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SexLab Solutions 5.0.7 (01-December-2017)

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I'd like to request a change to A Chance Arrangement. I liked to fail this quest on purpose so as to not loose Brand-Shei as a vendor nor his quest. Passing it via sex with Brynjolf seemed ideal. Unfortunately after picking that option Brand-Shei still got arrested upon the quests completion. Also it's quite unrealistic for that to happen at all, if the Dragonborn has sex with Brynjolf instead of them framing him together.

If completing the quest will always cause Brand-Shei to get arrested and that's not moddable, you could always have the quest fail after picking the sexlab option. After all in Skyrim completing a quest doesn't give XP or anything and you can then continue with the Thieves Guild questline even after it's officially failed, since the game does allow that to begin with.

If you have the unofficial patches, Brand-Shei will only be arrested for a limited time (one week, I think?), after which he'll return to his usual merchant routine.


As for bypassing the arrest scene, I only took a quick look for now, but it looks like I can avoid Brand-Shei getting sent to prison without having to edit the quest, if you take the sex route. I'll include this in the next version if doable.



I didn't know that's changed with the OUP. Thx for the heads up, whether you can change it or not!


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anyone else having issues with Golldir during Ancestral Worship.. i get the dialogue option to request at start but during the quest nothing happens.. Is it just on my side?


You first make the demand, then once he accepts, you can talk to him at any time to initiate sex, as often as you like.

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it says 30


from what I've managed to test so far, about every time it's the PC thatpushes forward the extra option... Will you also include an option to have the extra method introduced, be requested of the PC? or any future options that will be like this?

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Thanks for the report, fixing this now. The quest 'A Scroll for Anska' also has the same bug, bugfix coming for that one too next version.


from what I've managed to test so far, about every time it's the PC thatpushes forward the extra option... Will you also include an option to have the extra method introduced, be request of the PC? or any future options that will be like this?


Not sure what you're trying to say there, can you word it differently?

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Just to let you know that your mod conflicts with ''Cutting Room Floor'', and I'm not sure to let it override CRF changes or not.


There's a single conflict involving the Riften Ratway. Both CRF and SexLab Solutions add a ForceGreet package to Drahff, an NPC that patrols the entrance. In Solutions, you can negotiate with Drahff for free passage, I assume CRF has a similar negotiation in place.


Whichever mod comes last in your load order will take control of Drahff's behaviour package, so order the two mods based on what content you'd prefer to have available. Or, you could try merging the changes into a patch, but since these are ForceGreet packages, Drahff will just end up approaching you twice, once for each mod.

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okay, so..  about every option appears as this " I can do something else for you"... it's always the PC that brings up the extra option, which is perfectly fine and surely the most easy way to implement, since you just add one extra line.


It works, but i've been thinking this way.. how would it be if the NPC brings up the extra method... "Short on septims, are we? Well, If you really need this I can suggest a.. hehe... more physical way to resolve the issue. All you have to do is bare that curvaceous figure, spread them wide and enjoy the ride. Trust me you'll beg for more. So how about it?". Of course this implies a more complicated approach and thought into lines. Maybe more lines in the exchange. That was just an example, where the male is kind of sly and straightforward.

I guess others won't be like that, for example the Mage Aspirant can be inexperienced, like, and i'm really going over board with this... this is after you helped him "Well done boy, but why did you seek me out specifically? There's a lot of mages that would have made better teachers than me?" "Um... I.. I, I.... you see it's complicated and.. embarrassing.." "I'm listening" "I.. also wanted your help.. in regards to... women. I have someone I like and I'm lost about what to do. I thought.. if somehow... i muster my courage to even talk to a beautiful and attractive lady such as yourself.. I could face her properly." "Magic is not the only thing you are inexperienced is it? come here boy! I'll show you what it means to be with a woman."


yeah so that's clearly too much, but yeah if the npc could like initiate the proposal, sort of... that would be great.. the idea is the PC is the hottest female in Skyrim, so pretty much no one can restrain themselves, they'll try one way or the other, compliments, notice the the boner enabling figure, explicit maybe, beating around the bush, to try and urge you into engagements.

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okay, so..  about every option appears as this " I can do something else for you"... it's always the PC that brings up the extra option, which is perfectly fine and surely the most easy way to implement, since you just add one extra line.


It works, but i've been thinking this way.. how would it be if the NPC brings up the extra method... "Short on septims, are we? Well, If you really need this I can suggest a.. hehe... more physical way to resolve the issue. All you have to do is bare that curvaceous figure, spread them wide and enjoy the ride. Trust me you'll beg for more. So how about it?". Of course this implies a more complicated approach and thought into lines. Maybe more lines in the exchange. That was just an example, where the male is kind of sly and straightforward.

