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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Dark World Mod Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: May I post your Dark World mod elsewhere - say like Steam Workshop or Nexus Mods?
A: No. Don't do it. The content isn't appropriate for Steam Workshop, and I'm in no mood to get grief from some of the Nexus folks who harass authors regarding whether they approve of adult content or not.
Q: May I make a sub-mod to your Dark World mod?

A: I'm a big fan of folks taking the leap to make their own specialized content, and I'm honored when folks wish to build onto what I've done through their own mod that uses Dark World as a required mod. By all means - consider such requests approved. I'd just like to encourage you to shoot me a PM when you post it, as I'll add a link to it so others might be able to find and use it.
Q: Can I borrow some of your code?

A: As long as by 'borrow some of your code' it doesn't turn into copying most of the mod, and simply re-branding it to claim it as your own, then sure. Use what you want. I think I'm better than the average CK2 mod coder, but I don't think I'm the best here. So keep that in mind if you use parts for your own work.
Q: What's coming next?

I don't plan on adding any more Campaign start options. My focus now is on building out the content (finally). I've a few more things from my original Dark World mod that I'm adding, and I'll probably add another Rule option or two in order to help potentially filter out more content so folks fine tune what kind of things the game contains.
Q: I'd like to make a mod that relies on yours, is that alright?

A: I really enjoy seeing people make mods - even though I don't use much more than my own mod, it's still neat knowing that there is content out there that was shared that may fit just what someone else is looking for. So - by all means, make your mod and post it up here in Lovers Lab. My requests are simple - if you're using my mod as a requirement for yours, please post a link in your description where folks can easily find Dark World Reborn. If you keep your mod updated as well, I'll get around to adding a link to my page so folks who may be interested can find it as well.

Q: Is this mod compatible with...
A: In general, Dark World is very mod friendly, with the highest chances of complications coming from large overhaul mods or those that use a custom image system. Still, there is nothing wrong with asking, as users of Dark World Reborn also use it with a wide variety of other mods, and some folks have found methods to get it to work with other mods that aren't that friendly. Now, I myself won't address your question - as I simply don't use a lot of other mods, and for me to know for certain, I would have to locate and view the mod in question. I simply don't have the time, or desire to do that. However - there are folks that may be able to speak to it, and someone often does - so do indeed ask away. Just don't expect a response from me on it, be ready to answer questions about mod versions, and be patient if someone opts to try and help you.
Q: Will you make a version that is compatible with...
A: No. Feel free to ask if someone has edited it though to make a compatible version. While I won't make a special compatible version, others on occasion have.
Q: I'm having a problem, which is...
A: Unless you provide some basic information, such as what version of CK2 you are using, what mod(s) you're using (to include the mod version), and what your symptom is - then don't expect much in the way of a useful response. Also, don't sweat it if I don't directly answer your question. I don't frequent the thread as often as I used to, but other mod users tend to gladly offer assistance as long as the person asking provides details, and shows some patience.
Q: I get blank event windows that I can't get rid of.

A: I do my best to keep the mod current with the present patch version of CK2, and I've leveraged code approaches that I noticed - and that others have pointed out, that have come out with some of these patches. As such - if you're running a version of CK2 that is prior to the current version - you may experience oddities - with the blank event screen being the most common one. To correct it - you should upgrade to the most current version of CK2. The CK2 version does NOT mean you need their latest DLC. The only other times I've seen this problem arise, it was either due to another mod that was actually causing the issue - or in one instance the person had to have Steam validate their files and they reinstalled the mod (meaning something got corrupted somewhere on the file level).


Q: I tried using the Dark World ReMeDy Custom Portrait mod and I'm not seeing the special images.
A: If you're still using the Dark World ReMeDy Custom portrait mod, please stop. Thanks to a contribution by ngppgn, ReMeDy was able to post a version of his Custom Portrait mod that eliminates DLC requirements, and as such, I've fully incorporated the mod instead of having it as it's own stand alone mod.
Q: The Dark World Reborn mod has futa's and traps, aren't they pretty much the same thing?
A: I suppose a lot of it depends on your definition. I know that a lot of artwork or sites might refer to both almost interchangeably. For the purpose of the Dark World mod, a futanari is considered to be a female who also has a dick. A futanari can become pregnant if you get past their natural infertility. A trap meanwhile is a guy, who is typically pretty enough to pass as a woman, and in some cases a natural hormonal imbalance, or in the case of unnatural, magic or curses, has led to the growing of typically small breasts. But most importantly, trap's can't get pregnant because they don't have female reproductive parts (the only exception being if I build out the omega male aspect of the werewolf mod, but that part is unlikely to be soon). I know technically there are other variations regarding transgenders - and futanari are more fantastical than real representations of hermaphrodites, however, I'm only sticking with the above two for sake of simplicity.
Q: What if I don't want to have some of the content - as some of it just isn't my thing?
A: When you start a new campaign, you're prompted with the CK2 Game Rules screen. If you scroll down on that screen (I didn't realize it scrolled originally myself - so if you didn't realize it either - you're not alone), you should see the Dark World rule options all the way at the bottom. There you can choose to exclude certain categories of content. Obviously - mistakes can be made, so if you turned something off, yet it turned up anyway - let me know what turned up so I can look at correcting it.
Q: Why are my traits all messed up after updating?
A: Typically that is because an update included a new trait. When you start a game, CK2 assigned an id to the traits so it can tell what character has what trait, using that generated id number instead of the trait name. If you update a mod that has a new trait, and resume your save game, when the game rebuilds the trait id listing based on what you have, the new trait results in the traits no longer aligning with the id's, so a character that has an trait id of 111, which once was werewolf, could suddenly be branded_slave for example. So, if an update includes new traits - either don't update it until you've completed your saved game, or plan on starting a new game.
Q: I've a question, can I Instant Message you?
You sure can. However, I'm pretty bad with being timely in my replies - so it can be a week (or two) before I notice I've a message and respond. There are rare occasions when I don't respond - and that's usually because you're asking me something that can be found on the first two posts, and I don't want to reply and be an ass (because I can be one on occasion) - or I noticed that you also posted in the thread and got someone to answer your question.
Q: Does someone know how to get this mod working with the AGOT Mod (or another large overhaul mod)?

