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SexLab Solutions 5.0.7 (01-December-2017)

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Are you just using .addspell? Sanguinare Vampiris rolls a percentage check before applying the disease.

In-game, test by player.addspell b8780. The console should pop up a note saying something like "71%, spell not added" or "21%, spell added" or something like that.


The chance roll is exactly why Solutions has a unique variant of the disease; one that lacks the random element.


Oh. Yeah, I read that twice and still asked the question. Derpy derpy derp.

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I'm not sure if it's from this mod, but there is a woman in Morthal where you can have sex with her and it is strongly implied that it will infect your with vampirism. I did that, and I got a message at the top left of the screen saying something like, "Molag Bal is amused by this turn of events." But I never actually get infected. 


First, is that from this mod? Second, if it is from this mod, then is it possible that another mod I use is conflicting with this (for example, Vampiric Thirst?"


Yes, it's from this mod, and you are indeed supposed to get infected as the dialogue implies. (or rather, explicitly states :lol:)


I don't see how other mods could prevent infection, since Solutions uses a unique strain of Sanguinare Vampiris. It's more likely your character simply has partial or full disease resistance obtained from an item or racial trait (Argonian/Bosmer), and managed to 'win' the infection roll.


Edit: On second thought, mods that edit VampireDiseaseEffectScript could potentially alter the infection behaviour of Sanguinare Vampiris, including the strain found in Solutions. It's up to you to know what your installed mods do, though. :P



That was it. Wood Elf blood was stopping the disease. I tried 3 more times and it finally took. Thanks.

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I don't know if this has been suggested or if you already thought of it, but you could add another way to get into Riften. The city is pretty corrupt, after all and that guard has been on duty all day... Also, during A NIght To Remember, you have SO many possibilities with all the apologizing you're doing. Mainly I was thinking about the Dibellan priestess (she worships Dibella, come on), and Sanguine himself would be a good option since he is the lord of debauchery. You could even talk him into making his guests start an orgy (please add more women if you do because Misty Grove is a total sausage fest). It's not really a "solution" to any problem but the limitations of Bethesda's Skyrim. I'm sure the Sanguine thing is more like a whole new mod, but I thought I'd voice it just in case.

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How do I disable the silly text that comes up in the corner of the screen every time I use a Solutions option?


I mean, it's funny and all that, I honestly chuckled when I saw it, but there's a reason I don't use things like Apropos, and I'd rather not have it forced upon me in a mod that absolutely doesn't need something like that.

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How do I disable the silly text that comes up in the corner of the screen every time I use a Solutions option?


I mean, it's funny and all that, I honestly chuckled when I saw it, but there's a reason I don't use things like Apropos, and I'd rather not have it forced upon me in a mod that absolutely doesn't need something like that.


... and sometimes it is replaced by some other comment that shows up, I think there are a couple I haven't been able to read yet. A list available someplace, or a log to console option?

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How do I disable the silly text that comes up in the corner of the screen every time I use a Solutions option?


I mean, it's funny and all that, I honestly chuckled when I saw it, but there's a reason I don't use things like Apropos, and I'd rather not have it forced upon me in a mod that absolutely doesn't need something like that.


Can't be disabled at the moment, but it won't take much effort to add this as a MCM toggle.



How do I disable the silly text that comes up in the corner of the screen every time I use a Solutions option?


I mean, it's funny and all that, I honestly chuckled when I saw it, but there's a reason I don't use things like Apropos, and I'd rather not have it forced upon me in a mod that absolutely doesn't need something like that.


... and sometimes it is replaced by some other comment that shows up, I think there are a couple I haven't been able to read yet. A list available someplace, or a log to console option?



The only lists for now are availlable in SSv2NPCScript.psc and SSv2QuestScript.psc. :P


Logging to console can be done, though.

