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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for your work Dewguru.


I have many problems with Dark World ReMeDy Custom Portraits. Indians first and in many others. 3 pictures for example :








I use CKII patch (XKJY). I have all the DLC, I use only Dark World mods.

I had read the FAQ, and I think there is nothing for me, because I haven't forgotten to install the DLCs.


I had read some poste with problems with ReMeDy, but nothing for me. :-(


So you have the free South Indian Portraits pack that you get directly from registering with Paradox's forums?


It's not DLC that you can buy through Steam. You register with Paradox, get the key, and then unlock it via Steam.


Edit: And if you don't have it - the FAQ mentions which file is related to it so you can either delete that one file or go through the process of obtaining it through Paradox forums.

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for your work Dewguru.


I have many problems with Dark World ReMeDy Custom Portraits. Indians first and in many others. 3 pictures for example :








I use CKII patch (XKJY). I have all the DLC, I use only Dark World mods.

I had read the FAQ, and I think there is nothing for me, because I haven't forgotten to install the DLCs.


I had read some poste with problems with ReMeDy, but nothing for me. :-(


So you have the free South Indian Portraits pack that you get directly from registering with Paradox's forums?


It's not DLC that you can buy through Steam. You register with Paradox, get the key, and then unlock it via Steam.


Edit: And if you don't have it - the FAQ mentions which file is related to it so you can either delete that one file or go through the process of obtaining it through Paradox forums.



Yes, thank you.

It's working now! :-)



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is it possible for all the sub-mods to be in single file? it is a hassle to download them all separately when you have to wait 10 secs before clicking on next download. they are not such a huge files to divide them like this. also, any estimates how long it will take before the mod becomes what it was? currently its like 3-4 events and traits

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1: is it possible for all the sub-mods to be in single file?


2: it is a hassle to download them all separately when you have to wait 10 secs before clicking on next download.


3: they are not such a huge files to divide them like this.


4:also, any estimates how long it will take before the mod becomes what it was? currently its like 3-4 events and traits

1: not sure. But do remember for the reasoning behind the file separation. So people can pick and choose what parts they want of the mod. And allow compatibility with some of the full conversion mods.


2: it's only a hassle if you make it a hassle, don't act entitled.


3: see 1


4: when he finishes what he'says doing and then some.

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1. nothing prevents them from selecting the desired mods in ck2 launcher. i am not urging to unite the mod files. i am urging to zip the mod files together in one zip.
2. how many companies dissapointed their customers with such attitude?
3. downloading 1 extra megabyte for a luxury of not clicking buttons each 10 secs is a good price. in future, there gonna be more modules and thus more tedious work, i want to relax, not do chores. 

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1. nothing prevents them from selecting the desired mods in ck2 launcher. i am not urging to unite the mod files. i am urging to zip the mod files together in one zip.

2. how many companies dissapointed their customers with such attitude?

3. downloading 1 extra megabyte for a luxury of not clicking buttons each 10 secs is a good price. in future, there gonna be more modules and thus more tedious work, i want to relax, not do chores. 


You are not a customer.

Be glad people throw free content in your direction.

In fact, an attitude like yours discourages modders from modding.

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is it possible for all the sub-mods to be in single file? it is a hassle to download them all separately when you have to wait 10 secs before clicking on next download. they are not such a huge files to divide them like this. also, any estimates how long it will take before the mod becomes what it was? currently its like 3-4 events and trait


Each file is small right now, but as the old stuff gets reintroduced they'll get much bigger.

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Since you're overhauling the mod, I thought I may as well mention an idea I had for brothels.
In the old version the player has to actually click the decision in the intrigue menu to make money in the brothel, even though (from what I've seen) the AI visit the brothel themselves all the time. I think it would make more sense if it was just a standard set of events for AI and players. This also removes the pain of having to go into the intrigue menu and click it repeatedly to make money as a whore, as you actually have to have a demand to earn anything. What I'm suggesting would go something like this;


1. Customer (AI or player) chooses to visit the brothel from the intrigue menu.

2. Customer chooses whether they want male, female, or futa, and the level of whore they want.

3. A whore who matches the customer's request (could be the player) receives an event asking if they agree to service customer (AI will choose yes, this is just in case the player wants to opt out)

4. Sex event. If whore is female and customer has penis, Whore decides whether or not to let customer cum inside.

5. Customer is informed of whether they are allowed to cum inside and decides if they want to, cruel/arbitrary characters might do so regardless.


