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SexLab Solutions 5.0.7 (01-December-2017)

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Assist the people of the hold - Seduce the Jarl to shortcut your way into becoming Thane. Any Jarls you use this on will become available for nightly sex.


This quest doesn't seem to want to start. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not but I can't get it to start.

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Ok tested out Caught Red Handed and it worked but I thought there was suppose to be a sex scene with Haegla at the end. If there is not I suggest adding one or two.





returning the marks to Haegla, after she says what she has to say about asking you to keep it quiet.

you - I suppose I could do that, as long as you do something for me?

Haegla - What blackmail? Fine what do you want?

you - Not blackmail more curiousity, I want to know your Dibella secrets. I am a apt student and would love to learn them.

Haegla - Oh... well in that case come with me.

This has Haegla lead you to her room where she uses a strapon horn on the PC. Since if you search her room you find one.


second possible scene

return to Svana to inform her the task is done. after she says what she does to end the quest.

you - You know I convinced Haegla to show me her Dibella secrets and ... well lets just say I know why she gets away with it.

Svana - Oh? You mean, you and her and she showed you?

you - Yes it was ... magical, I could show you if you like.

Svana - I... I don't know, I mean is it really as special as they say?

you - Come with me and find out.

Svana - O.. Ok

Svana then agree's to sex with the same option of there or somewhere more private. Both seem like they would fit in with this quest.



Or as an alternative to the second possible scene, have the PC AND Haelga show Svana the benefits of Dibella training :P .

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Assist the people of the hold - Seduce the Jarl to shortcut your way into becoming Thane. Any Jarls you use this on will become available for nightly sex.


This quest doesn't seem to want to start. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not but I can't get it to start.

Oddly enough, I found out long ago that having sex (via Sexlab Submit) with the local citizens seems to count as helping them. Because of that I often find I have already helped enough people by the time the Yarl asks me.

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Ok tested out Caught Red Handed and it worked but I thought there was suppose to be a sex scene with Haegla at the end. If there is not I suggest adding one or two.





returning the marks to Haegla, after she says what she has to say about asking you to keep it quiet.

you - I suppose I could do that, as long as you do something for me?

Haegla - What blackmail? Fine what do you want?

you - Not blackmail more curiousity, I want to know your Dibella secrets. I am a apt student and would love to learn them.

Haegla - Oh... well in that case come with me.

This has Haegla lead you to her room where she uses a strapon horn on the PC. Since if you search her room you find one.


second possible scene

return to Svana to inform her the task is done. after she says what she does to end the quest.

you - You know I convinced Haegla to show me her Dibella secrets and ... well lets just say I know why she gets away with it.

Svana - Oh? You mean, you and her and she showed you?

you - Yes it was ... magical, I could show you if you like.

Svana - I... I don't know, I mean is it really as special as they say?

you - Come with me and find out.

Svana - O.. Ok

Svana then agree's to sex with the same option of there or somewhere more private. Both seem like they would fit in with this quest.



Or as an alternative to the second possible scene, have the PC AND Haelga show Svana the benefits of Dibella training :P .


That would work too.


Been trying to test as many of the solutions as I can to give feedback now. Since my PSU is dieing I can't run Skyrim for more than 30 mins at a time or the PSU shuts down. the fan is going out on it and it over heats. But 30 mins is just enough to jump on and check a solution and then exit skyrim.


It sucks, can't wait for the new PSU to arrive.


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Assist the people of the hold - Seduce the Jarl to shortcut your way into becoming Thane. Any Jarls you use this on will become available for nightly sex.


This quest doesn't seem to want to start. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not but I can't get it to start.

Oddly enough, I found out long ago that having sex (via Sexlab Submit) with the local citizens seems to count as helping them. Because of that I often find I have already helped enough people by the time the Yarl asks me.

Yeah I have always just done the normal thing. But thought I would check it and can't get it to start. So not sure whats up with that one.

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Ok tested out Caught Red Handed and it worked but I thought there was suppose to be a sex scene with Haegla at the end. If there is not I suggest adding one or two.





returning the marks to Haegla, after she says what she has to say about asking you to keep it quiet.

you - I suppose I could do that, as long as you do something for me?

Haegla - What blackmail? Fine what do you want?

you - Not blackmail more curiousity, I want to know your Dibella secrets. I am a apt student and would love to learn them.

Haegla - Oh... well in that case come with me.

This has Haegla lead you to her room where she uses a strapon horn on the PC. Since if you search her room you find one.


second possible scene

return to Svana to inform her the task is done. after she says what she does to end the quest.

you - You know I convinced Haegla to show me her Dibella secrets and ... well lets just say I know why she gets away with it.

