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SexLab Solutions 5.0.7 (01-December-2017)

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Can you possibly make it so that the Sex options in cases where you also had a (Persuade) optio also increases Speech as if you'd passed the Persuade? Speech is hard enough as it is to level without skipping by a lot of the checks in order to sex up some NPCs, and a lot of perk overhauls ties your shout damage to your speech.

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The problems have more to do with Jarls not being static due to hold capitals changing hands during the civil war: there are 17 potential jarls that may assign a variant of this quest, and I can only show the dialogue to 1 of those 17 Jarls, for each of the 9 variants of the assist quest that may be running. I'm stuck between having to set a large amount of duplicate dialogue (which will make future maintenance an utter nightmare), or create a single dialogue branch that somehow encompasses all the possible Jarl/Hold combinations. The latter would seem like the obvious choice, but thanks to how Skyrim handles OR / AND logic gates in conditions (OR takes priority over AND), you end up with something like this:




To properly check whether ((A AND B) OR (C AND D) OR (E AND F)) is true, one would use:
  • A OR C OR E   AND   A OR C OR F   AND   A OR D OR E   AND   A OR D OR F   AND   B OR C OR E   AND   B OR C OR F   AND   B OR D OR E   AND   B OR D OR F


That example uses 3 pair combinations. You can imagine how long the yellow bit would get if you tried with 17 pairs instead, which is the requirement I'm working with.



It seems to me that the right thing to do, here, involves using a quest stage to help you out.


If I remember right, you can invoke quest stage progress directly from dialog - and that happens immediately, so if you update globals they are available in the remaining dialog. And quest stages, I think, give you better logical capabilities than dialog branches. (Or have I completely misunderstood your issue?)


Another trick might be to convert the logical statement to an arithmetic one. But I would have to see the full expression to decide if I knew of a way to do that.


On the other hand, most conversations with Jarls happen within their holds (and those that do not might not can probably be either left alone or treated specially). So I think you have considerable opportunity to set things up ahead of the [potential] conversation, if you want to do things that way.


* * * * *


Meanwhile, with trainers, one thing that strikes me as having possibilities would be using S&M animations (armored, rather than nude, because skyrim doesn't have an unarmored defense skill tree) to represent the armor skill training events. (But I have not put much effort into this, so I do not know if any of the animations would be really good fits.)

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Can you possibly make it so that the Sex options in cases where you also had a (Persuade) optio also increases Speech as if you'd passed the Persuade? Speech is hard enough as it is to level without skipping by a lot of the checks in order to sex up some NPCs, and a lot of perk overhauls ties your shout damage to your speech.


I usually have the opposite problem when I use the default Skyrim system (instead of SXP).  If I am not careful my speech skill (just like pickpocketing) will shoot up too fast causing my combat skills to fall behind quickly.  I tend to sell everything I find as quickly as possible though.

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Has anyone tested How the "A love letter" event works with Amorous Adventures, as both have an event centered around Sven, Faendal and Camilla?


If you have AA and want to pursue a relationship with Camilla via that mod, I would recommend NOT using the SexLab Solutions options during this quest. Depending on how AA has been implemented, it might not be able to detect that 'A Lovely Letter' has been completed if you've done it via Solutions, since I'm not triggering the player-helps-Sven or the player-helps-Faendal quest stages at all; I'm ending the quest earlier than that, at stage 200.


Can you possibly make it so that the Sex options in cases where you also had a (Persuade) optio also increases Speech as if you'd passed the Persuade? Speech is hard enough as it is to level without skipping by a lot of the checks in order to sex up some NPCs, and a lot of perk overhauls ties your shout damage to your speech.


This is something that could be added without much effort, but much like WaterRabbit, my speech skill levels absurdly fast compared to most others. I'm guessing you're using mods that completely alter how speech is leveled?




It seems to me that the right thing to do, here, involves using a quest stage to help you out.


If I remember right, you can invoke quest stage progress directly from dialog - and that happens immediately, so if you update globals they are available in the remaining dialog. And quest stages, I think, give you better logical capabilities than dialog branches. (Or have I completely misunderstood your issue?)


Another trick might be to convert the logical statement to an arithmetic one. But I would have to see the full expression to decide if I knew of a way to do that.


On the other hand, most conversations with Jarls happen within their holds (and those that do not might not can probably be either left alone or treated specially). So I think you have considerable opportunity to set things up ahead of the [potential] conversation, if you want to do things that way.


