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Hi Inte,


I experienced a somewhat annoying occurence, which then led to a bug.


I took Whiterun for the Empire in the civil war, so Heimskr (the dude who is always preaching at the Talos statue) was now in prison.


I don't know if this is always the case or not, but he is in the same cell as the player. He keeps preaching at the door, blocking the paths of the NPCs. The NPC just teleport over after a while, so it won't break the mod, it just takes unnecessary time.


I tried what happens if I kill him. This is where the bug happened, because a "Guard visiting the prisoner" event triggered and I lost control of my character. At the same time, the 1000 gold bounty triggered as well and all guards become hostile. The guards started to attack my character (they couldn't really do any damage, thanks to SPERG). The Jailer joined in on my side, so the whole thing became a clusterf**k. Also the game doesn't do autosaves in POP for same reason, so I could reload only a before jail save.


So I wonder if Heimskr can be forced to take another cell.

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Guest xlaw10

Which collar?

I'm running into an issue where the pillory doesn't appear once I'm locked into it. I have all of the requirements but does anyone know what might be causing the pillory not to appear? It executes all of the animations and my characters acts like she's in it the whole while.


Make sure your AP installation is in order, especially if using MO.

Also, reregister animations from SL MCM.

Dearest Inte,


do you know that FunnyBizness has started to publish a number of animations with the x-cross, stockade, torture rack etc? Any chance to get these integrated into PO/POP for variety's sake, e.g. in the relevant MCM entry?




I will look into it.

You mean my animation packs? I think I have everything in order and the only mentioned mod that I don't have installed is Devious Equip. I don't think that is supposed to be necessary for this though. Thanks for helping out, if you have any other ideas.

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I have this problem.

I run lot of mods so don t know if its a problem with the amount but...


I start a new game.... i configure stuff everything works fine....

I use LADL alternate start....

i configure everything and start the scnario ...bam

..PO is resetting  >_____<  ...screws everything unequip stuff etc etc....


I still autoresets conflict with so many mods on this site would be better a manual reset prompt imho... if possible.


But if its only my problem i just find a workaround.


Yes, random auto reset bug is still present and the latest PO patch seems doesn't change anything.


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This is a real strange one. I'm doing Forsworn Conspiracy with Devious Cihdna. When I get to the end and exit the Markarth Ruins there's a PO BH there. I can't pay the bounty as I don't have one but POP seems to think I have.


Here's a couple of screenies so you can see what I mean. It's really weird and not something I've ever seen before






EDIT: A Force Restart seems to fix it, I'm not sure what triggers it though. I noticed some minor dialogue changes at Nepos's house which I suspect came from the latest USLEEP, perhaps it triggers something else as well

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I just noticed in the screenshots, one of the pillories in whiterun was replaced by a different restraining piece of furniture? How was that done, it's never happened in any of my games :D



A long time ago that was a test run, decided against it as only whipping would be available while in it, and most towns already have pillories on display as deterrent to criminals.  

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The Force Restart doesn't seem to work as the BH is still outside, I'll "MarkforDelete" which should then clear it

In PO MCM 'Debug' page, was quest 'xpoBounty' running when this happened? The POPBHs get deleted when that quest shuts itself off.

I've added a force delete for the POPBHs on the MCM reset option for POP 8e. However, since the POPBHs are aliases even this option will depend on 'xpoBounty' quest running.

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I can do the first part, but it will require ... another MCM option ... @Kimy here I come! ;)

What's Kimy got to do with this?


A joke, Kimy has LOTS of MCM options in Deviously Cursed Loot, so when Inte says they have to add more MCM options, they get closer to Kimy's project.



Yes, I've made a funny.

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The Force Restart doesn't seem to work as the BH is still outside, I'll "MarkforDelete" which should then clear it

In PO MCM 'Debug' page, was quest 'xpoBounty' running when this happened? The POPBHs get deleted when that quest shuts itself off.

I've added a force delete for the POPBHs on the MCM reset option for POP 8e. However, since the POPBHs are aliases even this option will depend on 'xpoBounty' quest running.



Unfortunately I don't have the save in Markarth Ruin now only the one after I did the "MarkforDelete" but checking that xpobounty is set to "No".


Bearing in mind the earlier issue I had with BH's, the only thing that has changed is an update to Beeing Female which has had some MCM problems possibly due to heavy script load, could that affect POP in some way (though it does seem very unlikely)




I was able to get the earlier save with the BH's hanging around outside of Whiterun, here's what I found and the setting.


Before Force Restart


post-237718-0-85066900-1464116382_thumb.jpg  post-237718-0-80080200-1464116383_thumb.jpg  post-237718-0-07497800-1464116385_thumb.jpg


After Force Restart (BH's are still there though)


post-237718-0-94306300-1464116385_thumb.jpg  post-237718-0-32125000-1464116387_thumb.jpg




Here's a screenshot from the old save before the Beeing Female update, I'm not convinced BF is the cause.


