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Hi, I wish to give another try to this mod, with my new character and game.

But, considering it's a beta version, I'm abit scared about the gigantic number of scripts (about 1260).

It's possible, if something goes wrong, I will wish to unistall the mod after the try.


So, it could be a lot better to have almost everything packed into a BSA.

I'm not asking to have a bsa version.


I know, and I have it, ther is the Archive.exe program coming with the CK. I used it in the past.

But, by now, I don't remember how exactly I could make a right BSA, from this 16 beta version.


If someone could be so kind to give me some hints, I'll be gratefull. (even I could give him a big kiss).


Why exactly would you want that? If you pack it into a BSA the number of scripts do not change at all, your only benefit of this is being able to uninstall manually much easier. If you are using a mod manager like NMM or Mod Organizer it's highly recommended you make nearly all your mods non-BSAs, because that way they are read faster and the game don't have to unpack them, resulting in less load times.


Main benefit with BSAs is that they are always read before loose files, so if you have a loose file that needs to overwrite a BSA it works automatically, if you unpack the BSA you have to make sure the rigth things are beign overwritten.

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I ran the command as you stated.... sqv aqss_MiaVessInter


scrolled up and saw Ref Vess -> NONE

That means her alias is not filled. Heck if i know why as i never had any kind of issues with it.


there might be something wrong with how this alias is set. i'll take a look at it.


Likely you will have to drop all progress made on that quest.

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I ran the command as you stated.... sqv aqss_MiaVessInter


scrolled up and saw Ref Vess -> NONE

That means her alias is not filled. Heck if i know why as i never had any kind of issues with it.


there might be something wrong with how this alias is set. i'll take a look at it.


Likely you will have to drop all progress made on that quest.


That's not an issue since it is the very beginning anyway. I've uninstalled the mod and reinstalled it with the same results. Frustrating. Thanks for your help none the less.

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That's not an issue since it is the very beginning anyway. I've uninstalled the mod and reinstalled it with the same results. Frustrating. Thanks for your help none the less.

you can try this


it changes how alias is filled. you can get rid of it as soon quest would be initialized on new chartacter. On save that already has this quest running you can try

resetquest aqss_miavessinter


guess i would integrate it later. For now Fish had the esp.

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@ sacremas


My purpose is exactly to have an easy way to uninstall things manually, as I like to install evrything without using mod managers.

I always had bad experiences with managers and also with loot mainly because a lot of LL mods are not recognized at all by them (load order problem).

Not last that sometimes they don't work so fine (forgotten files after unistall, garbages arounds, bad folders and so on).


I gained some experience on Skyrim's mods and I know pretty well how place them in the right way for the load order. My game is actually really stable, even if I have more than 120 mods, some with heavy scripts' load, and I run it still on an old 32bit computer. I can play, with all graphics settings to max, a lot of followers and all effects enabled, for more than four, five hours sessions, fullscreen 1920x1080, 60 FPS almost costant both exteriors and interiors. No ENB, but Purity. Some enhanced textures HD.


Yes, my load time (the first one) is enough long, but I'm used to.

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You should try out Mod Organizer, it offers all the benefits of installing manually and a manager both as you can decide during install of a file where each file should go if it's badly packaged, and you can run automated FOMOD installers that some mods require. You can also change the load order of your assets as opposed to just your ESPs, like if some armor bugfix overwrote the look on your sexy armor, just swap the assets load orders, any other way and you'd have to uninstall and reinstall both mods.


Check the guide in my sig for more info on Mod Organizer. I'm currently running a rock solid game with mods like Wet & Cold and Epic Gameplay Overhaul and 225 or so mods.

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Thanks but the female bandit is not there. After the opening dialog with the bandit boss, I get attacked by just the 2 male bandits. There is no female bandit, just the girl with the blue hair tied up as a prisoner.


Is it possible to use the "moveto player" console command to make her appear?


So to sum it up.... Vess is missing from my quest. The mod works fine up until I get to the bandit shack... After initial dialog with bandit leader both him and the grunt attack me... Vess is not there. I kill both bandits but the quest stage "Defend Yourself" never completes because I do not battle Vess.


I have run the command SQV aqss_MiaVessInter and see that there is no reference to Vess..... Where it should show Ref Vess -> xx0D5C14 it only shows Ref Vess -> NONE


I have uninstalled the MOD, resaved my game... Re-installed the MOD with the patch from page 241 provided by Aqqh. ... Started the quest line again and as soon as i got the letter to speak to the Jarl, ran the SQV aqss_MiaVessInter command again... Again the reference to Vess = NONE.. So apparently Vess is not loading with the quest. Just for the hell of it, I played thru to the bandits shack again and again, no Vess...I see no reason for this as I have no mods that would overwrite that character.


