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True, it is an ugly sledgehammer, but if you have any Dremora problems like scene not progressing or dialogue options not selectable,

the Disable - Enable sequence on Velkor has always worked for me.

Whipping scenes all work perfectly for me now, but I still need to reset Velkor occasionally on "I am unable to complete the bond".


Aaqh: I think you are telling me I need to restart from before Vess is trained when their new dialogue comes out.

No problem - I have lots of saves... (How do you enslave someone without training them...)

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Aaqh: I think you are telling me I need to restart from before Vess is trained when their new dialogue comes out.

No problem - I have lots of saves... (How do you enslave someone without training them...)

I'm hoping to rework whole training quest.

That's why i said that theoretically it might be best to leave them both as untrained followers for now - and enslave them later.

if you did enslaved them already it wont be a problem as i would make sure to make it compatible no matter what decision have you made earlier.


Niri wont ever be just another sexslave around - if that thing we're planning with Shadoweir would succeed.

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(How do you enslave someone without training them...)


Ask Vernon to make slave of your follower. I takes some time, one or two days, I don't remember well.



There is something flaky with who Vernor offers to train.

As I recall, he did not offer to train either Vess or Niri. Mia he specified had to go to Velkor.

I have taken generic followers to him, and he did not offer.

But then I took that follower and another - he asked which one, and listed both names.

So I have not quite figured out the criteria. I think it works differently under EFF than it did under UFO.

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I am having two problems with the latest version.  I've only started since 5.0 so it may or may not be related.  Niri is at nearly the last stage of training and her dialog is now sexlab aroused dialog rather than the strung up dialog with feeding and submission.  Allison also just entered the last stage but now when she masturbates after oral, the game CTDs.  I did train Mia successfully without any problems whatsoever.

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Actually, I don't have MiasLair installed. I'll wait to have finished the vanilla main quest and thieves guild ones, before, (At least) to reinstall it.


But, if I remember well, Vernon is available as slave trainer (standalone) only after you have agreed to be a "training example" with Volkar.

After that, he could make a slave from almost every vanilla follower you bring with and with some custom ones. I don't know about Niri and Vess because I never tried to.


It seems that absolute exception is Mia and, maybe, Allison. Not sure for Allison.

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There is something flaky with who Vernor offers to train.

As I recall, he did not offer to train either Vess or Niri. Mia he specified had to go to Velkor.

I have taken generic followers to him, and he did not offer.

But then I took that follower and another - he asked which one, and listed both names.

So I have not quite figured out the criteria. I think it works differently under EFF than it did under UFO.

Vernor expects your follower to have CurrentFollowerFaction rank 1.

Unfortunately EFF is messing up with that.

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@ aqqh


What do you mean? I use EFF from ages and I haven't problems with slave training by Vernon.

I dont rly know how it works exactly.


point is - in vanilla game if you do 

getfactionrank 5c84e

on your follower it should return 1


in EFF4 it returns 0 - at least for me.

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Just a Idea that may be you sould put an option in for the sex slave trainer to train slaves for the player for a payment of gold .

The reason I came up with this is because I have the training time for slaves set to 2 and I have ben beating Mia for almost 2 days real time and nothing has changed much except she did call my character master once and they had sex then back to training (beating consantly).

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@ aqqh


What do you mean? I use EFF from ages and I haven't problems with slave training by Vernon.

I dont rly know how it works exactly.


point is - in vanilla game if you do 

getfactionrank 5c84e

on your follower it should return 1


in EFF4 it returns 0 - at least for me.



Probably because (as the "showfollowercount = 0 even if you have 12 of them), EFF "could" use its own temp faction.

But it works, for me, while I bring a follower to Vernon and ask him to make a slave.


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Well, quick report.


Good: it works fine. As you wrote, is a simple mod but I like it. Of course it could be implemented by using a sort of relationship system, mainly to not have every NPC who accept so easily to kiss me. Anyway, it's very nice.

Edit: a quick look at script sources makes me to think that a relatioship system is already in place. But I tried in Whiterun with some NPCs and I didn't expect it was easy with, for example, Whiterun Guards. Instead, they accepted without problems. Maybe because I'm a Thane?

Second note: the Guard unequip its helmet (as per script) perfectly.

Third note: maybe I'm wrong, because I'm almost totally newbie with scripting, but it seems to me that the "number" of kisses raises the relationship itself and, also, the speech skill level. Is this already operative?


Bad (or simply strange):  kissing a female follower, she wear a strapon over her armor. Why?


Nice: I noticed you used almost exactly the dialogue line I suggested in the previous post. Thanks. This makes me ... proud.


Yes, it does use a relationship rank system.  0(Acquaintance), you have a 50% chance to get a kiss 1(Friend) 70%, and 2 or 3 100%.  I had a test for morailty originaly, but everyone seems to have a 3 morality so I took that out.  The number of kisses eventually raises the relationship rank and every kiss raises speechcraft.


