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SexLab Solutions 5.0.7 (01-December-2017)

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I just created a profile to play with this. :)

It's FUN! heheheh... 

I didn't get an opportunity to "bribe" the guard that greets you at Whiterun when you get there the first time. AND... When I tried to buy a horse without enough money I got told to come back when I have money... so... these are chance rolls?


Other stuff worked though so ... good time! :) I'm going to enjoy this I think. Even though I haven't done anything resembling a serious play-through in months. (Played through 3 times so.... *shrug*)


The horse one is random, yes.


As for the guard in Whiterun, it's supposed to trigger unconditionally; I'll give it a look to make sure it's working as intended. In any case, you may likely have another mod that changes this specific scene, you'd need TES5Edit to figure out which.

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I just created a profile to play with this. :)

It's FUN! heheheh... 

I didn't get an opportunity to "bribe" the guard that greets you at Whiterun when you get there the first time. AND... When I tried to buy a horse without enough money I got told to come back when I have money... so... these are chance rolls?


Other stuff worked though so ... good time! :) I'm going to enjoy this I think. Even though I haven't done anything resembling a serious play-through in months. (Played through 3 times so.... *shrug*)


The horse one is random, yes.


As for the guard in Whiterun, it's supposed to trigger unconditionally; I'll give it a look to make sure it's working as intended. In any case, you may likely have another mod that changes this specific scene, you'd need TES5Edit to figure out which.



OK, I have TES5Edit. I'm basically just running SexLab and all of its goodies, but no Defeat, or Submit or anything like that. SexLab, body mod (CBBE), Aroused Redux.... nothing "questy". I'll look at Tes5Edit and see if it tells me anything although I have to admit I'm not sure what I'm looking for :)

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OK, I have TES5Edit. I'm basically just running SexLab and all of its goodies, but no Defeat, or Submit or anything like that. SexLab, body mod (CBBE), Aroused Redux.... nothing "questy". I'll look at Tes5Edit and see if it tells me anything although I have to admit I'm not sure what I'm looking for :)


Load all your mods in TES5Edit, and once it finishes scanning, right-click any of them on the list and select 'Apply Filter for Cleaning'. This will take a while.


After it's done, your mod list (and the contents of each mod) will be color-coded. Basically, you're looking for any entities in Solutions with the text colored red: this indicates the entity was overwritten by another mod being loaded after Solutions.

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uh.... nothing is loading after Solutions. :)


In MO it's the last thing in the list on the left... and in the plugins list on the right. I just loaded all active mods in Tes5Edit. Didn't do the apply filter for cleaning thing, but went into ssv and I can SEE the dialogue so.... maybe I just missed it... didn't scroll down enough or something... I'm going to try it again just to see.

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PEBKAC, ID10T etc...


If you don't have them, there are dialog box and messagebox mods listed... someplace in this thread. They do wonders for helping those last dialog options show up on "more than three" option boxes, and keeps the mouse from glitching out when trying to scroll and select options in dialogs, or in pop up messageboxes.

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Why won't it save my 5-star vote? xD I vote and go back to the page, I'm logged in, and it's gone!


WONDERFUL updates by the way, I'm glad you like my suggestions, but that Kharjo event...


MMPH, repeatable! Positively delicious, and just the tone J'zargo needs. You come back every day, J'zargo uses you for what you're good at~


I love that type of dialogue option. Ending up in sex because you're being submissive in dialogue. Just love it!


Wonderful work so far. =^o^=

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Is the Hired Thugs quest in there? It's one of the most annoying things in the game early on. Three leveled up thugs so early in the game... :|


There isn't a Solution for the thugs yet. I recommend getting the mod Timing Is Everything  One of the options is to change the minimum value of stolen objects before the thugs are triggered. In Vanilla, the thugs can be triggered just from stealing something essentially worthless, but if you change the value in TIE to something like 400-500 gold or more, it's a lot more believable. I mean... yeah maybe someone is petty enough to send a group of thugs after you because you stole their sweet roll... but most people wouldn't bother unless you stole something really valuable.  You can also change the minimum level and murder/assault numbers on hired assassins so they're not triggered when you accidentally punch one dude at level 1.  There are a lot of other good options in there, like changing the level that vampires attacking towns starts... or turn it off completely by changing it to level 101.