* * * * *


Meanwhile, with trainers, one thing that strikes me as having possibilities would be using S&M animations (armored, rather than nude, because skyrim doesn't have an unarmored defense skill tree) to represent the armor skill training events. (But I have not put much effort into this, so I do not know if any of the animations would be really good fits.)


Using quest stages (or even just script code) would indeed make the task A LOT simpler, but since this is for a top-level dialogue, the code would need to execute and decide whether to display the dialogue branch right before the player starts a conversation with a Jarl.


In the end, I opted for a hybrid solution, by having a much smaller number of duplicate branches that handle 2 holds (or 4 Jarls) each. This reduces the duplicates from 16 to 4, making it manageable for potential future edits, and it keeps the condition sets relatively simple.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned, but an interesting option would be to have imperials/stormcloaks react the character if they are wearing the opposing armor when wandering into one of their camps (or anytime for that matter).

What would they say/do, though? After all, if they don't attack you on sight, then they obviously recognize you're one of them despite the outfit, and you could have valid reasons to be wearing enemy armor. :P

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This is something that could be added without much effort, but much like WaterRabbit, my speech skill levels absurdly fast compared to most others. I'm guessing you're using mods that completely alter how speech is leveled?



I'm using SPERG yes, but no not really, Speech just isn't leveling as fast for me as the others. I'm a level 55 archmage with maxed out all magic skills and crafting skills and light armor and 50ish on several other skills, and according to  my diary it's now day 10 of my trip through Skyrim...

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This is something that could be added without much effort, but much like WaterRabbit, my speech skill levels absurdly fast compared to most others. I'm guessing you're using mods that completely alter how speech is leveled?



I'm using SPERG yes, but no not really, Speech just isn't leveling as fast for me as the others. I'm a level 55 archmage with maxed out all magic skills and crafting skills and light armor and 50ish on several other skills, and according to  my diary it's now day 10 of my trip through Skyrim...



Ah, very well. I may see about adding speech increases somewhere down the line.


In the meantime, I believe you can configure SPERG to let your Speech skill level up faster. From SPERG's description on Nexus:



-Improves Skill Rates

Through the Skyrim -Community- Uncapper, this mod tweaks the leveling rates of each skill (but only slightly). The aim was to reduce grinding and balance the rate at which all skills increase, but to do so without changing the feel of the original game. While the values I've suggested are well balanced, you're free to change them or turn this feature off entirely.


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I don't know if this has been mentioned, but an interesting option would be to have imperials/stormcloaks react the character if they are wearing the opposing armor when wandering into one of their camps (or anytime for that matter).

What would they say/do, though? After all, if they don't attack you on sight, then they obviously recognize you're one of them despite the outfit, and you could have valid reasons to be wearing enemy armor. :P



I forget where or how you trigger it, but I seem to remember one place or another that you speak to a fellow soldier and are asked why you are not in uniform, but in the enemies' garb. Your response is something along the lines of being better able to infiltrate their lines, as you were just on a mission to an opposing hold.


I do not remember if it only showed up while speaking to someone while on a particular mission though.  If found, that might make for a "practice solution" ... essentially gratutious sex from a dialog option " .. and why don't you help me resist some interrogation in case I get caught"

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The problems have more to do with Jarls not being static due to hold capitals changing hands during the civil war: there are 17 potential jarls that may assign a variant of this quest, and I can only show the dialogue to 1 of those 17 Jarls, for each of the 9 variants of the assist quest that may be running. I'm stuck between having to set a large amount of duplicate dialogue (which will make future maintenance an utter nightmare), or create a single dialogue branch that somehow encompasses all the possible Jarl/Hold combinations. The latter would seem like the obvious choice, but thanks to how Skyrim handles OR / AND logic gates in conditions (OR takes priority over AND), you end up with something like this:




To properly check whether ((A AND B) OR (C AND D) OR (E AND F)) is true, one would use:
  • A OR C OR E   AND   A OR C OR F   AND   A OR D OR E   AND   A OR D OR F   AND   B OR C OR E   AND   B OR C OR F   AND   B OR D OR E   AND   B OR D OR F


That example uses 3 pair combinations. You can imagine how long the yellow bit would get if you tried with 17 pairs instead, which is the requirement I'm working with.



Yeah, the whole Jarl changing thing makes things a little complicated. If the Jarlship changes hands due to the Civil War, the new Jarl is grateful to the Dragonborn and the prerequisite quest to become a Thane is skipped... I believe you still have to do the "assist x number of people in the hold and own property" portions though. I don't think you need property to become the thane of the three holds that have "plots" from Hearthfire... and Winterhold doesn't have property you can own at all so there's no way you need land to become Thane there. So complicated... sheesh.