PS. this is just a suggestion because I think it would improve the mod, don't feel you have to do anything.



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1. nothing prevents them from selecting the desired mods in ck2 launcher. i am not urging to unite the mod files. i am urging to zip the mod files together in one zip.

2. how many companies dissapointed their customers with such attitude?

3. downloading 1 extra megabyte for a luxury of not clicking buttons each 10 secs is a good price. in future, there gonna be more modules and thus more tedious work, i want to relax, not do chores. 


The best thing to do is pay attention to the page that shows the current version of the mods. As they get released, other ones will become 'stable' and not be updated for large periods of time.


At some point I could see me uploading a 'master' zip that has everything, but right now that'd be a pain since things are still rolling out rather quickly (even though it may not be quick enough for you, which is fine if you feel that way).


I will remind you though that this mod isn't being released by a company, and I don't presently view you as a customer, as generally a customer provides something in return for the service or product that they're receiving. I've had some folks ask about donating to me, and I've contemplated it. I've held off so far, because if someone donates to me, then I would want to in turn thank them by allowing input or something instead of taking their money and waving farewell. But as it stands right now, whether you use the mod or not has no impact on me, and I receive nothing from you, so there isn't anything to be gained or lost in you being disappointed.

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Since you're overhauling the mod, I thought I may as well mention an idea I had for brothels.

In the old version the player has to actually click the decision in the intrigue menu to make money in the brothel, even though (from what I've seen) the AI visit the brothel themselves all the time. I think it would make more sense if it was just a standard set of events for AI and players. This also removes the pain of having to go into the intrigue menu and click it repeatedly to make money as a whore, as you actually have to have a demand to earn anything. What I'm suggesting would go something like this;


1. Customer (AI or player) chooses to visit the brothel from the intrigue menu.

2. Customer chooses whether they want male, female, or futa, and the level of whore they want.

3. A whore who matches the customer's request (could be the player) receives an event asking if they agree to service customer (AI will choose yes, this is just in case the player wants to opt out)

4. Sex event. If whore is female and customer has penis, Whore decides whether or not to let customer cum inside.

5. Customer is informed of whether they are allowed to cum inside and decides if they want to, cruel/arbitrary characters might do so regardless.


PS. this is just a suggestion because I think it would improve the mod, don't feel you have to do anything.


As soon as you receive a whoring trait, you begin earning a basic monthly wage, whether or not you ever visit the whore house again. Visiting it regularly, simply provides you a method to 'work overtime' if you will by earning more money than the normal monthly wage. You should be able to hover over the trait and see a message state the trait benefits, which includes a monthly wealth gain.


Outside of that, what you described is already what happens, outside of #3 doesn't prompt someone to accept or decline. From my perspective, I handle this by simply determining if someone is available or not. If you've a whore that matches, then they're used (which is the ai always saying yes as you described it) - only I'm not having to create an unnecessary event for it. And while you may think it'd be interesting to see a message pop-up for your potential services, what about when you've a large court of 60 folks or so, and you've an event that is triggering several times a week?


I believe that would quickly take it to the point where folks are then upset that they're being hit with event SPAM (which folks indicated in the past when I tried to be very event notification friendly).


So I'm going to have to nix your idea as I'm interpreting it.

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With regards to the whoring events, I'd like to point out that their old form has a few issues with it.  First of all, it's capable of giving you a very high amount of money very quickly which goes against how the regular game gives out money normally.  Secondly, you end up with a lot of bastard spam around your court, both if you have a male PC whore out repeatedly and also from your courtiers whoring themselves out.  Third, your royal family gets in on this too, causing bastards to start showing up on your female dynasty members which can really fuck up any plans you might have had for playing the marriage and inheritance game.


