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Soulshine, I'm not sure about the single nipple radiation freak thing (sounds like some kind of texture error if i had to guess I'm no modder) but the best way to get companions and settlers naked that I've found is this 4 step process


1. equip follower with clothing that cannot be worn simultaneously with armor (ex spike armor or just about any dress although the dress will not take up the slots for arm armor so use leg or chest)


2. Take the clothing the companion had on before you gave them the new outfit


3. make them equip a conflicting piece of armor then take the clothing you gave them in step one


4. take the armor piece that you gave them for maximum exposure


Hope that helped with the clothing thing! Hope you can get that texture issue sorted out.

That did the trick.



Thank you  Caliente for making this available!


Does anyone yet know how to get companions naked ? Their base clothing disappears from their inventory when equipped. I can replace it but not totally remove everything. There's a mod that uses summer shorts as a nude armor, but that just gives Piper the synth-chest ,single nipple, radiation freak look for me.

Open the console, click the NPC of your choice so that their personal ID is displayed and then type unequipall in the command line. After that you're free to re-equip items to your liking. Be aware that certain NPC's, most notably those in seats, make it difficult to attain their personal ID, so usually you want them standing.

oni18sama's solution works but yours sounds more permanent and easier.


It's funny that nobody cares if I have no base clothes on except the follower (Piper in this case). She and I are running around nekked pillaging the Commonwealth and (only coming out out of fast travel)  she has some snide remarks about my (lack of) attire. Things like:

"Where are you pants Blue?"

"Is it chilly? I'm thinkin' it's chilly."


Good stuff

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Guest Katherlne


release outfit studio here as alpha-build

fuck dat "issues" we want play with armor, not only nude :3



Problem with a people who gonna use it and placed their work on nexus and other mod sites. Before official release and permission from author. A few days ago already had an incident with the CBBE body.


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Any info if there's gonna be a slider that lets us adjust the dent between the boob and the collarbone to be a more smooth transition, or more of a straight line?

(well not straight, still a bit curved inwards, but more resembling of a straight line)








Have you tried the "top slope" slider yet? Don't forget that you can also type in negative slider values (but be careful with those, plus for outfit conversions this can't be checked for clipping).


I felt the same way, that's why I had suggested that slider to Caliente.


Yes I have, it doesn't affect the area higher than the place where the dot is on the screenshot.



You should try my preset. I don't have this isssue.


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  1. Release will be when we have the most important issues ironed out and the vanilla outfits converted, so that the UV/clipping issues are gone. They will have sliders, but maybe not yet for the first version.
  2. Outfit Studio is mostly functional by now. We had disabled it for this alpha release to, let's say, prevent people from abusing it too early.
  3. We've tweaked some more sliders yesterday.
    1. NippleUp/NippleDown: Less areola distortion and a smoother shape.
    2. BreastPerkiness: Doesn't make the breast point upwards anymore (use NippleUp/Down for that).
    3. Arms: Made the forearm a bit smaller to match the upper arm size better.
  4. We've added some new sliders yesterday (Caliente already talked about those):
    1. New butt slider that morphs it into a bit of a different shape (I think you might like it, especially in combo with other sliders).
    2. New waist height slider that moves the entire waist, including upper belly/navel up and down.
  5. Inverted normal map the correct way.
  6. Removed sprinkle/gold dust from the right nipple.
  7. Fixed a few of the seams caused by sliders (precision correction in the code).
  8. Fixed normals not being updated by sliders.
  9. Next alpha will probably be today.



All sounds good, one question on the waist slider does that effect the length of the legs? So if you slider the slider up to essentially shorten the torso does the legs get longer or does the hips only get taller?

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All sounds good, one question on the waist slider does that effect the length of the legs? So if you slider the slider up to essentially shorten the torso does the legs get longer or does the hips only get taller?


The slider is called waist height, so it only affect the parts between hips and breasts. It moves the waist, but doesn't shorten or lengthen anything (that's not really possible because of animations/the skeleton). There's a knee height slider already, though.

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Hi, how long till new alpha is released?   I can send you my dirty body textures instead of vanilla not uv matching ones.     


Also I found one problem with Uv layout,   back of the head shares same uv space as right leg...    I suggest we could just move uvs of back of the head, 



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@SunshaftV - Well dam..that explains why I couldn't find the texture for that head part.  Also has to be the laziest UV map I've ever seen on Bethesda's part.  


Reusing assets is fine in some cases, but the head = torso texture? LOL wtf.  They could have at least copied that section of the texture, and cut it off and made it into a separate texture.  Gotta love cleaning up their messes...