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Timing is Everything is definately a nice mod.


Its too bad that a single thief or bounty hunter isn't an option for the lower value thefts, with escalations to more thugs as the value increases.  Could have a tie in with the thieves guild quests, if you do not get caught, nothing happens, but if you get noticed and escape, someone comes after you later.



I also ran into a "Bovine Salvation" quest tonight. It worked without hiccup.



I ran into the farmer on the road on the East side of Whiterun, going south from the watchtower to the north heading to the Battleborn farm.

The quest sent me to Secunda's Kiss, (south of the first dragon watchtower, near the path up to Bleak Falls Barrow).

I fast travelled to the watchtower and went south from there, not having been to the giant camp on this play. Found the farmer outside the camp but went in, did my convincing on the giant, and then talked to the farmer.  Reward of 1920 gold at level 46.


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Always was skeptical about this mod, I always felt like it would just force your character to fuck everything (and I mean everything) even though it might not really make sense, but I was shocked to find out that the ways in which this mod incorporates sex into the game as a "solution" is actually VERY reasonable, the dialog feels as though it was a part of the game to begin with, and there is that important ability to actually CHOOSE whether or not you want to take the path of the slut (no disrespect) or the path of the vanilla game.


Well done, well done, I give you my complements good sir.

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Hi there WraithSlayer! First thanks for the mod, I like to have choices and not only random sex. Second, I have some suggestions. 


The first one is about the quest "in my time of need": as I read in a precedent post one way to obtain info from the alik'r prisoner is to "persuade" the guard instead of paying the fine, which is great, but I would like to suggest a couple of way around. When you approach the prisoner and warn you about his fine, you could ask him if the both of you could come to an agreement, instead of paying. Since you can's start sex through the bars, you could persuade the guard to let privately talk to the prisoner in his cell, or eventually let yourself captured commiting a crime and sent to jail in the same cell of the alik'r prisoner, and "sexing" the location of Kematu.


The second one is about the revelers. As you know if you have a bottle of honningrew mead, they'll give you the necklace, instead if you have black briar mead, they'll treat you like shit. In this situation I think instead that the revelers could force sex on you.


Also about world encounter, I think that something could be done about the two alik'r that interrogate the redguard woman. Maybe the player could intervene in her defense, the alik'r get mad at you, and you can decide if scare them away, attack them or calm them with some sex, maybe a threesome. In case you take care of them or ran them off, the redguard woman could show some appreciation.


I don't know if somebody has already suggested this, but maybe something with Drelas could be done, maybe since you are a trespasser he will demand a toll or force to you...or you could still kill him.


Another thing that could be done to lower the prices of the merchandise of the merchant with some sex.


Last but not the least is a pretty big leap, I mean in skyrim seems to be some couples with instability problems, wives unhappy, husbands  that work too much and need relief. Just a little but interesting idea.


To finish I know that programming all those thing is a certain pain in the ass, but mind you these are only suggestions and even if you'll not realize them the mod itself it is still great.

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Always was skeptical about this mod, I always felt like it would just force your character to fuck everything (and I mean everything) even though it might not really make sense, but I was shocked to find out that the ways in which this mod incorporates sex into the game as a "solution" is actually VERY reasonable, the dialog feels as though it was a part of the game to begin with, and there is that important ability to actually CHOOSE whether or not you want to take the path of the slut (no disrespect) or the path of the vanilla game.


Well done, well done, I give you my complements good sir.


Thank you, glad you like it. :)




Hi there WraithSlayer! First thanks for the mod, I like to have choices and not only random sex. Second, I have some suggestions. 


