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Happy birthday Carida thank you for the awsome voice :D


  I got question here : is other than miaslair follower in pleasure palace will not get climax or rape me when i spank her?

when i tell  slave to spank her she bend...  but no matter how much i spank her, she never get climax or try to rape me, it happen every time i was make fast sexslave via trainer, the trainer tell me to spank her with this weapon until her climax, but it never happen to climax after 10 min i spank her :sleepy: 


i was trying with :


1. using costum follower they just bend no voice or text like mia and other have


2. bandit i catch via paradise hall and just bend like number 1


3. using new miaslair follower vess+niri both of them just bend all the time no text and no voice until i say to get up )


 For other mias follower in pleasure palace such jenn,mia,sasha etc all of them work fine.


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 I got question here : is other than miaslair follower in pleasure palace will not get climax or rape me when i spank her?

Slaves trained by player (or vernor) does not have some abilities.


Only "premade" slaves like jenny, sasha, linda etc got them all.


Likely we would change that in some future version.

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 I got question here : is other than miaslair follower in pleasure palace will not get climax or rape me when i spank her?

Slaves trained by player (or vernor) does not have some abilities.


Only "premade" slaves like jenny, sasha, linda etc got them all.


Likely we would change that in some future version.



Thank you for fast reply

 safe me lot of time to thinking is there someting i mess the mod, since i do not see anyone post it or perhaps i miss it


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 I got question here : is other than miaslair follower in pleasure palace will not get climax or rape me when i spank her?

Slaves trained by player (or vernor) does not have some abilities.


Only "premade" slaves like jenny, sasha, linda etc got them all.


Likely we would change that in some future version.



thank you :heart:

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A couple of ideas a bit off-topic:


1. As female, I like a lot the SSL Leito Kiss Animation used by Andrew. It's ... romantic.

IDEA: a standalone little mod, dialogue based:

--> Player option A (on Follower. Male or Female no matter):  "Honey, we are about a difficult fight. Kiss me and ... good luck.". ---> Result: Health of player and follower raised a bit for some time.

--> Player option B (on generic NPC or follower NOT currently following): "You're a good fellow. Want a kiss?" ---> CONDITION: partner MUST be at least on relationshiprank 2 or above with player. ---> If yes ---> result: Speechcraft increased a bit (for player only, I suppose).

--> Player option C (on NPC who has already a relationshiprank 1 with player AND has arousal lever higher than 50) --> "Kiss me Honey" -- "Oh yes, darling" --->Then ... NPC aroused: "Why stop to only a kiss?" --> Fuck --> Result: Speech raised a bit, Stamina lowered a bit for short time. Realtionshiprank increased by 1.


Option C could be overwelmed by my IDEA #2:

- "I find you very attractive" and so on (with arousal based events) as Standalone mod.


What do you think?


Actually, I already wrote most of this.  PM Carida and tell her to release it.



A male who refused to be a "sex toy" for Mia and then he was considered not worthy to stay in the Palace as "fuck machine" for all the girls.

(I know that to be like Andrew is the secret dream of all you little perverted males. :D  :D  :D )


This male was assigned, as "lower rank" slave, to bad jobs, like clean sewers, lick the floor, enchained, mining, whipped all day, and so on.

A female (a bit romantic) player could have a good feeling and free him. As gratefull boy, he could offer to be a follower and ... one thing follows another, kisses and so on.


At this point, Andrew could be "dominating" only, while this one could be the "romantic" joy toy.


Andrew is sub by default because that is the original voice work we had.  We added a dominate options when a dominate voiced male volunteered to do it.


