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A bit more on the rogue BH's at Whiterun.


I've reverted back to an earlier save as I went back to my old version of Beeing Female due to some bugs in the latest version so had a chance to assassinate Anoriath again and the result was rather strange.


After doing my time I saved just before the gates in Whiterun then went out and in a second or so three BH's appeared out of thin air by the gate (the generic ones again). I closed down to set the papyrus log running reloaded and then when going through the gate they no longer appeared. It seems (and I use that word advisedly) that playing through the whole scene and then having a cell change triggers the effect though whether it's only at Whiterun I can't say, but a game restart seems to stop it.


It could be something to do with the timer perhaps, I noticed one of the bugs in BF was a pause not finishing after a EC+ impregnation unless there was a game restart, but I'm just speculating now, it's just very odd and I've never seen it before

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Well, the BHs spawning point is the same as for all Whiterun vanilla NPCs, which is right next to Adrianne's smithy. If you were to take a sit in the chair on Guard Barracks' roof and wait for long enough, you can see them spawn one by one.


For immersion purposes I wait 1 game hour before I start deleting the BHs when their quest ends.

Maybe if the player saves and then loads the game within that hour, I wander if the game would forget to delete them?

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I have the answer on the Markarth BH appearing without reason. The quote I put in above from skyrim.wiki is be true as the pc does have a bounty while in Cidhna Mine (see screenie).


Normally this isn't a problem but if using Devious Cidhna which adds many hours before the pc can escape then the BH will be invoked unless the BH settings are changed. Not worth spending a lot of time to correct but maybe put a note in the OP.


What happens is a bounty of 1000 is put on the player while in Cidhna Mine until their stuff is returned by Madannach at the final doorway out. The bounty is then removed which is why the BH was showing a bounty to collect of 1000 but was not showing in the earlier screenshot


This breaks the routine if the BH is allowed to appear as the pc cannot pay the fine as there is no longer a fine to pay






Regarding Whiterun, two things, the BH's are spawning outside the gate and secondly a reload stops it so it seems it only works if no game load is made


It's gone 2 am I'm off to bed :P




I don't really understand why they appear in the first place? I kill Anoriath and am immediately arrested by a Guard and do my time. In the MCM BH's are celebrating my arrest in the MCM so I'm not clear why they even appear. It doesn't seem like POP is not removing them but rather it's spawning them in error


EDIT2: Lots of ninja edits


EDIT3: I just discovered those BH's had spawned after all at Whiterun after I reloaded (mentioned earlier) it was just that they weren't at the gate but down by that cut down log/tree by the river (on left) if heading to Honningbrew Meadary. These were slightly different as they had iron armour but were the generic ones again

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@ Inte


I am having a problem with my MCM menu.  To be blunt, I really do not know if it's related to POP, but as POP 8d was the last mod update to my game, and I have no recollection of coming across this before that, I thought I'd try here first for some help   :shy:    If you think it's not related to POP at all, please say so, but as you seem pretty clued up on suchlike, can you maybe point me in a sensible direction as to where I might look next? 


Issue is that my MCM mod menus have, as best as I can describe it, 'slowed down' or ceased to work consistently.  First off, I use Jaxonz MCM Kicker, and that seems to take an age to now report on how many menus there are on start up.  Secondly, accessing MCM from inside the game, they seem to hang.  Take POP.  Sometimes, sub menus refuse to appear.  When all the submenus do appear, clicking to select one sometimes does move into the sub menu, sometimes it doesn't.  When you get there, trying to change a slider, well, sometimes the slider appears, sometimes it doesn't.  Moving from one sub menu to another can be as hit and miss.  If anything 'hangs', I have to back right out and start again from the top, with no certainty of success.


I appreciate that I can't be absolutely certain when this happened, but as the most recent changes were to Defeat, DDe, Cursed Loot and, lastly POP, I was wondering if the introduction of .json files for saving preferences/settings could have anything to do with this?  It does seem to affect MCMs of other mods too, but those mentioned are the last mods that I have tinkered with, and all run .json files    


I use MO.  That and, I'm pretty sure, my SKSE (1.7.3) etc are all up to date, so I don't think the problem is likely to lie there


Do you have any ideas that might help me/places I could maybe go looking etc?





