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SexLab Solutions 5.0.7 (01-December-2017)

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Prison Overhaul can be fun but please don't add it and ZAZ as permanent requirements to the mod. I use it often on profiles without ZAZ (though to be fair once 1.6 comes with bigger animation registry I suspect ZAZ will be permanent part). There was some discussion as well about including a giant or the like, would that mean Creature Framework or the like becomes a dependant (again I'm not doing beastiality every profile), or just that Framework needs to have allow creature animations toggled on for those parts and the giant will bounce you up his non-existent penis if you lack CF?

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Nah, I haven't used PO and wouldn't want it as required for a simpler mod like this.  Maybe the Sibbi thing could be added into PO, if having him in the dungeon isn't already used.


Flipside, for this mod, is why I wanted the guided, AI controlling your player part, because you could (potentially?) have a guard unlock the cell, shove you in, you get raped, and guard opens the cell just to let you out.



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I thought of another Solution, but not sure how easy it is to do.


The gate into Goldenglow is quest locked, and while you're supposed to go in the tunnel, could we have an option to talk some of the guards into letting us in?  There is always one in a stand by the door, and a couple others that can be nearby patrolling.


Maybe force a group sex scene, and then let us walk around for a while, before requiring more sex to stay?

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Prison Overhaul can be fun but please don't add it and ZAZ as permanent requirements to the mod. I use it often on profiles without ZAZ (though to be fair once 1.6 comes with bigger animation registry I suspect ZAZ will be permanent part). There was some discussion as well about including a giant or the like, would that mean Creature Framework or the like becomes a dependant (again I'm not doing beastiality every profile), or just that Framework needs to have allow creature animations toggled on for those parts and the giant will bounce you up his non-existent penis if you lack CF?


Creature Framework only adds the penis when you have a sex animation with a creature, it doesn't handle any animations. So lacking CF would only mean the giant's equipment wouldn't be there, but the animation would still play. If you didn't want to use CF but also don't want to ride an invisible giant penis, you could just avoid doing that particular Solution. Also I highly doubt there would ever be a situation where PO would be added as a dependency. Zaz... maybe, if a Solution would only make sense with an animation in Zaz... but if you don't register the Zaz animations to Sexlab, then the animations are still available when they're specifically called for, but not available for general sex scenes. I know that for a fact because when I use PO, I don't register the Zaz animations but PO still calls them up just fine. But it keeps me from having bondage sex when the situation obviously doesn't fit. So if Solutions ever DOES add Zaz as a master, you can have it in your load order but not register the animations and it'll still work.

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Can't seem to get the cow offering to the giants part of the mod to work. I talk to the farmer, tell him I can offer myself, tell him its a deal, but I get no mini quest popping up. I am using the latest version 3.1.6 but not using the unofficial skyrim patch, so using the dummy uskp file.

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Probably for the best, that quest seems to be having some negative effect for the game and its ability to save. While i dont have any solid proof for my claim i can however say for certain that in my case after starting this quest and after completing it i started having problems that would be fixed by loading save before accepting said quest and not starting it. Again, this may not be fault of this mod, entirely, but joint effort  from several ones with some bad luck that just make it seem this way. textwallformingsorry, here are the problems i had:

1. Game failed to save about 1 in-game day later, resulting in ctd and ess.tmp showing up in save folder. aka something went wrong mid process. This can be temporally fixed by stantard loadearliersave-player.kill-save-loadproblemsave-repeat but the problem would still return soon after. *

2. Vampire lord transformation going nuts. After transforming into VLord form and then using revert form power would sometimes cause right after transforming back one or more of following to happen; **

  a ) Player characters torso (main armor) piece would not re-equip, and could not be re-equipped by the player.

  b ) Player would transform back into vampire lord without any action from player and have whatever spells player had in his hands before transformation (in my case first fire spell). Player could then use these spells normally but in vampire lord form, also revert form power would be missing and menu would take the player into VL perk tree , leaving player effectively stuck as VL.

Once more these are problems i had and i dont know for sertain what is to be blamed as i have large number of mods (requiem, vampiric thirst etc) that make changes to many things but as i said these problems were avoided by not starting the giant quest and would re-appear after starting/compliting the quest. (tested several times, spend most of this day trying to figure this out) found a mention of other mod causing similar problems (triedtolinkdidntworkfaildepressionneveragain) called "Proudspire manor fixed with smithy" by Mutifex. Likely not usefull information but still, the more you know...

Anyone else having similar problems or just me ?

