missing game rule and ai check that could result in Rogue being recruited in the Grand Inn. (thx Honourable596)
    - Fixed a missing body trait check for Gigantic Dicks, which could cause them to be replaced during the annual check and potentially during save load. (thx Honourable596 and those that raised the issue previously)
    - Fixed some typos/grammar that were brought up (thx Jim Raynor)
    - Fixed a bad localization reference (two options pointing at the same record) (thx Pantheress)


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On 5/5/2020 at 3:55 PM, dewguru said:

There is a random chance that a werewolf will use you. The more werewolves you've got in court, the more you'll be used. Outside of that right now, there isn't much else, although a little more is planned. You can also be used by other therianthropes as well, and the past few updates have increased the options for getting them, plus the next update will include some potential as well.



Is it a low chance (if so is there any way to increase it)? because my court is filled with werewolves (due to triggering the feral werewolf even over and over again) and all with lustful because i heard somewhere that can increase the odds of the event triggering, yet still hasn't triggered once and the current game has been going for 20 years. 

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Is Dark world just not multiplayer compatable anymore, because ive been trying to play with a friend however even if darkworld is the only mod enabled we bot hhave completely different checksums. Could it be because Im on PC and hes on a Mac or is there just some hidden way to have it work on multiplayer?


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37 minutes ago, bmann said:

Is Dark world just not multiplayer compatable anymore, because ive been trying to play with a friend however even if darkworld is the only mod enabled we bot hhave completely different checksums. Could it be because Im on PC and hes on a Mac or is there just some hidden way to have it work on multiplayer?


Dark World Reborn has never been build with multiplayer compatibility in mind. That said, I understand that there are folks who played with it, and outside some quirks, it's more or less worked.


My recommendation - start up vanilla CK2 with any DLC's your using and see if your checksums match. If not, then resolving that should be the first issue.


If those match, then you're going to want to ensure that both of your mod directories match. Best way to do that is to delete the Dark World Reborn folder, download the latest version, and then install it fresh. If one of you has been installing it fresh, while the other one just overwrites files, it's possible you've small differences in files as I've removed some over time.


Best of luck.


2 hours ago, fenrirbloodmoon said:

Is it a low chance (if so is there any way to increase it)? because my court is filled with werewolves (due to triggering the feral werewolf even over and over again) and all with lustful because i heard somewhere that can increase the odds of the event triggering, yet still hasn't triggered once and the current game has been going for 20 years. 

I'll take a look into it after the next update. It does sound like some kind of issue if you're not getting used at least once every couple of years.

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Latest version uploaded.


This update should be Save Game Compatible with any DWR versions before 1.78. If you've a save from DWR 1.78 or older, it will NOT be save game compatible.


Final change log:

v1.81 (Dark World Reborn)
    - More events (more random ball events, more random on_action events)
    - New hero/villain
    - Contributed content from Jim Raynor (Bedding ceremony)
    - Fixed a bad picture reference on Drax70s Anal Education contribution, and replaced another to better match the narrative text.
    - Fixed a missing game rule and ai check that could result in Rogue being recruited in the Grand Inn. (thx Honourable596)
    - Fixed a missing body trait check for Gigantic Dicks, which could cause them to be replaced during the annual check and potentially during save load. (thx Honourable596 and those that raised the issue previously)
    - Fixed some typos/grammar that were brought up (thx Jim Raynor)
    - Fixed a bad localization reference (two options pointing at the same record) (thx Pantheress)
    - Fixed a missing ai_chance check to prevent the ai from recruiting Hermione or Sorcey.


Heads-up on the next update...


The next update MAY not be save game compatible. There are some additional traits (mostly image traits, but also a content related trait) that might end up in the next update.


The next update should have some more contributed content from Jim Raynor (he just sent me something that didn't make the cut off for this update), plus I'm going to take a look at getting bitch's used more often, and I'm hoping to take a look at slavery and some vampire feeding stuff.


Regarding slavery - I've noticed a couple new slavery focused mods. While I've not tried any of those mods, but reading through them, they may offer a more robust slavery system than I'm planning. In a nutshell, I'm going to simplify my slavery system, eliminating the training period that didn't really bring much to the table. So it'll be you capture someone (get them in your prison), and then you can brand them. Once branded, BOOM, they're a slave. I intend to allow you to do some things with the slaves, such as sell them, use them for sex, feed on them, use them for breeding stock, etc.


I'm not changing any trait names - so if any mods have content that can be used by slaves created in DWR - then it should still work with them.

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2 hours ago, dewguru said:

I'll take a look into it after the next update. It does sound like some kind of issue if you're not getting used at least once every couple of years.

thank you ❤️ i also don't seem to be triggering encounter events (I'm assuming those are meant to trigger randomly when you are in command of an army?). but other then those everything else seems to work just fine.

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4 hours ago, fenrirbloodmoon said:

thank you ❤️ i also don't seem to be triggering encounter events (I'm assuming those are meant to trigger randomly when you are in command of an army?). but other then those everything else seems to work just fine.

The encounter events are part of the yearly pulse random event check. Some events aren't available if you're in command, and others, like the encounter events that Drax70 contributed, are available (require you being in command at the time actually).


If you're in command for long stretches of time, then you're more likely to get them.


This last update, I felt that in my last play test, that I wasn't getting enough annual event hits, so I gave them an improved chance to happen by reducing the null chance.


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