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Slow SkyUI, hmm ... well you can always eliminate the basics.

1. Uninstall MCM Kicker, no go then...

2. Make sure you are using the latest SkyUI which I believe it's 5.1 if yes and still no go then...

3. Clean your save of SkyUI, or try it with a new game. If you do start a new game, do not enable all your mods at once. Enable the main ones first, i.e. ZaZ AP and the like, save. Quit. Load save, check if all OK, then save, quit and load a few more mods - repeat.


As far as the POP MCM, it works best on SkyUI 5.1 - the one I use.



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I have the answer on the Markarth BH appearing without reason. The quote I put in above from skyrim.wiki is be true as the pc does have a bounty while in Cidhna Mine (see screenie).


Normally this isn't a problem but if using Devious Cidhna which adds many hours before the pc can escape then the BH will be invoked unless the BH settings are changed. Not worth spending a lot of time to correct but maybe put a note in the OP.


What happens is a bounty of 1000 is put on the player while in Cidhna Mine until their stuff is returned by Madannach at the final doorway out. The bounty is then removed which is why the BH was showing a bounty to collect of 1000 but was not showing in the earlier screenshot


This breaks the routine if the BH is allowed to appear as the pc cannot pay the fine as there is no longer a fine to pay






Regarding Whiterun, two things, the BH's are spawning outside the gate and secondly a reload stops it so it seems it only works if no game load is made


It's gone 2 am I'm off to bed :P




I don't really understand why they appear in the first place? I kill Anoriath and am immediately arrested by a Guard and do my time. In the MCM BH's are celebrating my arrest in the MCM so I'm not clear why they even appear. It doesn't seem like POP is not removing them but rather it's spawning them in error


EDIT2: Lots of ninja edits


EDIT3: I just discovered those BH's had spawned after all at Whiterun after I reloaded (mentioned earlier) it was just that they weren't at the gate but down by that cut down log/tree by the river (on left) if heading to Honningbrew Meadary. These were slightly different as they had iron armour but were the generic ones again


Oh, I see what you meant with Cidhna Mine, my thinking behind that was since the BH was sent to collect you or the bounty you owe, he/she should still get paid their fee for the effort. I believe if you talk to the BH, he will not charge you the 1000g, only his fee (666g by default). That is more immersive, no?


The Whiterun BHs are definitely ninja BHs. My guess is that they are leftovers from previous POPs. If they appear with POP 8d on a cleaned save as per post No. 2 in this here thread, then it's a bug and a log would help me track it down. But I must say that POP 8e already has a more aggressive BHs removal function, so it might be fixed already.  


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Slow SkyUI, hmm ... well you can always eliminate the basics.

1. Uninstall MCM Kicker, no go then...

2. Make sure you are using the latest SkyUI which I believe it's 5.1 if yes and still no go then...

3. Clean your save of SkyUI, or try it with a new game. If you do start a new game, do not enable all your mods at once. Enable the main ones first, i.e. ZaZ AP and the like, save. Quit. Load save, check if all OK, then save, quit and load a few more mods - repeat.


As far as the POP MCM, it works best on SkyUI 5.1 - the one I use.




I tried this out again with Cursed Loot, and my papyrus log shows a whole heap of related errors that I have asked Kimy about on the thread over there.  They might be a better starting point than my earlier, rather poor, explanation


Thanks for taking the time to respond, though.  Much appreciated :)


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I agree on the Cidhna BH it is more immersive, though it might be an idea to mention it in the OP as the ninja Markarth fine isn't well known and will only happen for Devious Cidhna users.


I'll have a pre Anoriath save in backup so I'll see if I can get you a log


EDIT: Typical, it didn't happen this time unless they spawned somewhere I couldn't see them. I've attached the log in case it's of some use but I doubt it. Ignore the first 140 lines or so as that's the gameloader in the start LAL cell




There were some minor differences as well, jailer was male and the pc was paraded but I wouldn't have thought that would be significant. Unfortunately it's impossible to reproduce a play through with 100% accuracy as there are too many variables

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Where are the meshes for prisoner outfits being stored?


I have a UUNP vanilla replacer but it still seems to be using the Vanilla mesh.