* yes, i used manual hard saves, i do not use auto-save or quick-save features, ever.
** most likely not caused by this mod, as i have no idea how this is related to vampires, but after seeing the problem repeat every time sooner or later with this quest desided to put it in there. Again, I am not saying that this mod is the sole cause for my problems, but there is something odd going on with this quest. Also failed to start the guest in more that one occasion after the dialogue ended.

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I have also had the issue with the bovine quest not starting, but only once that I can remember. OTOH I haven't actually completed the quest until yesterday because I seem to almost only run into the cow farmer in the Pale and the target camp is always all the way down on the Whiterun plains (the one time I've met him in Whiterun was when the quest failed to start). However, yesterday I found him on the road between Robber's Gorge and Dragon Bridge, and I decided I was gonna do it no matter what, and apart from my own not paying attention it went off pretty much without a hitch (I didn't notice him appearing at the camp after the deed and since he'd said to meet him "back here" I rode off back to Hjaalmarch). Played for two or three game days after finishing the quest and haven't noticed any saving issues so far.


I've also had the VL issue with torso armor being unequippable after reverting form, but that was before doing the bovine quest.


This was on Solutions 3.1.6, with a slightly outdated USKP (2.0.6), btw.

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I have also had the issue with the bovine quest not starting, but only once that I can remember. OTOH I haven't actually completed the quest until yesterday because I seem to almost only run into the cow farmer in the Pale and the target camp is always all the way down on the Whiterun plains (the one time I've met him in Whiterun was when the quest failed to start). However, yesterday I found him on the road between Robber's Gorge and Dragon Bridge, and I decided I was gonna do it no matter what, and apart from my own not paying attention it went off pretty much without a hitch (I didn't notice him appearing at the camp after the deed and since he'd said to meet him "back here" I rode off back to Hjaalmarch). Played for two or three game days after finishing the quest and haven't noticed any saving issues so far.


I've also had the VL issue with torso armor being unequippable after reverting form, but that was before doing the bovine quest.


This was on Solutions 3.1.6, with a slightly outdated USKP (2.0.6), btw.


Yeah but for me, I don't get a misc quest notice at all. He tells me go to a camp and its supposed to trigger. I read that it should bring up a radiant quest, mine isn't. Every time I bump into him its right next to Whiterun and theres like 3-4 giant camps nearby.


Which makes me wonder if something is conflicting, because with the Old Orc, is he supposed to die after the sex scene? The little flavor text at the top of the screen seems to point that he died from having sex as it says "At least he got to have sex before he died" and he's still living.

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The cow quest does fail to start sometimes, it's a bug I've never figured out how to fix. I've made the quest inherit a location alias from the world encounter that spawns the farmer in the first place, but sometimes this alias is set to null, or to a target that doesn't make sense (ie: a farmer shows up in the Pale but the Hold alias is set to Whiterun for some unknown reason). I assume the alias is being manipulated over the course of the world encounter, and by the time the Solutions quest extracts the alias, it no longer longer corresponds to the location you're seeing the farmer at.



Probably for the best, that quest seems to be having some negative effect for the game and its ability to save. While i dont have any solid proof for my claim i can however say for certain that in my case after starting this quest and after completing it i started having problems that would be fixed by loading save before accepting said quest and not starting it. Again, this may not be fault of this mod, entirely, but joint effort  from several ones with some bad luck that just make it seem this way. textwallformingsorry, here are the problems i had:

1. Game failed to save about 1 in-game day later, resulting in ctd and ess.tmp showing up in save folder. aka something went wrong mid process. This can be temporally fixed by stantard loadearliersave-player.kill-save-loadproblemsave-repeat but the problem would still return soon after. *

2. Vampire lord transformation going nuts. After transforming into VLord form and then using revert form power would sometimes cause right after transforming back one or more of following to happen; **

  a ) Player characters torso (main armor) piece would not re-equip, and could not be re-equipped by the player.

  b ) Player would transform back into vampire lord without any action from player and have whatever spells player had in his hands before transformation (in my case first fire spell). Player could then use these spells normally but in vampire lord form, also revert form power would be missing and menu would take the player into VL perk tree , leaving player effectively stuck as VL.

Once more these are problems i had and i dont know for sertain what is to be blamed as i have large number of mods (requiem, vampiric thirst etc) that make changes to many things but as i said these problems were avoided by not starting the giant quest and would re-appear after starting/compliting the quest. (tested several times, spend most of this day trying to figure this out) found a mention of other mod causing similar problems (triedtolinkdidntworkfaildepressionneveragain) called "Proudspire manor fixed with smithy" by Mutifex. Likely not usefull information but still, the more you know...