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I don't know if this has been suggested or if you already thought of it, but you could add another way to get into Riften. The city is pretty corrupt, after all and that guard has been on duty all day... Also, during A NIght To Remember, you have SO many possibilities with all the apologizing you're doing. Mainly I was thinking about the Dibellan priestess (she worships Dibella, come on), and Sanguine himself would be a good option since he is the lord of debauchery. You could even talk him into making his guests start an orgy (please add more women if you do because Misty Grove is a total sausage fest). It's not really a "solution" to any problem but the limitations of Bethesda's Skyrim. I'm sure the Sanguine thing is more like a whole new mod, but I thought I'd voice it just in case.


Um, Riften entry already has a Solutions scene. As for A Night To Remember, these have already been suggested, I'll see what I can do.

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Ok here is the Dark brotherhood breaking it up in contracts and main story arc for them.





The following make sense for a seduction kill I feel. Add a new option along the lines of.

You - Hello Beautiful/Handsome(or something fitting for that NPC), I have heard about you(throw in a compliment about what they do)

NPC - Where did you hear that?

you - Everyone of course, I heard so much about you. I just had to come and see for myself and I have to say I'm not disappointed.

NPC - Oh well of course and who could really blame you.

You - I would love to get to know you a little better, perhaps a bit more privately?

NPC - I don't see why not.

After this the NPC will follow you to a out of the way place, then have a option to start sex. Once sex is finished the NPC will die(from poison during sex), letting you loot the body and complete the mission.


Eligible NPC's

everyone but Narfi, which I just fine personally a bit off because of his mental state but of course feel free to add him too.



Side conversations with NPCs in Sanctuary

Arnbjorn, he doesn't like you and you try to get on his good side only to be tricked.

you - Hey look can't we get along?

Arnbjorn - Like I said it just my way, nothing personal.

you - Well maybe if we was friends there could be some ... benefits...

Arnbjorn - Oh really? I have some, lets just call it some interesting tastes. I don't think you would like them.

you - I can take anything you can throw my way.

Arnbjorn - *laugh* You think so do you? On your word on the Night Mother you will follow through and I will show you.

you - You have my word.

At this point he transforms into a werewolf and has his way with you. Follow up dialogue after sex

you - Well I admit it was unexpected but not all bad.

Arnbjorn - HA! Maybe your not so bad after all.

If you talk to him again after this.

You - I think I could go another round, how about you?

Arnbjorn - The beast would like to play.

repeatable sex with him in werewolf form until he dies.



you - I have heard about a book from your homeland describing sexual technics, I have always wondered if they was true.

Nazir - Oh yes the Sutra, yes I know it well.

you - Would you tell me of some of them?

Nazir - One can not tell of such, though if you like I could show you.

you can say yes or no to the offer. no ends the conversation and yes starts sex.



you - I have heard you can kill with blade, bow or even a kiss. Is this true?

Astrid - Of course, we all learn all the arts of death. Sometimes a blade is needed and other times a softer approach is needed.

you - Would you teach me the art of the seductive kill?

Astrid - If you would like, come with me.

which leads to sex.


Story Arc

Mourning Never Comes

after talking to Muiri instead of having the option of taking on the bonus killing of Nilsine or not, have another option.

you - That was not what you called for, you should have stated you wanted both dead.

Muiri - I didn't know it mattered, but I would be willing to make it worth your while. I am willing to even give you a advance.

you - What sort of advance?

Muiri - I have heard the Brotherhood are versed in the arts of seduction, I would be happy to let you practice on me as a bonus.

you - Very well, I will take on the other contract.

This leads to sex. Whether you kill Nilsine or not the quest will complete by just killing Alain.

If you really do kill Nilsine you get the normal bonus and

you - I did as you asked, I think you owe me another bonus.

Muiri - I paid you extra and already gave you a bonus... but ... but if you feel you deserve more, well I guess I can.

which leads to more sex with Muiri agreeing for free of the assassin.


Nilsine can be seduced and killed like the general contracts listed above.



