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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Got it. Also, I'm not sure if my game is just broken, but I did some more testing. Some games, I had loads of the events firing that provided futa and trap characters, as well as other events for this mod, and then some games, I would hardly get any. I could just be very unlucky however. And, adding on to my last comment, I get lots of duplicate events, especially with the exotic traders. I also noticed there's lots of sex events in the files, with branching paths and whatnot, but I've never seen them in game before. The only way I really know to initiate sex is via the spend time with interaction; is there any other ways?

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2 hours ago, hiyathere4 said:

Found a bug with the beauty quest chain. Her "alignment" values get stuck at Dw_belle_corruption = 2 and dw_belle_compassion (or whatever the pure route is) = 1, and progression past the book providing phase does not work. This may have something to do with the option to take her to the bar, as that was the first option I chose.

Belle broke with another route for me. I think, the whole quest line is just broken.

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2 hours ago, hiyathere4 said:

Found a bug with the beauty quest chain. Her "alignment" values get stuck at Dw_belle_corruption = 2 and dw_belle_compassion (or whatever the pure route is) = 1, and progression past the book providing phase does not work. This may have something to do with the option to take her to the bar, as that was the first option I chose.

Yeah, I also confirm this. I give her the Kama Sutra book and when I return it gives me the same option from the first visit.


Belle encounters are a bit broken.

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2 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Yeah, I also confirm this. I give her the Kama Sutra book and when I return it gives me the same option from the first visit.


Belle encounters are a bit broken.

It looks like it is all because I missed a flag with the first cobbler visit. So the initial visit keeps repeating and thus resetting the variables.


I think I've got a fix, let me test it out quick.

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8 hours ago, AntonDaDon said:

I must be doing something wrong here. I followed the link regarding playing on Mac. For some reason this mod along w/ LF don't show up in the actual game. It's weird all other mods work. I tried playing one mod at a time, this and LF are the only ones that don't show up.  :(

Just to be certain - you aren't leaving them in their zipped format, correct? DWR, and I'm pretty certain LF are meant to be extracted and not left in zipped format.

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Temporary fix for the Belle story line arc.


Issue was like I mentioned above, where it was missing a flag on the initial Cobbler visit, thus resetting it every time.


I successfully tested an affection start, turn corruption, where Belle banged Maurice, seduced the Beast and then I had her come to court while the Beast was in my employ.


Place the attached file into \Dark World Reborn\events


I'll see about getting an update with these recent fixes posted. I'm just in the middle of a new multi-stage random event that will need to be wrapped up. Let's assume it'll be this weekend, so use the attached file in the interim.


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3 hours ago, SeanODonger said:

Got it. Also, I'm not sure if my game is just broken, but I did some more testing. Some games, I had loads of the events firing that provided futa and trap characters, as well as other events for this mod, and then some games, I would hardly get any. I could just be very unlucky however. And, adding on to my last comment, I get lots of duplicate events, especially with the exotic traders. I also noticed there's lots of sex events in the files, with branching paths and whatnot, but I've never seen them in game before. The only way I really know to initiate sex is via the spend time with interaction; is there any other ways?

If you're getting duplicate events, this often points towards a version (trying to use an older version of CK2) or an installation issue (sometimes updating a mod by overwriting it creates issues, so wiping out the mod and then installing it fresh can fix things).


I try to not repeat events too much, so those various sex events could be from brothel visits or spend time with visits.

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8 hours ago, dewguru said:

Temporary fix for the Belle story line arc.


Issue was like I mentioned above, where it was missing a flag on the initial Cobbler visit, thus resetting it every time.


I successfully tested an affection start, turn corruption, where Belle banged Maurice, seduced the Beast and then I had her come to court while the Beast was in my employ.


Place the attached file into \Dark World Reborn\events


I'll see about getting an update with these recent fixes posted. I'm just in the middle of a new multi-stage random event that will need to be wrapped up. Let's assume it'll be this weekend, so use the attached file in the interim.

dw_beautybeast.txt 32.72 kB · 6 downloads


Thanks @dewguru!

I thought, I would have to wait till the weekend to continue the story... ?

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6 hours ago, Xadhoom said:

are a vampires health drain really supposed to be permanent? i have Selene and Vampierlla in my court, and they both seem to think im a tastefull morsel, but if i would have died after only 2-3 years if i didn't cheat to refill my health.

Yes, allowing yourself to be used as cattle, is indeed intended to end poorly.