Used your dialog almost exactly because it was very good.  You are a good writer, so if you care to submit other dialog for male and female followers, I would love that.


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i really like this mod, it's nice to have something feel like it's catering to me even a little in this manly man sex mod world.


some of the new voice work i've heard so far is a little on the quiet side for me, especially with niri, but overall i'm impressed with the revamped intro quest. i would have liked the option to have let niri pose as the slaver and your character as one of the slaves if you fail at getting vess to talk but it's not hard for me to imagine why the logistics of that might have precluded the option.

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For some reason, no matter how many configs I touch in the other devious mods, I get interrupted during Acheron's gloating and he flees way past the Gas Trap (I get abused by both girls and several mages still alive past the gas trap...). Teleporting Acheron and trying to speak with him doesn't trigger any advance, but killing him makes the quest completed... yet the gas trap won't dissapear, and it will kill me when I cross.


Sounds like a conflict.  Never heard of this before.


Hi!  Great mod so far.  I've been exploring it, though I ran into a couple of problems.


Archerone seemed to fail to draw his whip during his scene, though on one attempt I died from the gas trap, and when the game restored back to my save outside the hallway, he properly drew his whip on that try.


I didn't run into any other problems until the training scene with Volkar.  I can't get past the part where he discusses the whip.  I'm bound in place and he assumes the stance as if he had drawn the whip, but it remains on his hip.  He talks for a while, and after about 5 minutes the game crashes.


Checking my Papyrus Logs, I think that it might be some other scripts interfering somehow.  I saw a fair number of errors from MilkMod Economy and Captured Dreams.  Anyway, I shall fiddle more later, but if you know any specific fixes I'd appreciate it. :)


This kind of thing has in the past always been a result of script overload. 

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Just a Idea that may be you sould put an option in for the sex slave trainer to train slaves for the player for a payment of gold .

The reason I came up with this is because I have the training time for slaves set to 2 and I have ben beating Mia for almost 2 days real time and nothing has changed much except she did call my character master once and they had sex then back to training (beating consantly).


This shouldn't take that long.  If you have it set to 2, and you take your first opportunity to have Volkar put her on one of the torture devices (which reduces her willpower to 0), it should take like 2 real time hours to train a slave.  Make sure you have Volkar check her every other time you make her kneel.


i really like this mod, it's nice to have something feel like it's catering to me even a little in this manly man sex mod world.


some of the new voice work i've heard so far is a little on the quiet side for me, especially with niri, but overall i'm impressed with the revamped intro quest. i would have liked the option to have let niri pose as the slaver and your character as one of the slaves if you fail at getting vess to talk but it's not hard for me to imagine why the logistics of that might have precluded the option.


Be sure to turn Andrew to Dominate in MCM and take him as a follower.  I think you'll like it.  The voice acting is superb.


Also, Nri's voice is a little quieter than the others because of the softness of Shadoweir's voice which I personally really like.  We attempt to normalize all the dialog lines we import so they are all the same volume, but sometimes, we don't get it perfect.

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There is something flaky with who Vernor offers to train.

As I recall, he did not offer to train either Vess or Niri. Mia he specified had to go to Velkor.

I have taken generic followers to him, and he did not offer.

But then I took that follower and another - he asked which one, and listed both names.

So I have not quite figured out the criteria. I think it works differently under EFF than it did under UFO.

Vernor expects your follower to have CurrentFollowerFaction rank 1.

Unfortunately EFF is messing up with that.



This is not entirely correct.  CurrentFollowerFaction is expected to be >= 0.


Make sure however to have cell scans turned on or followers are not registered.


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Added Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite to the Banned list


This advice comes from Sacremas.  Here is a quote of a PM he sent me.


Time and again the goddamn Luxury Suite has proven to be at fault with other mods, outright breaking them by giving NPCs bad behaviours and messing up animations. I've decided I'm never going to help anyone who has Luxury Suite in their load order unless it's to tell them to remove it, and neither should you really, you can take Wet & Cold and all the other faulty mods I mentioned back then and pile them all together and it still won't cause as much problems as the BBLS will alone.



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Just a Idea that may be you sould put an option in for the sex slave trainer to train slaves for the player for a payment of gold .

I would rather remake whole that quest.

Training by npc is somewhat against the lore imo - by training your slave you create the bond with her. So imo you have to do it yourself not ask someone else to do it for you.



i would have liked the option to have let niri pose as the slaver and your character as one of the slaves if you fail at getting vess to talk but it's not hard for me to imagine why the logistics of that might have precluded the option.

might be interesting as well.

but for sure it would be needed to run the quest from the beginning once again.

and i will also had to find a way to make it match to all other things that are planned for her.


so i'm not telling no wai. just not now.

