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 I gave this a try; I'm sampling a lot of different mods right now, and I appreciate the fact that I was

able to uninstall this without a disaster... not always the case with Skyrim mods.


 The voiced NPCs certainly add a lot to the enjotment. About the only negative I could say is that

the voice levels need to balanced for loudness; some of the female voices get REALLY LOUD at



 I had consistent issues with the rope cross and the horse props; might be a case of them being too

close to the wall in that particular room combined with camera weirdness from the room being a bit

too small.


 I mainly played for the 'PC being dominated' content (I just can't get into owning slaves for some

reason), and the dialog was really effective. I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much, being a guy

who plays as a female character; but it put me in an interesting head space.


 Thanks for all your work; I'll be checking back from time to time to see what else you've come up with.

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Erm, i keep finding those "Invisible notes" and it says that i'm not supposed to find them. Is this well normal or bothersome or something? I don't think it really hurts because i already did all the quests from this mod and i didn't found anything abnormal. I'm using version 0.43 which i know is a pretty old one. Maybe this is exactly one of those issues you might have fixed already. I'm just curious why this happened anyway)

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Ok I think I got everything


Loaded old save works fine so far:

Version: 45

Trainee: Mia Lorenz


GetFactionRank 160085b3: -2.00

GetFactionRank 1604e8d3: -2.00


save with problems:

Same version

same trainee


GetFactionRank 1604e8d3: -1.00

GetFactionRank 160085b3: -2.00


Hope that helps.

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Erm, i keep finding those "Invisible notes" and it says that i'm not supposed to find them. Is this well normal or bothersome or something? I don't think it really hurts because i already did all the quests from this mod and i didn't found anything abnormal. I'm using version 0.43 which i know is a pretty old one. Maybe this is exactly one of those issues you might have fixed already. I'm just curious why this happened anyway)


What version, should have been fixed

Ok I think I got everything


Loaded old save works fine so far:

Version: 45

Trainee: Mia Lorenz


GetFactionRank 160085b3: -2.00

GetFactionRank 1604e8d3: -2.00


save with problems:

Same version

same trainee


GetFactionRank 1604e8d3: -1.00

GetFactionRank 160085b3: -2.00


Hope that helps.


This tell me that Mia is not being chained.  You have to go talk to Volkar and tell him you want to train Mia.  He will then chain her up and you should then have the right dialog.

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hi guys i just want to say this mod is awesome but i just got a brain strom and cant sleep till i type this out

 not sure how hard it would be but if theres away to put in a option to have the guy upstairs to auto train the npc's for u i think that would be sweet

 like have the npc's act out the role wile u watch them train them for u cut out the it's a trap quest

 clear the downstairs of bodys only have the trainer npc down there have the tallzomon escort the 2 new npcs to the castle with u and when u get there

 he will give u the key to get inside he could act as a helper trainer for the trainer up stairs and really put the npc's into action

some times simple is better

 all so u could make a deal with  boss jarlin to bring u female npc's to be trained at the castle

 and put in a option to buy and sell slaves back to the npc's so they could be keeped for storage

 its just a shame to have to kill off all them usefull npc's

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Really like this mod!

However I have a - maybe banal - issue with 045Beta18_Loose. In the first mission (Jarl's daughter) I can not tie up Vess. No such dialog option comes up, and I can not find another way either.


Could anyone help me with it?

Thanks in advance!

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However I have a - maybe banal - issue with 045Beta18_Loose. In the first mission (Jarl's daughter) I can not tie up Vess. No such dialog option comes up, and I can not find another way either

when you heal her up quest should update to stage 58 (objective Tie her up.)

then all you need to do is to talk to her again.

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I am trying to do the On the trail quest... and I am stuck at the defend yourself part. I kill them and nothing happens. They are dead with markers above their head. Can anyone help please?

which version are you using?


There was a bug in beta 16 with female bandit alias (Vess). So if you started this quest on beta 16 you need to get beta 18 and start again from clean save.

Clean save means you need a save that never had beta 16 loaded.


