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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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One thing that annoys me is how you can't choose the trait for breasts and dick size. I get why you can't but it would be cool if that could be brought back. Maybe as a potion of some sort like how it was in the old version. Minor grip of a great mod. 

If nothing else, I think it should be an option in the ruler designer.

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@striker - Per Dew's main post, and earlier thread posts... its not out yet. Watch the announcements in the first post or "follow" the file in the downloads section. - patience padawan



@ Lubu & TDM - Yea its kind of a bummer you cant pick what traits you want.. but its almost as easy to just use the add trait command and add them on that way.. to even other characters than your player char.


add_trait traitname charid

and the trait names are easy to get... just look at the traits file in the mod, and charid just as easy.. turn on charinfo ingame and mouse over your target.. use the char id.  give your entire (ahem) harem exactly the traits you want... then go modify the inheritance chances in the mods files.. and all your offspring will be perfect.


take it further by coding in right click option to quickly add what traits you want and which ones you dont.

i had it to where one single right click option would work for male's and females to add exactly what i wanted since i put in checks for each gender.  dont ask me for this right now as iv been waiting for updates and wiped my mod files and been inbetween recoding things off and on the last 2 weeks.

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The Children of Lilith module is still under development.  Dewguru's said he's trying to get it out as soon as he can, but I know real life has a way of slowing things down.  If you want to play the old version, before Dewguru did the whole Reborn revamp, you can download the mod itself here and a compatibility patch to let it work with the current version of CK2 here.  It'll be missing the more recent stuff Dewguru's been working on, like the Fairy Tale module, but it's good to tide you over until Dewguru can get things sorted.

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The Children of Lilith module is still under development.  Dewguru's said he's trying to get it out as soon as he can, but I know real life has a way of slowing things down.  If you want to play the old version, before Dewguru did the whole Reborn revamp, you can download the mod itself here and a compatibility patch to let it work with the current version of CK2 here.  It'll be missing the more recent stuff Dewguru's been working on, like the Fairy Tale module, but it's good to tide you over until Dewguru can get things sorted.

I see...


Well thanks for the explanation...

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Greetings folks. Sorry about this week. My plans for wrapping up Children of Lilith on Monday obviously didn't happen, thanks to that thing called life.


Excuses aside, I'm back to work on it. It'll be different, and I hope this is a case where different is alright. As I said before, it won't be at the full maturation that it was when v1.25 last hit.


Pretty much with what I post you'll have the option of starting as a Succubus or Incubus, a couple basic spells, and the Blood Moon Celebration, which is a complete re-write. The last one was basically the Old Gods Blot event with Lilith flavor. The Blood Moon celebration is still very similar, but some of those annoyances have been done away with. Such as you can call on it if you've no vassals. If you have a vassal or courtier opt out of attending, they really shouldn't show up in any of the events, and if you've a shit ton of prisoners, you should be able to churn through your entire prison, instead of being limited to the blot max of four.


Now, since life interrupted me, I've not tested this much at all, and I'm unlikely to test it a lot before release. So, my recommendation - only download and use it if you're alright with the chance that you may need to turn around and post a "Hey DEW, xyz isn't working as I think you intend." The futa mod wasn't heavily tested either, and it was alright when released based on feedback so far, so I'm hoping the Children of Lilith will work roughly as well.


As for when, it'll be Saturday or Sunday. I'm aiming for Saturday, but I fully expect something to impact that, as it's simply how this week has gone.

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Looking forward to it!  The succubus elements were my favorite part of the original version, and I've still been playing games with it.  (My personal best: converting every province in my Brittanian Empire to Lilithian, and making a heavy start on Norway, which I conquered in a Purification where they couldn't get much help because they'd gone Lollard.  Oh, and having an immortal Succubus Queen who'd seduced most of the major duchesses in her matriarchal Empire, and quite a few foreign rulers.)  Of course, I'm also looking forward to more updates to Fairy Tales... and to whatever you can come up with for the vampires and werewolves... basically, I'm just eager to see more of anything!

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There looks like there is a small bug in the Beauty and the Beast events in that they can trigger for a child ruler in regency.


Just as a tip - if you hit an adult event as a child, letting me know what hit is helpful. Making a general statement about an event chain that isn't all adult material - and therefore not intended to be blocked entirely, isn't as helpful.

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Will you be using ReMeDy's updated portrait mod with 27 slot templates?



I'm not even sure if DW will need 130 portraits (or 104 if it's just the existing four property slots upgraded to 26 portraits each), considering I believe DW hasn't yet exhausted 84 portraits. The only good reasons to upgrade would be to make the portraits more user-friendly for sub-mods to attach additional portraits in addition to what Dew has provided, and if Dew is bothered at all by a little bit of black bleeding outside the top-left on portraits 14, 35, 56, and 77, although it's small enough to possibly ignore, especially if the portrait is used on a landed character having a wider stroke around their portrait, hiding most of the black bleed. The black bleed might not  even show up for him, because I don't think he uses Photoshop to save out the .dds files, so he's bypassing the issue I had with the alpha layer not properly masking that bleed.

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Hi there,

Huge fan of it here; and, after months of being unable to play, i tried to install this but my amish-ness with computing and modding appeared and i'd like to get a little help in matter as i don't know how to make it work;


I had a previous DW version 9.1 (october), and i don't know if i have to delete the old files and keep only the new "core" version, have the DW + DWcore as two separate mods, or just patch the old files with the new "core"...