Happy birthday Carida thank you for the awsome voice :D


  I got question here : is other than miaslair follower in pleasure palace will not get climax or rape me when i spank her?

when i tell  slave to spank her she bend...  but no matter how much i spank her, she never get climax or try to rape me, it happen every time i was make fast sexslave via trainer, the trainer tell me to spank her with this weapon until her climax, but it never happen to climax after 10 min i spank her :sleepy:

This is true.  The code to have a climax during the spanking is in the premade sex slaves.  I could put that same code in an alias, but there are lots of other issues as well that making a "foreign" npc act like a premade very difficult.


i was trying with :


1. using costum follower they just bend no voice or text like mia and other have


2. bandit i catch via paradise hall and just bend like number 1


3. using new miaslair follower vess+niri both of them just bend all the time no text and no voice until i say to get up )

This can be fixed, I'll pass it on to Aqqh


 For other mias follower in pleasure palace such jenn,mia,sasha etc all of them work fine.


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Hey. I accidentaly started the Dark Possesion quaest, and i wondered if there was a way using commands to completely reset the quest and just tell him im never interested and get the qiest about the virgin


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trying the new version and every thing went smooth until "its a trap" Acheron just stands there in front of my toon hanging

attachicon.gifenb 2015_06_05 20_42_53_38.jpg


Is there a setstage code to pass the trapscene?


actualy there is in troubleshoot page to bypas this quest


here :



Q2. I can't get the "Its a trap" scene to continue after I am hanging from the ceiling.

A2. Lots of possible answers here, but the most likely are that you brought a follower with you that cannot be contained in an alias used in the scene. Take vanilla followers with you just to be safe. Once you are in chains, you should have a follower to your right in chains and another ahead of you in the pillory. If you have followers wandering around. Nothing will work. Restart your game from outside the dungeon and grab 2 vanilla followers.

The second most common reason for failure is papyrus heavy mods in your load order. Check your papyrus log for errors and download the two load orders in the download section and compare yours with those that are there. If you have any mods not in these two lists, try disabling them and retry the scene.


Q2a: When I get into the gas trap, my game hangs with a black screen. There is nothing I can do to get out of it.

A2a: Before going into the gas trap, remove all of Alicia Painslut's inventory. This bug is in the Alicia Painslut character and the author has been notified.

If all else fails, use the console command setstage MiaDungeonCapture 60 to bypass the rape scene.

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trying the new version and every thing went smooth until "its a trap" Acheron just stands there in front of my toon hanging

attachicon.gifenb 2015_06_05 20_42_53_38.jpg


Is there a setstage code to pass the trapscene?


You have to restart from a point before the gas trap and then


setstage MiaDungeonCapture 60


However, if you are having this issue, your game is probably overloaded and you will have trouble later


And, thanks andrewnew for answering this post.

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A couple of ideas a bit off-topic:


1. As female, I like a lot the SSL Leito Kiss Animation used by Andrew. It's ... romantic.

IDEA: a standalone little mod, dialogue based:

--> Player option A (on Follower. Male or Female no matter):  "Honey, we are about a difficult fight. Kiss me and ... good luck.". ---> Result: Health of player and follower raised a bit for some time.

--> Player option B (on generic NPC or follower NOT currently following): "You're a good fellow. Want a kiss?" ---> CONDITION: partner MUST be at least on relationshiprank 2 or above with player. ---> If yes ---> result: Speechcraft increased a bit (for player only, I suppose).

--> Player option C (on NPC who has already a relationshiprank 1 with player AND has arousal lever higher than 50) --> "Kiss me Honey" -- "Oh yes, darling" --->Then ... NPC aroused: "Why stop to only a kiss?" --> Fuck --> Result: Speech raised a bit, Stamina lowered a bit for short time. Realtionshiprank increased by 1.


Option C could be overwelmed by my IDEA #2:

- "I find you very attractive" and so on (with arousal based events) as Standalone mod.


What do you think?

If you want to beta test it, here it is.  This is a VERY simple mod.  Install it, run FNIS and then use the SexLab "Reset Animation Registry" in game.  You should have a new Dialog for generic NPCs and a different one for followers.  The followers one bost health for 2 hours by 200.