I forget where or how you trigger it, but I seem to remember one place or another that you speak to a fellow soldier and are asked why you are not in uniform, but in the enemies' garb. Your response is something along the lines of being better able to infiltrate their lines, as you were just on a mission to an opposing hold.


I do not remember if it only showed up while speaking to someone while on a particular mission though.  If found, that might make for a "practice solution" ... essentially gratutious sex from a dialog option " .. and why don't you help me resist some interrogation in case I get caught"


Do you have the Civil War Overhaul mod? It's possible the dialogue option got added in through it.

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I forget where or how you trigger it, but I seem to remember one place or another that you speak to a fellow soldier and are asked why you are not in uniform, but in the enemies' garb. Your response is something along the lines of being better able to infiltrate their lines, as you were just on a mission to an opposing hold.


I do not remember if it only showed up while speaking to someone while on a particular mission though.  If found, that might make for a "practice solution" ... essentially gratutious sex from a dialog option " .. and why don't you help me resist some interrogation in case I get caught"


Do you have the Civil War Overhaul mod? It's possible the dialogue option got added in through it.



I did at one time, but I do not now, so that might be where it was from. I haven't played the war quests lately either.  Might do that with Lydia soon.



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My Speech also tends to go up fairly quickly thanks to bartering... however, there is another mod I sometimes use that makes it go up even faster. Playable Instruments on the nexus lets you to be a bard, crafting your own instruments and playing for crowds. Every time you play for a group, your Speech skill goes up a little... and you get a chance to get tips and free drinks. The larger the crowd, the faster it goes up. Perhaps this would be a role-playing solution, Sacremas, if it suits your character's personality?


You could be a bard... or perhaps the archmage is a little eccentric? Besides playing in every tavern you visit, to show the locals what "real music" is like, if you wait until the afternoon lesson/speech that happens most every day in the hall of the elements, you have a captive audience for at least one song. You can almost see the professors wincing, "oh no, here he comes again... don't let him sing... don't let him sing... agh, my ears!"


Just a thought, anyways, for an instant solution. If it's firmly sex that's on your mind, and you want a right now solution, I think Submit raises your Speech every time you talk someone into sleeping with you, as well as their affection level. If you sleep with someone enough times, they become available as a follower. I haven't used it in a while, but I doubt those features have been removed.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned, but an interesting option would be to have imperials/stormcloaks react the character if they are wearing the opposing armor when wandering into one of their camps (or anytime for that matter).

What would they say/do, though? After all, if they don't attack you on sight, then they obviously recognize you're one of them despite the outfit, and you could have valid reasons to be wearing enemy armor. :P



I forget where or how you trigger it, but I seem to remember one place or another that you speak to a fellow soldier and are asked why you are not in uniform, but in the enemies' garb. Your response is something along the lines of being better able to infiltrate their lines, as you were just on a mission to an opposing hold.


I do not remember if it only showed up while speaking to someone while on a particular mission though.  If found, that might make for a "practice solution" ... essentially gratutious sex from a dialog option " .. and why don't you help me resist some interrogation in case I get caught"



Not a bad idea, but I couldn't find the conversation you're referring to in the CK.

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I think this dialogue is from vanilla Skyrim, after you deliver the false letter (the one taken from the Stormcloak courier and altered by Reike) when you hand it to Dawnstars Stormclock commander.





I do not remember if it only showed up while speaking to someone while on a particular mission though.  If found, that might make for a "practice solution" ... essentially gratutious sex from a dialog option " .. and why don't you help me resist some interrogation in case I get caught"


I forget where or how you trigger it, but I seem to remember one place or another that you speak to a fellow soldier and are asked why you are not in uniform, but in the enemies' garb. Your response is something along the lines of being better able to infiltrate their lines, as you were just on a mission to an opposing hold.


Not a bad idea, but I couldn't find the conversation you're referring to in the CK.



Fred found it. I had some time so I went and checked UESP just to make sure.