Svana - Oh? You mean, you and her and she showed you?

you - Yes it was ... magical, I could show you if you like.

Svana - I... I don't know, I mean is it really as special as they say?

you - Come with me and find out.

Svana - O.. Ok

Svana then agree's to sex with the same option of there or somewhere more private. Both seem like they would fit in with this quest.



Or as an alternative to the second possible scene, have the PC AND Haelga show Svana the benefits of Dibella training :P .


That would work too.


Been trying to test as many of the solutions as I can to give feedback now. Since my PSU is dieing I can't run Skyrim for more than 30 mins at a time or the PSU shuts down. the fan is going out on it and it over heats. But 30 mins is just enough to jump on and check a solution and then exit skyrim.


It sucks, can't wait for the new PSU to arrive.



I'm all for more sex but one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the quest is all about Svana wanting to shame Haelga into being more discrete about her sleeping around. I could see Haelga talking the PC into sex to ensure their silence... I have a harder time seeing Svana getting interested in a one night stand when she's pretty much the most sexually uptight person in Skyrim.


That being said though, I could see it going down as Haelga convincing the PC to have sex with her to keep them silent and then guessing correctly that Svana put them up to it, in which case she might ask the Dragonborn to seduce Svana to get her off her back about her promiscuity... turn the tables on her, so to speak. ;-) It would depend on whether WraithSlayer felt like adding a possible extra round of sexy shenanigans after the quest would normally be done. Essentially, it would be adding an extra quest on the end.

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Been trying to test as many of the solutions as I can to give feedback now. Since my PSU is dieing I can't run Skyrim for more than 30 mins at a time or the PSU shuts down. the fan is going out on it and it over heats. But 30 mins is just enough to jump on and check a solution and then exit skyrim.


It sucks, can't wait for the new PSU to arrive.


Hoping shipping is not delayed for you, but I've known more than a few people that have opened the side of the case and put a small fan on the CPU ... not sure how well the power supply would work being more enclosed.




I'm all for more sex but one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the quest is all about Svana wanting to shame Haelga into being more discrete about her sleeping around. I could see Haelga talking the PC into sex to ensure their silence... I have a harder time seeing Svana getting interested in a one night stand when she's pretty much the most sexually uptight person in Skyrim.


That being said though, I could see it going down as Haelga convincing the PC to have sex with her to keep them silent and then guessing correctly that Svana put them up to it, in which case she might ask the Dragonborn to seduce Svana to get her off her back about her promiscuity... turn the tables on her, so to speak. ;-) It would depend on whether WraithSlayer felt like adding a possible extra round of sexy shenanigans after the quest would normally be done. Essentially, it would be adding an extra quest on the end.



I also dont think she'd be a good candidate, unless the dragonborn does Svana similar to Ildi. While somewhat prudish and uptight, I think she's also tied up in romantic notions that Sibbi Blackbriar loves her, and she's saving herself for him. Might also be a lot of resentment for Haelga, having to live with her aunt after her parents death, perhaps thinking that she works harder than her aunt, and from the comments between her and some of the bunkhouse residents, they don't treat her that nicely (though other comments from her to residents show her being nice and caring to them).


Possibly a "while Haelga uses it for selfish reasons, there are good aspects of Dibella you're ignoring. Let me show you..." or a "Do you want to see what Sibbi knows, so you can better show him your love when he wakes up?" paths would be possible.


Really complicated would be "Haelga and I can join you and Sibbi in a short parole ... and we can all have some fun, and he'll see just what he's missing right here in town."

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Plaything Lets Have some Fun is the one repeated at the end of the animation as they walk away


Reply to question from WraithSlayer

What is popping again, exactly? Do you get the sex dialogue a second time?


yes the Orc Males (I have it set to only males) they repeat the phrase that started the animation right after it finishes as they walk away.

For some reason it won’t let me reply to your question


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I'm all for more sex but one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the quest is all about Svana wanting to shame Haelga into being more discrete about her sleeping around. I could see Haelga talking the PC into sex to ensure their silence... I have a harder time seeing Svana getting interested in a one night stand when she's pretty much the most sexually uptight person in Skyrim.


That being said though, I could see it going down as Haelga convincing the PC to have sex with her to keep them silent and then guessing correctly that Svana put them up to it, in which case she might ask the Dragonborn to seduce Svana to get her off her back about her promiscuity... turn the tables on her, so to speak. ;-) It would depend on whether WraithSlayer felt like adding a possible extra round of sexy shenanigans after the quest would normally be done. Essentially, it would be adding an extra quest on the end.