I only know that having a separate two, only the 1.29 core or a patched whole didn't apply any change of DW...


Any hint?

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Hi there,

Huge fan of it here; and, after months of being unable to play, i tried to install this but my amish-ness with computing and modding appeared and i'd like to get a little help in matter as i don't know how to make it work;


I had a previous DW version 9.1 (october), and i don't know if i have to delete the old files and keep only the new "core" version, have the DW + DWcore as two separate mods, or just patch the old files with the new "core"...


I only know that having a separate two, only the 1.29 core or a patched whole didn't apply any change of DW...


Any hint?


Remove the old versions, then put in DW Core, then add in any selection of the others you want.

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Will you be using ReMeDy's updated portrait mod with 27 slot templates?



I'm not even sure if DW will need 130 portraits (or 104 if it's just the existing four property slots upgraded to 26 portraits each), considering I believe DW hasn't yet exhausted 84 portraits. The only good reasons to upgrade would be to make the portraits more user-friendly for sub-mods to attach additional portraits in addition to what Dew has provided, and if Dew is bothered at all by a little bit of black bleeding outside the top-left on portraits 14, 35, 56, and 77, although it's small enough to possibly ignore, especially if the portrait is used on a landed character having a wider stroke around their portrait, hiding most of the black bleed. The black bleed might not  even show up for him, because I don't think he uses Photoshop to save out the .dds files, so he's bypassing the issue I had with the alpha layer not property making that bleed transparent.



I use GIMP, which is a pain in the ass more often than not, but it does what I need and so I've not invested in anything that costs money (also because a graphic artist I am not). :)


I will probably move to the 27 slot templates, and then open up recommendations for some of the images that are assigned upon adulthood for things like werewolves and such, increasing the numbers beyond what I use now. It'll just be after a few more mod releases though.

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There looks like there is a small bug in the Beauty and the Beast events in that they can trigger for a child ruler in regency.


Just as a tip - if you hit an adult event as a child, letting me know what hit is helpful. Making a general statement about an event chain that isn't all adult material - and therefore not intended to be blocked entirely, isn't as helpful.


I meant the very first event and the decision to visit the village.  As for what I was able to trigger, well there didn't seem to be any restrictions.  For sure I was able to give Bell a naughty book, but there was no followup after that so maybe that's working as intended.  I was also able to go to the bar which described my ten year old character drinking ale.

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Hi there,

Huge fan of it here; and, after months of being unable to play, i tried to install this but my amish-ness with computing and modding appeared and i'd like to get a little help in matter as i don't know how to make it work;


I had a previous DW version 9.1 (october), and i don't know if i have to delete the old files and keep only the new "core" version, have the DW + DWcore as two separate mods, or just patch the old files with the new "core"...


I only know that having a separate two, only the 1.29 core or a patched whole didn't apply any change of DW...


Any hint?


Remove the old versions, then put in DW Core, then add in any selection of the others you want.



Still nothing :I


I've removed everything referring to DW, then worked the new file like it would be for a new user, dowloaded the portrait-mod... but in-game nothing happens, even if i waited for a year or so...

Unless i am doing something else wrong or i missed something about the game where it says to wait more... or trigger something... still, i guess that the city modifications and actions would have been already active (?)


Uhm, it works, but it only shows the size of titties and dickies, where did all the other good stuff gone?

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There looks like there is a small bug in the Beauty and the Beast events in that they can trigger for a child ruler in regency.


Just as a tip - if you hit an adult event as a child, letting me know what hit is helpful. Making a general statement about an event chain that isn't all adult material - and therefore not intended to be blocked entirely, isn't as helpful.


I meant the very first event and the decision to visit the village.  As for what I was able to trigger, well there didn't seem to be any restrictions.  For sure I was able to give Bell a naughty book, but there was no followup after that so maybe that's working as intended.  I was also able to go to the bar which described my ten year old character drinking ale.



Yeah, I'm not going to filter that out. There are sex scenes that are filtered out. And as a child, you would find you hit certain walls. And a 10 year old drinking ale during that time frame, especially if you were a ruler, totally fine.


If it bothers you, then the correct thing to do would be for you to not voluntarily go through those events. Outside of your first visit which is a random event, YOU are not forced to have your young ruler visit the village. So if YOU have concerns about the content, then YOU should be more responsible in your actions.


It's quite simple when you consider it.

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when will the lillith optional mod come out


Before I go to bed tonight. It's in a releasable state now (according to Validator), but I'll be adding to it until I turn in for the evening. Which is probably 6 hours roughly from this message being posted.

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Dude, I'm just trying to be helpful by reporting what I thought were bugs.  I'm not bothered by the mechanics at all.  What almost certainly is a bug is that incapable characters can get the events, as can characters that are otherwise busy with other event sequences such as pilgrimages.

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Dude, I'm just trying to be helpful by reporting what I thought were bugs.  I'm not bothered by the mechanics at all.  What almost certainly is a bug is that incapable characters can get the events, as can characters that are otherwise busy with other event sequences such as pilgrimages.


Everything you list here is too minor for me to worry about messing with at this time. I usually don't run into the either of those instances, and until I do, there's a fair chance I won't worry about it.

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Alright, I got seriously side tracked, and experienced a computer crash (my fault) that almost had me say 'fuck it' and go to bed.


A new DW Core and the initial posting of the Children of Lilith.


Almost no testing was done, so use at your own risk. As I said before as well, for those who played the previous one, this current iteration is amazingly skimpy in terms of content. However, more is coming.

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