When you arrive at Dawnstar, follow the map marker to Frorkmar Banner-Torn, who will most likely stand near the Skyrim map inside The White Hall. When you approach him, his dialogue will differ depending on your choice of armor. If you are wearing anything but Stormcloak armor, he will get suspicious: "Is that so? I don't recognize you. Why aren't you wearing your Stormcloak colors?" You will then have to tell him it is easier to sneak past the enemy without the uniform, and he will admit: "I suppose it would be. Good thinking." He will then continue on, saying the same thing as if you were wearing Stormcloak armor:


http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:A_False_Front_%28Stormcloaks%29is the opposite side of the same quest, sending you to the Imperial Legate in Morthal. (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Legate_Taurinus_Duilis)


Not sure now how much that fragment is usable, but I'll leave that to your wizardry.  Not sure what it "solves", as there isn't a check of any kind, just an extra dialog step that is presented.  Could throw in a "I bring news and a gift... here's the news (had over forged letters) and the gift (strip)"

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I'd like to add my vote to the "gain speech if persuasion would be available" as I found myself skipping the sex options in those cases. Added suggestion: Make it optional via MCM menu for those who find their speech skill going up too fast already.


Yesterday I entered Markath for the 1st time in my new playthrough with version 3 of this mod and was pleasantly surprised by the sex options after saving the woman from the Forsworn attack and for returning the stolen stuff to the trading company Lady. Thus far I'd only run into options which featured my Dragonborn offering sex in exchange for something. Making it also into a reward was a good idea.

Allow me to suggest a few more additions to the mod in the spirit of NPC rewarding the Dragonborn:

- Vex after Loud and Clear. Her being impressed the Dragonborn succeeded where she failed.

- Rikke after the Civil War is won for the Imperial side. Hermir Strong-Heart (that Ulfric fangirl in Windhelm) after the Civil War is won for the Stormcloak side.

- Female Battleborns after winning the Battle of Whiterun for the Imperial side. Female Greymanes after winning the Battle of Whiterun for the Stormcloak side.

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I have an idea that seems pretty intuitive so I don't know why someone hasn't already suggested it (or maybe someone has, I didn't bother to check)?

Could you make it so that you can pay carriege drivers for their services by providing them with a service of your own instead of paying them in gold?

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For the Faendal/Sven/Camilla love triangle quest, to get Camilla to be a partner, you must show both Faendal's and Sven's letters to her. When i get a letter from sven and then tell Faendal about it, Sven's letter is removed from my inventory and I can't get Camilla as my partner. I had to add the item manually via console to get it to work

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For the Faendal/Sven/Camilla love triangle quest, to get Camilla to be a partner, you must show both Faendal's and Sven's letters to her. When i get a letter from sven and then tell Faendal about it, Sven's letter is removed from my inventory and I can't get Camilla as my partner


Think you are supposed to sex them both up.  There should be a [sex] option added dialog.  I may be wrong on that however...

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For the Faendal/Sven/Camilla love triangle quest, to get Camilla to be a partner, you must show both Faendal's and Sven's letters to her. When i get a letter from sven and then tell Faendal about it, Sven's letter is removed from my inventory and I can't get Camilla as my partner


Think you are supposed to sex them both up.  There should be a [sex] option added dialog.  I may be wrong on that however...



Fixed it by adding the item manually via console. Also i still get sex dialouge options with sven and faendal wven though i double crossed them in favor of Camilla

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For the Faendal/Sven/Camilla love triangle quest, to get Camilla to be a partner, you must show both Faendal's and Sven's letters to her. When i get a letter from sven and then tell Faendal about it, Sven's letter is removed from my inventory and I can't get Camilla as my partner. I had to add the item manually via console to get it to work


You're right, this isn't working as it should be.


You could pickpocket the letter back, but that's not very straightforward, so I'll just change Camilla's requirements and dialogue to work without the letters.



For the Faendal/Sven/Camilla love triangle quest, to get Camilla to be a partner, you must show both Faendal's and Sven's letters to her. When i get a letter from sven and then tell Faendal about it, Sven's letter is removed from my inventory and I can't get Camilla as my partner


Think you are supposed to sex them both up.  There should be a [sex] option added dialog.  I may be wrong on that however...


No, the quest will end once you've sexed one of them.

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I have an idea that seems pretty intuitive so I don't know why someone hasn't already suggested it (or maybe someone has, I didn't bother to check)?

Could you make it so that you can pay carriege drivers for their services by providing them with a service of your own instead of paying them in gold?


There were like 2 pages dedicated to that specific suggestion. The short version is:





The slightly longer version: The carriage system is designed in a way that would make this feature extremely tedious to implement in Solutions (it's like the multiple Jarls problem all over again, but somehow worse), not to mention any implementation in Solutions would be completely incompatible with all carriage mods, since they too have to work on top of the existing carriage system.

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