I agree I thought about it before suggesting it. Haelga I feel makes complete sense. Svana I could see being intrigued, mostly cause she see's Haelga and all those men, then she convinces someone else aka the PC to get a little revenge only to have that person tell her just how special it was and fall to Haelga's seductions as well. I could just see how that might make Svana curious just exactly what all the fuss is about and what makes it all so special.


I could just see it going either way honestly. So adding it means those that felt it could go that way can do it and those that feel it doesn't fit doesn't choose that option to start that extra bit. :)


Hoping shipping is not delayed for you, but I've known more than a few people that have opened the side of the case and put a small fan on the CPU ... not sure how well the power supply would work being more enclosed.


Thanks but the PSU turns out it is a notorious brand for failing and having issues. So it needs to be replaced.


Right now the PC works just fine but under a load the PSU starts getting hot and then falters. I ordered from Newegg and so far every time I have ordered from them I have gotten the part promptly with no issues. If I don't play a game the PSU stays warming than it should but has no problem running the computer.

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Assist the people of the hold - Seduce the Jarl to shortcut your way into becoming Thane. Any Jarls you use this on will become available for nightly sex.


This quest doesn't seem to want to start. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not but I can't get it to start.


This content is accessible when you get the prompt "Anything else you need, my Jarl?" that leads you to the assist quest. If you pick the vanilla option instead of the Solutions dialogue, you will not get a second chance with this Jarl. (I did try to make it accessible later on, but the implementation was just too messy)


Basically, if you already have the assist quest running for that hold, you're already too late.




Assist the people of the hold - Seduce the Jarl to shortcut your way into becoming Thane. Any Jarls you use this on will become available for nightly sex.


This quest doesn't seem to want to start. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not but I can't get it to start.

Oddly enough, I found out long ago that having sex (via Sexlab Submit) with the local citizens seems to count as helping them. Because of that I often find I have already helped enough people by the time the Yarl asks me.


Indeed, the Assist quest is essentially just a listener for relationship-rank changes, so any mod that increases your relationship with NPCs will count as progress to this quest.


I wish we could do some of them repetitively without having to create another character.


I've made them repeatable whenever it's plausible to, but in some cases it just doesn't make sense because there's a dependency to a quest or encounter.

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Assist the people of the hold - Seduce the Jarl to shortcut your way into becoming Thane. Any Jarls you use this on will become available for nightly sex.


This quest doesn't seem to want to start. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not but I can't get it to start.


This content is accessible when you get the prompt "Anything else you need, my Jarl?" that leads you to the assist quest. If you pick the vanilla option instead of the Solutions dialogue, you will not get a second chance with this Jarl. (I did try to make it accessible later on, but the implementation was just too messy)


Basically, if you already have the assist quest running for that hold, you're already too late.


On my test game I have not even talked to the Jarl yet. The last one I tried is I went to Riften, did the Sapphire quest and the caught red handed quest. Then went to talk to the Jarl and never got the prompt. Do I need to talk to the Jarl before doing any other quest in the hold to get it to start?


Edit: Ok looks like you have to do some other quests first before the option comes up. Been a long long time since I did any of the Thane quests.

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Ok the Mage and Bards College are done and the Thieves guild is done with a few of my posts a couple of pages back along with those already in. Here is the Companions quests with suggestions.




This part is two stage depending where in the main Companion quest you are on how Athis, Njada, Ria and Trovar treat you.

After completing Taking Up Arms and being invited to join the Companions but before you do Proving Honor to become a full member.  At this stage you are still not a full member.

If you talk to those 4 at this point. A dialogue option appears something like.

you - This seems pretty easy so far.

NPC - You best learn your place welp, you do what your told when your told.

you - I didn't mean anything by it.

NPC - Yeah? Well why don't you prove you know your place and take off your clothes.

you - Uh... I should be going now. (ends conversation)

you - If that's what you want.

         NPC - That's it welp, know you place.(this leads to sex with the NPC being dominate)

you - Fuck you, I'm no sweet meat to be passed around. I can easily take you.

     NPC - You think so? Well lets see what you got. (this leads to a brawl)

After the brawl if the PC wins this happens.

you - Best remember this, next time I won't let you off to easy. (ends conversation)

You - Looks like I'm not the one that's getting fucked tonight.

     NPC - *hangs head* Ok you earned me by right of conquest, do as you want.(leads to sex with the PC in the dominate role)

After the brawl if the NPC wins this happens.

NPC - Ha, you worthless welp. Looks like your getting fucked tonight after all. I was going to take it easy on you, now I don't think so. (leads to aggressive sex with the NPC in the dominate role.)


Each time you talk to the NPC from the brawl you can demand sex from them if you won or they demand it from you, from then on. Until you become Harbinger.


With these 4 after the PC has become a companion and is not already involved with that said NPC from the brawl these new options for dialogue show up.

you - I have passed my test and I am now one of you. I am honored to stand beside you shield brother/sister.