If you are unable / unwilling to do so and you would rather want to fix your current save



install this


if you have a save from before you have talked with the stranger

open Mias Lair Repair MCM

click Assign button (ignore the others)

save and uninstall this plugin


if you dont have a save from before you have talked to stranger use some save from before you have talked with Jorlan.

travel to hunters rest (but not close enough for Jorlan to greet you)

open Mias Lair Repair MCM

click Assign button

click Spawn Vess button

save and uninstall this plugin



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Guest Shashankie

My Skyrim keeps on crashing when i try to save the game. Has anyone got any idea of the possible cause of this?

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However I have a - maybe banal - issue with 045Beta18_Loose. In the first mission (Jarl's daughter) I can not tie up Vess. No such dialog option comes up, and I can not find another way either

when you heal her up quest should update to stage 58 (objective Tie her up.)

then all you need to do is to talk to her again.





Problem solved this way: I have left the cell and returned later. Vess was standing, and I had the dialog correctly.

I think the problem was she never stood up after the poitioning - but leaving and returning solved that.


Thanks for your quick answer!


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However I have a - maybe banal - issue with 045Beta18_Loose. In the first mission (Jarl's daughter) I can not tie up Vess. No such dialog option comes up, and I can not find another way either

when you heal her up quest should update to stage 58 (objective Tie her up.)

then all you need to do is to talk to her again.





Problem solved this way: I have left the cell and returned later. Vess was standing, and I had the dialog correctly.

I think the problem was she never stood up after the poitioning - but leaving and returning solved that.


Thanks for your quick answer!



Glad you got it running


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I am trying to do the On the trail quest... and I am stuck at the defend yourself part. I kill them and nothing happens. They are dead with markers above their head. Can anyone help please?

which version are you using?


There was a bug in beta 16 with female bandit alias (Vess). So if you started this quest on beta 16 you need to get beta 18 and start again from clean save.

Clean save means you need a save that never had beta 16 loaded.


If you are unable / unwilling to do so and you would rather want to fix your current save



install this


if you have a save from before you have talked with the stranger

open Mias Lair Repair MCM

click Assign button (ignore the others)

save and uninstall this plugin


if you dont have a save from before you have talked to stranger use some save from before you have talked with Jorlan.

travel to hunters rest (but not close enough for Jorlan to greet you)

open Mias Lair Repair MCM

click Assign button

click Spawn Vess button

save and uninstall this plugin





I am not getting the MCM menu. Tried to install with MO and manually, nothing happens, no options. Going to try with a clean save..


DAMNIT, FNIS :D :D Working, but I have no option with Vess whatsoever. She either stays hostile and can't be killed, or she just stands there and there's nothing to talk about with her.. The quest markers remain on her and the two bodies. I'm giving up (for now)

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Guest Shashankie


My Skyrim keeps on crashing when i try to save the game. Has anyone got any idea of the possible cause of this?


hmm are you useing the voice preset mod with custom voice file if so put it at the bottom of ur load order

it should fix the crashing




No i am not using any and Here's my papyrus log if that helps.


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I have encountered very strange thing, I'm running Inigo v2.0 as my follower with MiasLair ver043b, and I don't exactly remember when it started but he started to reply to my command with "Whatever you want Mistress"(case sensitive), which I believe is coming from topic SexSlFemalePCShared in the quest SexSlFemalePC, although my PC is male and Inigo does not belong to SexSlSlaveMale faction.

I tried using console command targeted to Inigo "addfac xx027812 -1" to make sure Inigo is not in SexSlSlaveMale faction, but Inigo would continue to use that line when I ever I tell him to do something.




That is indeed very strange.  That reply comes from several sex slave commands.  I am guessing that you have some kind of mod order problem or with a mod merge.


I get this all the time when i order followers to do something, it is indeed load-order related BUT in my case it does not affect followers that use a custom follower system (sofia, inigo etc.)


I use EFF and i usually have something like this:


EFF core.esm

follower1(vanilla system).esp

follower2(custom system).esp

Eff plugin.esp

Eff dialogue plugin.esp



if I move mias lair above follower 1 and 2 the "Whatever you want Mistress" issue will disappear but then i will get issues with slaves not leaving or not having the dialog to follow me. (but in this case one could use EFF to force them to follow)


I don't know which follower system you use but play around with the load order of those elements and you may find a good compromise, i personally don't mind that dialogue line tbh.




