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It's a feature Inte but not as we know it :lol:


Any idea how this happened (negative lifetime bounty). I don't think it does any harm but I was curious how it may have happened





That should make you a docile and productive Skyrim citizen.



Nah, I don't pay no stinking taxes :wacko::P


As the old song goes "I fought the law ..." and it kicked my arse :lol:

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Now that's a new one.


This is what my code does:

On arrest I store all the bounties for all the holds in StorageUtil lists and set all the existing bounties to 0, that way the BH can take you through all the cities unhindered by guards.

On release I restore all the StorageUtil bounties back to their rightful place to all the holds. Problem is when I do this, Skyrim thinks that this is new bounty and adds that to the lifetime bounty stat so, to counteract this I subtract whatever I added from the StorageUtil from the lifetime bounty stat. 


I tested this to some extent and it always worked flawlessly.

I would say make sure it is coming from my mod, not the taxes one;

Before arrest write down the lifetime bounty stat, and compare it to the one on release, they should match, if they don't see what the difference is, and what bounties you currently have.


Or perhaps the taxes mod adds bounties while you are in jail (all your bounties should be 0 while in jail)? Maybe that throws some calculations off?

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It's not the Taxes one, I checked on an older save before it was added.


The Taxes mod is very simple, basically a courier turns up with a bill for taxes. If you pay that's the end of it, if you don't pay it then it's gets added to your bounty for that Hold and that's the end of it, so it's quite simple really.


Do you remember that I had those problems with Dawnstar, I bet it glitched out then. I've got a BH on my tail now for Morthal so I'll see what happens.


AFAIK it's only cosmetic with a minus but shouldn't do any harm as I don't think it's actually used for anything in game

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Now that's a new one.


This is what my code does:

On arrest I store all the bounties for all the holds in StorageUtil lists and set all the existing bounties to 0, that way the BH can take you through all the cities unhindered by guards.

On release I restore all the StorageUtil bounties back to their rightful place to all the holds. Problem is when I do this, Skyrim thinks that this is new bounty and adds that to the lifetime bounty stat so, to counteract this I subtract whatever I added from the StorageUtil from the lifetime bounty stat. 


I tested this to some extent and it always worked flawlessly.

I would say make sure it is coming from my mod, not the taxes one;

Before arrest write down the lifetime bounty stat, and compare it to the one on release, they should match, if they don't see what the difference is, and what bounties you currently have.


Or perhaps the taxes mod adds bounties while you are in jail (all your bounties should be 0 while in jail)? Maybe that throws some calculations off?


Found your problem, it's the 8c update procedure causing it.


I rummaged back through my backups to a game where it was normal (11/04/2016) which was running 8b, bounty was normal. After the update to 8c it then showed as -820


I'll get you some screenshots so you can see what I mean


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Looking back to a very early save where I had 950 in 8 holds and had cleared the 9th, the Total Lifetime Bounty stands at 8550 (9 x 950) so I'm not sure why it needs changing at all. Surely it should just keep a running total of all bounties to date so can be left alone to be handled by the game engine


PS: Where's me prize, gimme gimme gimme :lol:

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How about a hot potato? :P



Reason I need to change it, like I mentioned in an earlier post, I need to set all the bounties to zero for all the holds so the guards won't bother you and the BH when passing through their city on the way to jail.

But, when I restore the bounties on release, the game engine thinks that the restored bounty is new bounty and increments the lifetime bounty stat.

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Hmm, get an error for getav totallifetimebounty


Ignore it's ModPCMiscSta


Looking back it seems this might have happened before in previous updates as the total has dropped from 8550 to the current 3890, anyway at least we know what it is now

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Is there a known incompatibility between POP and skyrimll's SD+? Things have been a bit, well, bumpy with these two mods for me lately (POP 8b/c and the last two versions of SD+).


What happens is this: When my char is enslaved by SD+ and I load a savegame during any point of the enslavement, POP does a force reset of itself during the savegame startup (when the messages are scrolling through the top left corner). It also unequips whatever collar SD+ had put on my char before which seems to cause trouble with SD+. Happens on brand new games too btw.


I've played around with the load order but that didn't help. Usually SD+ is where LOOT put it (fairly in the middle), PO, POP and DDe are in that order almost at the bottom. I've also tried putting SD+ below POP or just above it at the bottom, to no avail. I'm attaching an excerpt of the log, 2:15 is when I think the issue occured (yes, I was up late last night).




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It's a good practice not to update any mods while enslaved or in jail.


From your log I can see that POP cannot read the existing version of itself, you need to update PapyrusUtil since that is where POP keeps its version numbers.

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I have to ask a thing :( for some reasons po resets itself on some savegames without a reason (causing CTD if loading a file with the pc jailed).

(for now during SD enslavement and PO jailed files despite i had already updated correctly everything).



Now i think that the autoreset function for updating PO sometimes start without any reason...

I think is more Dangerous than useful considering its already written a manual reset is needed but that is my opinion.


While i am here did anyone try if this mod is compatible with the new huge hold overhaul everyone is talking about :o?



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It's a good practice not to update any mods while enslaved or in jail.


From your log I can see that POP cannot read the existing version of itself, you need to update PapyrusUtil since that is where POP keeps its version numbers.


Thanks much for the reply. :) PapyrusUtil -- eek, I would have never thought to look there. Strange, must have been overwritten by something, 3.2 is the version I have installed. The automatic reset issue occured on a brand new game though, where all mods were installed in their current version right from the start, bash patched and all, and never touched again. I didn't update mid-game.

