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The only letter I ever got relating to Mia after killing her was an inheritance letter and a nice pile of gold. I laughed at that, actually. In that letter Jarl Ravencrone is effectively saying: The slaver cow who kidnapped my daughter has died because, you know, you killed her, pretty much on my orders. And even though you never met her before here's some inheritance she decided to leave for you. Oh, and very sorry for your loss. :D

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I'm curious, what was that bit with Gorm? i punched the guy he told me, avoided jail by being thane and that was it, then i thought maybe i missed something?

Whos Gorm?  ;)


A totally offtopic from this mod question where i don't want to start a new topic for.

I am busy making my own mod which includes a quest, a basic talk-kill-retrieve-talk quest.

i have made a item that a draugr is supposed to drop as i added to both invetory and made a deathitem container which it should include.

The problem is that it doesn't drop the item, it does use it as weapon but not drop it, i have added the item(which is a sword) as alias.

Does somebody have an idea or know if additem script would work in this case and attach it to the draugr which has the item.

So its like when you kill the draugr it will directly add the item to your inventory.

Will additem work this way? or any other way to do it?


EDIT: didn't tag the weapon as playable, I guess this would fix it.

You can make an alias for that Draugr and add your item in that alias Inventory

If you want that sword to be obtained without looting attach a script to that alias with Event OnDeath



Maybe It´s my fault but I can´t find the V045beta changelog and upgrade instructions. Did you doní include them yet because i´ts in beta stage or am I missing something.

Not sure if Fish wrote anything

it doesn't require clear saves or anything like that - tho that new quest requires a character that did not complete the old version of that quest



I cant open the file Beta 14 Loose 7z 002 and it does not show  in my download folder when i try to install?

Its an ordinary 7zip archive that got split into 2 parts because of file size limit on Loverslab

Just extract it - preferably with 7zip.



Oh man i was tired when doing this of course its a split archive ....i saw it as two different versions......stupid yes?



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The only letter I ever got relating to Mia after killing her was an inheritance letter and a nice pile of gold. I laughed at that, actually. In that letter Jarl Ravencrone is effectively saying: The slaver cow who kidnapped my daughter has died because, you know, you killed her, pretty much on my orders. And even though you never met her before here's some inheritance she decided to leave for you. Oh, and very sorry for your loss. :D

Vanilla inheritance system is sometimes clunky - i remember that once i got inheritance from some bandit marauder... no idea who was that supposed to be or what killed him (most likely i did...).


Thi in this case - i think Mia is set to increase her relationship with player when she surrenders. So if you decide to kill her game might think that one of your friends have just died.

Guess we could have a look if this could be improved to i'm still not sure if we wouldn't just remove the option to kill Mia at all.

Its MiasLair mod after all and the role she is playing in it so far is quite marginal. We will see.

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The only letter I ever got relating to Mia after killing her was an inheritance letter and a nice pile of gold. I laughed at that, actually. In that letter Jarl Ravencrone is effectively saying: The slaver cow who kidnapped my daughter has died because, you know, you killed her, pretty much on my orders. And even though you never met her before here's some inheritance she decided to leave for you. Oh, and very sorry for your loss. :D

Vanilla inheritance system is sometimes clunky - i remember that once i got inheritance from some bandit marauder... no idea who was that supposed to be or what killed him (most likely i did...).


Thi in this case - i think Mia is set to increase her relationship with player when she surrenders. So if you decide to kill her game might think that one of your friends have just died.

Guess we could have a look if this could be improved to i'm still not sure if we wouldn't just remove the option to kill Mia at all.

Its MiasLair mod after all and the role she is playing in it so far is quite marginal. We will see.



Although I laughed it could actually be a nice feature with a bit of tweaking. Ravencrone could be using the cover of official channels to reward you a bit extra for dealing with her daughter's kidnapper. Of course it doesn't quite work that way when you get the letter just before returning her daughter, which happened to me in this case.


Giving Mia a bigger role would make sense, too. The first time I played the mod I was eager to get training so when the option came up I jumped at the chance and made her a slave. Once I'd done it, though, and seen what it was all about, I really wanted my wife put through her paces, so I made Sylgja a follower, trained her up and used her as my slave instead and now I kill Mia each game and start in on the Mrs.


Who said romance is dead?

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I'm quite sure that there is no such thing in this mod - so no idea how come that it is mentioning Mia.

quite a coincidence then, the courier found me when i traveled to morthal to return the jarl's daughter, the letter said that gorm had heard of the "violence" done on Mia and that i should talk to him if i was interested in similar work.


I tought Fish was using cut content or something because the quest has vanilla dialogue, but i just found out it is a radiant quest called "scare my enemy"


gotta love skyrim, after all these years and there's still so much stuff to do/find...