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If you want to beta test it, here it is.  This is a VERY simple mod.  Install it, run FNIS and then use the SexLab "Reset Animation Registry" in game.  You should have a new Dialog for generic NPCs and a different one for followers.  The followers one bost health for 2 hours by 200.



Thank you Carida and Fishburger67.

I'll give it a try, right now.


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Well, quick report.


Good: it works fine. As you wrote, is a simple mod but I like it. Of course it could be implemented by using a sort of relationship system, mainly to not have every NPC who accept so easily to kiss me. Anyway, it's very nice.

Edit: a quick look at script sources makes me to think that a relatioship system is already in place. But I tried in Whiterun with some NPCs and I didn't expect it was easy with, for example, Whiterun Guards. Instead, they accepted without problems. Maybe because I'm a Thane?

Second note: the Guard unequip its helmet (as per script) perfectly.

Third note: maybe I'm wrong, because I'm almost totally newbie with scripting, but it seems to me that the "number" of kisses raises the relationship itself and, also, the speech skill level. Is this already operative?


Bad (or simply strange):  kissing a female follower, she wear a strapon over her armor. Why?


Nice: I noticed you used almost exactly the dialogue line I suggested in the previous post. Thanks. This makes me ... proud.

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Well, I enslaved Niri and Vess but I probably won't begin training them till at least Niri becomes a fully custom voiced sex slave follower. Looking forward to the new updates.

Tbh thats the best course of action for now.

Either leave her untrained or recruit her as just follower.


Its just that originally that starting quest was supposed to be less complicated and those 2 girls less important.




Second note: the Guard unequip its helmet (as per script) perfectly.


Bad (or simply strange):  kissing a female follower, she wear a strapon over her armor. Why?

I did not try it - so i'm not sure.

But these are most likely controlled by sexlab.


So instead of using default animation sequences they would have to be replaced with custom ones.

Thats a little bit more work - but nothing crazy.


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For some reason, no matter how many configs I touch in the other devious mods, I get interrupted during Acheron's gloating and he flees way past the Gas Trap (I get abused by both girls and several mages still alive past the gas trap...). Teleporting Acheron and trying to speak with him doesn't trigger any advance, but killing him makes the quest completed... yet the gas trap won't dissapear, and it will kill me when I cross.

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Hi!  Great mod so far.  I've been exploring it, though I ran into a couple of problems.


Archerone seemed to fail to draw his whip during his scene, though on one attempt I died from the gas trap, and when the game restored back to my save outside the hallway, he properly drew his whip on that try.


I didn't run into any other problems until the training scene with Volkar.  I can't get past the part where he discusses the whip.  I'm bound in place and he assumes the stance as if he had drawn the whip, but it remains on his hip.  He talks for a while, and after about 5 minutes the game crashes.


Checking my Papyrus Logs, I think that it might be some other scripts interfering somehow.  I saw a fair number of errors from MilkMod Economy and Captured Dreams.  Anyway, I shall fiddle more later, but if you know any specific fixes I'd appreciate it. :)

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For some reason, no matter how many configs I touch in the other devious mods, I get interrupted during Acheron's gloating and he flees way past the Gas Trap (I get abused by both girls and several mages still alive past the gas trap...). Teleporting Acheron and trying to speak with him doesn't trigger any advance, but killing him makes the quest completed... yet the gas trap won't dissapear, and it will kill me when I cross.


To pass the Gas Trap, you MUST search for a lever that disables it.


Hi!  Great mod so far.  I've been exploring it, though I ran into a couple of problems.


Archerone seemed to fail to draw his whip during his scene, though on one attempt I died from the gas trap, and when the game restored back to my save outside the hallway, he properly drew his whip on that try.


I didn't run into any other problems until the training scene with Volkar.  I can't get past the part where he discusses the whip.  I'm bound in place and he assumes the stance as if he had drawn the whip, but it remains on his hip.  He talks for a while, and after about 5 minutes the game crashes.