I'd like to suggest a few things to help out with this.  First, is that instead of actively having a decision to trigger a brothel event, you instead have a toggle option for whether or not you're working in the brothel.  Having this option active means that you get the constant monthly income from working in the brothel with occasional random sex events to go along with it (which might increase your prostitution skill or carry pregnancy risks).  If you opt to stop working in the brothel, then you get a former whore trait instead which doesn't have the monthly income anymore.  This way your brothel income uses the same system that the rest of the game's income works, avoiding balance issues while still letting it be a viable way to get some extra money (at the expense of piety and prestige).


Second, I would suggest leaving the courtiers out of the system entirely for the most part.  It isn't particularly flavorful for random members of your court to become prostitutes or be getting pregnant at random from prostitutes.  You might gain characters that have prostitution traits from events that work as such, make slaves into prostitutes, or have a very rare event where a lustful or homosexual courtier seeks your services, but otherwise the court should be kept separate.  Have most of your clients be from outside your court, such as rich merchants, foreign diplomats, thugs, and others who might show up in a brothel from all over the place.  This allows for more flavor in the events without causing a whole bunch of bastard spam or massive opinion penalties between spouses.

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With regards to the whoring events, I'd like to point out that their old form has a few issues with it.  First of all, it's capable of giving you a very high amount of money very quickly which goes against how the regular game gives out money normally.  Secondly, you end up with a lot of bastard spam around your court, both if you have a male PC whore out repeatedly and also from your courtiers whoring themselves out.  Third, your royal family gets in on this too, causing bastards to start showing up on your female dynasty members which can really fuck up any plans you might have had for playing the marriage and inheritance game.


I'd like to suggest a few things to help out with this.  First, is that instead of actively having a decision to trigger a brothel event, you instead have a toggle option for whether or not you're working in the brothel.  Having this option active means that you get the constant monthly income from working in the brothel with occasional random sex events to go along with it (which might increase your prostitution skill or carry pregnancy risks).  If you opt to stop working in the brothel, then you get a former whore trait instead which doesn't have the monthly income anymore.  This way your brothel income uses the same system that the rest of the game's income works, avoiding balance issues while still letting it be a viable way to get some extra money (at the expense of piety and prestige).


Second, I would suggest leaving the courtiers out of the system entirely for the most part.  It isn't particularly flavorful for random members of your court to become prostitutes or be getting pregnant at random from prostitutes.  You might gain characters that have prostitution traits from events that work as such, make slaves into prostitutes, or have a very rare event where a lustful or homosexual courtier seeks your services, but otherwise the court should be kept separate.  Have most of your clients be from outside your court, such as rich merchants, foreign diplomats, thugs, and others who might show up in a brothel from all over the place.  This allows for more flavor in the events without causing a whole bunch of bastard spam or massive opinion penalties between spouses.


I see no major issues with what you mentioned in the first paragraph. I don't like your suggestion on the second one. And I really, really don't like the last paragraph in leaving courtiers out of it.


So the best recommendation I could have is that it sounds like that portion isn't your cup of tea - which is exactly why I've been splitting up the segments, so when I release that portion again in the near future, you'll be able to simply not use it.


While I've no intentions of changing it a lot, I do appreciate your still taking the time to share your thoughts.

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I actually liked the flavor events a lot and especially the sequence where you improve the brothel and hire on a bunch of new characters to staff it.  The stuff I didn't like was that random courtiers were becoming prostitutes and filling up my court with a whole bunch of random bastards (including with my spouse and children).  After about five years of having built the brothel my court had been filled with like twenty new bastards with more on the way.  My suggestion on toning down the courtiers was mainly about just slowing down the bastard spam, especially with the royal family members.  I absolutely would build the brothel every time for the flavor, if it didn't make my courtiers all start fucking each other with apparent wild abandon.


The other was simply because I felt like the amount of money you get from the brothel events is excessive if the player can directly control it.  Did you make it into a decision exclusively because you prefer to directly control things rather than having something like a semi-annual event fire for flavor?