NPC - Welcome Shield Brother/Sister, you are now one of us. We are you family now, your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, friends, and lovers.

you - Lets us get to know each other as only companions can. (leads to consensual sex)


Once this has been establish any further conversations with this NPC has this line.

you - I have need of your companionship tonight shield brother/sister. (repeatable sex from then on)


Proving Honor

After finishing the crypt and getting the fragment, you can talk to Farkas about what happened.

you - About what happened earlier with the silver hand.

Farkas - I try not to do that, I try not to change.

you - Why not?

Farkas - Something just feels off about it.

you - Maybe you just need to accept and embrace that aspect of yourself and remember even then you are just a man.

Farkas - How can I do that?

you - Become the wolf but be the man and like any man take me and make love to me.

Farkas - What!? No I couldn't do that, you're a shield brother/sister now and I would not harm you.

you - I'm a companion and can take it, besides this is what it means to be a companion. We do what we must to help each other. (PC's clothes removed) Now become the wolf and be the man and take me, prove to yourself.

Farkas - *growl* You don't know what your asking but I feel the beast surging at your request, so you will have it. (he transforms and has sex with the PC as the dominate werewolf)

Afterward and Farkas changes back.

You - How do you feel?

Farkas - Better... thank you shield brother/sister.

you - Any time.


After this any time you talk to Farkas you can start sex with him as a werewolf.

you - You need to feed your inner wolf?

Farkas - I wouldn't say no, lead on. (which leads to Farkas following you to a spot to start sex where he transforms into a werewolf)


The Silver Hand

Once you wake up next to Aela and have the conversation as normal, the following is added to it.

you - I need a moment, i feel strange like I have a new body.

Aela - Yes that is normal, you just need to accept your new feelings and body. Let me help you remember your human form shield brother/sister.

you - I'm ok, but thank you shield sister.

     Aela - Very well then lets be off. (quest starts as normal)

you - I would be honored for the help shield sister.

    Aela - Let us both remember the forms we was born to. (leads to human on human sex with Aela)


After the end and Aela shows back up at Jorrvaskr, you can approach her.

You - I am sorry about Skjor, he was a true Companion.

Aela - Yes he was, thank you.

You - I will let you be shield sister.

Aela - Wait, I think the best way to honor Skjor is to embrace the life we still have. Come and lay with me. (repeatable way to have sex with Aela)


Once you are Harbinger you can talk to any companion.

you - Come let us strengthen our bonds and share our bodies.

NPC - I am honored Harbinger (which leads to sex from then on with any companion)


I looked at the rest of the quests and I just felt none of the rest really fit with adding sex to them.



I will work on the dark brotherhood next. After that I will do the main dragonborn quest.

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Assist the people of the hold - Seduce the Jarl to shortcut your way into becoming Thane. Any Jarls you use this on will become available for nightly sex.


This quest doesn't seem to want to start. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not but I can't get it to start.


This content is accessible when you get the prompt "Anything else you need, my Jarl?" that leads you to the assist quest. If you pick the vanilla option instead of the Solutions dialogue, you will not get a second chance with this Jarl. (I did try to make it accessible later on, but the implementation was just too messy)


Basically, if you already have the assist quest running for that hold, you're already too late.


On my test game I have not even talked to the Jarl yet. The last one I tried is I went to Riften, did the Sapphire quest and the caught red handed quest. Then went to talk to the Jarl and never got the prompt. Do I need to talk to the Jarl before doing any other quest in the hold to get it to start?


Edit: Ok looks like you have to do some other quests first before the option comes up. Been a long long time since I did any of the Thane quests.



Note that Riften, along with Solitude, do not have this option in Solutions. All the other 7 holds do. I've mentioned this in the patch notes but I guess I should add it to the quest list as well.



Ok the Mage and Bards College are done and the Thieves guild is done with a few of my posts a couple of pages back along with those already in. Here is the Companions quests with suggestions.




This part is two stage depending where in the main Companion quest you are on how Athis, Njada, Ria and Trovar treat you.

After completing Taking Up Arms and being invited to join the Companions but before you do Proving Honor to become a full member.  At this stage you are still not a full member.

If you talk to those 4 at this point. A dialogue option appears something like.

you - This seems pretty easy so far.

NPC - You best learn your place welp, you do what your told when your told.

you - I didn't mean anything by it.

NPC - Yeah? Well why don't you prove you know your place and take off your clothes.

you - Uh... I should be going now. (ends conversation)

you - If that's what you want.

         NPC - That's it welp, know you place.(this leads to sex with the NPC being dominate)

you - Fuck you, I'm no sweet meat to be passed around. I can easily take you.

