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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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On 5/2/2020 at 5:29 AM, Chocodude said:

(I was running V1.74, so ignore this if the problem has been fixed/thing added, and sorry for wasting your time) during the course of my game, an AI character tried to mindcontrol me several times. They had mind control as they were my initial character, who was a werewolf and went feral, making them AI controlled and leaving me to play as my heir. Also a request, perhaps a way to gain gender bender traits after game start as id like to be a futa when playing females, or mayhaps have the extra trait thing tell if there are ways of gaining it after game start as i have no clue if there is. Anyways, thanks for continuous work on the mod, Love it!

No idea if that issue has been fixed. If you have the Mind Control trait, I'm pretty certain that you in turn can't mind control another with it, as they'd be considered to be mentally strong. And things are definitely different, as I'm pretty certain I changed it to where you no longer truly go feral to the point that you loose your character. You can still get crazy negative opinions against you that will make life difficult, but there is more of a mechanism for digging out now and avoiding the loss.

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On 5/2/2020 at 4:38 PM, Honourable596 said:

@dewguru Are there any plans to implement half-vampire content? I had a courtier get turned while pregnant and she spat out a vampire kid.

No. I used to have it. However, the way it was implemented wasn't the most resource friendly, and ultimately, I didn't think it added enough, so I scrapped it instead of wrestled with it.

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2 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Hello @dewguru!


Bug report:

1) I have noticed that not all male NPCs seem to be getting the dick trait. But all females get their tit traits as they should though.


2) I don't get the option, when I right click, to "Keep" the slave, after train and brand him/her.


3) There is not the option to "Rub the Lamp", I demand my three wishes! ?

Did you change the option to choose from a deferent menu?


4) when I'm on campaign and I get the random event with the lady bathing and I choose to have sex with her, some pictures don't match with the text.

The text says I fuck her from behind but the picture shows a blowjob.... not that it doesn't fit with the foreplay....but! ?



Thank you!

1 - I've not seen this in my play testing. That said - if you're seeing generated NPC's that lack the traits, such as a new commander who joins - they WILL NOT have the dick trait right away. Same would be if you use the intrigue options that invites a female to court. That's because there is no hook that allows you to inject something into grown-up NPC's that vanilla introduces into the game world. To try and account for this, there is an annual check where someone who lacks a dick or tit trait (for those playing with the body part traits on) will then receive them. ALSO - remember that dick traits are hidden. You don't know what Bob is packing unless you're looking in Bob's pants. With women, it's a lot harder to hide their breasts size, so that trait is not hidden.

2 - Slavery is getting closer to be revisited. That's about all I can say right now. My intention will be to make it more straightforward, while adding some more to it.

3 - It's still in there and it worked last time I tested it. I'll take another look at it.

4 - I'll replace it with female_male_06. If you want something else used, let me know (since it's your content contribution).?


Edited #4 as I found a potential image to use that was already there.


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What I'm working on - more random ball content.


I took several days off, when my computer took a shit and I lost some work. Back on it again. If I get enough content done this week, I'll look to post another update come the weekend, otherwise it'll likely be the following one.


The last update that introduced the first random ball option (there will be more ball options than just the masquerade), had content that applied regardless of game rule settings. What is being added this time around, will have a high amount of content that depends on game rules.

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1 hour ago, Drax70 said:

3) There is not the option to "Rub the Lamp", I demand my three wishes! ?


If my theory is correct you need to have the fairy tales and fairy species rules both active to get all the way through that event. 

If you don't want to start a new game than just use the console command: Event DWFairyTales.3000 : that forces the lamp rubbing event. Don't know if you can force the matter more than three times.

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46 minutes ago, Honourable596 said:

If my theory is correct you need to have the fairy tales and fairy species rules both active to get all the way through that event. 

If you don't want to start a new game than just use the console command: Event DWFairyTales.3000 : that forces the lamp rubbing event. Don't know if you can force the matter more than three times.

The Game Rules should be able to be toggled on or off during game play. Some things may begin to act weird if you turn something off, but turning things on shouldn't create any issues that I can think of off hand.

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I appear to be unable to choose mage trait despite the tooltip saying that I should be able to do so(is allowed to choose whether or not they become a mage & has mana greater than 150). Are there other hidden requirements, or is that just bugged?


Also, if Heroic Hall is lowering the revolt risk, that's not showing up in the tooltip.

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1 hour ago, Keats said:

I appear to be unable to choose mage trait despite the tooltip saying that I should be able to do so(is allowed to choose whether or not they become a mage & has mana greater than 150). Are there other hidden requirements, or is that just bugged?


Also, if Heroic Hall is lowering the revolt risk, that's not showing up in the tooltip.

It sounds like you're using LF as well, for Dark World Fantasy doesn't use an actual mana value. To be able to become a mage in Dark World Fantasy, you need to build a Wizard's Tower, and have a Learning of at least 10.


I think someone else mentioned that the Revolt Risk reduction may not work on buildings. I've not looked into it, but it is a possibility.

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On 5/4/2020 at 10:11 AM, Octavianus14 said:


There are some content when you choose to be a bitch for a werewolf? I choosed this campaign, but after the "welcoming event" the werewolf just appeared in my court, and nothing else happened. 



There is a random chance that a werewolf will use you. The more werewolves you've got in court, the more you'll be used. Outside of that right now, there isn't much else, although a little more is planned. You can also be used by other therianthropes as well, and the past few updates have increased the options for getting them, plus the next update will include some potential as well.