Lastly I was hoping that you might add more options for the prostitution events when you get to that.  Events that feature people off of the street, other subjects, or foreign visitors as your clients.  These wouldn't be actual people in the game files, but just exist as a part of the event.  It would give you a lot of freedom with writing whatever sort of character you want for the events without having to test for traits.

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I actually liked the flavor events a lot and especially the sequence where you improve the brothel and hire on a bunch of new characters to staff it.  The stuff I didn't like was that random courtiers were becoming prostitutes and filling up my court with a whole bunch of random bastards (including with my spouse and children).  After about five years of having built the brothel my court had been filled with like twenty new bastards with more on the way.  My suggestion on toning down the courtiers was mainly about just slowing down the bastard spam, especially with the royal family members.  I absolutely would build the brothel every time for the flavor, if it didn't make my courtiers all start fucking each other with apparent wild abandon.


The other was simply because I felt like the amount of money you get from the brothel events is excessive if the player can directly control it.  Did you make it into a decision exclusively because you prefer to directly control things rather than having something like a semi-annual event fire for flavor?


Lastly I was hoping that you might add more options for the prostitution events when you get to that.  Events that feature people off of the street, other subjects, or foreign visitors as your clients.  These wouldn't be actual people in the game files, but just exist as a part of the event.  It would give you a lot of freedom with writing whatever sort of character you want for the events without having to test for traits.


It was originally based on nada mod's which was a brothel, visit the brothel (guys only), work the brother (women only), and your courtiers and everything could become whores and in my opinion it was even more prone to whoring. Try the Christianity mod if you want to see the brothel dynamic that was closer to the original mod that I grew mine out of.


The issue with making it a non trigger event is that a lot of events trigger on timed pulses, so it could quickly turn into event SPAM.


Regarding the money - if you're using it to make a shit ton of money, then that's your decision. I don't spam it when I use it and I don't view it as my job to control your impulses. And don't forget that besides building buildings, there are shopping events as well, or you can opt to not be a whore and simply use them.


In regards to courtiers and such, it uses ai weights to determine who will sell their body or not. Culling your court to where you've more honorable people around you should prevent a court filled with whores. It'll be a little interesting to see how it works when I next release it, since I greatly expanded the ai decision weights that can be assigned to traits.

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I actually liked the flavor events a lot and especially the sequence where you improve the brothel and hire on a bunch of new characters to staff it.  The stuff I didn't like was that random courtiers were becoming prostitutes and filling up my court with a whole bunch of random bastards (including with my spouse and children).  After about five years of having built the brothel my court had been filled with like twenty new bastards with more on the way.  My suggestion on toning down the courtiers was mainly about just slowing down the bastard spam, especially with the royal family members.  I absolutely would build the brothel every time for the flavor, if it didn't make my courtiers all start fucking each other with apparent wild abandon.


The other was simply because I felt like the amount of money you get from the brothel events is excessive if the player can directly control it.  Did you make it into a decision exclusively because you prefer to directly control things rather than having something like a semi-annual event fire for flavor?


Lastly I was hoping that you might add more options for the prostitution events when you get to that.  Events that feature people off of the street, other subjects, or foreign visitors as your clients.  These wouldn't be actual people in the game files, but just exist as a part of the event.  It would give you a lot of freedom with writing whatever sort of character you want for the events without having to test for traits.


It was originally based on nada mod's which was a brothel, visit the brothel (guys only), work the brother (women only), and your courtiers and everything could become whores and in my opinion it was even more prone to whoring. Try the Christianity mod if you want to see the brothel dynamic that was closer to the original mod that I grew mine out of.


The issue with making it a non trigger event is that a lot of events trigger on timed pulses, so it could quickly turn into event SPAM.


Regarding the money - if you're using it to make a shit ton of money, then that's your decision. I don't spam it when I use it and I don't view it as my job to control your impulses. And don't forget that besides building buildings, there are shopping events as well, or you can opt to not be a whore and simply use them.


In regards to courtiers and such, it uses ai weights to determine who will sell their body or not. Culling your court to where you've more honorable people around you should prevent a court filled with whores. It'll be a little interesting to see how it works when I next release it, since I greatly expanded the ai decision weights that can be assigned to traits.