The first one is about the quest "in my time of need": as I read in a precedent post one way to obtain info from the alik'r prisoner is to "persuade" the guard instead of paying the fine, which is great, but I would like to suggest a couple of way around. When you approach the prisoner and warn you about his fine, you could ask him if the both of you could come to an agreement, instead of paying. Since you can's start sex through the bars, you could persuade the guard to let privately talk to the prisoner in his cell, or eventually let yourself captured commiting a crime and sent to jail in the same cell of the alik'r prisoner, and "sexing" the location of Kematu.


The second one is about the revelers. As you know if you have a bottle of honningrew mead, they'll give you the necklace, instead if you have black briar mead, they'll treat you like shit. In this situation I think instead that the revelers could force sex on you.


Also about world encounter, I think that something could be done about the two alik'r that interrogate the redguard woman. Maybe the player could intervene in her defense, the alik'r get mad at you, and you can decide if scare them away, attack them or calm them with some sex, maybe a threesome. In case you take care of them or ran them off, the redguard woman could show some appreciation.


I don't know if somebody has already suggested this, but maybe something with Drelas could be done, maybe since you are a trespasser he will demand a toll or force to you...or you could still kill him.


Another thing that could be done to lower the prices of the merchandise of the merchant with some sex.


Last but not the least is a pretty big leap, I mean in skyrim seems to be some couples with instability problems, wives unhappy, husbands  that work too much and need relief. Just a little but interesting idea.


To finish I know that programming all those thing is a certain pain in the ass, but mind you these are only suggestions and even if you'll not realize them the mod itself it is still great.


Drelas is hostile on sight, isn't he? Suppose I could change his behaviour to force-greet the player instead of attack, though I generally prefer not to deviate too much from vanilla content when adding stuff to Solutions.


As for the others, can do. Well, not really sure about the whole unhappy husbands/wifes thing as it sounds like random sex with no goal, and there's already the drunks dialogue for that, but the others I may get around to when I can. Haven't had much time at all for modding lately, though.



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Drelas is hostile on sight, isn't he? Suppose I could change his behaviour to force-greet the player instead of attack, though I generally prefer not to deviate too much from vanilla content when adding stuff to Solutions.


As for the others, can do. Well, not really sure about the whole unhappy husbands/wifes thing as it sounds like random sex with no goal, and there's already the drunks dialogue for that, but the others I may get around to when I can. Haven't had much time at all for modding lately, though.





Now that I think about the husbands/wives thing I'm with you on this, it seem mindless sex , given the goal of Solutions, and if you don't wanna change Drelas behaviour there are mods like Submit or Defeat that can do the trick. For the rest if you can do them good, otherwise I'll continue enjoy the mod nonetheless.

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Drelas is hostile on sight, isn't he? Suppose I could change his behaviour to force-greet the player instead of attack, though I generally prefer not to deviate too much from vanilla content when adding stuff to Solutions.


Drelas is hostile on sight but there is another mod that gets around that. I'm not sure which it is... one of the ones in my load order. :) Probably Interesting NPC's, though I had thought that mod only added new NPC's. (The mod starts a long conversation with Drelas in which you learn that he's part of a group of mages out to rule the world, or something. If you join him he lets you loot his cottage.)

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Ok I just ran a test of some of the solutions in riften and after experiencing them I have a couple of suggestions on what I would consider improvements to them. Suggestions as always in spoiler tag.




Taking Care of Business - If and only if you choose to have sex to resolve A Chance Arrangement. When you talk to Brynjolf and he offers you this quest, you have a new dialogue option that goes something like this.

you - Like I told you before, thats not how I resolve things.

Brynjolf - Hmm. Well if you can't lift things or strong arm people, not sure what use you would be to us.

you - Surely my talents can be put to use for the guild, I'm willing to do what or who it takes to earn my keep around here. That has to count for something right?

Brynjolf - Well I suppose, we could get back into whoring again. Our whore use to be a good source of gold and information, but you have to prove you can satisfy any ones need at a moments notice. So how about a test to prove your talents.