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Added Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite to the Banned list


This advice comes from Sacremas.  Here is a quote of a PM he sent me.



Time and again the goddamn Luxury Suite has proven to be at fault with other mods, outright breaking them by giving NPCs bad behaviours and messing up animations. I've decided I'm never going to help anyone who has Luxury Suite in their load order unless it's to tell them to remove it, and neither should you really, you can take Wet & Cold and all the other faulty mods I mentioned back then and pile them all together and it still won't cause as much problems as the BBLS will alone.




BBLS does two things, it adds in NPC behaviours to allow NPCs to be visitors to Bathouse, and this potentially screws with AIs, mods that expect the NPC to be elsewhere, and so on. It directly conflicts with Sex Slaves because there's a more than 50/50 chance that some of the actors needed for the Solitude parts of Save the Virgin is going to be at the Bathouse, or more likely on the 1 day+ long walk between Solitude and the Bathouse. Now multiply that to all the other mods that rely on NPCs. Plus it does this very intrusively by inserting these behaviours into the NPC, potentially messing up mods that also want to change those NPCs. Second, it adds an animation system all of it's own to handle the dancing of the girls in the bathouse, and this conflcits with all animation mods, such as this thing I've heard of called Sexlab Framework. If you had Sexlab and the BBLS installed and you saw animations oturight failing, this is likely why. Plus even the optimized versions are so not optimized at all, expect frequent CTDs in that area, if you're running Ugrids7 like me or above, "that area" stretches out almost to the western watchtower.


Send everyone who's using BBLS over to the Underground Bathouse and Paradise Valley instead, that's perfectly fine and my favorite home, get Uglykidcid's script-fixed version here, where he merged the ESPs and fixed some of the teleports; http://www.loverslab.com/topic/36941-uglykidcids-abodes-hideouts-player-homes-blober-blog/

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Added Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite to the Banned list


This advice comes from Sacremas.  Here is a quote of a PM he sent me.



Time and again the goddamn Luxury Suite has proven to be at fault with other mods, outright breaking them by giving NPCs bad behaviours and messing up animations. I've decided I'm never going to help anyone who has Luxury Suite in their load order unless it's to tell them to remove it, and neither should you really, you can take Wet & Cold and all the other faulty mods I mentioned back then and pile them all together and it still won't cause as much problems as the BBLS will alone.




BBLS does two things, it adds in NPC behaviours to allow NPCs to be visitors to Bathouse, and this potentially screws with AIs, mods that expect the NPC to be elsewhere, and so on. It directly conflicts with Sex Slaves because there's a more than 50/50 chance that some of the actors needed for the Solitude parts of Save the Virgin is going to be at the Bathouse, or more likely on the 1 day+ long walk between Solitude and the Bathouse. Now multiply that to all the other mods that rely on NPCs. Plus it does this very intrusively by inserting these behaviours into the NPC, potentially messing up mods that also want to change those NPCs. Second, it adds an animation system all of it's own to handle the dancing of the girls in the bathouse, and this conflcits with all animation mods, such as this thing I've heard of called Sexlab Framework. If you had Sexlab and the BBLS installed and you saw animations oturight failing, this is likely why. Plus even the optimized versions are so not optimized at all, expect frequent CTDs in that area, if you're running Ugrids7 like me or above, "that area" stretches out almost to the western watchtower.


Send everyone who's using BBLS over to the Underground Bathouse and Paradise Valley instead, that's perfectly fine and my favorite home, get Uglykidcid's script-fixed version here, where he merged the ESPs and fixed some of the teleports; http://www.loverslab.com/topic/36941-uglykidcids-abodes-hideouts-player-homes-blober-blog/



talking about the paradis valley. i got permission from its maker to put some zaz stuff in there, maybe hes open to put the inhabitants of mias lair to this new location. well to be honest paradis valley looks so much better than mias lair and you even have prison cells for volkar and verners slaves.^^



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By the way I'm trying to convince UKC to fix the beds in the Underground Bathouse. Sexlab anims don't want to use their beds and if you have something like Lover's Comfort going on you'll see NPCs halfway into the bed often during sex. This is because Andragon didn't actually put real Skyrim beds in there, he put activators with scripts for the undressing parts. Fixing it will probably break the script that makes the NPCs there get naked when sleeping, but for that I highly recommend this mod instead, whcih covers all of Skyrim; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50954/?

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Oh that was you with the UB_ZaZ addon? Thanks a lot dude, been using that for a long time!


sadly not, i got nothing to work and stoped moding after the ck crasht the 20 times without having saved my work. :P

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I'm running every single one of isoku's mods on my current rock solid play, including his new versions of iNeed and Wet & Cold, I'm having no issues at all, and I'm even running Frostfall and ApolloDown's mods at the same time. I love that guy's mods so much, and I wish the fuckers who sent death treats to him to have their balls rot off.

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