They are just the vanilla rags.


To clarify: Prison Overhaul does not overwrite vanilla meshes or custom meshes for these rags. Either the replacer you are using does not modify them, or you have passed them when working in BodySlide.

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I agree on the Cidhna BH it is more immersive, though it might be an idea to mention it in the OP as the ninja Markarth fine isn't well known and will only happen for Devious Cidhna users.


I'll have a pre Anoriath save in backup so I'll see if I can get you a log


EDIT: Typical, it didn't happen this time unless they spawned somewhere I couldn't see them. I've attached the log in case it's of some use but I doubt it. Ignore the first 140 lines or so as that's the gameloader in the start LAL cell




There were some minor differences as well, jailer was male and the pc was paraded but I wouldn't have thought that would be significant. Unfortunately it's impossible to reproduce a play through with 100% accuracy as there are too many variables


That log vas very helpful - like always. ;)

I think I got it, but even if I didn't, I most definitely got a bunch of other unrelated bugs that were spamming your log. :blush:


I cannot test it atm, because my Skyrim is on the fritz, alas the reason I cannot release POP 8e, DDe 2.31, SDc 2.60. :(


What happens is this,

I can start Skyrim like usual, and for the first 2 - 5 minutes all is OK, it runs at 100 FPS (capped). After that it steadily drops to an unplayable 7 FPS. :@

Anyway, I'm off to troubleshoot that.  




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Where are the meshes for prisoner outfits being stored?


I have a UUNP vanilla replacer but it still seems to be using the Vanilla mesh.



They are just the vanilla rags.


To clarify: Prison Overhaul does not overwrite vanilla meshes or custom meshes for these rags. Either the replacer you are using does not modify them, or you have passed them when working in BodySlide.



No, I never thought it did, or at least I didn't after I couldn't see any meshes in either the patch or the original bsa so I thought maybe there was another location for these meshes other than Skyrim\Data\meshes\clothes\prisoner.

The prisonerrags_etc are replaced but I see it also needs to replace prisonerclothes.


Copy and rename did the trick :)


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I agree on the Cidhna BH it is more immersive, though it might be an idea to mention it in the OP as the ninja Markarth fine isn't well known and will only happen for Devious Cidhna users.


I'll have a pre Anoriath save in backup so I'll see if I can get you a log


EDIT: Typical, it didn't happen this time unless they spawned somewhere I couldn't see them. I've attached the log in case it's of some use but I doubt it. Ignore the first 140 lines or so as that's the gameloader in the start LAL cell




There were some minor differences as well, jailer was male and the pc was paraded but I wouldn't have thought that would be significant. Unfortunately it's impossible to reproduce a play through with 100% accuracy as there are too many variables


That log vas very helpful - like always. ;)

I think I got it, but even if I didn't, I most definitely got a bunch of other unrelated bugs that were spamming your log. :blush:


I cannot test it atm, because my Skyrim is on the fritz, alas the reason I cannot release POP 8e, DDe 2.31, SDc 2.60. :(


What happens is this,

I can start Skyrim like usual, and for the first 2 - 5 minutes all is OK, it runs at 100 FPS (capped). After that it steadily drops to an unplayable 7 FPS. :@

Anyway, I'm off to troubleshoot that.


Make sure you aren't accidentally turning on the FPS limiter in the ENB/ENBOOST code using the "End" key.

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I agree on the Cidhna BH it is more immersive, though it might be an idea to mention it in the OP as the ninja Markarth fine isn't well known and will only happen for Devious Cidhna users.


I'll have a pre Anoriath save in backup so I'll see if I can get you a log


EDIT: Typical, it didn't happen this time unless they spawned somewhere I couldn't see them. I've attached the log in case it's of some use but I doubt it. Ignore the first 140 lines or so as that's the gameloader in the start LAL cell




There were some minor differences as well, jailer was male and the pc was paraded but I wouldn't have thought that would be significant. Unfortunately it's impossible to reproduce a play through with 100% accuracy as there are too many variables


That log vas very helpful - like always. ;)

I think I got it, but even if I didn't, I most definitely got a bunch of other unrelated bugs that were spamming your log. :blush:


I cannot test it atm, because my Skyrim is on the fritz, alas the reason I cannot release POP 8e, DDe 2.31, SDc 2.60. :(


What happens is this,

I can start Skyrim like usual, and for the first 2 - 5 minutes all is OK, it runs at 100 FPS (capped). After that it steadily drops to an unplayable 7 FPS. :@

Anyway, I'm off to troubleshoot that.



