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2pac's CBBE Skimpy Armor and Clothing Replacer - Now version 2

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Pak, I was able to convert the science outfits just fine. BS would crash when trying to open them or after I converted and attempted to switch to another outfit and it didn't happen every time, Id say 1 out of 3-4 tries. I don't think I've had any issues in game, gonna reconfirm now the ingame now.

ok, i cant replicate the crashes so let me know the EXACT process that causes the crash for you ( both in game and outfit studio)




Well for me it happens whenever an actor in my area has my bodyslide modified science scribe armor equipped.  So if I go to prydwen/boston airport (fast travel or on foot), or if i simply try to equip it then the game will just crash to desktop.


Someone earlier mentioned they had the same problem with their modified bodyslide traveling armor outfit.  I haven't had a problem with that outfit though.

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Pak, I was able to convert the science outfits just fine. BS would crash when trying to open them or after I converted and attempted to switch to another outfit and it didn't happen every time, Id say 1 out of 3-4 tries. I don't think I've had any issues in game, gonna reconfirm now the ingame now.


I should have fixed most crashes related to this for the next version. For some reason a lot of NIFs have weird children lists for the root node lately. You can fix that by using "Spells -> Sanitize -> Reorder Array Links" in NifSkope and saving before usage in BS/OS.


@2pac: Send me PMs if you want to show me a problem directly.

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Pak, I was able to convert the science outfits just fine. BS would crash when trying to open them or after I converted and attempted to switch to another outfit and it didn't happen every time, Id say 1 out of 3-4 tries. I don't think I've had any issues in game, gonna reconfirm now the ingame now.

ok, i cant replicate the crashes so let me know the EXACT process that causes the crash for you ( both in game and outfit studio)


Ok, so it didn't crash for me when I put it on but then I noticed I never converted it to my body. I converted and then went and put it on and instant crash, seems to only happen after being converted.

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Pak, I was able to convert the science outfits just fine. BS would crash when trying to open them or after I converted and attempted to switch to another outfit and it didn't happen every time, Id say 1 out of 3-4 tries. I don't think I've had any issues in game, gonna reconfirm now the ingame now.

ok, i cant replicate the crashes so let me know the EXACT process that causes the crash for you ( both in game and outfit studio)


Ok, so it didn't crash for me when I put it on but then I noticed I never converted it to my body. I converted and then went and put it on and instant crash, seems to only happen after being converted.


Very wierd, i just converted it to test and no crashes for me. 

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Can somone help me or tell me why i get no Texture on my 3D Pubic Hair but when i open NifScope the Texturepath is All Right .

I convert it to use the WeddingRing  part cause the ring use no armor slot or cloth slot so you can wear all with it.But i cant fix the Texture issues in game  :@ HEEEELP  :P


You have the female skin material assigned in the shader of your mesh in the NIF. What this effectively does, is give you hair the body textures and color them based on your skin tint.


You have to create your own .bgsm material file and link to it in the name of the shader.


 THX Cell for your fast Answer but for a Newbi in Modding like me how i make my own .bgsm file :blush:


Copy some existing one and edit it using for example my Material Editor.


Ok i Created e new .bgsm and added the texture paths in and save it (WornRingF.bgsm).What i do now just set the .bgsm in the materials or create  the path materials\Ring\WornRingF.bgsm



In your NIF, change the name of the BSLightingShaderProperty of the WornRingF shape to the path to your new material file.


is this all right i dont test it atm.


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is this all right i dont test it atm.


Should be. You can play with the other values in the .bgsm file to get a better look later on (like specular).

Make sure the .bgsm file really is in the path you entered (Materials\clothes <- sure that it's with clothes?).

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is this all right i dont test it atm.


Should be. You can play with the other values in the .bgsm file to get a better look later on (like specular).

Make sure the .bgsm file really is in the path you entered (Materials\clothes <- sure that it's with clothes?).


should be cause its the wedding ring i used and the path should be right like other clothes (vaultsuit.bgsm is in material\clothes too.i hope it works ^^

or should i put the bgsm file in Materials\actors\character\basehumanfemale and set this path in nif ?

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Hi Pak, thank you so much for the armors and I'm really digging the double melon body! Quick question for you? If I wanted to use the double melon body via BodySlide with the abs that the vervurax posted on the Nexus how would I do that? I've been messing around with BodySlide a bit but can't figure it out? Sorry for noobish question. Thank you for all the hard work!

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Yes i gave him permission, and you're welcome!



Cool, can't recall seeing any other of your armors there so was a bit curious. 



If/When they make it there, they will surely be in the top files. While a couple of the outfits aren't to my taste, I guarantee the VS Shorts, Minute Man Underarmor, Flannel Shirt, Winter Jacket, Highschool Jacket/Outfit, among others would be insanely popular. Because of reasons lol

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Someone managed to do everything all 2pac's bodyslide V.04 version and want to share it?



Hey pak, just found this one on nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7405/? just curious if it has your approval.


Oh, and haven't commented here before so thanks for the good armors, really like your work! :-)


Removed this file if you have not asked permission.


what? Pak literally just typed he gave permission RIGHT under the post you quoted?



When I wrote it, Pak had responded.

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