Will you be using ReMeDy's updated portrait mod with 27 slot templates?

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As soon as you receive a whoring trait, you begin earning a basic monthly wage, whether or not you ever visit the whore house again. Visiting it regularly, simply provides you a method to 'work overtime' if you will by earning more money than the normal monthly wage. You should be able to hover over the trait and see a message state the trait benefits, which includes a monthly wealth gain.


Outside of that, what you described is already what happens, outside of #3 doesn't prompt someone to accept or decline. From my perspective, I handle this by simply determining if someone is available or not. If you've a whore that matches, then they're used (which is the ai always saying yes as you described it) - only I'm not having to create an unnecessary event for it. And while you may think it'd be interesting to see a message pop-up for your potential services, what about when you've a large court of 60 folks or so, and you've an event that is triggering several times a week?


I believe that would quickly take it to the point where folks are then upset that they're being hit with event SPAM (which folks indicated in the past when I tried to be very event notification friendly).


So I'm going to have to nix your idea as I'm interpreting it.


That's ok, I'm actually going to try work out how to make a sub-mod that changes it to my way, to both learn how to do event mods and to see how it turns out. If I'm successful would you mind me posting it here?

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I was messing around, modding ck2 a bit; trying culture-based portraits and whatnot, and I realized that in-game, when you're playing with a new, modded in cultural gfx, it fucks with your settlements (castle, tribal, etc), so your new cultural gfx will have the default (westerngfx) gfx for castles and stuff, which isn't fun.

I went and did some meddling with the interface folder of Ck2 until I found a file named province.gfx where alas, I found what I was looking for. That's the file responsible for setting the sprites for settlements: castles, temples, cities, tribal, tradeposts, forts, family palace, and even empty holdings. Both the normal and looted versions, where defined there. Surprisingly, it was awfully easy to mod, and soon I was able to mod the settlements from my cultural gfx to whatever I wanted.

I'm including this here because it's something cool that COULD be used in the future for your mod (for example, if you wanted the temple sprites for rulers that followed the Lilith faith to look like brothels or something like that). Just, you know, doing my service to the community.

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I think that futa characters should have the option of taking the place of the male in a relationship with females (you can ask for this from a futa in the brothels but you don't get the option of doing it yourself. Pregnancies should also be a possibility, both in this particular case, as in a relationship or marriage. The slavery system should also adress this if you think that a more personal input is necessary (as in the older versions of the mod). You do awesome work! thanks a lot!

I also just found out about your accident. Hope you're feeling better! 


While I can't say that I'm going to hit your futa desires fully to your liking, I have been considering them more often in what gets done. And while I'm not going to mess around with the basic CK2 or it's DLC's pregnancy methods, I do believe that most instances where a futa and either another futa or a non-futa woman gets together can indeed result in a potential pregnancy.


It's not going to be perfect by any stretch, but as things get re-released, it should be better than it was in v1.25.



I was also wondering about this, and managed to slap something very rough together that should work until Dewguru gets in and does it correctly.

(Main drawback is, even normal females can get females pregnant at the moment, so just go lesbian with futas. Tried to add a check, but it stopped my slap-dash change from working. I'll add it to the end of this, hopefully someone knows what I did wrong.)


In  DWCore->events->DWCore.txt, go down to section 120 and add this line after the existing tooltip (that checks for application of the homosexual trait)


hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9005 }}} # Pregnancy check


This may just be for me, but to be able to seduce/finally sleep with the futas you can pick up from the wandering merchant, go into Dark World Futa

->events->DWFuta.txt, and in sections 160-200, as well as section 220, add the line


trait = homosexual


to the traits list of each character. You don't have to do this with the dom. futa in section 139, since she starts off as one of your lovers, letting you 'spend time' together.


