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After making Mia Lorenz an Slave, she still is aggressive toward me and my companions will attack her, but she is pretty much invulnerable, anything to fix this? 


She should have a relationshiprank of 4 after you beat her.  You can use the console command getrelationshiprank player to be sure.


If not, setrelationshiprank player 4 should fix that.


Also, just sheathing your weapon should eventually stop your companions from attacking her.

hmm.. Andrew used to keep kissing my character everytime I started the game but I sent him away and now whenever I start the game an invisible npc kisses me and I don't know how to stop it.. Any clues?


This was fixed in beta 16 (or should have been), are you using that version?

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Guest Long John

@fishburger67 -


From fishburger67:


This was fixed in beta 16 (or should have been), are you using that version?



Don't you mean beta 15 not 16 as there isn't any one higher uploaded here (unless you have another beta which isn't uploaded here)?

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@fishburger67 -


From fishburger67:


This was fixed in beta 16 (or should have been), are you using that version?



Don't you mean beta 15 not 16 as there isn't any one higher uploaded here (unless you have another beta which isn't uploaded here)?


Oops, yes, fixed in beta 15


I am sooooo confused.

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Version 4.5 Beta 16 is Available


This version fixes a couple of very minor bugs in the opening quest and adds all the missing female bandit voices (Still have some missing female hunter voices yet).


This version is the first release of Sex Slaves as a master file.  Although it is MiasLair.esp, it is in fact a master that you can begin writing dependent mods for.  As such, you will likely need to run Loot before playing although I doubt it makes much difference.  I tried it both ways and saw no difference.


We intend to keep MiasLair as a master with an esp extension for the time being.  This is because changing the extension breaks any saves if we were to change the extension to esm.  I considered writing a utility that would change MiasLair.esp to MiasLair.esm in your saves, but there are lots of potential problems and I did not want to risk it at this point.  We may just keep it as an esp forever because it really does not make any difference what the extension is.


This beta is release as a two part zip file.  Open the .001 part and extract the enclosed .7z and then install the 7z using MO or NMM.  See the installation notes on the front page for additional information.


If you intend to write apps for Sex Slaves, note that we will do our best to make sure any apps you write against beta will work fine for the release version as well, but no 100% guarantees.


Special thanks to swmas for helping me get the two part zip file right so there are not so many steps required.






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I'm having CTDs if other Sexlab mods try to play the animations included in the Beta. It would be best if they don't get registered as general animations to be used by Sexlab and only used by the mod (ZAZ animations can be called even if the animations are not registered in sexlab for example.


Don't think this is an issue with Sex Slaves.  I did this 4 times using match maker and it worked every time.

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i have encountering a problem not relative with SexSlaves or at list i believe so 99%. When I attack vampires nightshade and mistwalker  although they turn on hostiles when i attack them they don't get any damage neither by weapon or magic or shout. Anyone has any idea how can be fixed?


sorry for asking here hope it's not a problem...


I do think this is the related log in papyrus:


[05/27/2015 - 04:09:45AM] Error:  (FF00129B): Failed to send event HeadBleed04 for unspecified reasons.
    [ (FF00129B)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Active effect 1 on  (FF00129B)].FXDragonBloodDamageScript.OnHit() - "FXDragonBloodDamageScript.psc" Line 351

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    [ (FF00129B)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?

This is vanilla script.

Thats master alteration magic ritual quest i believe. Nothing related to vampires.


Something has made vampires in your game invulnerable. As for what mod it is or what it is done for - i have no idea.

You will have to either start disabling your mods or look in TES5Edits for mods that change base reference of various vampires anyhow.


Dont think there is a console command o clear invulnerability for an npc.

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    [ (FF00129B)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?

This is vanilla script.

Thats master alteration magic ritual quest i believe. Nothing related to vampires.


Something has made vampires in your game invulnerable. As for what mod it is or what it is done for - i have no idea.

You will have to either start disabling your mods or look in TES5Edits for mods that change base reference of various vampires anyhow.


Dont think there is a console command o clear invulnerability for an npc.



Setessential npcbaseid 0


If it's all the vampires though... No fun.

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An old mod on Nexus, something called "Nausicaa's Tweaker", and still functional, allows to make EVERY npc in the game, essential, protected, invulnerable or unessential.

It works even with creatures like horses, dogs, and so on.


Of course, be careful to change the status of some named NPCs from essential to unessential, because there is the risk to break quests.

