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I have this problem.

I run lot of mods so don t know if its a problem with the amount but...


I start a new game.... i configure stuff everything works fine....

I use LADL alternate start....

i configure everything and start the scnario ...bam

..PO is resetting  >_____<  ...screws everything unequip stuff etc etc....


I still autoresets conflict with so many mods on this site would be better a manual reset prompt imho... if possible.


But if its only my problem i just find a workaround.


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Hi Inte,


I found an issue with the "Remove Locked Devious Devices" feature. This feature would be a tremendous help to improve compatibility with other mods, but atm it is not working as expected (IMO). I had the option on disabled when I had the following issue:


My character was wearing a set of quest tagged restraints from Cursed Loot. The set contained Chastity Belt and Bra, Collar, Arm and Leg cuffs. According to the quest, the set is supposed to be completely unremovable by regular means.


I deliberately attacked a guard then surrendered (dialog, Take me to jail). The guard did a quickie, then removed the arm and leg cuffs and replaced them with DDe ones. He shouldn't be able to do this.


After that he escorted my character to the jail. There there was the usual stripping, which then removed all restraints, including the Belt and Bra. After a few seconds, these came back, reappeared on the character.


It would be awesome, if these removals could be avoided and POP would add new restraints only on free slots.


Thanks for reading,

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Following on from Monsta88 post above, there been some discussion of the "Remove Locked Devious Devices" function in the DCL thread and it would seem prudent to have that defaulted to untoggled.


From my understanding and testing only standard devices are removed and replaced at the end of the sentence when it's untoggled. I tested with a slave collar and it momentarily disappeared and came straight back but it didn't break the script so I think that was just a cosmetic effect on the pc as the routine attempted to remove it but couldn't


It does seem to be a potentially dangerous option though, so I would have thought having it start untoggled would be safer

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wth i give this a try i never like the prison that the normal game have and i never will care about it doing to the fact i just skip the fk day but this mod look ok it make prison a lot better and real at some time but i looking of to it 

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I see.

Sounds more like a pathing problem as Riften is fairly crowded, as least in my game.

Try moving the jailer to your PC (there is an option in PO MCM), if no go then try moving the punisher as well.


this also happen in solitude when follower punish PC, it stuck after the first scene.

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1. The arresting NPC must have a crime faction.

2. Player must have a bounty with the arresting NPC's crime faction.

So ... don’t piss off Nazeem, he might just arrest you and render you completely helpless to resist his smugness.  :P


I was wondering if future version will allow the player to arrest npc as well when he / she is thane etc.. especially Nazeem with smurk remark ever been to ***** no i haven't arrest mode on. :D

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I think this may be a bug but not sure. I had some nicked stuff when doing  a Thieves Guild job but was picked up by POP BH's (on behalf of Winterhold) and imprisoned. On release I noticed that the stolen goods had also been returned.


This may be intended as BH's aren't interested in stolen goods. Guards are as they are usually confiscated iirc


EDIT: Not sure if it's relevant but it was food items

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Noticed a bit of an oddity.


I did the DB contract on Anoriath and was immediately caught and imprsioned. When I got out and left Whiterun the PO BH's were outside.


They were friendly (as I'd done my time) but had made an unnecessary journey

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The BH's are still outside Whiterun, is it safe to "MarkforDelete" (or "Kill") or will that cause a problem with POP?


I ask because as they hang around the gate all the time they're starting to well... smell. You might tell them to wash now and again :P:lol: 

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I'd like to request a variation of the "follower punishes player" pillory scenarios where the Jailer doesn't do a round him/herself after my follower. I prefer keeping the sexual deviousness limited with the only public sex acts being the prisoners being forced to fuck one another as an entertainment to the crowd (i.e. I turn off all other sexual punishment events), and the jailer "joining the fun" just doesn't sit too right with me.


It isn't something necessary, but I think it would be beneficial for players to have a bit of a choice here (seeing as we have choices in almost literally anything else).



I think I have also suggested a reverse of the scenarios by having the player punish the follower in the past, though I understand that would involve quite a bit more effort, all for a minor feature that might not be worth the bother.

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I can do the first part, but it will require ... another MCM option ... @Kimy here I come! ;)


As far as the second part, reverse scenarios ... no, the player is supposed to be humiliated here not the follower.


The players can get their 'revenge' in the cell at night, after the pillory fun by punishing their followers. The only trick is that players can only do to their followers what has been done to them by the last guard.

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An idea I was having (and if you're changing MCM options, I think now's the time to mention one) is that I'd like to see the punishment lists split between what males will do to you, and what females will do to you, including Jailers.

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I can do the first part, but it will require ... another MCM option ... @Kimy here I come! ;)


As far as the second part, reverse scenarios ... no, the player is supposed to be humiliated here not the follower.


The players can get their 'revenge' in the cell at night, after the pillory fun by punishing their followers. The only trick is that players can only do to their followers what has been done to them by the last guard.

What's Kimy got to do with this?
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I can do the first part, but it will require ... another MCM option ... @Kimy here I come! ;)


What's Kimy got to do with this?

A joke, Kimy has LOTS of MCM options in Deviously Cursed Loot, so when Inte says they have to add more MCM options, they get closer to Kimy's project.

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Guest xlaw10

I'm running into an issue where the pillory doesn't appear once I'm locked into it. I have all of the requirements but does anyone know what might be causing the pillory not to appear? It executes all of the animations and my characters acts like she's in it the whole while.

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Which collar?

I'm running into an issue where the pillory doesn't appear once I'm locked into it. I have all of the requirements but does anyone know what might be causing the pillory not to appear? It executes all of the animations and my characters acts like she's in it the whole while.


Make sure your AP installation is in order, especially if using MO.

Also, reregister animations from SL MCM.

Dearest Inte,


do you know that FunnyBizness has started to publish a number of animations with the x-cross, stockade, torture rack etc? Any chance to get these integrated into PO/POP for variety's sake, e.g. in the relevant MCM entry?




I will look into it.

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