The load order for this MOD is 0F and I have ensured that it loads after all other .esm/.esp that it depends upon.


I am about to give up unless anyone can make sense of this.. Thanks

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Thanks but the female bandit is not there. After the opening dialog with the bandit boss, I get attacked by just the 2 male bandits. There is no female bandit, just the girl with the blue hair tied up as a prisoner.


Is it possible to use the "moveto player" console command to make her appear?


So to sum it up.... Vess is missing from my quest. The mod works fine up until I get to the bandit shack... After initial dialog with bandit leader both him and the grunt attack me... Vess is not there. I kill both bandits but the quest stage "Defend Yourself" never completes because I do not battle Vess.


I have run the command SQV aqss_MiaVessInter and see that there is no reference to Vess..... Where it should show Ref Vess -> xx0D5C14 it only shows Ref Vess -> NONE


I have uninstalled the MOD, resaved my game... Re-installed the MOD with the patch from page 241 provided by Aqqh. ... Started the quest line again and as soon as i got the letter to speak to the Jarl, ran the SQV aqss_MiaVessInter command again... Again the reference to Vess = NONE.. So apparently Vess is not loading with the quest. Just for the hell of it, I played thru to the bandits shack again and again, no Vess...I see no reason for this as I have no mods that would overwrite that character.


The load order for this MOD is 0F and I have ensured that it loads after all other .esm/.esp that it depends upon.


I am about to give up unless anyone can make sense of this.. Thanks



The latest beta is broken.  Somehow the Vess alias is not getting filled.  Aqqh is working hard on a fix and we'll put up a new beta.


In the mean time, If you want, I am putting up Beta 14 which I tested and it worked ok.  However, you might just want to wait till tomorrow.


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Thanks but the female bandit is not there. After the opening dialog with the bandit boss, I get attacked by just the 2 male bandits. There is no female bandit, just the girl with the blue hair tied up as a prisoner.


Is it possible to use the "moveto player" console command to make her appear?


So to sum it up.... Vess is missing from my quest. The mod works fine up until I get to the bandit shack... After initial dialog with bandit leader both him and the grunt attack me... Vess is not there. I kill both bandits but the quest stage "Defend Yourself" never completes because I do not battle Vess.


I have run the command SQV aqss_MiaVessInter and see that there is no reference to Vess..... Where it should show Ref Vess -> xx0D5C14 it only shows Ref Vess -> NONE


I have uninstalled the MOD, resaved my game... Re-installed the MOD with the patch from page 241 provided by Aqqh. ... Started the quest line again and as soon as i got the letter to speak to the Jarl, ran the SQV aqss_MiaVessInter command again... Again the reference to Vess = NONE.. So apparently Vess is not loading with the quest. Just for the hell of it, I played thru to the bandits shack again and again, no Vess...I see no reason for this as I have no mods that would overwrite that character.


The load order for this MOD is 0F and I have ensured that it loads after all other .esm/.esp that it depends upon.


I am about to give up unless anyone can make sense of this.. Thanks



The latest beta is broken.  Somehow the Vess alias is not getting filled.  Aqqh is working hard on a fix and we'll put up a new beta.


In the mean time, If you want, I am putting up Beta 14 which I tested and it worked ok.  However, you might just want to wait till tomorrow.


That's great news man!! Thanks for all your help!

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Sex Slaves Beta 14 is Available


This beta is the last one I personally tested the opening quest in.  Those people who are just starting this mod should load Beta 14 and complete the main quest.  Alternatively, you can wait till tomorrow and we will have a new beta ready.


You will find this file on the Mega NZ link #!qBwURBpQ!Sdjoy0WnlW9M1U8HKR5KtSslFNaQgAEobGzJuI4x_BU


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Non-bug, quest change suggestion/request


I don't know if this was changed in beta 15/16, I last tested in beta 14.




At the point in the quest (On the trail) where you reach the entrance (Stage 90), and have to get past trollz and his assistant, can we be allowed to kill them right there and bypass the dialogue?


When I tried it in 14 a few days ago I got stuck because Vess was bugged, she would exit dialgoue right after you tried to talk to her, and you would get the following log spam:



[05/23/2015 - 12:11:53AM] Vess is locked down
[05/23/2015 - 12:11:53AM] Follower 2 Arrived at beat spot

.. repeated about 5 times a second for at least a minute



I don't know if that bug was fixed in 15/16 or if it's even Mia's lair that caused it, it sorts itself out on it's own after a few minutes so it's not impassable, but I decided "screw it, I found their base, lets just kill everything". Trollz is essential, so you can't kill him without console. Even if you kill him and take the key so you can keep going forward, the original quest stage order is messed up after It's a Trap is finished.