     NPC - You think so? Well lets see what you got. (this leads to a brawl)

After the brawl if the PC wins this happens.

you - Best remember this, next time I won't let you off to easy. (ends conversation)

You - Looks like I'm not the one that's getting fucked tonight.

     NPC - *hangs head* Ok you earned me by right of conquest, do as you want.(leads to sex with the PC in the dominate role)

After the brawl if the NPC wins this happens.

NPC - Ha, you worthless welp. Looks like your getting fucked tonight after all. I was going to take it easy on you, now I don't think so. (leads to aggressive sex with the NPC in the dominate role.)


Each time you talk to the NPC from the brawl you can demand sex from them if you won or they demand it from you, from then on. Until you become Harbinger.


With these 4 after the PC has become a companion and is not already involved with that said NPC from the brawl these new options for dialogue show up.

you - I have passed my test and I am now one of you. I am honored to stand beside you shield brother/sister.

NPC - Welcome Shield Brother/Sister, you are now one of us. We are you family now, your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, friends, and lovers.

you - Lets us get to know each other as only companions can. (leads to consensual sex)


Once this has been establish any further conversations with this NPC has this line.

you - I have need of your companionship tonight shield brother/sister. (repeatable sex from then on)


Proving Honor

After finishing the crypt and getting the fragment, you can talk to Farkas about what happened.

you - About what happened earlier with the silver hand.

Farkas - I try not to do that, I try not to change.

you - Why not?

Farkas - Something just feels off about it.

you - Maybe you just need to accept and embrace that aspect of yourself and remember even then you are just a man.

Farkas - How can I do that?

you - Become the wolf but be the man and like any man take me and make love to me.

Farkas - What!? No I couldn't do that, you're a shield brother/sister now and I would not harm you.

you - I'm a companion and can take it, besides this is what it means to be a companion. We do what we must to help each other. (PC's clothes removed) Now become the wolf and be the man and take me, prove to yourself.

Farkas - *growl* You don't know what your asking but I feel the beast surging at your request, so you will have it. (he transforms and has sex with the PC as the dominate werewolf)

Afterward and Farkas changes back.

You - How do you feel?

Farkas - Better... thank you shield brother/sister.

you - Any time.


After this any time you talk to Farkas you can start sex with him as a werewolf.

you - You need to feed your inner wolf?

Farkas - I wouldn't say no, lead on. (which leads to Farkas following you to a spot to start sex where he transforms into a werewolf)


The Silver Hand

Once you wake up next to Aela and have the conversation as normal, the following is added to it.

you - I need a moment, i feel strange like I have a new body.

Aela - Yes that is normal, you just need to accept your new feelings and body. Let me help you remember your human form shield brother/sister.

you - I'm ok, but thank you shield sister.

     Aela - Very well then lets be off. (quest starts as normal)

you - I would be honored for the help shield sister.

    Aela - Let us both remember the forms we was born to. (leads to human on human sex with Aela)


After the end and Aela shows back up at Jorrvaskr, you can approach her.

You - I am sorry about Skjor, he was a true Companion.

Aela - Yes he was, thank you.

You - I will let you be shield sister.

Aela - Wait, I think the best way to honor Skjor is to embrace the life we still have. Come and lay with me. (repeatable way to have sex with Aela)


Once you are Harbinger you can talk to any companion.

you - Come let us strengthen our bonds and share our bodies.

NPC - I am honored Harbinger (which leads to sex from then on with any companion)


I looked at the rest of the quests and I just felt none of the rest really fit with adding sex to them.



I will work on the dark brotherhood next. After that I will do the main dragonborn quest.



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Ok tested out Caught Red Handed and it worked but I thought there was suppose to be a sex scene with Haegla at the end. If there is not I suggest adding one or two.





returning the marks to Haegla, after she says what she has to say about asking you to keep it quiet.

you - I suppose I could do that, as long as you do something for me?

Haegla - What blackmail? Fine what do you want?

you - Not blackmail more curiousity, I want to know your Dibella secrets. I am a apt student and would love to learn them.

Haegla - Oh... well in that case come with me.

This has Haegla lead you to her room where she uses a strapon horn on the PC. Since if you search her room you find one.


second possible scene

return to Svana to inform her the task is done. after she says what she does to end the quest.

you - You know I convinced Haegla to show me her Dibella secrets and ... well lets just say I know why she gets away with it.

Svana - Oh? You mean, you and her and she showed you?

you - Yes it was ... magical, I could show you if you like.

Svana - I... I don't know, I mean is it really as special as they say?

you - Come with me and find out.

Svana - O.. Ok

Svana then agree's to sex with the same option of there or somewhere more private. Both seem like they would fit in with this quest.