You - Ok what do you want to do?

Brynjolf - *motions to those around the Rusty Flagon* Show them what you got, if you can please all of them. Then we can talk more.


PC then has to have sex with each of the thieves and bartender in the Rusty Flagon, afterwards talk to Brynjolf again.

you - How's that? I left them all with a smile on their face and a song in their heart.

Brynjolf - So I can see, not bad not bad. Ok come with me for your final test. ((this leads into him saying from the vanilla game "Now if there are no more questions, how about following me and I'll show you what we're about."


At this point he leads you into the rest of the guild area but before he introduces you to Mercer he stops and tells you

Brynjolf - Ok lets see if you can repeat your performance. *at this point you have to sex all the rest of the guild members except Mercer once done.*

you - How did I do?

Brynjolf - Well enough, well enough. There is someone I want you to meet. *then he leads you to talk to Mercer and the quest goes on as normal*



The other quest is two parts depending if the PC is a member of the thieves guild yet or not.

Stabilized (a guild member)

If the PC is already a guild member the quest goes down like this. PC talk to Shadr as normal and finds out about the deal with Sapphire then goes to talk to her. (below is the normal dialogue with changes/add on's below)

she'll be quite defensive: "Back off, this action's all mine. No room for anyone else in the Guild on this one."


When you ask her to cancel the debt, she'll propose a deal: "Why should I bother? I've already made a bunch of coin off of his shipment, so anything else I squeeze out of him would be a bonus. Oh... wait a second. I see what this is. You want me to cut you in or you'll rat me out to Brynjolf. Tell you what. I'll give you a share right now if you forget the whole thing."


If you agree she'll be relieved: "Now you're talking. Oh, if you see Shadr, remind him he still owes me that debt."

If this option is chosen after she says this the following dialogue is added.

you - I think I need a little bonus too, don't you?

Sapphire - What kind of bonus?

you - Why don't you use that sweet body of yours to show you just how grateful you are.

Sapphire - Ok fine, where?

then you have the normal options to do it there or go some place more private.


If you threaten her with taking the issue to Brynjolf, she'll take a scare: "Woah, woah. Calm down. Let's just think about this for a moment. Sigh. You win. Tell Shadr he can forget the debt."

If this option is chosen after she says the above the new dialogue is.

You - That's all well and good for Shadr, but what do i get out of it?

Sapphire - What do you mean? I am forgiving his debt.

you - Sure that's for making the guild look untrustworthy to deal with and fixing that. But what do I get for not telling Brynjolf?

Sapphire - Fine what do you what to keep this between just us?

you - How about you give me a taste of that sweet little body of yours?

Sapphire - *sigh* Alright, this will square us right?

you - For now.

then the same choices of sex there or somewhere else.

After this point each time you talk to Sapphire you can blackmail her for more sex to keep, keeping her secret.


This next part is if the PC is not a member of the guild when they do this quest. This one will replace the current one, mostly cause there is no way for the PC to know Sapphire is a guild member and doing a unsanctioned gig unless they are a member. Plus this way it has another way to join the guild.

replace the current sex dialogue with Sapphire with these options instead.

you - How about I report you to the guard?

Sapphire - *laugh* You done fucked up sweet meat, interfering with guild business. How about I gut you and dump you in the lake?

you - Woah, woah. I'm sorry I didn't know who you was. I'm sorry I will just be on my way.

Sapphire - Nah I don't think so, you want Shadr's out of debt so bad? How about you take it over, only lets double it. 200 gold is what you owe me now.


at this point the PC has a couple of choices.

option 1 (PC owes 100 gold)

you - Look ok I admit I stepped in it, I'll pay his debt but only what he owed. Just... just don't hurt me.

Sapphire - Well I guess you arn't completely spinless, just a fucking pussy. Ok you go tell Shadr his debt is payed and then you come back and see me.


option 2 (PC owes 200 gold)

you - O... O'kay, what ever you want, just please don't hurt me.