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All sounds good, one question on the waist slider does that effect the length of the legs? So if you slider the slider up to essentially shorten the torso does the legs get longer or does the hips only get taller?


The slider is called waist height, so it only affect the parts between hips and breasts. It moves the waist, but doesn't shorten or lengthen anything (that's not really possible because of animations/the skeleton). There's a knee height slider already, though.



Oh ok, so it just shortens or lengthens the torso, so if you choose to shorten it then the character would be shorter then. Ok I misunderstood what you meant by that.


Hmm I doubt it can be done with out a new skeleton but a height slider letting you increase the height which will make everything longer and then decrease the torso would have the same effect as what I asked about earlier. Longer legs with shorter torso.

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Hello all, I'm fairly new to pc modding and what not. And I'm completely lost when it comes to this bodyslide thing. Help pls like? Like I want to make more curves.. And where does the body I make end up on the weight triangle, in the middle? I kinda wanted to mess around with the toned muscley body (lol) I like the toned body, But I have no idea what I'm doing. 


When you open up Bodyslide, you can check what it looks like with the Preview button on the bottom of the program.


Vanilla0 shows the body when it looks like on the thin end of the triangle. Vanilla1 shows the body in terms of the muscular end of the triangle. VanillaFO4 is showing what the body looks like at the extreme end of the overweight scale.


To make your body have more curves, change the slides on the Hips and Torso. That's probably the best way to experiment. And honestly, just experiment with the sliders and check whenever you can.


Good luck.


EDIT: Soulshine, you can actually just use the boots from the Daisy Dukes' mod as well if you have it. I do that with all the females since some of them have problems with feet seams.


The problem is that this CBBE is just an alpha, a work designed to see if it does work. Once they've nailed the issues, then we will see the outfits being fitted to said bodies soon.


Thank you  :lol:

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All sounds good, one question on the waist slider does that effect the length of the legs? So if you slider the slider up to essentially shorten the torso does the legs get longer or does the hips only get taller?


The slider is called waist height, so it only affect the parts between hips and breasts. It moves the waist, but doesn't shorten or lengthen anything (that's not really possible because of animations/the skeleton). There's a knee height slider already, though.



Oh ok, so it just shortens or lengthens the torso, so if you choose to shorten it then the character would be shorter then. Ok I misunderstood what you meant by that.


Hmm I doubt it can be done with out a new skeleton but a height slider letting you increase the height which will make everything longer and then decrease the torso would have the same effect as what I asked about earlier. Longer legs with shorter torso.



I think Cell means it works like this:




not like:


o|=0=< or o|=0=<<


It moves the position of features along the body... it's kinda hard to conceptualize without having seen it. I've seen it from way too many hours spent in the create a character systems for wrasslin' games. :P


где обновление? where the update? said today will be the same

It's not even noon yet (East Coast, North America). Over half the day yet remains.

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It's insane how fast you guys got a good working body replacer! 

I'm really a fan of your work.




Soulshine, I'm not sure about the single nipple radiation freak thing (sounds like some kind of texture error if i had to guess I'm no modder) but the best way to get companions and settlers naked that I've found is this 4 step process


1. equip follower with clothing that cannot be worn simultaneously with armor (ex spike armor or just about any dress although the dress will not take up the slots for arm armor so use leg or chest)


2. Take the clothing the companion had on before you gave them the new outfit


3. make them equip a conflicting piece of armor then take the clothing you gave them in step one


4. take the armor piece that you gave them for maximum exposure


Hope that helped with the clothing thing! Hope you can get that texture issue sorted out.

That did the trick.



Thank you  Caliente for making this available!


Does anyone yet know how to get companions naked ? Their base clothing disappears from their inventory when equipped. I can replace it but not totally remove everything. There's a mod that uses summer shorts as a nude armor, but that just gives Piper the synth-chest ,single nipple, radiation freak look for me.

Open the console, click the NPC of your choice so that their personal ID is displayed and then type unequipall in the command line. After that you're free to re-equip items to your liking. Be aware that certain NPC's, most notably those in seats, make it difficult to attain their personal ID, so usually you want them standing.

oni18sama's solution works but yours sounds more permanent and easier.


It's funny that nobody cares if I have no base clothes on except the follower (Piper in this case). She and I are running around nekked pillaging the Commonwealth and (only coming out out of fast travel)  she has some snide remarks about my (lack of) attire. Things like:

"Where are you pants Blue?"

"Is it chilly? I'm thinkin' it's chilly."


Good stuff



For me, 'unequipall' doesn't seem to work on Piper :o


EDIT: Fixed, I used showinventory and then I unequiped the trenchcoat with 'unequipitem'

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All sounds good, one question on the waist slider does that effect the length of the legs? So if you slider the slider up to essentially shorten the torso does the legs get longer or does the hips only get taller?