I feel it would be reasonable if the player just killed them for the key and enter, that sounds like it could be a valid (hidden) quest stage. The only issue is the dialogue when you return to Niris would have to account for the possibility that you didn't force her to strip, which means some additional dialogue would be needed (which means more sound files too)



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You should try out Mod Organizer, it offers all the benefits of installing manually and a manager both as you can decide during install of a file where each file should go if it's badly packaged, and you can run automated FOMOD installers that some mods require. You can also change the load order of your assets as opposed to just your ESPs, like if some armor bugfix overwrote the look on your sexy armor, just swap the assets load orders, any other way and you'd have to uninstall and reinstall both mods.


Check the guide in my sig for more info on Mod Organizer. I'm currently running a rock solid game with mods like Wet & Cold and Epic Gameplay Overhaul and 225 or so mods.


normally skyrim can handle 255 mods at the same time (given your box is good for it - a decent videocard and enough RAM), but this is not realy true with Mod Organizer... some mods you will use will be texture-changes, only... and these mods doesn't count for the number.... so in fact you could use more, exactly 255 ESM/esp... but it will work in the correct loadorder... sometimes you have to correct loot... but changing priority or in realy hardcases locking them will help to get your game stable...


since 1.3.4 Mod Organizer seems to be a lot more stable ...

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Non-bug, quest change suggestion/request


I don't know if this was changed in beta 15/16, I last tested in beta 14.




At the point in the quest (On the trail) where you reach the entrance (Stage 90), and have to get past trollz and his assistant, can we be allowed to kill them right there and bypass the dialogue?


When I tried it in 14 a few days ago I got stuck because Vess was bugged, she would exit dialgoue right after you tried to talk to her, and you would get the following log spam:



[05/23/2015 - 12:11:53AM] Vess is locked down

[05/23/2015 - 12:11:53AM] Follower 2 Arrived at beat spot

.. repeated about 5 times a second for at least a minute



I don't know if that bug was fixed in 15/16 or if it's even Mia's lair that caused it, it sorts itself out on it's own after a few minutes so it's not impassable, but I decided "screw it, I found their base, lets just kill everything". Trollz is essential, so you can't kill him without console. Even if you kill him and take the key so you can keep going forward, the original quest stage order is messed up after It's a Trap is finished.


I feel it would be reasonable if the player just killed them for the key and enter, that sounds like it could be a valid (hidden) quest stage. The only issue is the dialogue when you return to Niris would have to account for the possibility that you didn't force her to strip, which means some additional dialogue would be needed (which means more sound files too)




you are able to bypass mostly every step at any time, given the right setstage commands... there is no need to meet the bandits "alone", no need to follow  or even having the nice little dancing scene of Vess inside the entrance of the dungeon... just stop BEFORE the not needed scene is triggered... for example... you might went solo without any follower (yes, even without Vess/Niri straight to the dungeon, start the quest with setstages just to the point you would enter the dungeon (or the "trap-scene") , then do a "Prid moveto player".... and go on.. in case of Niri the Prid will work without any failure... for Vess you have to do a step more... first prid enable (she is in a temp-status, if the quest is not triggered in the normal way) and after enabling you can move her to you... in such a way it would be possible to have other followers you like more at your command, too ... but for playing the trap-scene it would be wise only to have Vess/Niri at your side since they are more or less vanilla-npc ... just be sure that they are recognized with the cell-scan before entering the dungeon (look at MCM-menu slavelab for the number of recognized followers for being sure)... after the trap-scene you can have as many followers you like to stroll with or your follower-mod can handle


the difference will be that you don't have to go back to Niri/Vess to the dungeon-jail-cells for deciding what to do with them.. just turn around after freeing the jarls-daughter because they will stand near to you all the time (silently following you even after the trap-scene)

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You should try out Mod Organizer, it offers all the benefits of installing manually and a manager both as you can decide during install of a file where each file should go if it's badly packaged, and you can run automated FOMOD installers that some mods require. You can also change the load order of your assets as opposed to just your ESPs, like if some armor bugfix overwrote the look on your sexy armor, just swap the assets load orders, any other way and you'd have to uninstall and reinstall both mods.