Sapphire - *snort* Worthless fucking pussy, ok you go tell Shadr his debt is paid and then you come right back, you hear?


Regardless of which option you pick, the only difference is how much gold you owe. After talking to Shadr you go back to Sapphire.

You - I told Shadr his debt is paid.

Sapphire - That's a good little bitch, now pay up.


(If the PC has the gold and pays the debt)

You - Here, here you go. (pays gold)

Sapphire - Now's thats a well trained bitch, this has me all hot and bothered. I think I am going to take a little bonus out of my new little bitch. (which starts sex where Sapphire is dominate with a strapon)


(If the PC does not have the gold to pay the debt, hopefully the following can be done. If not see below for a simpler solution.)

you - I... I don't have that kind of gold.

Sapphire - What? Well you best think of a way of paying me or I'm going to start carving.

you - wait ... wait please, I'll do anything you want, just please don't hurt me.

Sapphire - Well if your going to act like a worthless pussy, might as well put you to work at the only thing worthless pussies are good for. *gives you Sapphires Ring* Put this on and go earn me, my gold. Bring back double what you owe me, the guild will get their cut out of your ass too. *laughs*

you - yes ma'am.


At this point it would start a mini whoring quest. While the PC wears the necklace they can approach any and offer to sell themselves. The dialogue tree would look something like this.

you - Hey there, your looking lonely. Looking for some company?

NPC - What do you have in mind?

you - Anything you want baby, name your pleasure.

NPC - What's the prices?

you - 10 for my mouth, 20 for my pussy(if PC is female), 30 for the ass.

NPC - randomly selects one of the options, which has the prompt to have sex there or go elsewhere.

After sex the NPC pays the PC.


Once the PC has enough gold they return to Sapphire.

You - Here's the gold I owe you and the rest.

Sapphire - That's a good little bitch, I guess we found a good use for you after all. *takes the gold owed to Sapphire and her ring back* Now take the rest of the gold, along with this letter, and go give them Brynjolf.

you - yes ma'am.


PC goes to see Brynjolf

you - Sapphire asked me to give you this. *gives gold (the rest earned while whore) and letter*

Brynjolf - What's this? *reads the letter* Well Sapphire has been saying we should get back into whoring, she's right about the whores being a good source of information as well as gold. Ok show me what you got.

This would then start A Chance Arrangement quest and having sex with Brynjolf would complete it. This would also trigger the option for Taking Care of Business quest as layed out above.



If you can't figure out how to do the Sapphire ring and allow for whoring, which would be disappointing but understandable the following would happen instead.

you - I... I don't have that kind of gold.

Sapphire - Well you best figure out a way to earn it and fast. For now I will take my first interest payment. (starts a sex scene where she wears a strapon)

Each time you return to Riften Sapphire will be back on the bridge and will walk up to you and start a conversation demanding her gold. If the PC has the gold the quest is resolved as normal, if not Sapphire demands another interest payment as above.


This post is getting long so going to break it up into a second post for the a new quest idea


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Second part of the post above.




New quest idea

This one is a sex solution to Special Jobs Quests you need to do to start Under New Management quest or upgrade the Thieves Guild.

This idea only works if you can figure out how to do the whoring out by using Sapphires ring I suggested above. Assuming you can figure it out it would work like this.

You can go see Devlin or Vex as normal to do the radiant quests as in vanilla or you can go see Sapphire.

Sapphire will give you her ring send you to one of the 4 cities same as the other quests. The difference is Sapphire runs you as a whore. The dialogue would go as follows.

you - I was told you might have some jobs for me.

Sapphire - Well hello sweet meat, it's time for you to put that sweet little ass of yours to work. Here take this. *gives you her ring or some other token you feel fits* Now go to (insert one of the 4 city names here) and find five clients.

You - Is that it?

Sapphire - Get them to take you back to their place, once they get what they pay for. Make sure to collect the gold and case the place. Note the ways into the place and any valuables. Once you have staked out five places come back to see me and give your report.