Breaching Security

Going to Dragon Bridge and into Penitus Oculatus Outpost, talking to the one guard inside.

You - Commander Maro has noticed your loyalty and abilities soldier. He sent me to reward you for your service.

Guard - He did? What's the reward?

You - I'm your reward.

this will lead to sex and the guard falling asleep(or going outside or anything so you can easily loot the schedule)


Gauis Maro at any of the inns

you - You're a handsome dashing looking soldier arn't you.

Maro - Do I know you?

you - No no, I just have a... weakness for handsome soldiers.

Maro - Well let me buy you a drink then.

you - How about we skip the drink and just go back to your room?

Maro - Lead on friend.

Once in the room you can have sex with him which poisons aka kills him, let you put the letter on his body.



Recipe for Disaster

Anton Virane have a option to bribe him with sex for the name of the Gourmet. This will also complete that step of the quest so you don't have to kill him.


Those are the only ones I felt made sense. Hopefully they are fitting, either way use the ones you want and feel free to change any dialogue I am just giving example dialogue to show what I was thinking with my choices.



next I will start on the main quest.

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Ok here is the Dark brotherhood breaking it up in contracts and main story arc for them.



I like the idea of adding dialog options to the targets, in case you don't have another mod running to initiate sex.


There is a mod that works with the DB kill quests and the Theieves guild pickpocket ones, http://www.loverslab.com/topic/17733-sexlab-murder-theft-and-seduction/


As long as you have a potion with a damage health effect, you can kill someone after sex.


Narfi does have a Solution if you bring his sister's necklace back, so he wouldn't need a flattering comment anyway.

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Ok here is the Dark brotherhood breaking it up in contracts and main story arc for them.





The following make sense for a seduction kill I feel. Add a new option along the lines of.

You - Hello Beautiful/Handsome(or something fitting for that NPC), I have heard about you(throw in a compliment about what they do)

NPC - Where did you hear that?

you - Everyone of course, I heard so much about you. I just had to come and see for myself and I have to say I'm not disappointed.

NPC - Oh well of course and who could really blame you.

You - I would love to get to know you a little better, perhaps a bit more privately?

NPC - I don't see why not.

After this the NPC will follow you to a out of the way place, then have a option to start sex. Once sex is finished the NPC will die(from poison during sex), letting you loot the body and complete the mission.


Eligible NPC's

everyone but Narfi, which I just fine personally a bit off because of his mental state but of course feel free to add him too.



Side conversations with NPCs in Sanctuary

Arnbjorn, he doesn't like you and you try to get on his good side only to be tricked.

you - Hey look can't we get along?

Arnbjorn - Like I said it just my way, nothing personal.

you - Well maybe if we was friends there could be some ... benefits...

Arnbjorn - Oh really? I have some, lets just call it some interesting tastes. I don't think you would like them.

you - I can take anything you can throw my way.

Arnbjorn - *laugh* You think so do you? On your word on the Night Mother you will follow through and I will show you.

you - You have my word.

At this point he transforms into a werewolf and has his way with you. Follow up dialogue after sex

you - Well I admit it was unexpected but not all bad.

Arnbjorn - HA! Maybe your not so bad after all.

If you talk to him again after this.

You - I think I could go another round, how about you?

Arnbjorn - The beast would like to play.

repeatable sex with him in werewolf form until he dies.



you - I have heard about a book from your homeland describing sexual technics, I have always wondered if they was true.

Nazir - Oh yes the Sutra, yes I know it well.

you - Would you tell me of some of them?

Nazir - One can not tell of such, though if you like I could show you.

you can say yes or no to the offer. no ends the conversation and yes starts sex.



you - I have heard you can kill with blade, bow or even a kiss. Is this true?

Astrid - Of course, we all learn all the arts of death. Sometimes a blade is needed and other times a softer approach is needed.

you - Would you teach me the art of the seductive kill?