Check the guide in my sig for more info on Mod Organizer. I'm currently running a rock solid game with mods like Wet & Cold and Epic Gameplay Overhaul and 225 or so mods.


normally skyrim can handle 255 mods at the same time (given your box is good for it - a decent videocard and enough RAM), but this is not realy true with Mod Organizer... some mods you will use will be texture-changes, only... and these mods doesn't count for the number.... so in fact you could use more, exactly 255 ESM/esp... but it will work in the correct loadorder... sometimes you have to correct loot... but changing priority or in realy hardcases locking them will help to get your game stable...


since 1.3.4 Mod Organizer seems to be a lot more stable ...



I meant just ESPs and ESMs with the 225 mods, if you count merged mods, texture mods and such, you get closer to around 800 mods.

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After making Mia Lorenz an Slave, she still is aggressive toward me and my companions will attack her, but she is pretty much invulnerable, anything to fix this? 


She should have a relationshiprank of 4 after you beat her.  You can use the console command getrelationshiprank player to be sure.


If not, setrelationshiprank player 4 should fix that.


Also, just sheathing your weapon should eventually stop your companions from attacking her.

hmm.. Andrew used to keep kissing my character everytime I started the game but I sent him away and now whenever I start the game an invisible npc kisses me and I don't know how to stop it.. Any clues?


This was fixed in beta 16 (or should have been), are you using that version?



My version was 14.. I shall upgrade now. :-)

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to fix Vess being there at start of the quest/game... just try to give her a basic skin - since I am always changing outfit/perks of Niri/Vess/Jenn and Sasha for testing them outside the mod with the other quest of Skyrim/DLC1-3 - I had no quarrels having them at the right places... only onetime I had to manually "enable" Vess as I startet the game outside the normal cells within a special testroom (not qasmoke but similiar) - maybe it has to do with the fact, that you can have borderlines for skyrim or get rid of them with seamless windows and having realy new lands behind the normal frontiers



Vess/Niri has the same time/questlocation to "appear" inside the game - but have different "storing locations" inside the mod (Niri is marked to be at the hut from the beginning, Vess is inside the templair of mia... why not move Vess near Niri and delete her inside the templair? - maybe this will fix the "not-filled-feature" at the beginning inside beta15/16


strange as it might be this "not-filled-feature" had occur only one-time for me with another mod (the located NPC at a given location were on holiday - meaning not there) as in similiar to the missing dialog-line-feature-at-first-time-meeting... saving the game, reloading the saved game fixed it... so maybe it is a cache-related-feature at creation-time of the beta inside CK, too... changing the NPC for outfit/skeletons/bodyreplacers for myself had had the nice effect, that your npc were always there as they should be



p.s.: tested a different location for Vess at the beginning (near Niri - not inside the templair), meeting the banditboss all npc were there (including Vess) - but Vess could not be put into her coma-state (guessing the needed script is not triggered) during the fight with the bandits... command sqv aqss_miavessinter showed no RefId for Vess even she had the new ID as expected from changing her location within CK

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Soooo... Successsfully enslaved Mia... now what?

Also, I'm a futa, and I'd like one of my companions to go through the training, not me... SL recognizes me as male, but the game as female... will I be forced to go down the sub route?


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I've got a problem and I have no idea how to solve it.

It happend in one of volkars training sessions with my companion (I play as male). He makes the right sounds but neither he or the slave is moving. I can't do anything except moving as spectator. The two are just standing there for hours. He does saying his commands but nothing happes after that.

Any idea what I could do? Stopping the animation with sexlab didn't help. Can I restart the quest or anymation somehow?

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I've got a problem and I have no idea how to solve it.


It happend in one of volkars training sessions with my companion (I play as male). He makes the right sounds but neither he or the slave is moving. I can't do anything except moving as spectator. The two are just standing there for hours. He does saying his commands but nothing happes after that.



Any idea what I could do? Stopping the animation with sexlab didn't help. Can I restart the quest or anymation somehow?

Which training session was that - 1st, 2nd etc?

And which version of this mod you got loaded?

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Anyone getting Jenny voice, even when its unchecked in option, when other npcs are in sexlab animations? Had it happen with where it played along with the specified sexlab voice. Kind of annoying since it triggers a lip synch that screws with expressions.


Can you give more details?

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Using Sexblab 1.60a3 and the Slaves 45 beta 16.

Seems to only happen with Ysolda for some reason.  Set her voice to Young Eager (Ysolda) in sexlab, but then when I pick a option to start sex I hear Jennys voice as well as the sexlab picked voice.


Since it's only happening with her I don't think it's worth checking out atm.  Might try picking a different voice in the Slaves options and see if that one comes up for if it's only Jenny.



Well picked a voice other than Jenny in the Sexslaves options and tried again with Ysolda and couldn't replicate the problem.  Guess there's nothing to see here.  Move along.  :P

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