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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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2 hours ago, greryve said:

Love the mod dude. Would it be possible to beef up Dracula? In my playthroughs I've always tried to help him but he doesn't really conquer or retain his land and i think it'd be cool if he had a more active role game wise. I also cant seem to get either tentaclekin or orcs to invade is there a way to trigger these event so they happen earlier than the high middle ages?

Tentaclekin and Orcs are going to be getting some love in the future for certain. As will Vlad's country building. I know that right now, Fenris clearly does better in keeping a foothold and even being able to expand, so there is a need for some balance. Probably won't be all in the same update though.

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Update on the next release - it's still planned for this weekend. I'm looking to do it later Sunday, and a reminder - IT IS NOT SAVE COMPATIBLE.


It's at a state I could post it now, but I'm fitting in some extra work. Specifically, I noticed that there were some things in the Beauty and Beast story line that weren't where I wanted them, plus it's mostly the old, small images. So I've been updating it some, adding larger images and tweaking parts of the event chain and adding some of the things that didn't make its release way back when.


The entire update to the Beauty and Beast event chain, might not be done before release, however, it will be in a functional, playable state.

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2 hours ago, dewguru said:

 As will Vlad's country building. I know that right now, Fenris clearly does better in keeping a foothold and even being able to expand, so there is a need for some balance. Probably won't be all in the same update though.

I think the biggest problem with Vlad is that ultimately he is easy to "game over" so to speak, as he cant reproduce due to being a vampire and he doesnt...make vampire heirs as such, or not that i have seen, while Fenris ends up with a bazillion potential heirs due to getting around literally everywhere. In fact Fenris needs a nerf on that front, he just...randomly pops up where-ever, makes a baby and thats it. God knows the amount of times i got the "oh no werewolf bitch" event at random for no particular reason even IF he is, literally, on the other side of the world due to Umbra Spherea. Given the event text saying "i shouldnt even be seeing this" he may need a fix there anyways.


But yeah, Vlad needs a slight buff to..embracing others into vampirism and thus having potential heirs as otherwise his particular line just ends when he dies and since this is CK2, dying is ridiculously easy despite best efforts.

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6 hours ago, Tetras said:

I think the biggest problem with Vlad is that ultimately he is easy to "game over" so to speak, as he cant reproduce due to being a vampire and he doesnt...make vampire heirs as such, or not that i have seen, while Fenris ends up with a bazillion potential heirs due to getting around literally everywhere. In fact Fenris needs a nerf on that front, he just...randomly pops up where-ever, makes a baby and thats it. God knows the amount of times i got the "oh no werewolf bitch" event at random for no particular reason even IF he is, literally, on the other side of the world due to Umbra Spherea. Given the event text saying "i shouldnt even be seeing this" he may need a fix there anyways.


But yeah, Vlad needs a slight buff to..embracing others into vampirism and thus having potential heirs as otherwise his particular line just ends when he dies and since this is CK2, dying is ridiculously easy despite best efforts.

I can add a check to keep Fenris within his diplomatic range. So no across map booty calls.


I've been meaning to add some kind of heir mechanism for vampires. I'll have one in the next release. Instead of creating an odd scene where you ninja a courtier's kid, it's going to be an intrigue decision that is available if you don't have an exiting heir. Doing it will add a 5 year old child as a son or daughter. Going with the idea that  vampires are a picky lot, they'd ensure that there is a desirable generic trait, with the most common one that'd appear for the child being fair (good looking). If that heir ever dies off, the intrigue decision can be used again to 'find' another heir. The children will be vampires, which should be alright since there is no longer that health loss without feeding.


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1 hour ago, dewguru said:

I can add a check to keep Fenris within his diplomatic range. So no across map booty calls.


Well could do a check for that particular event to be extremely short range, i.e. his court or direct neighbours, as well as characters who own the artifact which is tagged for that particular fetish. Which would severely limit that interaction so he is unable to just bang his way to 20 babies in the span of like 3-4 years. Another option would be also to disallow that event from firing when he has a set amount of kids, say 6-8. Avoids him having so many too.