The slider is called waist height, so it only affect the parts between hips and breasts. It moves the waist, but doesn't shorten or lengthen anything (that's not really possible because of animations/the skeleton). There's a knee height slider already, though.



Oh ok, so it just shortens or lengthens the torso, so if you choose to shorten it then the character would be shorter then. Ok I misunderstood what you meant by that.


Hmm I doubt it can be done with out a new skeleton but a height slider letting you increase the height which will make everything longer and then decrease the torso would have the same effect as what I asked about earlier. Longer legs with shorter torso.



I think Cell means it works like this:




not like:


o|=0=< or o|=0=<<


It moves the position of features along the body... it's kinda hard to conceptualize without having seen it. I've seen it from way too many hours spent in the create a character systems for wrasslin' games. :P


где обновление? where the update? said today will be the same

It's not even noon yet (East Coast, North America). Over half the day yet remains.


f*ken usa, hate america 


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@SunshaftV - Yea I can confirm what you said.  Fuse00 sent me this shot of his tex explain that:














Honestly, I'm all for a new entire head meh.  One that's actually not divided into two pieces - -


The vanilla one is just garbage anyways :D

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  1. Release will be when we have the most important issues ironed out and the vanilla outfits converted, so that the UV/clipping issues are gone. They will have sliders, but maybe not yet for the first version.
  2. Outfit Studio is mostly functional by now. We had disabled it for this alpha release to, let's say, prevent people from abusing it too early.
  3. We've tweaked some more sliders yesterday.
    1. NippleUp/NippleDown: Less areola distortion and a smoother shape.
    2. BreastPerkiness: Doesn't make the breast point upwards anymore (use NippleUp/Down for that).
    3. Arms: Made the forearm a bit smaller to match the upper arm size better.
  4. We've added some new sliders yesterday (Caliente already talked about those):
    1. New butt slider that morphs it into a bit of a different shape (I think you might like it, especially in combo with other sliders).
    2. New waist height slider that moves the entire waist, including upper belly/navel up and down.
  5. Inverted normal map the correct way.
  6. Removed sprinkle/gold dust from the right nipple.
  7. Fixed a few of the seams caused by sliders (precision correction in the code).
  8. Fixed normals not being updated by sliders.
  9. Next alpha will probably be today.



Sweet! Thanks for the progress report.


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@SunshaftV - Yea I can confirm what you said.  Fuse00 sent me this shot of his tex explain that:






Honestly, I'm all for a new entire head meh.  One that's actually not divided into two pieces - -


The vanilla one is just garbage anyways :D


Oh my god that is just terrible...

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I have a suggestion that might make BodySlide's UI a bit more fluid and user friendly. When I design a body I often use negative values and values beyond 100 for certain sliders, however the sliders don't have negative values, nor can they go beyond 100 so they must be entered manually which is somewhat cumbersome.


Suggestion 1

Place the slider's current zero point at the center then have 1-100 on the right and -1 to -100 on the left.


Suggestion 2

It would also be cool to have an ECE (Enhanced Character Edit from Skyrim) style 2X checkbox for each slider that would double the proportions. So basically a value of 10, with 2X checked, would be 20 with a max value of 200 when set to 100%.


If implemented I think that  the two additions would make Bodyslide much quicker and easier to use as everything could be done with the mouse, as opposed to manual entry. In any case your work is brilliant as always and I can't wait to see the final release!

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I have a suggestion that might make BodySlide's UI a bit more fluid and user friendly. When I design a body I often use negative values and values beyond 100 for certain sliders, however the sliders don't have negative values, nor can they go beyond 100 so they must be entered manually which is somewhat cumbersome.


Suggestion 1

Place the slider's current zero point at the center then have 1-100 on the right and -1 to -100 on the left.


Suggestion 2

It would also be cool to have an ECE (Enhanced Character Edit from Skyrim) style 2X checkbox for each slider that would double the proportions. So basically a value of 10, with 2X checked, would be 20 with a max value of 200 when set to 100%.


If implemented I think that  the two additions would make Bodyslide much quicker and easier to use as everything could be done with the mouse, as opposed to manual entry. In any case your work is brilliant as always and I can't wait to see the final release!


The default limits will forever stay at 0-100. That's the only way sliders can be designed to not produce clipping when converting outfits.


However, if you really want to go beyond, you can already edit the Config.xml of BodySlide and set a different minimum and maximum value for the sliders there. No clipping or slider quality support under 0 or over 100, though.

Cell and Caliente, someone of you know russian language or maxwellfoto write his messages in Cyrillic for someone else?


No, we don't. :)

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