Checking my Papyrus Logs, I think that it might be some other scripts interfering somehow.  I saw a fair number of errors from MilkMod Economy and Captured Dreams.  Anyway, I shall fiddle more later, but if you know any specific fixes I'd appreciate it. :)


The best possible fix is to try to reduce at minimum the scripts load. If you already have some mods with heavy script load, it could help to disable them temporarely, at least during the Mia's Dungeon's sequences.


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For some reason, no matter how many configs I touch in the other devious mods, I get interrupted during Acheron's gloating and he flees way past the Gas Trap (I get abused by both girls and several mages still alive past the gas trap...). Teleporting Acheron and trying to speak with him doesn't trigger any advance, but killing him makes the quest completed... yet the gas trap won't dissapear, and it will kill me when I cross.


To pass the Gas Trap, you MUST search for a lever that disables it.


Hi!  Great mod so far.  I've been exploring it, though I ran into a couple of problems.


Archerone seemed to fail to draw his whip during his scene, though on one attempt I died from the gas trap, and when the game restored back to my save outside the hallway, he properly drew his whip on that try.


I didn't run into any other problems until the training scene with Volkar.  I can't get past the part where he discusses the whip.  I'm bound in place and he assumes the stance as if he had drawn the whip, but it remains on his hip.  He talks for a while, and after about 5 minutes the game crashes.


Checking my Papyrus Logs, I think that it might be some other scripts interfering somehow.  I saw a fair number of errors from MilkMod Economy and Captured Dreams.  Anyway, I shall fiddle more later, but if you know any specific fixes I'd appreciate it. :)


The best possible fix is to try to reduce at minimum the scripts load. If you already have some mods with heavy script load, it could help to disable them temporarely, at least during the Mia's Dungeon's sequences.




  have same problem but this bug not always happen, just some time he drew the whip and sometimehe dont draw the whips  just standing there in battle mode.

 when i look back at my mod installer, recently i change my onehand style animation before this problem popup

so i try this

-, when train sexslave in vernor not draw the whip use "disable - enable" command at vernor it will fix it ( it will past the whip scene, and he go to blowjob scene )


-, i change my onehand animation to vanilla ( at this time dont see this problem anymore )


that it... hope that help ;)

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Прошу разрешить сделать перевод на русский язык. И разместить этот мод на сайте "gamer-mods.ru"


Request permission to make a translation into Russian language. And post this mod on the website "gamer-mods.ru"

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Прошу разрешить сделать перевод на русский язык. И разместить этот мод на сайте "gamer-mods.ru"


Request permission to make a translation into Russian language. And post this mod on the website "gamer-mods.ru"

This mod is a master file now so pretty much anyone can make any kind of addon if they feel like it - or at least as long as it wont collide with our work...

So i guess you can make a "translate plugin" if you like - tho i'm not sure if you are aware what you are getting yourself into  ;)

there is at least 2000 lines already and we keep adding more with each update.

You would be pretty much on your own with this - no idea about Fish but i cant either speak or read Russian.

Also i cant guarantee that at some point we wont decide to remake some of the existing dialogues - for example slave training quest.


If you would create such plugin then it's yours - in my book you're free to do with it what you like.

As for reupload of the whole mod that's up to Fish to decide.



um how do I complete find marta battle-born?? I found her body and pick up the heirloom but it doesnt say what I need to do next :/

Apparently something is wrong with this quest. We have no idea what exactly as neither of us was able to reproduce the problem.

next version would introduce some changes - hopefully it would be more reliable.

feel free to ignore this quest for the time being - as it is of minor importance.


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Well, I enslaved Niri and Vess but I probably won't begin training them till at least Niri becomes a fully custom voiced sex slave follower. Looking forward to the new updates.

Tbh thats the best course of action for now.

Either leave her untrained or recruit her as just follower.


Its just that originally that starting quest was supposed to be less complicated and those 2 girls less important.



Will Niri have voice acting for the sex slave training part as well?

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