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8 hours ago, Tetras said:

Well could do a check for that particular event to be extremely short range, i.e. his court or direct neighbours, as well as characters who own the artifact which is tagged for that particular fetish. Which would severely limit that interaction so he is unable to just bang his way to 20 babies in the span of like 3-4 years. Another option would be also to disallow that event from firing when he has a set amount of kids, say 6-8. Avoids him having so many too.

There is no artifact related to being made a bitch by a werewolf, so I'm not certain what you're talking about.


The event isn't controlled by Fenris, it's controlled by female rulers. The only way he'd potentially have 20 babies in the span of 3-4 years, is if he's got nothing but female rulers around him, and they've horrendous rng luck. His high baby-momma count was because the event is literally running for every female ruler across the entire map.


I'd like to gauge the effect of the change I made. 6-8 kids is nothing, even in vanilla.

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3 hours ago, dewguru said:

There is no artifact related to being made a bitch by a werewolf, so I'm not certain what you're talking about.


The event isn't controlled by Fenris, it's controlled by female rulers. The only way he'd potentially have 20 babies in the span of 3-4 years, is if he's got nothing but female rulers around him, and they've horrendous rng luck. His high baby-momma count was because the event is literally running for every female ruler across the entire map.


I'd like to gauge the effect of the change I made. 6-8 kids is nothing, even in vanilla.

I meant the bestiality artifact, unless thats somehow no longer a thing. Figured it would fit into the logic of it.


That being said though, why would the event run for every female ruler, without any actual event being present except for the endresult? Because at least when my female ruler at the time got it, all i got was "Fenris made you preggers", nothing before, nothing after. There is, at least from what i've seen no actual event chain whatsoever, no "you are being stalked" or anything of the sort that would at least hint at whats about to happen or give you, if its your female ruler, some influence of the outcome. Instead so far it is quite literally forced on you, repeatedly. I literally deleted both the modifier and the "baby" via console/savegame-edit twice in the same game because Fenris apparently never stops.

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3 hours ago, Tetras said:

I meant the bestiality artifact, unless thats somehow no longer a thing. Figured it would fit into the logic of it.


That being said though, why would the event run for every female ruler, without any actual event being present except for the endresult? Because at least when my female ruler at the time got it, all i got was "Fenris made you preggers", nothing before, nothing after. There is, at least from what i've seen no actual event chain whatsoever, no "you are being stalked" or anything of the sort that would at least hint at whats about to happen or give you, if its your female ruler, some influence of the outcome. Instead so far it is quite literally forced on you, repeatedly. I literally deleted both the modifier and the "baby" via console/savegame-edit twice in the same game because Fenris apparently never stops.

You don't need a special artifact to be knocked up by a therianthrope, and have a therianthrope offspring from one. Therianthropes are also not covered by anything bestiality related. They're considered monsters.


It's designed to run the way it runs. You can disable the content by unchecking 'Classic Monsters' in the Game Rules. You are correct that there is no event chain. There is a TODO part of the event, however, it's not on the radar for having any action done to it. If you find yourself playing a female ruler, and within diplomatic range of Fenris, the best approach would be to seek to topple him as soon as possible.


Edit: the artifact that you're referring to is one that can be worn that will allow a woman to breed with actual animals - and thus potentially become pregnant, with the result being a therianthrope child. So it's a way to make a therianthrope without a parent being a therianthrope.

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1 minute ago, dewguru said:

You don't need a special artifact to be knocked up by a therianthrope, and have a therianthrope offspring from one. Therianthropes are also not covered by anything bestiality related. They're considered monsters.


It's designed to run the way it runs. You can disable the content by unchecking 'Classic Monsters' in the Game Rules. You are correct that there is no event chain. There is a TODO part of the event, however, it's not on the radar for having any action done to it. If you find yourself playing a female ruler, and within diplomatic range of Fenris, the best approach would be to seek to topple him as soon as possible.

I mean that is an option, though i would prefer having him in the game without him forcing his business into my business when im trying to build my demonic-lilith-empire or whatever i am doing. Especially so when by all logic since he usually starts as count or duke, he shouldnt just force his way into some queen's bedchambers without anyone being able to do anything about it, that should be risky for him to begin with.