That reminds me though, I keep intending to change the decision some, as they shouldn't be actively feeding on people. It's meant to be more of an evil, or morally gray type vampire action. Not one that's all 'hey ruler, you're cool. let's be friends!' and then they feed on you to death.

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Wow. Talk about a rarity. I'm early for once.


Got the event chain I was working on wrapped up enough to make it worth packaging now, so this way the fixes and some other tweaks can get shared.


Note: Games started with version 1.79 are save game compatible (released this past weekend). Games started with an earlier version, are not save game compatible.


Change Log:
v1.80 (Dark World Reborn)
    - More events (new random events)
    - Replaced a few more small event images within the mod with larger ones.
    - New tit trait icons (for those with the Body Traits game rule on) provided by Drax70 (thx Drax70!)
    - Fixed an issue where I had a couple portrait blocks converted improperly, resulting in black backgrounds instead of transparent. (thx Drax70 and solrane)
    - Fixed an issue with a missing flag in the Beauty and Beast event chain that had it repeating stages. (thx hiyathere4, SeanODonger, Drax70, and Wily Rodent)
    - Tweaked the thrall making event for vampires. 'Friendly npc vampires' (Vampirella, Selene, BloodRayne) should not be taking thralls. (thx Xadhoom)
    - Removed the Far East Content game rule, as neko and kitsune are a type of therianthrope, which is covered under Classic Monsters


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So as someone who's been out of the game for at least a few months, I need some clarity here. It seems Reborn is the only mod that's still here, and I remember someone having a fit about one of the Dark Worlds. Is Fantasy just gone now, and if so, is Reborn handling all the mods it used to? Or has everyone made everything independent?

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7 hours ago, MagnaSonic3000 said:

So as someone who's been out of the game for at least a few months, I need some clarity here. It seems Reborn is the only mod that's still here, and I remember someone having a fit about one of the Dark Worlds. Is Fantasy just gone now, and if so, is Reborn handling all the mods it used to? Or has everyone made everything independent?

Please, check the first page to see the features of the mod your self and judge if this is what you realy want...! ?

Unless, you want something deferent like Luxuria Fantasia!


There is always the search feature in loverslab.com...



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8 hours ago, MagnaSonic3000 said:

So as someone who's been out of the game for at least a few months, I need some clarity here. It seems Reborn is the only mod that's still here, and I remember someone having a fit about one of the Dark Worlds. Is Fantasy just gone now, and if so, is Reborn handling all the mods it used to? Or has everyone made everything independent?

I made Dark World as my first mod. It had all kinds of sub-mods that I also made for it, to try and allow plug and play functionality. It was a mess to maintain so I redid it as Dark World Reborn, which worked well enough as Game Rule functionality was added by CK2 so things could be toggled on and off. Between the two, I worked on them for about two years. I took a year off, came back and found lockeslylcrit had taken DWR, added some things and split other things out into sub-mods (sort of like I did with the original DW). There was an issue, which has been worked out, and I've resumed DWR while lockeslylcrit has rebranded her work as Luxuria Fantasia (you should see it on the main Lover's Lab CK2 mod page). We've worked out a number of compatibility issues and I've been expanding my vision, while she's been working on hers. Our visions do differ on the content we like to add, but the mods do work together, so players should be able to experience the best of both mods.


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Hey @dewguru there is a picture which is not fired in the anal education sex event, the picture is "female_male_07"!

You have "female_male_06" fire two times, vaginal and anal sex...


Secondly, I got Starfire parrot event fire once every 1-2 years, is this intended?




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12 hours ago, Celedhring said:

Bug  report: I got the X-23 encounter twice one right after the other..getting two X-23's in my court..

The randomizer for the event checks to see if there is a global flag that gets set when X-23 is created. When I tested it, I'm seeing the global flag. In order for you to get it twice, either there would have been an error in the flag getting created (unlikely), or you just experienced an issue where in certain issues CK2 will double-tap annual events.


If the CK2 double-tap is happening frequently, it's usually something got out of whack with the mod installation. If it's not happening frequently, then the only thing I've seen that I believe might contribute to it, is a higher than normal resource load, which can be caused by a number of things that range from mods doing a lot behind the scenes, to the vanilla game having large battles across the world, or the game world has is generations old and there are large courts across the map.


I can add another trigger in the event itself instead of just the random list entry. If it's happening after that, it'd point more to an issue with the global flag being properly set or checked.


13 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Secondly, I got Starfire parrot event fire once every 1-2 years, is this intended?