Make sure you aren't accidentally turning on the FPS limiter in the ENB/ENBOOST code using the "End" key.


Not using ENB. Perhaps I should, IDK.

It turns out, and I am not making this up, ... it turns out that it was the newly installed BodySlide 3.6 + Race Menu Morphs for CBBE. I reverted back to BS 2.7c and all is smooth sailing at a constant 100 FPS. :P

I do not have an explanation as to why. I am going to chuck it as being one of them Skyrim magical mysteries. ^_^



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Not using ENB. Perhaps I should, IDK.

It turns out, and I am not making this up, ... it turns out that it was the newly installed BodySlide 3.6 + Race Menu Morphs for CBBE. I reverted back to BS 2.7c and all is smooth sailing at a constant 100 FPS. :P

I do not have an explanation as to why. I am going to chuck it as being one of them Skyrim magical mysteries. ^_^



Don't you have the HDT problem with stuff flying all over the place with your frame rate that high?  Or do you not use HDT?


I did something not long ago that allowed me to play with a frame rate as high as 180, but as soon as I would open a cabinet all the moveable objects in the room flew up in the air and scattered about.  Setting the frame rate limit to 60 in enblocal.ini fixed that (BTW, I'm using it for ENBOOST memory management, not for display improvement).


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Not using ENB. Perhaps I should, IDK.

It turns out, and I am not making this up, ... it turns out that it was the newly installed BodySlide 3.6 + Race Menu Morphs for CBBE. I reverted back to BS 2.7c and all is smooth sailing at a constant 100 FPS. :P

I do not have an explanation as to why. I am going to chuck it as being one of them Skyrim magical mysteries. ^_^

Don't you have the HDT problem with stuff flying all over the place with your frame rate that high? Or do you not use HDT?


I did something not long ago that allowed me to play with a frame rate as high as 180, but as soon as I would open a cabinet all the moveable objects in the room flew up in the air and scattered about. Setting the frame rate limit to 60 in enblocal.ini fixed that (BTW, I'm using it for ENBOOST memory management, not for display improvement).


Yes I do use HDT, everyone should, and you are correct about stuff flying everywhere, but for me it only happens if I allow the frame rate to go above 100 FPS.


I am using Sheson's memory patch included with SKSE, and no I will not give my first born to Sheson. :P

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Don't you have the HDT problem with stuff flying all over the place with your frame rate that high? Or do you not use HDT?


I did something not long ago that allowed me to play with a frame rate as high as 180, but as soon as I would open a cabinet all the moveable objects in the room flew up in the air and scattered about. Setting the frame rate limit to 60 in enblocal.ini fixed that (BTW, I'm using it for ENBOOST memory management, not for display improvement).


Yes I do use HDT, everyone should, and you are correct about stuff flying everywhere, but for me it only happens if I allow the frame rate to go above 100 FPS.


I am using Sheson's memory patch included with SKSE, and no I will not give my first born to Sheson. tongue.png



Physics problem hits, when FPS hits constantly over 60. Some peoples say that their games seem to manage 100fps, but that is rare.


The easiest way to fix this (if not using ENB) is to open the GPU control panel > Application 3D-settings and make sure that VSync is set "On" for Skyrim. If Skyrim does not appear in the list, then there should be a button to add it there.


Problem may also appear with 144hz monitors. Limiting monitor to 60hz for Skyrim - either with application or manually - will also sort this problem out.


Enblocal.ini usually deals with the problem without setting VSync from GPU control panel. However, this is not true for all systems. My Nvidia GTX 980 applied all the other ENB settings for Skyrim, but physic problem remained, until I set it from GPU panel. Adding or removing ipreventinterval=1 to configuration file did not make any difference. I am still trying to figure out why my drivers did not respect the ENB settings.


