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Bug Report


I was fitted with a Slave Collar from DCL so was soliciting to get it removed. I had a critical failure and was reported to a guard and was jailed in Whiterun.


During the sentence the conditions for removing the collar were satisfied so DCL removed it. When the jailer came back later he passed a comment about the collar being missing and fitted me with a new PO collar. When released the jailer then put a new slave collar on me.


For a standard DD item this would be correct as it should be refitted but for an item that had been removed by DCL as it's condition had been met it's incorrect. First time I've seen this as I have been in jail before when a salve collar has been removed

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Yes I do have it unchecked.


The removal of the slave collar was by DCL not POP which was correct, the bug was that POP put a new slave collar on me on release so it's not picking up that it was a non standard device


It's not a biggie as it can be removed again with the safeword option in DCL, just a little untidy

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I totally agree the DDI items should be re-equipped but the slave collar is a quest item from DCL not a standard DDI device


If it would mean making long lists of exceptions then I wouldn't bother as it's easy enough to correct through DCL

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So, when the collar is re-equipped is the slave collar quest broken?


My idea was for POP to re-equip whatever (DDi, CD, DCL, DDe) it finds equipped before the arrest, that way POP cannot be used as an exploit to remove DDs.    

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So, when the collar is re-equipped is the slave collar quest broken?


My idea was for POP to re-equip whatever (DDi, CD, DCL, DDe) it finds equipped before the arrest, that way POP cannot be used as an exploit to remove DDs.    


I believe the issue here is that DCL adds some items that are time locked or otherwise have unlocking conditions that can validly be met while in prison. Thus it is not a bug that a prisoner could end up removing one of these items during their stay. (Or in actuality the timer ticks and DCL goes ahead and removes it directly.) POP just remembers that they had the device when they entered, and locks a new copy on the player when they leave. I don't know if this breaks quests or not, as I have not had this sequence happen to me yet.


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Is the SL 1.62 warning relevant? I noticed that you had updated POP after release, but it is still giving me the warning in a new test game.


I did not update my SL yet, so not sure how POP works with SL 1.62. However, I am fairly certain that there should be no problems.   


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So, when the collar is re-equipped is the slave collar quest broken?


My idea was for POP to re-equip whatever (DDi, CD, DCL, DDe) it finds equipped before the arrest, that way POP cannot be used as an exploit to remove DDs.    


I believe the issue here is that DCL adds some items that are time locked or otherwise have unlocking conditions that can validly be met while in prison. Thus it is not a bug that a prisoner could end up removing one of these items during their stay. (Or in actuality the timer ticks and DCL goes ahead and removes it directly.) POP just remembers that they had the device when they entered, and locks a new copy on the player when they leave. I don't know if this breaks quests or not, as I have not had this sequence happen to me yet.




Yes that's my point exactly, though put a lot clearer than I had.


AFAIK the collar works normally when it's refitted, but I don't know if it resets all the counters (probably does I would have thought).


Slave collar is less of a problem as it can be removed again with the safeword but some of the other DCL quests would give problems if they were removed if the player had forgotten to untoggle "Remove Locker Devices"


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Is the SL 1.62 warning relevant? I noticed that you had updated POP after release, but it is still giving me the warning in a new test game.


I did not update my SL yet, so not sure how POP works with SL 1.62. However, I am fairly certain that there should be no problems.   




Right, then. Not a big deal.

For the record, I have not experienced problems with SL 1.62 and current version of POP. :)


Naturally it does not mean that there would not be any, but I visited at least all major holds in my latest compatibility test run.

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So, when the collar is re-equipped is the slave collar quest broken?


My idea was for POP to re-equip whatever (DDi, CD, DCL, DDe) it finds equipped before the arrest, that way POP cannot be used as an exploit to remove DDs.    


I believe the issue here is that DCL adds some items that are time locked or otherwise have unlocking conditions that can validly be met while in prison. Thus it is not a bug that a prisoner could end up removing one of these items during their stay. (Or in actuality the timer ticks and DCL goes ahead and removes it directly.) POP just remembers that they had the device when they entered, and locks a new copy on the player when they leave. I don't know if this breaks quests or not, as I have not had this sequence happen to me yet.




Yes that's my point exactly, though put a lot clearer than I had.


AFAIK the collar works normally when it's refitted, but I don't know if it resets all the counters (probably does I would have thought).


Slave collar is less of a problem as it can be removed again with the safeword but some of the other DCL quests would give problems if they were removed if the player had forgotten to untoggle "Remove Locker Devices"




If you remove and reequip the slave collar, its timers will reset. That's...inconvenient. But there are numerous quest items in DCL that will flat out break their respective quests if you remove them through means other than the ones provded by the quest. A grand example for this is the Damsel in Distress quest, which tracks unequipping of items to advance quest stages. It will instantly break if POP removes these items.


I said it again, and again, and again that it's a horrible idea to remove quest items from 3rd party mods. It's against DDI framework conventions. It will break stuff left and right. No mod should ever do it, period. Not even as an option. Particularly not one that's enabled by default. But I lost count how often I asked Inte to remove this feature, so I don't think it's going to happen.

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is there a way to pass the punishment time somthing like pressing the T key ..i can't figure the slow time and fast time options at the mcm ..since i played with their values game keep crashing up at the pillory scene beside the scene takes too long and it's kind boring ..is there a solution for that ??