It's a random chance. You likely just experienced the luck of the draw, which is higher the less heroes/villains you've got in your court.

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Bug report:


1) I get this error in my text.log file>> [internationalizedtext.cpp:1921]: 'quest_the_chosen_of_lilith_demonic_impregnation' not defined!

and some other "not defined!" numbers, but I assume, this is vanila and HIP errors...


2) Also, when I recruit a new hero/villain member, I still get the option to choose a custom portrait, which it is not needed because you have created other static portraits in the folder.


Thanks! ?

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First, I want to say this mod is amazing, and that it has given me a reason to play CK2 I was just narrowly lacking. I like Paradox grand strategy, but lacked a goal in the CK2 sandbox; I have little interest in restoring the Roman Empire or healing the schism in the Church. So when offered the challenge of attempting by sword and schlong over generations to turn all medieval Europe into a werewolf playhaven? Yes. Yes, please, all of that, in my face, may I have another. I love the little events that remind you of what you are, and the recent addition of Species Dominance is perfect for what I have in mind.


I'd note that the opinion hit you take from declaring Species Dominance seems odd applying to other (esp. uncloseted) therianthropes; especially when they declare it first as one of my landed sons did in my first game. I realize it might be awkward for your werewolf vassals to explain to their human drinking buddies that King Ironclaw Femurcruncher declared that we're top dogs now and that we can legally demand they pay for the next round in ass, but I feel like they should be more appreciative of their newfound position.


Regardless, thank you for this mod and all its were-content!



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(I was running V1.74, so ignore this if the problem has been fixed/thing added, and sorry for wasting your time) during the course of my game, an AI character tried to mindcontrol me several times. They had mind control as they were my initial character, who was a werewolf and went feral, making them AI controlled and leaving me to play as my heir. Also a request, perhaps a way to gain gender bender traits after game start as id like to be a futa when playing females, or mayhaps have the extra trait thing tell if there are ways of gaining it after game start as i have no clue if there is. Anyways, thanks for continuous work on the mod, Love it!

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Hello @dewguru!


Bug report:

1) I have noticed that not all male NPCs seem to be getting the dick trait. But all females get their tit traits as they should though.


2) I don't get the option, when I right click, to "Keep" the slave, after train and brand him/her.


3) There is not the option to "Rub the Lamp", I demand my three wishes! ?

Did you change the option to choose from a deferent menu?


4) when I'm on campaign and I get the random event with the lady bathing and I choose to have sex with her, some pictures don't match with the text.

The text says I fuck her from behind but the picture shows a blowjob.... not that it doesn't fit with the foreplay....but! ?



Thank you!

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On 4/30/2020 at 2:53 PM, KyriaShirako said:

First, I want to say this mod is amazing, and that it has given me a reason to play CK2 I was just narrowly lacking. I like Paradox grand strategy, but lacked a goal in the CK2 sandbox; I have little interest in restoring the Roman Empire or healing the schism in the Church. So when offered the challenge of attempting by sword and schlong over generations to turn all medieval Europe into a werewolf playhaven? Yes. Yes, please, all of that, in my face, may I have another. I love the little events that remind you of what you are, and the recent addition of Species Dominance is perfect for what I have in mind.


I'd note that the opinion hit you take from declaring Species Dominance seems odd applying to other (esp. uncloseted) therianthropes; especially when they declare it first as one of my landed sons did in my first game. I realize it might be awkward for your werewolf vassals to explain to their human drinking buddies that King Ironclaw Femurcruncher declared that we're top dogs now and that we can legally demand they pay for the next round in ass, but I feel like they should be more appreciative of their newfound position.


Regardless, thank you for this mod and all its were-content!



Declaring dominance is a declaration of war against non-therianthropes. Your werewolf vassal who has human drinking buddies would be seen as little more than a man with his slave, livestock, or whatever your selection of choice is for a sub-standard species.


As for the hit between species members, the reason there are the Therianthrope same trait opinion bonuses are largely to mitigate coming out.


That's why there are less damaging methods to use in coming out. Reduce the law to where everybody is welcome, and Therianthropes have a high chance of coming out with the lowest penalty.


And there will always be some kind of penalty. For even on the good terms, your drinking buddies may accept you, but one or two will have some hidden fear or doubt that they just seek to regularly keep down. Be it concern that the rumors of your kind being oversexed is true and that his wife and daughter will be rutted by you, or simply that human's days are numbered as more of your kind appear.

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