Anyone else having similar problems or just me ?

* yes, i used manual hard saves, i do not use auto-save or quick-save features, ever.
** most likely not caused by this mod, as i have no idea how this is related to vampires, but after seeing the problem repeat every time sooner or later with this quest desided to put it in there. Again, I am not saying that this mod is the sole cause for my problems, but there is something odd going on with this quest. Also failed to start the guest in more that one occasion after the dialogue ended.


I doubt that it has anything to do with the cow quest, especially since it doesn't even do anything remotely close to vampire content, but the fact you've reproduced this problem repeatedly has me intrigued.

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I can't get the sex scene with Brynjolf for joining the guild to start. The first time I talked to him I chose "go somewhere private" and then he follows me but when I talk to him again he still has his dialogue from the first encounter. So I go through it all again but next time I pick "start sex" and nothing happens. If I talk to him a third time after that he starts over from the beginning as if he's been reset.

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I can't get the sex scene with Brynjolf for joining the guild to start. The first time I talked to him I chose "go somewhere private" and then he follows me but when I talk to him again he still has his dialogue from the first encounter. So I go through it all again but next time I pick "start sex" and nothing happens. If I talk to him a third time after that he starts over from the beginning as if he's been reset.


Yeah there seems to be a issue sometimes with the "go somewhere private" option. It seems to bug out sometimes. Most times it seems to work but sometimes it doesn't and then things go bad.

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I can't get the sex scene with Brynjolf for joining the guild to start. The first time I talked to him I chose "go somewhere private" and then he follows me but when I talk to him again he still has his dialogue from the first encounter. So I go through it all again but next time I pick "start sex" and nothing happens. If I talk to him a third time after that he starts over from the beginning as if he's been reset.


Yeah there seems to be a issue sometimes with the "go somewhere private" option. It seems to bug out sometimes. Most times it seems to work but sometimes it doesn't and then things go bad.



It never worked for me but I found a workaround. When you've found a private place and you are in the conversation again you take the option "Why do this to Brand Shei?" or something similar. It triggers the quest and gives you the option "This should be private enough" which is what you wanted from the start.

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I can't get the sex scene with Brynjolf for joining the guild to start. The first time I talked to him I chose "go somewhere private" and then he follows me but when I talk to him again he still has his dialogue from the first encounter. So I go through it all again but next time I pick "start sex" and nothing happens. If I talk to him a third time after that he starts over from the beginning as if he's been reset.


Indeed, it's been reported by someone else too recently, I just haven't had the time to debug it yet.


Is this mod incompatible with Devious Cidhna? Seems as if this mod is overwriting the dialogue options for Devious Cidhna. 


You should be loading Devious Cidhna after Solutions, not before. Both mods make changes to a topic info involving Borkul, and that's why you're seeing a conflict in TES5Edit. Making a compatibility patch would make no sense in this specific case, since the scope of Devious Cidhna makes the event in Solutions obsolete anyway.


As a general rule, I recommend loading Solutions early in your mod order, since content in this mod can be safely overwritten without anything breaking, something I can't guarantee for other mods..

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@dartva, @WraithSlayer:  I do not believe there is a conflict between SL Solutions and Devious Cidhna; DvCidhna adds dialogue, it does not modify existing topics.  I actually have Solutions loaded later, and have zero problems with missing dialogue.  Every report of 'missing' DvCidhna dialogue that I've seen so far has been due to players getting sent to the mines for petty theft (not the Forsworn Conspiracy).

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@dartva, @WraithSlayer:  I do not believe there is a conflict between SL Solutions and Devious Cidhna; DvCidhna adds dialogue, it does not modify existing topics.  I actually have Solutions loaded later, and have zero problems with missing dialogue.  Every report of 'missing' DvCidhna dialogue that I've seen so far has been due to players getting sent to the mines for petty theft (not the Forsworn Conspiracy).


I actually got sent in after i killed Nepos and went back to the Shrine. It gives me all the dialogue about Madanach/Shiv etc, but it doesn't warn me about Borkul, and doesn't give the "arrangements" dialogue option. I guess I'll just restart a new save then. Good Thing I'm only level 5 and havent missed much.

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@dartva: That sounds as though the quest starting conditions were not met (i.e. not a dialogue conflict, since Solutions does not modify the dialogue for the guy who warns you about Borkul as far as I know).  If it happens again, go into the console and check what stage the Forsworn Conspiracy quest is at when you enter the shrine.  And check Papyrus log for errors from DvCidhna.