You - Ok sounds simple enough.

Sapphire - Oh and don't forget half of everything you earn belongs to the guild, if you are feeling especially randy. Feel free to earn additional gold from others if you want, just make sure we get our cut.


Once you return from the quests.

Sapphire - Good work sweet meat, let me know when you're ready for some more action. *takes half the gold earned from whoring*

Once you have done this 5 times in one city you get the Reputation Quest for that city just as if you had done Devlin or Vex's quests.


Whoring dialogue while wearing the ring(item) and on one of Sapphires quests, talk to any NPC in the target city.

you - Hey there, your looking lonely. Looking for some company?

NPC - What do you have in mind?

you - Anything you want baby, name your pleasure.

NPC - What's the prices?

you - 10 for my mouth, 20 for my pussy(if PC is female), 30 for the ass.

NPC - Sounds good to me, I'll take *randomly selects one of the options*

you - Ok baby, lets go back to your place.

At this point either put a quest marker at the NPC's house or have the NPC tell the PC to follow them and have the NPC walk to their house. Once inside.

NPC - Here we are, I can't wait to get started.

you - I'm here to make you happy.

(sex starts of the type selected. after sex)

NPC - Wow that was great, worth every gold. I hope I get to see you again.

you - Next time I'm in town I will be sure to look you up baby. *collects gold and note(note are what the PC makes about the house)*


Bonus if you can make it so the PC can whore out anywhere at any time while wearing the ring, regardless if they are on a whore quest or in the correct city. Just as a way to earn gold, of course the guild will take half.


The four special quests with a whoring solution. If possible to do.

Silver Lining

Endon - *gives you a letter* This only if you got the ring whoring to work.

When you enter Pinewatch Rhorlak starts a conversation with you. In addition to bribing him, you can offer to have sex with him to revel the location of the bandits lair.

(next part optional if you was able to get the whoring with the ring working)

If you are wearing Sapphires ring and used sex to get past Rhorlak, the bandits will not be hostile. Instead when you get near them they will start a conversation demanding who you are, each bandit will only do this once when first getting near you.

Bandit - How did you get in here and what are you doing here?

you - I was sent as tribute, use me as you will. I need to speak with your leader. (this results in sex with the bandit)

Once past the bandits and you find their leader Rigel

Rigel - Who let you in here?

you - I was sent to negotiate a trade.

Rigel - What kind of trade?

you - I have a letter detailing several caravans that will be passing near here, the day, what they carry, how many guards, everything about them. In addition you may take your pleasure from me. With the possibility of future dealings.

Rigel - Hmm well you are a pretty little thing and the deal sounds good enough. What do you want in return?

you - Just the silver mold.

Rigel - Alright you please me and we have a deal. (which starts sex, afterwards)

Rigel - I needed that, you know what your doing. I'll give you that. Alright here's my key, the mold is in my chest. Let your employer know we have a deal. ((at which point the PC can go loot the chest and take the mold back to Endon complete the quest.))



The Dainty Sload

Talk to Sabine Nytte

you - How about I show you the best sex you have ever had ?

Sabine - I would rather have the gold.

you - A wager then, if it's not the best sex you have ever had sworn to the divines. Then I will pay you double, but if it is you just give me the key.

Sabine - Well you are kinda cute and when been at sea for a long time, alright you got yourself a bet. (which leads to sex and the PC getting the key to the chest)

Sabine - Well I'll be damned but if that wasn't the best sex I ever had, alright. A bets a bet, here's the key.


Going to the Dainty Sload ship. (again this only works if you have the ring whoring working)

While wearing the ring the pirates are not hostile. Instead they act like the bandits in the above quest.

Corsair - What are you doing here? Get lost before we gut you like a fish.

you - Your Captain sent me, he thought his crew had earned a reward and I'm that reward.

Corsair - Hell yeah, been at sea a long time. Now get over here. (this results in sex)


Once past all of them you can go to the Captains room

First Mate - Who let you on board?