21 hours ago, YukiSno said:

is there a specific way to spawn Link more easily? i got him in one of my earlier runs but i can't seem to get him again

You obtain Link via the Brothel Upgrade Event Chain. You also have to have Fae content enabled, as well as Gender Bender content enabled.


If you don't want to wait for the Brothel Upgrade chain to potentially trigger, you can use a cheat via the console commands to run event DWCourt.332

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22 minutes ago, Drax70 said:

Bug report:


The Brothel Improvement Project events fire twice.

By events fire twice - are you talking about twice in a row, or once for one ruler, and then once again for another?


If it's the twice in a row (right on top of each other or within days), then that's a CK2 issue with their on_yearly_pulse firing twice when it should have only fired once.


If it's once for one ruler, and then again for another - it could be due to the event chain not having gotten completed, as I use character flags instead of global flags initially, as I didn't want the player to miss out on it being completed if they had a ruler change half-way through. With what I know now, I can probably adjust for this better if it's an issue.


But to know for certain, it'll help to know exactly what you mean with what you said, as there isn't much I can do when CK2 double fires one of their pulses.

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23 hours ago, dewguru said:

By events fire twice - are you talking about twice in a row, or once for one ruler, and then once again for another?


If it's the twice in a row (right on top of each other or within days), then that's a CK2 issue with their on_yearly_pulse firing twice when it should have only fired once.


If it's once for one ruler, and then again for another - it could be due to the event chain not having gotten completed, as I use character flags instead of global flags initially, as I didn't want the player to miss out on it being completed if they had a ruler change half-way through. With what I know now, I can probably adjust for this better if it's an issue.


But to know for certain, it'll help to know exactly what you mean with what you said, as there isn't much I can do when CK2 double fires one of their pulses.

Yeah, twice in a row, right on top of each other! But, I never had this issue with the previous versions of DW, this is strange...


And about once for one ruler, I have an idea!

Why not organizing a masquerade orgy, and hire more prostitutes, pole dancers etc.!!!

That whould be awesome!!! ???



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1 hour ago, Honourable596 said:

@dewguru Is rogue supposed to be locked to Heroes and Villains content? Because I have that rule disabled and she has shown up in three separate playthroughs. All with heroes turned off.

Yeah, she should be. I'm most likely missing a check. I'll take a look.


I appreciate your bringing it up.

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1 hour ago, dewguru said:

Yeah, she should be. I'm most likely missing a check. I'll take a look.


I appreciate your bringing it up.

I should mention that she kept being triggered by the AI, in my realm. I never hit the event to spawn her. That event's tied to the inn right?

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6 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Yeah, twice in a row, right on top of each other! But, I never had this issue with the previous versions of DW, this is strange...


I've seen it happen on occasion, even when I was playing CK2 with no mods.


It's rare, but there are some things that appear to increase occurrences.


It's triggered by an on_action check. In this case specifically, is the on_yearly_pulse. The on_yearly_pulse fires for every character in the game, with event triggers and pre-triggers helping determine which event fires for which character.


There isn't anything I can do (that I'm aware of) to cause the on_yearly_pulse to fire twice. So when it happens - it's CK2 that's doing it.


If you've a shit ton of people (as can be seen in multi-generational games, as new people are added quicker than old ones die off), then your processing increases. Some years are worse than others, as it's possible to have multiple pulses happen at once. For example, the on_yearly_pulse, on_bi_yearly_pulse, on_five_year_pulse, and on_decade_pulse can all be getting checked within a short time of each other (basically every 10 years seems to be a heavier than normal processing load). When these spikes occur, things can happen that you wouldn't expect. Such as a hiccup like getting double-tapped with an event.


When those things fire - some events are set to always be checked for validity, while others are set to be checked at random.


If you've mods that add events to the on_action pulses, that are always on (checked every time the pulse happens), you're increasing the processing load further. It's one of the things I've done since resuming the mod - was eliminating some of these kinds of things to try and improve resource usage.


Another notable resource hit on CK2 is war. There are notable performance hits when you've a lot of large armies moving around the map and mixing things up, which can cause overall lag and oddities as well.


If you've a multi-generational game (more than 50 years in), with a lot of war going on in the world, when your on_action pulses happen, oddities can happen.


Mix in some mods on top of it and it's just another potential trigger to see it.


It should be rare though. If you see it happening multiple times during the same play session, and you're not trying to play through some kind of massive world wide war during a 200 year old dynasty, then something else is likely going on.

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8 minutes ago, Honourable596 said:

I should mention that she kept being triggered by the AI, in my realm. I never hit the event to spawn her. That event's tied to the inn right?

Ouch. You're right. On top of not preventing it from the game rule, I'm not blocking the ai from recruiting her, which I should be.

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If your a full demon (Succubus Evolution Demoness), and leader of the chosen of Lilith society, is there any way to turn someone into a demon? My husband is not half bad stats wise, but he is human, and therefor inferior.

The chosen of Lilith society powers are kind of... lacking.

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9 minutes ago, craftomega said:

If your a full demon (Succubus Evolution Demoness), and leader of the chosen of Lilith society, is there any way to turn someone into a demon? My husband is not half bad stats wise, but he is human, and therefor inferior.

The chosen of Lilith society powers are kind of... lacking.

I believe you want to look at Luxuria Fantasia for that. I'm not entirely sure though.

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