Now that MiasLair.esp is an ESM with an ESP extension, moving any mods that are ESP's above it is now not possible.
For anyone who is playing as a male PC, and dislikes seeing "Whatever you want Mistress." When commanding, asking a follower (non-sex slave) to do you a favor, e.g. pick something up, kill someone, sit, sleep, etc.. Open MiasLair.esp in TES5Edit. Go to "FormID > 0509716F Editor ID > SexSlMaleWhateverYouWant  > Whatever you want Mistress" then change "NAM1 - Response Text" to "Whatever you want Master" save, done.
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Does you relationship with Andrew influence Dark Posession quest in any way?
If not, then I have a suggestion:

If PC is female and Andrew is dominant, then instead of breaking a contract with Volkar, you get the option to rewrite it with Andrew as a beneficiary, giving yourself to him voluntraily in ultimate act of submission, It instantly upgrades your relationship with Andrew to piercing stage (assuming you haven`t gotten there yet) and gives you the same berserk buff that the other slaves get when their  Master is hurt (since you`re now a fully trained sex slave)


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Does you relationship with Andrew influence Dark Posession quest in any way?

If not, then I have a suggestion:


If PC is female and Andrew is dominant, then instead of breaking a contract with Volkar, you get the option to rewrite it with Andrew as a beneficiary, giving yourself to him voluntraily in ultimate act of submission, It instantly upgrades your relationship with Andrew to piercing stage (assuming you haven`t gotten there yet) and gives you the same berserk buff that the other slaves get when their  Master is hurt (since you`re now a fully trained sex slave)



No, it has no bearing.  And, that sounds like a pretty good idea.  I'll pass it by Darkminxi and see what she thinks.

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Does you relationship with Andrew influence Dark Posession quest in any way?

If not, then I have a suggestion:


If PC is female and Andrew is dominant, then instead of breaking a contract with Volkar, you get the option to rewrite it with Andrew as a beneficiary, giving yourself to him voluntraily in ultimate act of submission, It instantly upgrades your relationship with Andrew to piercing stage (assuming you haven`t gotten there yet) and gives you the same berserk buff that the other slaves get when their  Master is hurt (since you`re now a fully trained sex slave)



Talking with Darkminxi about this and we are trying to understand what you want.  At the moment, you can get out of the Volkar contract just by completing the Tabitha quest.  If you want Andrew to be another Volkar, that is not gonna happen.  They are designed differently to suit different tastes.


So, we need to know what you are trying to achieve.  This would be pretty easy to do so long as you know that Andrew will never visit the dungeon and he is never going to be like Volkar.

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My Skyrim keeps on crashing when i try to save the game. Has anyone got any idea of the possible cause of this?


hmm are you useing the voice preset mod with custom voice file if so put it at the bottom of ur load order

it should fix the crashing




No i am not using any and Here's my papyrus log if that helps.



You have several scripts that are missing assets, maybe as a result of uninstalling the mod or upgrading incorrectly.  Suggest you run savetool.ext on it as a quick test.



If that does not help, There is a new version of SKSE that supposedly writes log information about where a crash occured.  In this case, I don't think it will show much, but it might be worth a try,



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Talking with Darkminxi about this and we are trying to understand what you want.  At the moment, you can get out of the Volkar contract just by completing the Tabitha quest.  If you want Andrew to be another Volkar, that is not gonna happen.  They are designed differently to suit different tastes.


So, we need to know what you are trying to achieve.  This would be pretty easy to do so long as you know that Andrew will never visit the dungeon and he is never going to be like Volkar.

I say that Andrew should get jelous if any other male (including volkar or even especially volkar) would try to play with his toy.


So if Andrew would consider player char as his fucktoy he should demand that you break your contract with Volkar ASAP if you have it already signed

or prevent you from signing it / forcing player to choose "Him or Me. I do not like to share my belongings."


Thats how i would see it.

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Talking with Darkminxi about this and we are trying to understand what you want. 



I want an immersive resolution to the whole "slave of two masters" situation that a really submissive female PC might end in.

Of course, a contract can be broken - but it kinda feels like a wasted opportunity for someone who`s in love with her dom (Andrew).


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I really like the concept that Vaukalar just threw there: PC being a fully trained sex slave...

Could the PC be trained by Andrew until she gets the bond, the same as the PC trains the other slaves ? That would be awesome for Andrew´s branch

Maybe the first time that the PC don´t satisfy Andrew´s needs, he gets angry and gets the player to a device to start training her. :)


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