In any case, let's take this discussion to the Devious Cidhna thread.

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Was this mod not intended for male PCs?

Well.. straight male PCs.


I went to Sapphire to settle Shadr's debt and it triggered an FF (lesbian) animation for my male orc barbarian build PC.


This mod is supposed to be for immersion and that just threw it all out the window.

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Was this mod not intended for male PCs?

Well.. straight male PCs.


I went to Sapphire to settle Shadr's debt and it triggered an FF (lesbian) animation for my male orc barbarian build PC.


This mod is supposed to be for immersion and that just threw it all out the window.


It is made for everyone. As for Sapphire I have no idea, but as far as I know most of them are made for either gender and any sexual orientation.

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I'm thinking that the original author made it for female only, I've run into similar situations before. WraithSlayer have been great at fixing it however.


Ran into a tiny issue with Erdi as part of getting Wabbajack, she can only be slept with to get the key, there's no other choice despite the papyrus message afterwards stating that asking nicely would have been enough. Now in this case I don't care that much because I haven't seen a Npc overhaul that didn't make her cute, but some female players (or gay males!) may not be into the lesbian stuff, hard as that is to believe, and AFAIK she's the only way to get the key.


Suggestion; make Falk available for sex for the key after asking him and he turns you down, would be a very viable alternative to Erdi for those people.

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I'm thinking that the original author made it for female only, I've run into similar situations before. WraithSlayer have been great at fixing it however.


Ran into a tiny issue with Erdi as part of getting Wabbajack, she can only be slept with to get the key, there's no other choice despite the papyrus message afterwards stating that asking nicely would have been enough. Now in this case I don't care that much because I haven't seen a Npc overhaul that didn't make her cute, but some female players (or gay males!) may not be into the lesbian stuff, hard as that is to believe, and AFAIK she's the only way to get the key.


Suggestion; make Falk available for sex for the key after asking him and he turns you down, would be a very viable alternative to Erdi for those people.


That could be, I just know the stuff wraith has been working on has mostly been for everyone. Most of my suggestions have been for everyone as well, but I have thrown in a few suggestions for gay male only, or lesbian only, or hetro only. Not a lot but a few here and there just to keep a little variety. I have no idea if wraith took any of those suggestions or not but they was very much in the minority.

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I'm thinking that the original author made it for female only, I've run into similar situations before. WraithSlayer have been great at fixing it however.


Ran into a tiny issue with Erdi as part of getting Wabbajack, she can only be slept with to get the key, there's no other choice despite the papyrus message afterwards stating that asking nicely would have been enough. Now in this case I don't care that much because I haven't seen a Npc overhaul that didn't make her cute, but some female players (or gay males!) may not be into the lesbian stuff, hard as that is to believe, and AFAIK she's the only way to get the key.


Suggestion; make Falk available for sex for the key after asking him and he turns you down, would be a very viable alternative to Erdi for those people.


In the original game, you could just persuade her to get the key. The "Solutions" generally are sex. This is loverslab after all.


Having more NPCs as options for the Solutions would probably be good, for example the guards you bribe to get into Whiterun, Riften or Riften jail, though it would be hard to make sure one is female and one male, so your lesbian, gay or straight male/female PC has a choice.




Was this mod not intended for male PCs?

Well.. straight male PCs.


I went to Sapphire to settle Shadr's debt and it triggered an FF (lesbian) animation for my male orc barbarian build PC.


This mod is supposed to be for immersion and that just threw it all out the window.


It is made for everyone. As for Sapphire I have no idea, but as far as I know most of them are made for either gender and any sexual orientation.




I posted a reply in the Apropos thread as well, that I think that was just really bad luck that was the animation picked.  I think the modders just request a random animation from Sexlab based on certain tags, and whether what is picked is fitting is more luck than anything, until we have a tag overhaul and the modders update to a new API.


You can disable any animation you do not want to see in the Sexlab MCM, so at least there would be no more lesbian scenes.

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Was this mod not intended for male PCs?

Well.. straight male PCs.


I went to Sapphire to settle Shadr's debt and it triggered an FF (lesbian) animation for my male orc barbarian build PC.


This mod is supposed to be for immersion and that just threw it all out the window.


That's an issue with how animation tags are set. For example, if I get the framework to pick an animation with the 'vaginal' tag, both straight and lesbian animations will be included in result as they both have that tag.


If you're playing a male orc barbarian, I'd recommend disabling the lesbian animations in the SexLab framework to prevent them from being used by Solutions or other mods.

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