Or as an alternative to the second possible scene, have the PC AND Haelga show Svana the benefits of Dibella training :P .


That would work too.


Been trying to test as many of the solutions as I can to give feedback now. Since my PSU is dieing I can't run Skyrim for more than 30 mins at a time or the PSU shuts down. the fan is going out on it and it over heats. But 30 mins is just enough to jump on and check a solution and then exit skyrim.


It sucks, can't wait for the new PSU to arrive.



I'm all for more sex but one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the quest is all about Svana wanting to shame Haelga into being more discrete about her sleeping around. I could see Haelga talking the PC into sex to ensure their silence... I have a harder time seeing Svana getting interested in a one night stand when she's pretty much the most sexually uptight person in Skyrim.


That being said though, I could see it going down as Haelga convincing the PC to have sex with her to keep them silent and then guessing correctly that Svana put them up to it, in which case she might ask the Dragonborn to seduce Svana to get her off her back about her promiscuity... turn the tables on her, so to speak. ;-) It would depend on whether WraithSlayer felt like adding a possible extra round of sexy shenanigans after the quest would normally be done. Essentially, it would be adding an extra quest on the end.



That wasnt how i read the original quest, i took it more about Svana wanting to get back at her aunt who she dislikes for lording it over her that she's dependant on haelga generosity


So i think the method of getting back and the reward for helping her get back are less important than the actual revenge


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On my test game I have not even talked to the Jarl yet. The last one I tried is I went to Riften, did the Sapphire quest and the caught red handed quest. Then went to talk to the Jarl and never got the prompt. Do I need to talk to the Jarl before doing any other quest in the hold to get it to start?


Edit: Ok looks like you have to do some other quests first before the option comes up. Been a long long time since I did any of the Thane quests.



Note that Riften, along with Solitude, do not have this option in Solutions. All the other 7 holds do. I've mentioned this in the patch notes but I guess I should add it to the quest list as well.


Ok the Mage and Bards College are done and the Thieves guild is done with a few of my posts a couple of pages back along with those already in. Here is the Companions quests with suggestions.




This part is two stage depending where in the main Companion quest you are on how Athis, Njada, Ria and Trovar treat you.

After completing Taking Up Arms and being invited to join the Companions but before you do Proving Honor to become a full member.  At this stage you are still not a full member.

If you talk to those 4 at this point. A dialogue option appears something like.

you - This seems pretty easy so far.

NPC - You best learn your place welp, you do what your told when your told.

you - I didn't mean anything by it.

NPC - Yeah? Well why don't you prove you know your place and take off your clothes.

you - Uh... I should be going now. (ends conversation)

you - If that's what you want.

         NPC - That's it welp, know you place.(this leads to sex with the NPC being dominate)

you - Fuck you, I'm no sweet meat to be passed around. I can easily take you.

     NPC - You think so? Well lets see what you got. (this leads to a brawl)

After the brawl if the PC wins this happens.

you - Best remember this, next time I won't let you off to easy. (ends conversation)

You - Looks like I'm not the one that's getting fucked tonight.

     NPC - *hangs head* Ok you earned me by right of conquest, do as you want.(leads to sex with the PC in the dominate role)

After the brawl if the NPC wins this happens.

NPC - Ha, you worthless welp. Looks like your getting fucked tonight after all. I was going to take it easy on you, now I don't think so. (leads to aggressive sex with the NPC in the dominate role.)


Each time you talk to the NPC from the brawl you can demand sex from them if you won or they demand it from you, from then on. Until you become Harbinger.


With these 4 after the PC has become a companion and is not already involved with that said NPC from the brawl these new options for dialogue show up.

you - I have passed my test and I am now one of you. I am honored to stand beside you shield brother/sister.

NPC - Welcome Shield Brother/Sister, you are now one of us. We are you family now, your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, friends, and lovers.

you - Lets us get to know each other as only companions can. (leads to consensual sex)


Once this has been establish any further conversations with this NPC has this line.

you - I have need of your companionship tonight shield brother/sister. (repeatable sex from then on)


Proving Honor

After finishing the crypt and getting the fragment, you can talk to Farkas about what happened.

you - About what happened earlier with the silver hand.

Farkas - I try not to do that, I try not to change.

you - Why not?

Farkas - Something just feels off about it.

you - Maybe you just need to accept and embrace that aspect of yourself and remember even then you are just a man.

Farkas - How can I do that?

you - Become the wolf but be the man and like any man take me and make love to me.

Farkas - What!? No I couldn't do that, you're a shield brother/sister now and I would not harm you.

you - I'm a companion and can take it, besides this is what it means to be a companion. We do what we must to help each other. (PC's clothes removed) Now become the wolf and be the man and take me, prove to yourself.