Lastly, the attempted if statement that messed up my jerry-rigged futa impregnation:


once again, DWCore.txt section 120

# .120 Spending Time - default two females
narrative_event = {
id = DWCore.120
desc = "DWCore110"
picture = visit_female_female_1
title = dw_spending_time_with_target
is_triggered_only = yes # Triggered from .100
option = { # Good times as always
name = "DWCore120A"
add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }
event_target:dw_visit_target = { add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }}
hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9200 }}} # Check to see if homosexual trait needs to be applied
immediate = {
if = {
limit = {
trait = futa
hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9005 }}} # Pregnancy check
break = yes # Takes us out of the immediate block


again, kind of slapdash, but was poking around in the .txt files and lifting sections of code that looked like they might work from different areas of the file (copied the pregnancy check line from the FPlayer/Male section (DWC-140), for example)


thanks for making this, dewguru, you can tell I'm picking up some mileage on it :P

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not that im into the futa stuff.. but as for learning the code.... if that c/p is exact... i think you forgot to close a few sections.. at least one closing } if my count is correct.

else seems fine since you added the trait check..  though im wondering if since you gave it no further recourse.. if it will still end up processing the if check or not.  from what i understand of the logic.. looks right otherwise.

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One thing that annoys me is how you can't choose the trait for breasts and dick size. I get why you can't but it would be cool if that could be brought back. Maybe as a potion of some sort like how it was in the old version. Minor grip of a great mod. 

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Honestly, learning CKII code by just prowling through mods and figuring out what they mean and do is a pretty good way to go about learning the basics, but you gotta make sure you respect the brackets.

Also it's not very hard to just make new events so figured I'd do that for anyone that wants futa functionality for the decision without outright replacing the female-female one.

## DWCore.100 - .199 Spend Time With... (.199 is flag clean-up)
# .100 Spend Time With initial routing check (hidden)
character_event = {
     id = DWCore.100
     hide_window = yes # Nothing to see here
     is_triggered_only = yes # via targeted decision
     immediate = {
     # FROM = target, ROOT = player
          if = {
               limit = { # Two dudes
                    FROM = { is_female = no }
                    ROOT = { is_female = no }
               FROM = { save_event_target_as = dw_visit_target }
               narrative_event = { id = DWCore.110 }
               break = yes # Takes us out of the immediate block
          if = {
               limit = { # Two chicks
                    FROM = { is_female = yes NOT = { trait = futa } }
                    ROOT = { is_female = yes NOT = { trait = futa } }
               FROM = { save_event_target_as = dw_visit_target }
               narrative_event = { id = DWCore.120 }
               break = yes # Takes us out of the immediate block
          if = {
               limit = { # Player guy, target chick
                    FROM = { is_female = yes }
                    ROOT = { is_female = no }
               FROM = { save_event_target_as = dw_visit_target }
               narrative_event = { id = DWCore.130 }
               break = yes # Takes us out of the immediate block
          if = {
               limit = { # Player chick, target guy
                    FROM = { is_female = no }
                    ROOT = { is_female = yes }
               FROM = { save_event_target_as = dw_visit_target }
               narrative_event = { id = DWCore.140 }
               break = yes # Takes us out of the immediate block
          if = {
               limit = { # Player Futa
                    FROM = { is_female = yes NOT = { trait = futa } }
                    ROOT = { is_female = yes trait = futa }
               FROM = { save_event_target_as = dw_visit_target }
               narrative_event = { id = DWCore.150 }
               break = yes # Takes us out of the immediate block
          if = {
               limit = { # Target Futa
                    FROM = { is_female = yes trait = futa }
                    ROOT = { is_female = yes NOT = { trait = futa } }
               FROM = { save_event_target_as = dw_visit_target }
               narrative_event = { id = DWCore.160 }
               break = yes # Takes us out of the immediate block
          if = {
               limit = { # Both Futa
                    FROM = { is_female = yes trait = futa }
                    ROOT = { is_female = yes trait = futa }
               FROM = { save_event_target_as = dw_visit_target }
               narrative_event = { id = DWCore.170 }
               break = yes # Takes us out of the immediate block
# .110 Spending Time - default two males
narrative_event = {
     id = DWCore.110
     desc = "DWCore110"
     picture = visit_male_male_1
     title = dw_spending_time_with_target