I guess others won't be like that, for example the Mage Aspirant can be inexperienced, like, and i'm really going over board with this... this is after you helped him "Well done boy, but why did you seek me out specifically? There's a lot of mages that would have made better teachers than me?" "Um... I.. I, I.... you see it's complicated and.. embarrassing.." "I'm listening" "I.. also wanted your help.. in regards to... women. I have someone I like and I'm lost about what to do. I thought.. if somehow... i muster my courage to even talk to a beautiful and attractive lady such as yourself.. I could face her properly." "Magic is not the only thing you are inexperienced is it? come here boy! I'll show you what it means to be with a woman."


yeah so that's maybe too much, but yeah if the npc could like initiate the proposal, sort of... that would be great.. the idea is the PC is the hottest female in Skyrim ,so pretty much no one can restrain themselves, they'll try one way or the other, compliments, notice the the boner enabling figure, explicit maybe, beating around the bush, to try and urge into engagements.

Oh, I see.


Well, the reason this type of interaction isn't common in Solutions is due to the way dialogue branches work in Skyrim. The way Solutions works currently (for most cases) is that it adds a new dialogue option to an existing choice list. If the player picks that new option, then the dialogue is moved over to a Solutions-specific branch. This is practical because by the time the Solutions dialogue branch is entered, I already know that the player intends to start sex with the NPC, and can develop the rest of the event with that assumption in mind. Whereas if the NPCs make sexual advances on their own, then I need to provide the player a choice to either accept or refuse, and more importantly, in the event of a refusal, I need to exit the Solutions-specific dialogue branch and link back to the vanilla dialogue the NPC was originally at.


With that said, there are situations where your proposed method works fine without over-complicating things, especially if the link to a Solutions dialogue is set at the end of a vanilla dialogue. One of the latest events I've added, the one with hostlers at the stables, is implemented in this manner: If the player has insufficient gold to make a purchase, they can choose between giving up or pleading with the hostler, with the latter having a chance of causing the hostler to suggest sex as payment. In the future I may code more events like this, but it depends a lot on how the existing vanilla dialogue is structured, as I prefer to edit as few vanilla forms as possible.


On a final note, if you'd like NPCs to approach you of their own accord, there's a mod you may be interested in if you haven't tried it yet: SexLab Approach. NPCs will occasionally whistle as you walk past them, or come to you and ask if you'd like to get frisky. The dialogue is a bit lackluster as it's just a simple yes/no question and is re-used by all NPCs, but on the whole, I'd say it helps a bit with the notion that the Dragonborn is attractive and the target of attention.

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Ran into a possible bug, or it might get fixed with your other "double approach" situations like the Whiterun and Riften guards


The 3 fake imperial soldiers wilderness random encounter did the same thing. I first took the sex option, on the second force greet tried to escape the conversation like I do with the guards, but they attacked me instead, saying if I didn't pay with gold I'd pay with life (iirc).


Reloaded from a save and did the sex scene twice, and it ended correctly after the second scene.

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Ran into a possible bug, or it might get fixed with your other "double approach" situations like the Whiterun and Riften guards


The 3 fake imperial soldiers wilderness random encounter did the same thing. I first took the sex option, on the second force greet tried to escape the conversation like I do with the guards, but they attacked me instead, saying if I didn't pay with gold I'd pay with life (iirc).


Reloaded from a save and did the sex scene twice, and it ended correctly after the second scene.


I can assure this happened to m2 today.

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Ran into a possible bug, or it might get fixed with your other "double approach" situations like the Whiterun and Riften guards


The 3 fake imperial soldiers wilderness random encounter did the same thing. I first took the sex option, on the second force greet tried to escape the conversation like I do with the guards, but they attacked me instead, saying if I didn't pay with gold I'd pay with life (iirc).


Reloaded from a save and did the sex scene twice, and it ended correctly after the second scene.



I can assure this happened to m2 today.


Had missed that one actually, good thing you mentioned it. Fixed now.

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Yo there! I have an idea..I've seen a farmer walking with his cow to offer her to giants so they wont attack his farm or something..how about a possibility of offering our PC instead of a cow?



That has been suggested already. 



In Development

WERoad11CowGiant (WERoad11) - Painted cow event

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Yo there! I have an idea..I've seen a farmer walking with his cow to offer her to giants so they wont attack his farm or something..how about a possibility of offering our PC instead of a cow?


A Solutions event for this world encounter (internal name WERoad11) is already listed under development. Progress is slow as I'm mostly busy restructuring the mod on several fronts, but it should be one of the next events to be released if everything goes well.


EDIT: Destynova, you ninja. :P

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Yo there! I have an idea..I've seen a farmer walking with his cow to offer her to giants so they wont attack his farm or something..how about a possibility of offering our PC instead of a cow?


A Solutions event for this world encounter (internal name WERoad11) is already listed under development. Progress is slow as I'm mostly busy restructuring the mod on several fronts, but it should be one of the next events to be released if everything goes well.


EDIT: Destynova, you ninja. :P


Daym..i thought i was the only one suggested this ha-ha..sorry folks:D

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Yo there! I have an idea..I've seen a farmer walking with his cow to offer her to giants so they wont attack his farm or something..how about a possibility of offering our PC instead of a cow?


A Solutions event for this world encounter (internal name WERoad11) is already listed under development. Progress is slow as I'm mostly busy restructuring the mod on several fronts, but it should be one of the next events to be released if everything goes well.


EDIT: Destynova, you ninja. :P




Would be nice to make that quest compatible with  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24654-wip-alternative-riding-styles-updated-2015-1-2/when it get's released

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