I guess I could try rerunning the Anoriath kill from the old game (or Forsworn Conspiracy) to see if I can reproduce it, it'll take some time though to do it for both BF versions. If I set TGM it will help with Nepos etc







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I see.


Problem is, with 'xpoBounty' not running (i.e. showing 'No' in MCM) I won't be able to track the remaining BHs. Also, it looks like is the base actor not the fully decked out in armor POPBH. As far as I know all the aliases should be deleted upon quest shutdown, obviously that did not happen, ... hmm.


Are you sure they are not 'leftovers' from a save prior to POP 8d?


All I can suggest is to clean your save as suggested in post No. 2 in this here thread and see if they come back. If they do, my only solution would be to store all the POPBH I spawn into a StorageUtil form list, and then delete them by that list on mod reset, update or 'xpoBounty' quest stop, I rather not do that as that will overload papyrus even further.  


As far as BF, no it should not affect POP in any way, but then again this is Skyrim, so a log would probably help clarify that.  

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No they're definitely not leftovers as I hadn't killed Anoriath and I'm meticulous about cleaning saves. In any case the Markarth one spawned after the other ones were deleted and that one did have full armour so I don't think the two events are connected.


I tried a shortened version of the Forsworn Quest (i.e. skipped Devious Cidhna content) taking saves at every point but didn't get the BH this time so possibly it was a glitch.


I'll try the old save and re-assassinate Anoriath to see if I can reproduce it, though I'm wondering if it's even worth worrying about.


I'm using the older papyrusutil could that be the problem, though as it's never caused a problem before so I wouldn't have thought so.


I'm probably getting an OCD overdose here, sometimes Skyrim just glitches and it's hardly game breaking in any case.

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... snip ...

Yes, random auto reset bug is still present and the latest PO patch seems doesn't change anything.

How about a log, hmm?

Also make sure you have the latest PapyrusUtil.



Sure, as soon as I catch the event again. I usually fix the parameters manually after each cause. PapyrusUtil version is 32 of 01.2016.


And, by the way, I also have 3 friendly Bounty Hunters occupying the smithy near Whiterun city gates.

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Ah the BH's it's happened to someone else (see post above)


Right, I suspect I know what has happened Inte and I think you were partially correct with them being leftovers but they're not from a previous save.


I remembered this morning that this was not my first term in jail, I had in fact been arrested by BH's for crimes in Winterhold and taken to the Jailers Place. Once in the Jailers place the BH's are not removed and even join in on the cell punishments, so I suspect that maybe they are left behind once the pc is released.


Just a guess but it would seem to fit (perhaps)

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Hmm, okay so much for that theory.


But I wonder what is causing it then as it's happened to Rampadarat as well so it's not just my game :unsure: Never had it happen before 8d so maybe something was changed.


OTOH it's hardly game breaking just an oddity really

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And, by the way, I also have 3 friendly Bounty Hunters occupying the smithy near Whiterun city gates.



I saw that in my last game (not my current one) which I think was on patch 8d.  I was surprised because I normally turn the BHs off, and had not been arrested by any of them.  My current game is using patch 8e if I remember correctly, but I haven't done anything yet to earn a bounty.


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Guest xlaw10


Which collar?

I'm running into an issue where the pillory doesn't appear once I'm locked into it. I have all of the requirements but does anyone know what might be causing the pillory not to appear? It executes all of the animations and my characters acts like she's in it the whole while.


Make sure your AP installation is in order, especially if using MO.

Also, reregister animations from SL MCM.

Dearest Inte,


do you know that FunnyBizness has started to publish a number of animations with the x-cross, stockade, torture rack etc? Any chance to get these integrated into PO/POP for variety's sake, e.g. in the relevant MCM entry?




I will look into it.

You mean my animation packs? I think I have everything in order and the only mentioned mod that I don't have installed is Devious Equip. I don't think that is supposed to be necessary for this though. Thanks for helping out, if you have any other ideas.



Just bumping this, thanks.

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DDe is optional. If you have installed ZaZ AP correctly, have reset the SL animation registry from SL's MCM, and run POP 8d after PO, then you might need clean your save as described in post No. 2 of this here thread.  

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I can do the first part, but it will require ... another MCM option ... @Kimy here I come! ;)

What's Kimy got to do with this?

A joke, Kimy has LOTS of MCM options in Deviously Cursed Loot, so when Inte says they have to add more MCM options, they get closer to Kimy's project.


Yes, I've made a funny.

Oh, I see. Very, well... funny.

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Just spotted this, I'm guessing it may be what triggered the BH in Markarth (this is from elderscrolls.wikia). It wouldn't have happened the second time I tried as I skipped the Devious Cidhna content which runs up a lot of game hours though I have to say I wasn't showing a bounty afaik


Once the guards are hostile and the Dragonborn has a large bounty on themselves, they may also kill Degaine and Ondolemar for the Ebony Blade before surrendering to start "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine". The bounty for those (or any other) kills will also be lifted at the end of that quest.

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