What comes to memory management: SKSE memory tweak reallocates memory usage for loading processes, fighting against infinite or extended loading screens and crashes on load. It also clears invalid registrations (obsolete entries), if that line is set.


ENBoost does a different thing. It directs VRAM over usage to RAM through enbhost.exe. This does not make any more VRAM available, but eases up with memory spikes that could crash or lag the game, allowing more VRAM related mods to be used and softening the basic gameplay. Exceeding the VRAM limit will crash the game as usual, but the practical cap becomes higher, when majority of spikes has been removed.


Both memory tweaks can be used at the same time.

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I agree on the Cidhna BH it is more immersive, though it might be an idea to mention it in the OP as the ninja Markarth fine isn't well known and will only happen for Devious Cidhna users.


I'll have a pre Anoriath save in backup so I'll see if I can get you a log


EDIT: Typical, it didn't happen this time unless they spawned somewhere I couldn't see them. I've attached the log in case it's of some use but I doubt it. Ignore the first 140 lines or so as that's the gameloader in the start LAL cell




There were some minor differences as well, jailer was male and the pc was paraded but I wouldn't have thought that would be significant. Unfortunately it's impossible to reproduce a play through with 100% accuracy as there are too many variables


That log vas very helpful - like always. ;)

I think I got it, but even if I didn't, I most definitely got a bunch of other unrelated bugs that were spamming your log. :blush:


I cannot test it atm, because my Skyrim is on the fritz, alas the reason I cannot release POP 8e, DDe 2.31, SDc 2.60. :(


What happens is this,

I can start Skyrim like usual, and for the first 2 - 5 minutes all is OK, it runs at 100 FPS (capped). After that it steadily drops to an unplayable 7 FPS. :@

Anyway, I'm off to troubleshoot that.



Make sure you aren't accidentally turning on the FPS limiter in the ENB/ENBOOST code using the "End" key.


Not using ENB. Perhaps I should, IDK.

It turns out, and I am not making this up, ... it turns out that it was the newly installed BodySlide 3.6 + Race Menu Morphs for CBBE. I reverted back to BS 2.7c and all is smooth sailing at a constant 100 FPS. :P

I do not have an explanation as to why. I am going to chuck it as being one of them Skyrim magical mysteries. ^_^


If you are not using an ENB you should be using ENBOOST. Using ENBOOST will move the textures from the Skyrim.exe code into the ENB.exe code, greatly reducing the memory usage of the Skyrim.exe. Since the ENB.exe is 64bit vs. the Skkyrim.exe it's memory management is simpler and allows for a larger number of textures to be in memory at the same time.


Less stress on the Skyrim.exe code should mean less CTDs from it.

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I don't think I need ENBoost, according to @Morferous it just prioritizes VRAM usage vs. RAM.

I have 4096 MB of VRAM, and as you can see from the screenies Skyrim is using all of it.


You still think I should be using ENBoost?


EDIT: Everything set to ultra, Vertical Sync on.





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First time using the mod, should have done that a long time ago!


There are three peculiar things I ran into (they are not a very big deal to me):

  • When my character is wearing high heels (cursed loot style), my character does not align with the pillows.
  • While parading once, hired thugs showed up (and due to having better enemies, my jailer could not defeat them (although using console if fine by me).
  • And you can walk on the bottom of water (and in water) when bound (I found that out while running away from hired thugs in Dawnstar)

There is one request:

  • Could you script away the option to pay for your crime?
    Not sure if it is possible at all, or if I am missing a setting in MCM, but paying for your crime is just too easy. Especially when this mod provides a reasonable alternative.

Anyway, I just joined the Thieves Guild. I used to do pickpocketing by saving/loading a lot. I ain't gonna do that anymore! I will have to change my play style a bit though by taking a bit less risks. On a side note: I do not think it is fair that I get punished for trying to pickpocket Nazeem!


Thanks for the great mod!

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Not sure if it's exactly in the scope of what this mod is supposed to do, but I think it'd be interesting to see the Jailer punishing some default prisoners when we're not the one with the bounty on our head.  Basically, just so we can see the mod working even when we're not the focus, giving the impression that we're not the only one who gets the whole 'locked in a pillory and royally screwed' treatment.

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