Astrid - If you would like, come with me.

which leads to sex.


Story Arc

Mourning Never Comes

after talking to Muiri instead of having the option of taking on the bonus killing of Nilsine or not, have another option.

you - That was not what you called for, you should have stated you wanted both dead.

Muiri - I didn't know it mattered, but I would be willing to make it worth your while. I am willing to even give you a advance.

you - What sort of advance?

Muiri - I have heard the Brotherhood are versed in the arts of seduction, I would be happy to let you practice on me as a bonus.

you - Very well, I will take on the other contract.

This leads to sex. Whether you kill Nilsine or not the quest will complete by just killing Alain.

If you really do kill Nilsine you get the normal bonus and

you - I did as you asked, I think you owe me another bonus.

Muiri - I paid you extra and already gave you a bonus... but ... but if you feel you deserve more, well I guess I can.

which leads to more sex with Muiri agreeing for free of the assassin.


Nilsine can be seduced and killed like the general contracts listed above.



Breaching Security

Going to Dragon Bridge and into Penitus Oculatus Outpost, talking to the one guard inside.

You - Commander Maro has noticed your loyalty and abilities soldier. He sent me to reward you for your service.

Guard - He did? What's the reward?

You - I'm your reward.

this will lead to sex and the guard falling asleep(or going outside or anything so you can easily loot the schedule)


Gauis Maro at any of the inns

you - You're a handsome dashing looking soldier arn't you.

Maro - Do I know you?

you - No no, I just have a... weakness for handsome soldiers.

Maro - Well let me buy you a drink then.

you - How about we skip the drink and just go back to your room?

Maro - Lead on friend.

Once in the room you can have sex with him which poisons aka kills him, let you put the letter on his body.



Recipe for Disaster

Anton Virane have a option to bribe him with sex for the name of the Gourmet. This will also complete that step of the quest so you don't have to kill him.


Those are the only ones I felt made sense. Hopefully they are fitting, either way use the ones you want and feel free to change any dialogue I am just giving example dialogue to show what I was thinking with my choices.



next I will start on the main quest.

I Second These Recommendations, The Only Thing I Would Suggest/Change About Them Is The Optional Nilsine Contract, If The Player Has Already Been To Windhelm/Met The Shatter-Shields Already, Instead Of Killing Her The PC Agrees To Rape Both Nilsine & Tova Shatter-Shield As Well As Beat Up Torbjorn Shatter-Shield (Brawl) As Muiri Makes Clear That She Wants The Clan Of The Shatter-Shields To Learn A Lesson Hence Why She Wants You To Kill Nilsine In The First Place

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Ok here is the Dark brotherhood breaking it up in contracts and main story arc for them.



I like the idea of adding dialog options to the targets, in case you don't have another mod running to initiate sex.


There is a mod that works with the DB kill quests and the Theieves guild pickpocket ones, http://www.loverslab.com/topic/17733-sexlab-murder-theft-and-seduction/


As long as you have a potion with a damage health effect, you can kill someone after sex.


Narfi does have a Solution if you bring his sister's necklace back, so he wouldn't need a flattering comment anyway.


Yeah I know about that mod but it has not been updated in a long time, plus it fits with this mod in that it is solutions and finally I am all for having only one mod cover all the solutions with sex type options.

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just give a blow job to greybeards and forget that damn training for dragon borns

That wouldn't exactly fit in this mod (I think), but I like the idea: instead of the long training session (that in part is a tutorial I would like to skip after doing it a dozen times), get the shouts from the greybeards by having sex with them (like their sperm transfers the knowledge or something I don't know).

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Idea for Jzargo... it bothers me that your only option with him is to be his fuck toy. I think the PC should have the option to say, "Fuck toy? We'll see who's the fuck toy!" which leads to a brawl-type event EXCEPT that it's a magic duel. Jzargo goes aggro, you fight, if the PC wins Jzargo says, "I see I still have much to learn" and accepts "training" from the PC. If the PC loses, Jzargo gets his way.