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    [ (FF00129B)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?

This is vanilla script.

Thats master alteration magic ritual quest i believe. Nothing related to vampires.


Something has made vampires in your game invulnerable. As for what mod it is or what it is done for - i have no idea.

You will have to either start disabling your mods or look in TES5Edits for mods that change base reference of various vampires anyhow.


Dont think there is a console command o clear invulnerability for an npc.



Setessential npcbaseid 0


If it's all the vampires though... No fun.



If you click on the FFxxxxx vamp via console u can see which module made the last change.This might help.MHIYH2 has an MCM option to make npcs essential upon force recruit so if u re using that mod and forced recruited an FFxxxxx vamp somehow, it  makes the BASE essential i think.(all the leveled vamps that use that base).Last u might wanna try savegamecleaner to clear all FFXXXX's  via the advanced option.This might break a few minor things tho so read what it clears :P


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When I attack vampires nightshade and mistwalker  although they turn on hostiles when i attack them they don't get any damage neither by weapon or magic or shout. Anyone has any idea how can be fixed?


Setessential npcbaseid 0

Essential actors still take damage - you just cant kill them.

If his problem is that vampires cannot be harmed at all then it has to be invulnerable flag.



If you click on the FFxxxxx vamp via console u can see which module made the last change.This might help.MHIYH2 has an MCM option to make npcs essential upon force recruit so if u re using that mod and forced recruited an FFxxxxx vamp somehow, it  makes the BASE essential i think.(all the leveled vamps that use that base).Last u might wanna try savegamecleaner to clear all FFXXXX's  via the advanced option.This might break a few minor things tho so read what it clears  :P

And yes - this mod


may help him find the culprit.


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I am still wondering what the MiasLairExtras does, since I cant find anything in the description that explains it.


EDIT: Keep trying to download the latest version of this mod " MiasLair_V043b " and its always 37KB ??

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Hi, I wish to give another try to this mod, with my new character and game.

But, considering it's a beta version, I'm abit scared about the gigantic number of scripts (about 1260).

It's possible, if something goes wrong, I will wish to unistall the mod after the try.


So, it could be a lot better to have almost everything packed into a BSA.

I'm not asking to have a bsa version.


I know, and I have it, ther is the Archive.exe program coming with the CK. I used it in the past.

But, by now, I don't remember how exactly I could make a right BSA, from this 16 beta version.


If someone could be so kind to give me some hints, I'll be gratefull. (even I could give him a big kiss).

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Hi everyone...


I just installed this Mod following all recommendations. The Mod works fine up to the point when I kill both bandits. The quest never continues after that point. There are still two markers on the bandits and the quest stage "defend yourself" is still incomplete. There is still the tied up girl slave who will not speak yet and no other bandit in the area ( i was looking for the injured bandit girl but she's not there)


Now, I have tried the console command "setstage" to progress past this but the injured bandit girl never appears and if i keep using console command to progress this quest it just ends up glitching the entire quest and I get stuck in a spot and cannot move.


So my basic question is in regards to the "defend yourself" stage not progressing after the 2 bandits are dead. 


Thanks for any help

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I am still wondering what the MiasLairExtras does, since I cant find anything in the description that explains it.


EDIT: Keep trying to download the latest version of this mod " MiasLair_V043b " and its always 37KB ??


The extras file contains nifs and other resources so you can modify the look of your slaves.

Where is my stuff? I can't find it


What stuff?

Hi, I wish to give another try to this mod, with my new character and game.

But, considering it's a beta version, I'm abit scared about the gigantic number of scripts (about 1260).

It's possible, if something goes wrong, I will wish to unistall the mod after the try.


So, it could be a lot better to have almost everything packed into a BSA.

I'm not asking to have a bsa version.


I know, and I have it, ther is the Archive.exe program coming with the CK. I used it in the past.

But, by now, I don't remember how exactly I could make a right BSA, from this 16 beta version.


If someone could be so kind to give me some hints, I'll be gratefull. (even I could give him a big kiss).


The last release is beta only in name.  I'll be releasing this next week.  At that time, I'll also create a bsa version if you can wait.


Hi everyone...