     is_triggered_only = yes # Triggered from .100

     option = { # Good times as always
          name = "DWCore110A"
          add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }
          event_target:dw_visit_target = { add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }}
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9200 }}} # Check to see if homosexual trait needs to be applied
# .120 Spending Time - default two females
narrative_event = {
     id = DWCore.120
     desc = "DWCore110"
     picture = visit_female_female_1
     title = dw_spending_time_with_target

     is_triggered_only = yes # Triggered from .100

     option = { # Good times as always
          name = "DWCore120A"
          add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }
          event_target:dw_visit_target = { add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }}
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9200 }}} # Check to see if homosexual trait needs to be applied
# .130 Spending Time - male and female (player/ROOT is male)
narrative_event = {
     id = DWCore.130
     desc = "DWCore130"
     picture = visit_male_female_1
     title = dw_spending_time_with_target

     is_triggered_only = yes # Triggered from .100

     option = { # Good times as always
          name = "DWCore130A"
          add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }
          event_target:dw_visit_target = { add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }}
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9000 }}} # Pregnancy check
# .140 Spending Time - male and female (player/ROOT is female)
narrative_event = {
     id = DWCore.140
     desc = "DWCore140"
     picture = visit_male_female_1
     title = dw_spending_time_with_target

     is_triggered_only = yes # Triggered from .100

     option = { # Good times as always
          name = "DWCore140A"
          add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }
          event_target:dw_visit_target = { add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }}
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9005 }}} # Pregnancy check
# .150 Spending Time - Futa and female (player/ROOT is Futa)
narrative_event = {
     id = DWCore.150
     desc = "DWCore130"
     picture = futa_pegsfemale1
     title = dw_spending_time_with_target

     is_triggered_only = yes # Triggered from .100

     option = { # Good times as always
          name = "DWCore130A"
          add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }
          event_target:dw_visit_target = { add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }}
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9000 }}} # Pregnancy check
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9200 }}} # Check to see if homosexual trait needs to be applied
# .160 Spending Time - Futa and female (player/ROOT is female)
narrative_event = {
     id = DWCore.160
     desc = "DWCore140"
     picture = futa_pegsfemale1
     title = dw_spending_time_with_target

     is_triggered_only = yes # Triggered from .100

     option = { # Good times as always
          name = "DWCore140A"
          add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }
          event_target:dw_visit_target = { add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }}
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9005 }}} # Pregnancy check
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9200 }}} # Check to see if homosexual trait needs to be applied
# .170 Spending Time - default two futas
narrative_event = {
     id = DWCore.170
     desc = "DWCore110"
     picture = futa_pegsfuta1
     title = dw_spending_time_with_target

     is_triggered_only = yes # Triggered from .100

     option = { # Good times as always
          name = "DWCore110A"
          add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }
          event_target:dw_visit_target = { add_character_modifier = { name = dw_good_sex duration = 30 }}
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9200 }}} # Check to see if homosexual trait needs to be applied
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9005 }}} # Pregnancy check
          hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9000 }}} # Pregnancy check
# .199 dw_visit_recovery flag removal (hidden)
character_event = {
     id = DWCore.199
     hide_window = yes # Nothing to see here
     is_triggered_only = yes # Various decisions call this, usually after 30 days
     immediate = {
          clr_character_flag = dw_visit_recovery

Decided to copypaste the entire event tree to make it easier to replace, even though I only modify or add a couple of lines.
Also made it so the new events use pictures from the Futa pack so you obviously need those or you'll get the ones the game defaults tho when it doesn't know what pictures to call on.
This can be fixed easily by just replacing the "picture = <STUFF>" line with the one from one of the other events.
I've also taken the liberty of having the Futa-Futa one have a chance of impregnating both participants, if you want to remove this, delete either the 
hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9000 }}} # Pregnancy check (NPC chance of pregnancy)
line or
hidden_tooltip = { event_target:dw_visit_target = { character_event = { id = DWCore.9005 }}} # Pregnancy check (Player chance of pregnancy)


Also hi Guru, sorry for disappearing like that but my PC died so I had no access to internet for forever.

See you decided to make the traits just use normal inheritance, if you still plan on using events for them tho I found another mod that goes pretty deep into that.


Old af, but I played around with it a ton and it works flawlessly from what I can tell.

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