At least in my opinion it would be preferable to not have to see it as an all or nothing approach. Him targetting landless female courtiers over landed duchesses or queens or whatever at least would be a better option than to have to either disable him outright, or remove him from the game. I mean at least Vlad doesnt get into my business while i do my thing and he does his.


I was also aware that the artifact isnt needed for it, but i was saying that using it as a check for eligibility might be another option. I.e. a female ruler having it would make them as such eligible for that event.


Hence the logic, in my opinion should be that its either landless females, direct female neighbours or any female who has that artifact being eligible, It doesnt stop his thing but it limits as to who he can do it to. I mean he shouldnt travel from where-ever he is for days/weeks essentially just to get some sugar from a female character ?

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2 hours ago, Tetras said:

I mean that is an option, though i would prefer having him in the game without him forcing his business into my business when im trying to build my demonic-lilith-empire or whatever i am doing. Especially so when by all logic since he usually starts as count or duke, he shouldnt just force his way into some queen's bedchambers without anyone being able to do anything about it, that should be risky for him to begin with.


At least in my opinion it would be preferable to not have to see it as an all or nothing approach. Him targetting landless female courtiers over landed duchesses or queens or whatever at least would be a better option than to have to either disable him outright, or remove him from the game. I mean at least Vlad doesnt get into my business while i do my thing and he does his.


I was also aware that the artifact isnt needed for it, but i was saying that using it as a check for eligibility might be another option. I.e. a female ruler having it would make them as such eligible for that event.


Hence the logic, in my opinion should be that its either landless females, direct female neighbours or any female who has that artifact being eligible, It doesnt stop his thing but it limits as to who he can do it to. I mean he shouldnt travel from where-ever he is for days/weeks essentially just to get some sugar from a female character ?

While I can appreciate your thoughts, I'm not going to act upon them and do anything more than what is in this next release.


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14 minutes ago, dewguru said:

While I can appreciate your thoughts, I'm not going to act upon them and do anything more than what is in this next release.


Perhaps it is just worth adding to the probability of the event a division into the military skill of the kingdom? The higher, the less likely Fenrir to do his dirty business. Security is better. So it will be more logical, small counties and landless characters are less protected. 


Sorry for my english, it's all google translation.

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1 hour ago, dewguru said:

While I can appreciate your thoughts, I'm not going to act upon them and do anything more than what is in this next release.


Oh no, do not get me wrong, i was NOT saying you had to do any of those things right now, or even in the immediate future given i am sure you have plenty plans for content and it IS your mod. It's merely my suggestions/opinions on that one particular feature, for when there is nothing else that needs attention at best. Hell, i might just see and try if i can do a dirty fix myself for that event if nothing else, just figured i'd bring it up just in case.

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Testing the update presently.


Change log for the update that's coming after my testing is done.


v1.79 (Dark World Reborn)

    - New decisions for Therianthrope rulers (player or ai), where they can proclaim their dominance. Any therianthrope characters in their lands are then likely to pronounce their true self as well, save for the cowardly.
    - If a non-human decides to reveal their true being when the law of the land shows full tolerance for non-humans, then the opinion hit they take is smaller. Note - if one declares dominance - you are saying you are superior to mankind, so you still take a large opinion hit if you go that route, even with the law set to tolerance.
    - More events (related to the above decisions and some other random events, some new heroes and villains)
    - Code/image contributions by Drax70, with permission from Gurges of ArgleBargle (AB mod) and DocToska of Dark World Reborn: Toska (DWR:Toska) to incorporate some of their content. (Troop command, coming of age, and getting caught masturbating events)
    - Updated Serpents Purge potion to use the cancel_pregnancy command instead of the flag/kill at birth method that the mod previously used.
    - Fixed a missing image reference in the dw_events.gfx file for the new grand inn random event that was added recently. (thx Drax70)
    - Updated some old small images to larger ones.
    - Updates to the Beauty and the Beast storyline
    - Resaved some recent images as the dds formatting I was using, was almost 3 times the size of what it should have been (which means that even though I added new images, the file size may shrink with this update)
    - Fixed the 'Never bother me again' option for Hela, as she indeed would bother you again.
    - Tweaked Fenris bitch search code to be less of a resource burden (no more any_character/random_character) and to keep it within diplomatic range (so no across map booty calls)
    - Added an intrigue decision for Vampires to 'reveal' their child heir that they had hidden away away from prying eyes (meaning they stole a kid with potential and made them part of the dynasty upon making them a vampire as well)