This is maybe beyond the scope of the mod, but it not only gives you more options with the cat but it introduces mage duels to Skyrim and really, how could such a thing have been left out for so long?

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can you add someting like solutions addon - greybeards because i hate going to high hrotgar and spent a lot of time there

just give a blow job to greybeards and forget that damn training for dragon borns

sorry for my bad english

and thank you for the mod


The main quest including the greybeards is the next set of quests I will be making updates for. I will have to read and check all the quests before I make suggestions and then Wraith will needed to decided if he feels they fit.

Idea for Jzargo... it bothers me that your only option with him is to be his fuck toy. I think the PC should have the option to say, "Fuck toy? We'll see who's the fuck toy!" which leads to a brawl-type event EXCEPT that it's a magic duel. Jzargo goes aggro, you fight, if the PC wins Jzargo says, "I see I still have much to learn" and accepts "training" from the PC. If the PC loses, Jzargo gets his way.


This is maybe beyond the scope of the mod, but it not only gives you more options with the cat but it introduces mage duels to Skyrim and really, how could such a thing have been left out for so long?

I agree that would be interesting, but I try to keep most of my suggestions pretty simple. So it is easier on Wraith to try and do. I choose Jzargo as the dominate in that scene because the PC submits to being experimented on so it just fit in better to me.


A magic dual system would be great but I am not sure Wraith is willing to do it. Though I agree it needs to be done by someone at some point.


Are you talking about the one I put in my post or is there one in game?

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If you just want to skip the quest with the Greybeards (because you know the story, know how to shout and hate waiting on them walking here and there) you can use console codes to complete the quests, unlock and learn the shouts, and start the quest to retrieve the horn.


You can copy/paste the following into a batch file and run it when the way of the voice quest starts, and leave from Dragonsreach, just do not run it before, or things might happen.



; The Way of the Voice
setstage MQ105 5
setstage MQ105 160
setstage MQ105 240
setstage MQ105 290
completequest MQ105
; The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
setstage MQ105Ustengrav 10
setobjectivedisplayed MQ105Ustengrav 10 1


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Main Quest




Before the Storm

This works with either Hadvar or Ralof. Once you get to Riverwood and talk to them and their relatives and are offered to stay there and take the supplies.

You – I thought we was dead for sure, first the chopping block and then that dragon.

Had/Ral – You and me both friend.

You – Now I feel so alive and.... well I shouldn't say.

Had/Ral – Randy, Horny? I know what you mean, anytime you are faced with your death, afterwards you feel that way. It is nothing to be ashamed of lad/lass.

You – Glad I'm not the only one, pity I can't take advantage of this feeling.

Had/Ral – Bah, me and mine owe you, if we can help out in any way let us know.


At this point you can choose to have sex with Hadvar or Ralof, or go speak to Alvor/Sigrid or Gerdur/Hod.

You – Hadvar/Ralof said you might be interested in celebrating being alive with me.

NPC – For Hadvar/Ralof's savoir of course, what did you have in mind?

At this point you can choose to have sex with the NPC you are talking to or have a threesome with them and their spouse. So for example if you was talking to Alvor you could have sex with just him or him and Sigrid at the same time.


Whiterun Gate

BJ at the guard is already in place.



Diplomatic Immunity

Another way to get into the Embassy

You – I think going in as entertanment would be easier to move around as I would be expected to disappear for periods of time.

Delphine – Hmm that's a good idea and if your willing we can arrange for it.


Guard asking for invitation has a new option

you – I'm hired enteranment. I'm to make sure the guests have a good time.


If you choose this then once inside the embassy things are a bit different for you. Once you talk to Elenwen inside the embassy she adds the following dialogue at the end.

Elenwen – You are being paid good money to keep the guests happy, they best be happy or you will be a guest in our dungeon before this night is through. Oh and see to Razelan first thing, his drunken antics are already a annoance.



you – I was told you was looking for some company.