You - The Captain sent me, he wanted to reward you for your hard work. I'm your reward, do with me what you want.

First Mate - *sneer* Your going to earn ever gold the Captains paying you. (this starts sex where the First mate does aggressive sex acts three times in a row, afterwards the First Mate goes to sleep, automatically giving you the key and allowing you to plant the evidence as normal.))



Imitation Amnesty

This only works if the whoring ring is working.

While wearing the ring if the guards see you take the letter, they will approach instead of arresting you start this dialogue.

Guard - Halt what are you doing there?

You - What? It's just a harmless letter, how about I make it worth your while to forget you ever seen me?

Guard - *looks around* What did you have in mind?

you - How would you like to make use of this body for the night?

Guard - Well I suppose it can't be to important. (have to lead the guard somewhere private and have sex, then the guard lets you be on your way.)



Summerset Shadows

Talk to Niranye new dialogue option

you - Look I know you know where they area, I am certain we can work something out. You scratch my back and I scratch your itch, what do you say?

Niranye - So your offering....?

You - A night you won't soon forget, for a little information and no one will ever know but the two of us.

Niranye - Well your cute enough, alright you got a deal (leads to sex and completes this part of the quest, she tells where where the hideout is)


The rest is about taking down the new guild so sex doesn't seem logical for the rest of this one.


Ok those is the rest of the solutions. Hopefully you like them and I really hope the ring whoring idea works out. I think it fits in very well with the Thieves guild running whores and it opens up a lot of solutions for the thieves guild quests.


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honestly never really liked the soliciting the poor. Still love solutions though that extra option to solve certain situations makes everything better.


I don't like all the options either, including some of the ones I have suggested in the past that got added in. But the best part of solutions is you can chose which ones to use and which ones not to use by dialogue choices. Which is why this is and will always be a must have mod in my mod list.

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The quest didn't end, correct. I just tried sqv and it's stuck at stage 40. I've had sex after that a couple of times, but the quest is still stuck and the item undroppable.


I don't remember prematurely exiting from any other dialog from Solutions, but I suppose it's entirely possible. I try not to ever tab out of a dialog from anywhere, including vanilla Skyrim, because there are a few that are say-once or that update quest stages partway through, or even trigger hostility by doing so (WIChangeLocation03 springs to mind).


Thinking about it, what I did was arrive in Ivarstead, dive for the satchel, then go talk to Narfi - never talked to Wilhelm, and I didn't talk to Narfi first. That could be it.


Doesn't really matter all that much... this is undoubtedly a one-time buggy event, like so much in Skyrim.  ;)

Setstage 200 and drop the necklace works fine.


Ah, it's quite possible things won't work that well if you grab the necklace before speaking to the relevant NPCs. I'll give it a try when I can.


Just went through again doing it the "right" way and everything updates fine.

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Ok tested out Caught Red Handed and it worked but I thought there was suppose to be a sex scene with Haegla at the end. If there is not I suggest adding one or two.





returning the marks to Haegla, after she says what she has to say about asking you to keep it quiet.

you - I suppose I could do that, as long as you do something for me?

Haegla - What blackmail? Fine what do you want?

you - Not blackmail more curiousity, I want to know your Dibella secrets. I am a apt student and would love to learn them.

Haegla - Oh... well in that case come with me.

This has Haegla lead you to her room where she uses a strapon horn on the PC. Since if you search her room you find one.


second possible scene

return to Svana to inform her the task is done. after she says what she does to end the quest.

you - You know I convinced Haegla to show me her Dibella secrets and ... well lets just say I know why she gets away with it.

Svana - Oh? You mean, you and her and she showed you?

you - Yes it was ... magical, I could show you if you like.

Svana - I... I don't know, I mean is it really as special as they say?

you - Come with me and find out.

Svana - O.. Ok

Svana then agree's to sex with the same option of there or somewhere more private. Both seem like they would fit in with this quest.


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