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I am looking for the Lilith society mission events to do some modding. For some reason, the only events in the file are sacrificing someone and building of lilith temple. But the game gives me priest corruption mission which I can't find in the code.


Any ideas where I can find that? 

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Reminder that the new update (1.79) is NOT SAVE GAME COMPATIBLE!


I left up the previous version (1.78) just in case.


Two more quick notes:

- The smaller file size is because I found the way I was saving images was resulting a larger than normal file size. I went through and corrected it, and as you can see, the file size savings is considerable.

- The Beauty and the Beast event chain rework is more than half done, and should work well. There is one TODO item that I didn't comment out, which is visiting the Triplettes in the lodge after you've shared them with Gaston. The quest chain should work, but I didn't test all aspects of it, so let me know if an issue is found.

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5 hours ago, Aazad said:

I am looking for the Lilith society mission events to do some modding. For some reason, the only events in the file are sacrificing someone and building of lilith temple. But the game gives me priest corruption mission which I can't find in the code.


Any ideas where I can find that? 

Pretty sure the lilith society uses the core game devil worshipers as a base, so some things are probably found there.

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1 hour ago, Drax70 said:

Hello @dewguru!

I found a bug.

I got x-23 event and her portrait has a black square behind it, I tried to modify it but it still there.

Most probably, you forgot to use the "wand tool" and merge the layers properly... ?



Yes i've encountered the same minor glitch, doesn't affect gameplay as far as i can tell. I thought it was only x-23 but looks like it happened to Rogue too.



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2 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Hello @dewguru!

I found a bug.

I got x-23 event and her portrait has a black square behind it, I tried to modify it but it still there.

Most probably, you forgot to use the "wand tool" and merge the layers properly... ?



No, if it's black squares showing up, it's because I saved it as a .jpg instead of a .png before my batch .dds conversion. Or at least that's what happened in the past.


Corrected ones attached below for those that don't want to wait for the next update.


They go in \Dark World Reborn\gfx\static_portraits

dw_portraits_04.dds dw_portraits_06.dds

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Do you plan on adding more same sex interactions? It's pretty stale with pretty much one singular event with a same sex lover, that you can only do really when spending time with them. Also, when I try motivating a councillor, and offer my body, I get two contradicting events every time, the first one is them rejecting it, and the second one is always them accepting it, and it working.

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5 hours ago, SeanODonger said:

Do you plan on adding more same sex interactions? It's pretty stale with pretty much one singular event with a same sex lover, that you can only do really when spending time with them. Also, when I try motivating a councillor, and offer my body, I get two contradicting events every time, the first one is them rejecting it, and the second one is always them accepting it, and it working.

Well, I'll take a look at the second part (the Councillor giving you conflicting messages).


As for the first part, same sex content isn't my focus, and not something that really interests me. And while I still add it on occasion (there has been content added over the last few updates), it's something that I readily admit to largely doing just enough to include.


If you want more - the best thing I can recommend is to PM me descriptive text that I can use, along with images that match the descriptions.


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I must be doing something wrong here. I followed the link regarding playing on Mac. For some reason this mod along w/ LF don't show up in the actual game. It's weird all other mods work. I tried playing one mod at a time, this and LF are the only ones that don't show up.  :(

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Found a bug with the beauty quest chain. Her "alignment" values get stuck at Dw_belle_corruption = 2 and dw_belle_compassion (or whatever the pure route is) = 1, and progression past the book providing phase does not work. This may have something to do with the option to take her to the bar, as that was the first option I chose.

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