Razelan – Well well you're a pretty little thing, I'm going to ride you like death himself is chasing me. Haha. (which leads to sex, then the you need to have sex with at least 3 other quests before you can ask one to create a diversion. Some generic lines between you and the guests about providing comfort needs to be added.)


Once out of the party and into the rest of the embassy a easy way past the guards. Once they see you a guard will approach and demand who you are.

Guard – Halt! What are you doing here?

You – Elenwen didn't want you to miss out on all the benefits of the party. So she sent me for you to do with as you wish. (this leads to sex, once you have had sex with a guard once they won't approach again) (once down into the dungeon the trick won't work, bonus if different clothes are given to look more like a whores outfit)



A Cornered Rat

When talking to Brynjolf, Vekel, or Dirge.

You – I am sure we can come to some form of arrangement, I am sure I have something you want.

NPC - *looks you over * Well I wouldn't mind having a taste, who knows. Might put me in a more talkative mood. (which leads to sex and complete as if you had bribed them for the information)



Season Unending (including this because it is the most common way to continue the main quest unless the civil war is resolved)

Convincing Tullius/Ulfric

you – Be the bigger man, like I have heard you are and attend the peace council.

Tullus/Ulfric – Why should I? There is nothing to be gained.

You – Isn't stopping the blood for awhile enough? If not it makes you look good to the people of Skyrim that you are willing to talk instead of spend their blood. Not to mention I would be willing to show my appreation as well.

Tullus/Ulfric – Perhaps you have a point, it wouldn't hurt for everyone to know even the Dragonborn submits body to me. (which leads to them agreeing to attend the council and having sex)


That is really it looked at the rest and just didn't see other that really made sense to me that fit in with the lore.


Next I will look at the dungeon quests, there is a few of them I know will work but I doubt to many.

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I don't know if this has been suggested or if you already thought of it, but you could add another way to get into Riften. The city is pretty corrupt, after all and that guard has been on duty all day... Also, during A NIght To Remember, you have SO many possibilities with all the apologizing you're doing. Mainly I was thinking about the Dibellan priestess (she worships Dibella, come on), and Sanguine himself would be a good option since he is the lord of debauchery. You could even talk him into making his guests start an orgy (please add more women if you do because Misty Grove is a total sausage fest). It's not really a "solution" to any problem but the limitations of Bethesda's Skyrim. I'm sure the Sanguine thing is more like a whole new mod, but I thought I'd voice it just in case.


Um, Riften entry already has a Solutions scene. As for A Night To Remember, these have already been suggested, I'll see what I can do.


My mistake. I didn't see the option when I went to Riften for the first time.

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Main Quest






Diplomatic Immunity

Another way to get into the Embassy

You – I think going in as entertanment would be easier to move around as I would be expected to disappear for periods of time.

Delphine – Hmm that's a good idea and if your willing we can arrange for it.


Guard asking for invitation has a new option

you – I'm hired enteranment. I'm to make sure the guests have a good time.


If you choose this then once inside the embassy things are a bit different for you. Once you talk to Elenwen inside the embassy she adds the following dialogue at the end.

Elenwen – You are being paid good money to keep the guests happy, they best be happy or you will be a guest in our dungeon before this night is through. Oh and see to Razelan first thing, his drunken antics are already a annoance.



you – I was told you was looking for some company.

Razelan – Well well you're a pretty little thing, I'm going to ride you like death himself is chasing me. Haha. (which leads to sex, then the you need to have sex with at least 3 other quests before you can ask one to create a diversion. Some generic lines between you and the guests about providing comfort needs to be added.)


Once out of the party and into the rest of the embassy a easy way past the guards. Once they see you a guard will approach and demand who you are.

Guard – Halt! What are you doing here?