Farkas - *growl* You don't know what your asking but I feel the beast surging at your request, so you will have it. (he transforms and has sex with the PC as the dominate werewolf)

Afterward and Farkas changes back.

You - How do you feel?

Farkas - Better... thank you shield brother/sister.

you - Any time.


After this any time you talk to Farkas you can start sex with him as a werewolf.

you - You need to feed your inner wolf?

Farkas - I wouldn't say no, lead on. (which leads to Farkas following you to a spot to start sex where he transforms into a werewolf)


The Silver Hand

Once you wake up next to Aela and have the conversation as normal, the following is added to it.

you - I need a moment, i feel strange like I have a new body.

Aela - Yes that is normal, you just need to accept your new feelings and body. Let me help you remember your human form shield brother/sister.

you - I'm ok, but thank you shield sister.

     Aela - Very well then lets be off. (quest starts as normal)

you - I would be honored for the help shield sister.

    Aela - Let us both remember the forms we was born to. (leads to human on human sex with Aela)


After the end and Aela shows back up at Jorrvaskr, you can approach her.

You - I am sorry about Skjor, he was a true Companion.

Aela - Yes he was, thank you.

You - I will let you be shield sister.

Aela - Wait, I think the best way to honor Skjor is to embrace the life we still have. Come and lay with me. (repeatable way to have sex with Aela)


Once you are Harbinger you can talk to any companion.

you - Come let us strengthen our bonds and share our bodies.

NPC - I am honored Harbinger (which leads to sex from then on with any companion)


I looked at the rest of the quests and I just felt none of the rest really fit with adding sex to them.



I will work on the dark brotherhood next. After that I will do the main dragonborn quest.




BTW just curious what you thought of the tweaks to the thieves guilds quests I posted on the previous page and Caught Red Handed?


As for Riften and stuff. I also tried it in Falkrath as well but it looks like you have to do at least once quest first before you can start them.






Ok tested out Caught Red Handed and it worked but I thought there was suppose to be a sex scene with Haegla at the end. If there is not I suggest adding one or two.





returning the marks to Haegla, after she says what she has to say about asking you to keep it quiet.

you - I suppose I could do that, as long as you do something for me?

Haegla - What blackmail? Fine what do you want?

you - Not blackmail more curiousity, I want to know your Dibella secrets. I am a apt student and would love to learn them.

Haegla - Oh... well in that case come with me.

This has Haegla lead you to her room where she uses a strapon horn on the PC. Since if you search her room you find one.


second possible scene

return to Svana to inform her the task is done. after she says what she does to end the quest.

you - You know I convinced Haegla to show me her Dibella secrets and ... well lets just say I know why she gets away with it.

Svana - Oh? You mean, you and her and she showed you?

you - Yes it was ... magical, I could show you if you like.

Svana - I... I don't know, I mean is it really as special as they say?

you - Come with me and find out.

Svana - O.. Ok

Svana then agree's to sex with the same option of there or somewhere more private. Both seem like they would fit in with this quest.



Or as an alternative to the second possible scene, have the PC AND Haelga show Svana the benefits of Dibella training :P .


That would work too.


Been trying to test as many of the solutions as I can to give feedback now. Since my PSU is dieing I can't run Skyrim for more than 30 mins at a time or the PSU shuts down. the fan is going out on it and it over heats. But 30 mins is just enough to jump on and check a solution and then exit skyrim.


It sucks, can't wait for the new PSU to arrive.



I'm all for more sex but one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the quest is all about Svana wanting to shame Haelga into being more discrete about her sleeping around. I could see Haelga talking the PC into sex to ensure their silence... I have a harder time seeing Svana getting interested in a one night stand when she's pretty much the most sexually uptight person in Skyrim.


That being said though, I could see it going down as Haelga convincing the PC to have sex with her to keep them silent and then guessing correctly that Svana put them up to it, in which case she might ask the Dragonborn to seduce Svana to get her off her back about her promiscuity... turn the tables on her, so to speak. ;-) It would depend on whether WraithSlayer felt like adding a possible extra round of sexy shenanigans after the quest would normally be done. Essentially, it would be adding an extra quest on the end.


That wasnt how i read the original quest, i took it more about Svana wanting to get back at her aunt who she dislikes for lording it over her that she's dependant on haelga generosity


So i think the method of getting back and the reward for helping her get back are less important than the actual revenge


I can see it that way too, which is why I suggested to leave the option in. So it could be played out either way depending what the player feels about it.


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BTW just curious what you thought of the tweaks to the thieves guilds quests I posted on the previous page and Caught Red Handed?