A: It's because AGOT mod overrides paths, and you need to ensure that Dark World gets loaded after. The way to do this is to add dependencies = { "A Game of Thrones" } to the .mod file. (thanks to fishface for answering this) Example in the spoiler tag.



The below is how a modified Dark World Core.mod file would look like after the dependency is added.


name = "Dark World Core v1.30"
path = "mod/Dark World Core"
user_dir = "Dark World Reborn Data"

dependencies = { "A Game of Thrones" }



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I just got CK2 an hour ago, and was grabbing some mods. I saw Dark World and thought to myself how good it looked, and that I wish I knew how to separate the events from the supernatural stuff, at least for my first couple sessions. Then, like some kind of weird psychic/future teller, here you are doing this on the same day, less than an hour earlier. Can't wait!

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this looks really good, you said some will be mod friendly, does this mean you will avoid religius triggers so we can use your great mod in AGOT and such?


Yes. Some mods won't be. Such as the Succubus mod since it seems like the religion part is such a huge hit in it. But others have no reason to be. Such as the Random Events one.

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this looks really good, you said some will be mod friendly, does this mean you will avoid religius triggers so we can use your great mod in AGOT and such?


Yes. Some mods won't be. Such as the Succubus mod since it seems like the religion part is such a huge hit in it. But others have no reason to be. Such as the Random Events one.


thats fine, even if it is the largest part of the old mod

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Being mostly interested in the content that's being cut(werewolf & vampire stuff), I can only admit that I'm a bit disappointed. However, it is your mod and your creation, so I'm not going to fault you for it. :)

I do think splitting up a mod into several submods is a risky thing to do, though, especially if two mods happen to touch the same features/files and end up causing incompatibilities. Had that happen to me with a mod I made, and then tried to split up, in FO:NV.

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Well, you could do a succubus mod without the religious quest aspect. I certainly don't think any of the core mechanics really required it, after all - it was just something else to add on top of it, and an easy way for a succubus character to swap to a non-male preference inheritance law. But even in vanilla CK2, it's perfectly feasible to do that by provoking the Catharite or Messalian heresies and switching to them.

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Being mostly interested in the content that's being cut(werewolf & vampire stuff), I can only admit that I'm a bit disappointed. However, it is your mod and your creation, so I'm not going to fault you for it. :)

I do think splitting up a mod into several submods is a risky thing to do, though, especially if two mods happen to touch the same features/files and end up causing incompatibilities. Had that happen to me with a mod I made, and then tried to split up, in FO:NV.


They're not cut. They'll be their own options.


If multiple files need to touch the same thing (such as traits) then that file should be in the Core (which traits are). The Core will be required. But then things that can create incompatibilities, like the religions, those will be self contained within the relevant topic. No other mod should be hitting them. For example, outside of the Lilith mod - there's no reason for any of the other mods to reference the Lilithian faiths, as they would only exist in the game world if you're including Succubi and Incubi.

Well, you could do a succubus mod without the religious quest aspect. I certainly don't think any of the core mechanics really required it, after all - it was just something else to add on top of it, and an easy way for a succubus character to swap to a non-male preference inheritance law. But even in vanilla CK2, it's perfectly feasible to do that by provoking the Catharite or Messalian heresies and switching to them.


I see no reason to remove it. It's proven beneficial so I'm not going to sweat it.

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Well, you could do a succubus mod without the religious quest aspect. I certainly don't think any of the core mechanics really required it, after all - it was just something else to add on top of it, and an easy way for a succubus character to swap to a non-male preference inheritance law. But even in vanilla CK2, it's perfectly feasible to do that by provoking the Catharite or Messalian heresies and switching to them.


I see no reason to remove it. It's proven beneficial so I'm not going to sweat it.


Fair enough! I'll certainly be willing to help however I can. :)

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Well i like what i see so far.


I have liked my Dark World games so far and can't wait to see whats next for it.



But i do have one question what if so one wants to make a wholly new component out side what you have done so far.

Like undead not playing as one but like necromancers makeing zombies and what not that you have to deal with.

Or playing as one to take rule by a army of the undead or useing a necromancer councilor to get a 2nd use out of rebels.

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Awesome, loving this mod and looking forward to the possibility of integrating it with something like CK2+, HIP, Elder Kings, etc.


Always annoyed me that some of the reality and brutality of the time wasn't available in the game: slavery, rape, public humiliation, etc. The fantasy and paranormal elements are great also, hope they're expanded upon. I noticed references to kitsune, catgirls, angels, tentacles and orcs in the files that I don't think are used currently.

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Well i like what i see so far.


I have liked my Dark World games so far and can't wait to see whats next for it.



But i do have one question what if so one wants to make a wholly new component out side what you have done so far.

Like undead not playing as one but like necromancers makeing zombies and what not that you have to deal with.

Or playing as one to take rule by a army of the undead or useing a necromancer councilor to get a 2nd use out of rebels.


If I'm tracking your question properly, if you're interested in sharing it with others, you'd have two options. Post it as it's own mod, where you could list Dark World as a requirement if it relies on any of the materials, or just post it up in the thread and if others test it and confirm it doesn't break anything, I could upload it with this as an extra option.

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