You – Elenwen didn't want you to miss out on all the benefits of the party. So she sent me for you to do with as you wish. (this leads to sex, once you have had sex with a guard once they won't approach again) (once down into the dungeon the trick won't work, bonus if different clothes are given to look more like a whores outfit)






Just some variants on what you said.




When the guard asks for your invitation and you say that you are the entertainment, he'll ask for a demonstration so he can belive you. You can suck the guard or Razelan.


Also I was thinking of a simpler way to change this quest, meaning it might be less work in CK.

You enter the party without changing the quest line. When you have to make a distraction, you get the option to provoke Razelan into a "rape" roleplaying game. He would have sex with you in front of the guests, getting the attention of everyone on him.

You could even put 2 options in the dialogue to seduce him into having sex in front of everyone or provoke him into raping you.




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If you just want to skip the quest with the Greybeards (because you know the story, know how to shout and hate waiting on them walking here and there) you can use console codes to complete the quests, unlock and learn the shouts, and start the quest to retrieve the horn.


You can copy/paste the following into a batch file and run it when the way of the voice quest starts, and leave from Dragonsreach, just do not run it before, or things might happen.



; The Way of the Voice

setstage MQ105 5

setstage MQ105 160

setstage MQ105 240

setstage MQ105 290

completequest MQ105

; The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

setstage MQ105Ustengrav 10

setobjectivedisplayed MQ105Ustengrav 10 1



how i activate the bat file once i made it


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If you just want to skip the quest with the Greybeards (because you know the story, know how to shout and hate waiting on them walking here and there) you can use console codes to complete the quests, unlock and learn the shouts, and start the quest to retrieve the horn.


You can copy/paste the following into a batch file and run it when the way of the voice quest starts, and leave from Dragonsreach, just do not run it before, or things might happen.



; The Way of the Voice

setstage MQ105 5

setstage MQ105 160

setstage MQ105 240

setstage MQ105 290

completequest MQ105

; The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

setstage MQ105Ustengrav 10

setobjectivedisplayed MQ105Ustengrav 10 1



how i activate the bat file once i made it



open the console and type


bat <batch-file-name>


and it will perform the sequence of commands.


I have one to give me all the alchemy perks, one for smithing, one for enchanting, another to change a variety of actor values to my personal preference for testing playthroughs.  Many options, I even have one for paying off criminal fines in case I hit the wrong person by accident in a general melee.


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A Cornered Rat

When talking to Brynjolf, Vekel, or Dirge.

You – I am sure we can come to some form of arrangement, I am sure I have something you want.

NPC - *looks you over * Well I wouldn't mind having a taste, who knows. Might put me in a more talkative mood. (which leads to sex and complete as if you had bribed them for the information)


I'm pretty sure bribing Vekel for the location is in game already. What we could have is an option to find a Thalmor agent in the Ratway before we find Esbern, and sex them into agreeing to leave on some tip we deliver about another location.  Not sure it would work because I think they don't actually spawn until after we leave the hidey-hole and by then they are all aggressive.

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may be you take a look into the death alternative- adventures. very good possibilities for thanking for rescue - but please as an addon for those who dont like to play with death alternative.


i hope tha one in the qeue, stay over night in a house for sex, comes soon.


i am really happy you continue Solutions and better than ever !



PS can you tell me why the prison overhaul patch is necessary ? i  dont see anything the mods have in common.

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may be you take a look into the death alternative- adventures. very good possibilities for thanking for rescue - but please as an addon for those who dont like to play with death alternative.


i hope tha one in the qeue, stay over night in a house for sex, comes soon.


i am really happy you continue Solutions and better than ever !



PS can you tell me why the prison overhaul patch is necessary ? i  dont see anything the mods have in common.

Skyrim does not internally merge changes to mod records when multiple mods update the same record, it merely uses the simple last mod to update wins rule.


PO patch is because some NPCs are edited by BOTH mods, the patch combines those edits so both mods retain the changes they made to those NPCs and therefore neither mod breaks.

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