As for Riften and stuff. I also tried it in Falkrath as well but it looks like you have to do at least once quest first before you can start them.


Taking Care of Business sounds good, but I'll have to see about Stabilized. I know Bromm made some content for this quest already, but I'm not entirely sure on the specifics.


The whore job isn't a bad idea, but it'd require significant development time, something I have very little of at the moment. :P I may consider it once my schedule opens up.


As for Caught Red Handed, I have to agree with Destynova. Svana is completely disgusted of Haelga and the bunkhouse customers as evidenced by some of her dialogue, so it'd be weird for her to go down that path. Even if she had a serious case of double standards and didn't think it was wrong for her to start sleeping around, it's not like she'd want to give Haelga any ammo to get back at her.

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Amorous Adventures does have a lot of content with several of the companions, and with Ingun, Sapphire, Illia, and Mjoll. I don't know how well some of those ideas can be added without conflicts, storywise there will be several, as Farkas and Vilkas don't get over their wolfy condition until late in the Companions quest line.



We're lucky with several quality modders making great story based mods, but its to the point now they might need to get together, look over what they've done so far, and come up with a posting of which mod has what for us all to follow.  I know I get confused sometimes which encounter is from SS and which from AA. The Sisterhood of Dibella mod looks very prosmising, and they all have made testing some "kill after sex" mods difficult, as I have to make sure I'm only kiling rapist bandits.



PS Newegg is great, and I would use it more if I wasn't a day's shipping from a Tigerdirect warehouse. Next day for no extra charge is great.

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Yeah solutions just adds dialogue choices so it shouldn't cause conflicts with AA, though you might want to not choose the solutions with the same people as AA if you run both mods.


Yeah I like newegg. There is a Microcenter near where I live which I shop at a lot as they are about on par with tiger and newegg. Sometimes more and sometimes less.

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I'm not sure if it's from this mod, but there is a woman in Morthal where you can have sex with her and it is strongly implied that it will infect your with vampirism. I did that, and I got a message at the top left of the screen saying something like, "Molag Bal is amused by this turn of events." But I never actually get infected. 


First, is that from this mod? Second, if it is from this mod, then is it possible that another mod I use is conflicting with this (for example, Vampiric Thirst?"


Yes, it's from this mod, and you are indeed supposed to get infected as the dialogue implies. (or rather, explicitly states :lol:)


I don't see how other mods could prevent infection, since Solutions uses a unique strain of Sanguinare Vampiris. It's more likely your character simply has partial or full disease resistance obtained from an item or racial trait (Argonian/Bosmer), and managed to 'win' the infection roll.


Edit: On second thought, mods that edit VampireDiseaseEffectScript could potentially alter the infection behaviour of Sanguinare Vampiris, including the strain found in Solutions. It's up to you to know what your installed mods do, though. :P

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I'm not sure if it's from this mod, but there is a woman in Morthal where you can have sex with her and it is strongly implied that it will infect your with vampirism. I did that, and I got a message at the top left of the screen saying something like, "Molag Bal is amused by this turn of events." But I never actually get infected. 


First, is that from this mod? Second, if it is from this mod, then is it possible that another mod I use is conflicting with this (for example, Vampiric Thirst?"


Yes, it's from this mod, and you are indeed supposed to get infected as the dialogue implies. (or rather, explicitly states :lol:)


I don't see how other mods could prevent infection, since Solutions uses a unique strain of Sanguinare Vampiris. It's more likely your character simply has partial or full disease resistance obtained from an item or racial trait (Argonian/Bosmer), and managed to 'win' the infection roll.


Edit: On second thought, mods that edit VampireDiseaseEffectScript could potentially alter the infection behaviour of Sanguinare Vampiris, including the strain found in Solutions. It's up to you to know what your installed mods do, though. :P


Are you just using .addspell? Sanguinare Vampiris rolls a percentage check before applying the disease.

In-game, test by player.addspell b8780. The console should pop up a note saying something like "71%, spell not added" or "21%, spell added" or something like that.

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Are you just using .addspell? Sanguinare Vampiris rolls a percentage check before applying the disease.

In-game, test by player.addspell b8780. The console should pop up a note saying something like "71%, spell not added" or "21%, spell added" or something like that.


The chance roll is exactly why Solutions has a unique variant of the disease; one that lacks the random element.

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Are you just using .addspell? Sanguinare Vampiris rolls a percentage check before applying the disease.

In-game, test by player.addspell b8780. The console should pop up a note saying something like "71%, spell not added" or "21%, spell added" or something like that.


The chance roll is exactly why Solutions has a unique variant of the disease; one that lacks the random element.


Oh. Yeah, I read that twice and still asked the question. Derpy derpy derp.

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