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Is there a way to get rid of the slaves in the bee and barb?


- Open console.

- Target the slave

- Write down first two digits from ID number.

- See the receptive Mod Index position in your load order. That would be the mod that provided those slaves.

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Just a question on the BH's


I had a *cough* bit of an accident with DH and lost all my gold and as I'm running Taxes of the Nine Holds mod, very shortly I'll have enough bounty in four holds to let loose the BH's.


So I was wondering how this works, will there be four sets of BH's after me or do the holds trigger them one at a time?

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One at a time and the hold with the highest bounty gets a crack at you first. BH are very greedy. ^_^


Thanks :)


All four will be the same amount, so I assume it'll default to the crime faction ID order then to decide who has first crack


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I am trying to install the mod and patch it and am having some problems as I am mod illiterate


I have the file v33 fix installed and running but the animations are messed up-- when the cages scene ends the character just sort of phased sideways through the wall and keep drifting uncontrollably as whichever area I was in disappears into the distance. Pillory scenes don't trigger without mashing the wait button repeatedly and then they don't end-- whipping required a game restart.


I assume that the patch fixes that, but any time i install the patch I get an instant CTD on startup. If you don't know what the issue might be offhand, can you walk me through how to create a problem log?

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The newest version somehow interacts with the latest Maria Eden mod. Whenever I use XPO's "force restart" option, a menu from Maria Eden pops up where I can choose which auction house I will be sold, probably from Maria Eden's alternate start. The menu can just be dismissed by pressing tab, but still weird when one mod triggers part of another. 

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The newest version somehow interacts with the latest Maria Eden mod. Whenever I use XPO's "force restart" option, a menu from Maria Eden pops up where I can choose which auction house I will be sold, probably from Maria Eden's alternate start. The menu can just be dismissed by pressing tab, but still weird when one mod triggers part of another. 


I think is normal... When you got vanilla arrested the maria eden will ask on which auction you'll be sold.


If you press reset you'll restart the arrest quest... so the system send the advice and the ME respond.


Nothing to worry about.

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The newest version somehow interacts with the latest Maria Eden mod. Whenever I use XPO's "force restart" option, a menu from Maria Eden pops up where I can choose which auction house I will be sold, probably from Maria Eden's alternate start. The menu can just be dismissed by pressing tab, but still weird when one mod triggers part of another. 


I think is normal... When you got vanilla arrested the maria eden will ask on which auction you'll be sold.


If you press reset you'll restart the arrest quest... so the system send the advice and the ME respond.


Nothing to worry about.


Ok, I didn't know that. The thing is this never happend to me with the previous versions of Prison Overhaul Patches.

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Hey again Inte-- I've finally got a version of the mod working, it's pretty great. But I have a question-- which base mod are the shackles and iron collar textures and meshes located in? They are invisible in game and something is missing since the jailer tends to comment that the collar is missing.


I've been reinstalling a bunch of the requirements but none of them seem to help (and i know it's not this mod since other mods that rely on that mesh/texture are missing it as well) but was hoping you knew which once it was in

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Hey again Inte-- I've finally got a version of the mod working, it's pretty great. But I have a question-- which base mod are the shackles and iron collar textures and meshes located in? They are invisible in game and something is missing since the jailer tends to comment that the collar is missing.


I've been reinstalling a bunch of the requirements but none of them seem to help (and i know it's not this mod since other mods that rely on that mesh/texture are missing it as well) but was hoping you knew which once it was in


They are in ZAP 6.11.

Jailer is supposed to comment once on your follower missing the collar.  

Rfiten Pillory scene is still using the X Cross instead of the pillories, leading to punishments getting stuck.


It's choosing them at random. Getting stuck in what way?


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Rfiten Pillory scene is still using the X Cross instead of the pillories, leading to punishments getting stuck.


It's choosing them at random. Getting stuck in what way?




Scenes simply do not start and get stuck in what I call the "waiting for the scene to start" mode (prisoner struggle, supposed giver of punishment approaches, time scale dialed to slow, save loading disabled).

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I see.

Sounds more like a pathing problem as Riften is fairly crowded, as least in my game.

Try moving the jailer to your PC (there is an option in PO MCM), if no go then try moving the punisher as well.

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​Would it be possible to add a Gag option in the MCM for the 5 "zbf Gag Panel" ?


e.g: zbf Gag Panel 01 - this one is black... 2, 3, 4 & 5 are all the same but different colours.


Would be great if you could include this as an option, I'm not fond of the bit gag or other options and seems as though these panel gags come with ZazAnimationPack it would be a shame not to make more use of them





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