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For those like me with a touch of OCD here's how to correct the Lifetime Bounty issue. Bear in mind it's purely cosmetic, it doesn't do anything in game except to let you know what a bad girl you've been. I'll use my game as an example obviously the figures in yours will be different, Inte will be fixing this in the next update.


1/ Firstly you need to work out what the correct figure should be. For me that was easy as I start (using Skyrim Bound) with a bounty of 950 in every hold. I also had a 1000 for knocking off Betild for the DB and 40 for accidentally whacking the guard that arrested me, which gives a grand total of 9590.

2/ Keep a backup of your save before doing anything as if you bugger it up you'll cry

3/ Uninstall PO and POP

4/ Load the save and then save it

5/ Clean the save with a script cleaner (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?) I use the v1.13 myself

6/ Load the cleaned save and save again

7/ Install PO and POP

8/ Load cleaned save and let PO/POP install as normal and configure

9/ Open console using ~ key

10/ In my case the bounty was at -5610 so I did this in two stages by entering the following commands


To get back to zero

ModPCMS "Total Lifetime Bounty" +5610


Then to set the correct bounty

ModPCMS "Total Lifetime Bounty" +9590


Close console with ~ key and you're done.

11/ Save game


If you want to test it works use Force Restart from Debug and now the Lifetime Bounty stays at the correct amount


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Couple of things to report:


The Relentless BH overrides the untoggled "Will follow PC indoors", could this be adjusted as the "follow indoors" can break quests (for example in Dawnbreaker where the door is locked when facing Malkalen). I'd suggest BH stays outside and use the BH has Teleport Spell to act in a similar way to the "BH can follow pc indoors" for those that want it


Also there seems to be a problem with Dragons. I was being taken from Solitude to Morthal and ran into a stupid dragon. The upshot was the BH's were stuck shooting arrows at the dragon which just stayed above them and never died, so I gave up and restarted after about 10 minutes of it. Not sure if you can do anything with this, maybe give the BH a heavy duty spell or something. As the pc is locked into an animation even going to console does not allow the player to target the dragon to use the "Kill" command as there's no cursor.


Also noticed that the BH was trying to go cross country back to Morthal which caused some problems crossing the water outside of Solitude and later getting stuck on boulders, so would probably be better keeping to the road via Dragonbridge. Sorry, you know what I'm like when the OCD kicks in :)

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Couple of things to report:


The Relentless BH overrides the untoggled "Will follow PC indoors", could this be adjusted as the "follow indoors" can break quests (for example in Dawnbreaker where the door is locked when facing Malkalen). I'd suggest BH stays outside and use the BH has Teleport Spell to act in a similar way to the "BH can follow pc indoors" for those that want it


Also there seems to be a problem with Dragons. I was being taken from Solitude to Morthal and ran into a stupid dragon. The upshot was the BH's were stuck shooting arrows at the dragon which just stayed above them and never died, so I gave up and restarted after about 10 minutes of it. Not sure if you can do anything with this, maybe give the BH a heavy duty spell or something. As the pc is locked into an animation even going to console does not allow the player to target the dragon to use the "Kill" command as there's no cursor.


Also noticed that the BH was trying to go cross country back to Morthal which caused some problems crossing the water outside of Solitude and later getting stuck on boulders, so would probably be better keeping to the road via Dragonbridge. Sorry, you know what I'm like when the OCD kicks in :)

Hm, I do know indeed. ;)

  • The relentless BH overriding the 'BH will follow the PC indoors' should not happen, then again I always have both of them toggled on so I haven't tested the off side of it thoroughly. However, the logic behind allowing the BH teleport is quite simple actually - it checks if the PC in not inside OR 'BH follows indoors' is toggled on, then the teleport is allowed.  Next time it happens you can do a

    help "xpo" "3"
    and see what xpopIndoorBH (or something similar, can't remember the exact name atm) value is. Should be 0 if unchecked.
  • Oh yes dragons ... I use 'Deadly Dragons' mod and still the POBH win, a long fight to be sure but never 10 min. Maybe you have a mod that makes the dragons protected (can only be killed by the player)? In console click the dragon and type


I have an unknown mod that makes some bandits protected (probably 3dNPC?) and those fights never end. Two ways around that that I found.

  1. Again click on the bandit/dragon in console and
    if the result is 1, then
  2. Use
    on the POBH, the lead not your guards and take him/her on a different route.

Now getting stuck into an animation that is new - because every time you are in combat the leash should release. If its a DD animation, try a sneak or any other animation to override the one you're in.  

     3.  Crossing the water you can try


on the leader, you might have to do it a bunch of times until it 'fires'. Type the same thing to return control back to the PC.


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I'm not using any dragon enhancements at all, perhaps I needed to let it run on more perhaps


Regarding the toggles I'll need to do some more testing as the whole lot was firing (i.e. teleport indoors) even when all the toggles were off and Skyrim was restarted. After a pc reset howevr it behaved as normal again with all toggles switched off. I've come across this before where RAM isn't purged even though Skyrim has been shutdown.


Coming back to the animation I'm not not sure I made myself clear. When the pc is captured the leash effect stays on all the time (both with a guard and a BH) so there is no HUD and if you go into console you don't have a screen cursor to target anything.

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The leash stays on even when you enter combat?

In console you mouse click stuff not cursor target.

You can release the leash like so,

ZaZ AP MCM 'Player Control' page, 'Release Control' and 'Restore'.



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Yes the pc is stuck in the leash. You can't mouseclick anything in console mode as the screen seems to think it's in animation


Here's the problem with the route its taking, it's getting stuck at the edge of the water by the solitude saw mill



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