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So, when the collar is re-equipped is the slave collar quest broken?


My idea was for POP to re-equip whatever (DDi, CD, DCL, DDe) it finds equipped before the arrest, that way POP cannot be used as an exploit to remove DDs.


I believe the issue here is that DCL adds some items that are time locked or otherwise have unlocking conditions that can validly be met while in prison. Thus it is not a bug that a prisoner could end up removing one of these items during their stay. (Or in actuality the timer ticks and DCL goes ahead and removes it directly.) POP just remembers that they had the device when they entered, and locks a new copy on the player when they leave. I don't know if this breaks quests or not, as I have not had this sequence happen to me yet.



Yes that's my point exactly, though put a lot clearer than I had.


AFAIK the collar works normally when it's refitted, but I don't know if it resets all the counters (probably does I would have thought).


Slave collar is less of a problem as it can be removed again with the safeword but some of the other DCL quests would give problems if they were removed if the player had forgotten to untoggle "Remove Locker Devices"



If you remove and reequip the slave collar, its timers will reset. That's...inconvenient. But there are numerous quest items in DCL that will flat out break their respective quests if you remove them through means other than the ones provded by the quest. A grand example for this is the Damsel in Distress quest, which tracks unequipping of items to advance quest stages. It will instantly break if POP removes these items.


I said it again, and again, and again that it's a horrible idea to remove quest items from 3rd party mods. It's against DDI framework conventions. It will break stuff left and right. No mod should ever do it, period. Not even as an option. Particularly not one that's enabled by default. But I lost count how often I asked Inte to remove this feature, so I don't think it's going to happen.



And I said it again, and again, and again ... if I don't remove said devices, it will break PO. So, I compromised and added it as an option and left it up to the player ... now we are back on this again? If you have a better compromise I am all ... umm ... ears.

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Sorry Inte and I'm not trying to stir the pot, I'm just curious as to what it breaks, as aside from the oddity I reported above with the slave collar being added back nothing in PO was broken and I went through virtually all of it fitted with the DCL slave collar (including some whipping) and everything ran perfectly?

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So, when the collar is re-equipped is the slave collar quest broken?


My idea was for POP to re-equip whatever (DDi, CD, DCL, DDe) it finds equipped before the arrest, that way POP cannot be used as an exploit to remove DDs.


I believe the issue here is that DCL adds some items that are time locked or otherwise have unlocking conditions that can validly be met while in prison. Thus it is not a bug that a prisoner could end up removing one of these items during their stay. (Or in actuality the timer ticks and DCL goes ahead and removes it directly.) POP just remembers that they had the device when they entered, and locks a new copy on the player when they leave. I don't know if this breaks quests or not, as I have not had this sequence happen to me yet.



Yes that's my point exactly, though put a lot clearer than I had.


AFAIK the collar works normally when it's refitted, but I don't know if it resets all the counters (probably does I would have thought).


Slave collar is less of a problem as it can be removed again with the safeword but some of the other DCL quests would give problems if they were removed if the player had forgotten to untoggle "Remove Locker Devices"



If you remove and reequip the slave collar, its timers will reset. That's...inconvenient. But there are numerous quest items in DCL that will flat out break their respective quests if you remove them through means other than the ones provded by the quest. A grand example for this is the Damsel in Distress quest, which tracks unequipping of items to advance quest stages. It will instantly break if POP removes these items.


I said it again, and again, and again that it's a horrible idea to remove quest items from 3rd party mods. It's against DDI framework conventions. It will break stuff left and right. No mod should ever do it, period. Not even as an option. Particularly not one that's enabled by default. But I lost count how often I asked Inte to remove this feature, so I don't think it's going to happen.



And I said it again, and again, and again ... if I don't remove said devices, it will break PO. So, I compromised and added it as an option and left it up to the player ... now we are back on this again? If you have a better compromise I am all ... umm ... ears.



Put the collar effects on an invisible item and equip it while she's imprisoned. That will make PO independent from it being worn or not. When arrest happens, check if collar slot is occupied and equip the PO collar when it's free. It will probably take slightly under 10 mins to do. But it's your mod, your decision.

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Ah the animations - silly me. When you said it broke PO I was thinking about the PO collar healing effect (if it's still there as the slider handles whipping in any case).


Perhaps another approach might be to just treat it as a petty crime if the pc has DCL quest items locked on (though standard DDI items would be removed as normal) that would solve any animation problems I would have thought as they no longer trigger.

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I posted before asking for help with the mod. But basically, the mod keeps breaking and stopping working when im taken to the jailer, he doesn't strip me and put me in a cage. It's just me, the jailer and the capturing npc standing there forever.


Do you have any clue why this is happening?

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Ok, done!

That just leaves the arm cuffs, armbinder, belt, plugs, etc.

I cannot use magical items in place of those because of the various animations involved.


Ok, help me here. We have the whipping scene and the pillory punishment that don't work well with hands tied. That needs to be looked at, yes. What else would break?


The belts shouldn't matter (I think), because if DDI is installed (which sort of is a given if the character is wearing a belt), the animation filter should pick a sex animation that works. Same for arm cuffs, they never matter.


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