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SexLab Solutions 5.0.7 (01-December-2017)

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Just finished Brelyna's dialogue and sex scene. She still follows me around to "somewhere more private". Cant get rid of her. Guess she missunderstood our "casual relationship" ;)


Uh, not sure how you managed to make that happen, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her from what I've checked.


If she's still following you, I assume she also still has the "This should be private enough." dialog option? If so, just select that and it should detach her from the follower alias.

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No, doesnt work, just another blow job and then she is following me still. Maybe it because I have The College of Winterhold - NPC Improvement by redtox installed?


I doubt it's a compatibility issue. If you still have the 'This should be private enough.' dialog, that means Brelyna is still occupying the SSv3Follower alias, and that's entirely SexLab Solution's fault.


I'll try to reproduce it now to get a better idea of what might be going on.

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Okay, so from my testing, it would seem you're not actually getting the 'This should be private enough.' option like you said you were, but rather that Brelyna keeps repeating 'Well, that worked out in the end, didn't it?' every time you talk to her, which includes the Solutions option to start the sex scene from scratch. This is because Brelyna's line is overriding her normal conversation topics until the quest Brelyna's Practice finishes, so you're never given access to the 'This should be private enough.' line. I'm working on a fix for this now. In the meantime, if you select 'Let's never speak of this again.', or type setstage MGRAppBrelyna01 200 in the console, that'll finish the quest and allow you to speak to Brelyna normally.

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Version 3.1.7 released.

- During 'In My Time of Need', persuading the guard into releasing the Alik'r prisoner now correctly updates the associated quest, so both guards and the prisoner become aware that the release fee is paid.
- The reveler event now yields an enchanted necklace if you have sex with them. This is the same reward as if you'd offered them Honningbew Mead.
- 'Brelyna's Practice' no longer prevents the player from speaking with Brelyna after telling her to follow.
- SexLab Framework version requirement raised from 1.39b to 1.59c. (1.39b should still work for the time being, but I'm now compiling scripts with 1.59c so I can't guarantee compatibility with older versions anymore)

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wrath is this version compatible with the new USKP ?? i tried 3.16 but USKP 2.12 was not compatible with it.


Both 3.1.6 and 3.1.7 work just fine with USKP 2.1.2.


There is one record in USKP that's overwritten by Solutions, if that's what you mean by incompatible. You can safely ignore it, however. I'll make that record match USKP for next release of Solutions.

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I appreciate you keeping up with this mod - it's very well done! :]


I do have one rather small request - could you not include a meta.ini file with the download? Mod Organizer lacks a way to merge their contents, and I make a lot of personal notes and category additions/changes that get stored into these files that are erased if I were to let your meta.ini file overwrite. It's a lot less work to manually change the version number than to try to remember what I wrote on these! n.nU


Also (just out of curiosity), what does the LaL patch actually do? I've been starting new games with both for a while without any apparent issues.

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I do have one rather small request - could you not include a meta.ini file with the download? Mod Organizer lacks a way to merge their contents, and I make a lot of personal notes and category additions/changes that get stored into these files that are erased if I were to let your meta.ini file overwrite. It's a lot less work to manually change the version number than to try to remember what I wrote on these! n.nU


SexLab Solutions doesn't have a meta.ini file, from what I can see. Are you sure MO isn't adding that on its own?



Also (just out of curiosity), what does the LaL patch actually do? I've been starting new games with both for a while without any apparent issues.


It's a very minor patch. :P


LAL adds a condition to the Whiterun guard at the gate, so that he'll only intercept the player if the quest 'Before The Storm' is active. This allows you to have unrestricted access to Whiterun if you start the game with a LAL scenario, and then decide to never go to Helgen. Since Solutions also edits this dialog in order to add the 'entry by blowjob' alternative, the patch is there to ensure both changes are present in your game, not just the one made by the mod loading last in your load order.

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SexLab Solutions doesn't have a meta.ini file, from what I can see. Are you sure MO isn't adding that on its own?



Hmm, there isn't one included in the NMM installer? It seems to place the correct version in, so maybe MO is interpreting another file. Nevermind then.



Perhaps the file you're referring to is info.xml (stores mod name and version) in the fomod folder? Solutions does have that.


Now, I'm not exactly sure how MO works (I'm a filthy NMM peasant myself :P), but you're not supposed to import the contents of the fomod folder into your Skyrim install, so I don't know what kind of merging/overwriting issues you're having.


Very cool to see another even if minor patch.


I did start working on new content again, but I've hit a minor snag.

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Perhaps the file you're referring to is info.xml (stores mod name and version) in the fomod folder? Solutions does have that.




MO must try to "inject" the version number from that file into meta.ini then. No big deal.



The meta.ini file is in all of the mod directories in Mod Organizer. It's where MO stores such things as which download file created the mod directory, what version it is, install date, etc. It is essentially Mod Organizer's self-indexing file. It will be updated every time you patch or reinstall a mod so that MO's records are kept up to date.  If you want to make notes about a particular mod within MO, rightclick the mod, select "Information" and there's a Notes tab. It's also where the Categories tab is if you want to add it to a particular category or change which one it's in. The tools are there for you to add whatever you want without touching the meta.ini file yourself. Let MO modify it, your changes to it aren't guaranteed to be kept, but any changes you make in the Information tab will be.

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Thanks for the update. does this mean you go for more content updates again ?


I've recently updated to SL 1.59c so most of my modding time is being spent tweaking mods to my liking, but once I'm happy with the changes I'll dedicate more time to Solutions.

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The meta.ini file is in all of the mod directories in Mod Organizer. It's where MO stores such things as which download file created the mod directory, what version it is, install date, etc. It is essentially Mod Organizer's self-indexing file. It will be updated every time you patch or reinstall a mod so that MO's records are kept up to date.  If you want to make notes about a particular mod within MO, rightclick the mod, select "Information" and there's a Notes tab. It's also where the Categories tab is if you want to add it to a particular category or change which one it's in. The tools are there for you to add whatever you want without touching the meta.ini file yourself. Let MO modify it, your changes to it aren't guaranteed to be kept, but any changes you make in the Information tab will be.



+10 points for either not reading the full conversation or just *assuming* that I am in ignorant nubcake. I am FULLY aware of what the meta.ini is for, and my original post cited that I CLEARLY already knew how to both add notes and categories. GJ.


Additionally, it seems my entire conversation starting point is moot - I'm wary enough about NMM installers containing meta.ini's that I move my meta.ini out of the relevant MO directory before I run them. It seems that the info.xml file included in the installer just added a version string to the meta.ini that MO created when it detected that it was missing, nothing more. I jumped to conclusions that an overwrite meta.ini was included, because I've been seeing that a lot, and when it DOES happen, it looks the same as the new one spawned - blank except for a correct version string. I neglected to actually look inside the NMM installer before posting here.


So lets drop it, please? This has long since teetered over the line of being off topic for this thread...

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