I just installed this Mod following all recommendations. The Mod works fine up to the point when I kill both bandits. The quest never continues after that point. There are still two markers on the bandits and the quest stage "defend yourself" is still incomplete. There is still the tied up girl slave who will not speak yet and no other bandit in the area ( i was looking for the injured bandit girl but she's not there)


Now, I have tried the console command "setstage" to progress past this but the injured bandit girl never appears and if i keep using console command to progress this quest it just ends up glitching the entire quest and I get stuck in a spot and cannot move.


So my basic question is in regards to the "defend yourself" stage not progressing after the 2 bandits are dead. 


Thanks for any help


There should be a hunter girl lying around somewhere that you need to click on.  You will then be instructed to go find some healing stuff.

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When I attack vampires nightshade and mistwalker  although they turn on hostiles when i attack them they don't get any damage neither by weapon or magic or shout. Anyone has any idea how can be fixed?


Setessential npcbaseid 0

Essential actors still take damage - you just cant kill them.

If his problem is that vampires cannot be harmed at all then it has to be invulnerable flag.



If you click on the FFxxxxx vamp via console u can see which module made the last change.This might help.MHIYH2 has an MCM option to make npcs essential upon force recruit so if u re using that mod and forced recruited an FFxxxxx vamp somehow, it  makes the BASE essential i think.(all the leveled vamps that use that base).Last u might wanna try savegamecleaner to clear all FFXXXX's  via the advanced option.This might break a few minor things tho so read what it clears  :P

And yes - this mod


may help him find the culprit.



hmmm It may be MHIYH as i wanted to test a vampire for sex slave wow if it is that I screw up the whole game.. Will try the save game cleaner just for testing but I see myself in a new game as have tested many things lol. Thanks for all your help :)  and sorry for bothering you with my mistakes :(


Shall I run 4.5beta 16 or there will be a new version till tomorrow?

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So my basic question is in regards to the "defend yourself" stage not progressing after the 2 bandits are dead. 

To advance this stage you need to kill bandit boss (Jorlan) and male bandit (Grunt) and knock out female bandit (Vess). No matter in what order.

If you did and quest did not progress you can simply force it to progress with

setstage aqss_MiaVessInter 53


but if you defeated them all and quest did not progress by itself it may be a sign that you have some issues with your papyrus engine - as this part was tested by numerous ppl already and its confirmed as working fine.



I have combed the area around the shack and I cannot find the injured hunter girl. How close is she? There is no marker on her either. Thanks

Hunter Girl is not injured and you will find her at Hunters Rest between the shack and fireplace.

Female bandit is injured (by you) and you should find her exactly where you defeated her.

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Thanks but the female bandit is not there. After the opening dialog with the bandit boss, I get attacked by just the 2 male bandits. There is no female bandit, just the girl with the blue hair tied up as a prisoner.


Is it possible to use the "moveto player" console command to make her appear?


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Thanks but the female bandit is not there. After the opening dialog with the bandit boss, I get attacked by just the 2 male bandits. There is no female bandit, just the girl with the blue hair tied up as a prisoner.

Check in the console

sqv aqss_MiaVessInter

and pageup until you find

Ref Vess -> xx0d5c14  (if it would be none then it means something is very wrong)

that xx is a mod position in your load order


then type

player.moveto xx0d5c14 (if you would be teleported to some empty shack then something just went wrong)

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Just a reminder for anyone playing SexSlaves with many mods keep saves before advancing in the mod. It is what I allways say to myself because sometimes things aren't going as we like. The mod is great it runs very smooth but if I have loaded a new mod during the play through may it will conflict something. So basically 1st save in Whiterun before you will talk to Olfrid Battle Born and after to the stranger. 2nd save before you arrive to the hunters shank. 3rd save before you fast travel to Morthal with Niri and Jenny. 4th save before you enter the Mia's dungeon. Keep the same way for having saves for the rest of the mod. Although I try to do this all the time some times i miss a save and if any other mod will conflict then I have to load a previous older save. Through all the tests I have encountered once invincible kissing scene with Andrew (dom) missing and once Volkar not speaking. The mod goes so soft even with other mods which produce some minor problems, this is my few  experience with the current mod. So do not afraid it and just keep saves.

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Unfortunately, ref vess -> xx0d5c14 came back as NONE.


Any ideas?


Thanks so much for your patience


Umm did u replace xx with the actual mod index ones?Because somehow i doubt that if u installed the mod a reference doesnt exist at all...  Ignore that didn't see aqqh's prev post :P


I ran the command as you stated.... sqv aqss_MiaVessInter


scrolled up and saw Ref Vess -> NONE

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