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Gorm is Jarl Ravencrone's Housecarl, after defeating Mia i got a letter from him... am i spoiling something? or is this not even related to the mod? the letter mentions Mia so i assumed it came from this mod...


Letter of inheritance you take from the Jarl probably from the housecarl "our direst condolence for your loss of your dear Mia" with some gold around 300. That was the letter?

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Dreamweaver asked Who said romance is dead?

Dark Brotherhood Astrid is saying romance is dead on the quest "Bound Until Death" when she gives you the quest.


HounDog  wrote: i just found out it is a radiant quest called "scare my enemy"

I had this quest once in Whiterun stables after completing a dark brotherhood radiant quest from  Night Mother, some quests after the whole quest-line of Dark Brotherhood.

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I can confirm the bitem-dropping issue i mentioned earlier now works, Tagging it as playabale fixed it.

Now i do have a question for any modder,

How do iI let a dremora be able to have dialogueoptions and be able to have dialgoue on the dremora.

Assign him to a faction or something?

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How do iI let a dremora be able to have dialogueoptions and be able to have dialgoue on the dremora.

Assign him to a faction or something?

Same as any other actor. Just if you copy some hostile dremora remove all player hostile factions from it.


By default all kind of actors are neutral towards player - its their factions that make them hostile or friendly. So remove them and you can even have a neutral draugr for example.


Some actors attack if you get too close to them (sabre cats for example) - this one does not depend on factions. So make sure this is not enabled for your actor.

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Dreamweaver asked Who said romance is dead?

Dark Brotherhood Astrid is saying romance is dead on the quest "Bound Until Death" when she gives you the quest.


HounDog  wrote: i just found out it is a radiant quest called "scare my enemy"

I had this quest once in Whiterun stables after completing a dark brotherhood radiant quest from  Night Mother, some quests after the whole quest-line of Dark Brotherhood.

This further proves my point, I've never done any brotherhood missions, in one of my first playthroughs, i got as far as killing the orphanage npc and then killed everyone on the hideout for waking me up (good times lol) and i havent touched the questline ever again.


it's a bit sad that come the 19th i'll have to put down skyrim for who knows how long, I'm going to do a marathon session this weekend as a goodbye.

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Dreamweaver asked Who said romance is dead?

Dark Brotherhood Astrid is saying romance is dead on the quest "Bound Until Death" when she gives you the quest.

HounDog wrote: i just found out it is a radiant quest called "scare my enemy"

I had this quest once in Whiterun stables after completing a dark brotherhood radiant quest from Night Mother, some quests after the whole quest-line of Dark Brotherhood.

This further proves my point, I've never done any brotherhood missions, in one of my first playthroughs, i got as far as killing the orphanage npc and then killed everyone on the hideout for waking me up (good times lol) and i havent touched the questline ever again.


it's a bit sad that come the 19th i'll have to put down skyrim for who knows how long, I'm going to do a marathon session this weekend as a goodbye.

My game playing stays ahead of the mod writers, so I flip between Skyrim and Fallout TTW. Witcher 3 is preloaded, so it will be added to the list. As long as there are good modders like Fish and the Coito author, I won't be far.

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I have just played this after a while and boy I got frustrated.

There should be an option to fast train your slave because it really becomes a chore and really boooooring after the third fucking slave.

If you're somehow interrupted (by another slave for example) when in the "make the bond" dialog you're fucked because you can't get it back and things get screwed up like Sasha's quest becoming stuck.

There was this Dremora slave I found but after reloading due to the above bug I couldn't find her anymore though I could hear her talking.

When you have to decide what to do with Vess or Nirri you get the same options twice when talking to Valkar if you pick the wrong one you just get the normal follower training and the quest gets fucked. I had to reload again when I noticed after FINISHING the training but this was a beginner's trap not really a bug. Still the dialog option should be different.

I kept dying when I was shackled when starting "It's a trap" I had to use "tgm" to get pass that, Idk if that's just my load order screwing up though.


I really need that skip training, instant slave option. I don't care if it's a cheat.

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You can turn down how long training shall take in  MCM


It still takes at least 20 min even if I instantly end the sexlab animations. Seriously an insta train wouldn't hurt anybody if they don't want to use it. But it's great for debug purposes too as it will save a lot of time.

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You can turn down how long training shall take in MCM

It still takes at least 20 min even if I instantly end the sexlab animations. Seriously an insta train wouldn't hurt anybody if they don't want to use it. But it's great for debug purposes too as it will save a lot of time.
Trained slave is just a faction. Add it through the console with addfac if you want.

I have used removefac quite a few times when sex slave just did not fit the NPC.

Batch files to add and remove slaves were posted quite awhile back.

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You can turn down how long training shall take in MCM

It still takes at least 20 min even if I instantly end the sexlab animations. Seriously an insta train wouldn't hurt anybody if they don't want to use it. But it's great for debug purposes too as it will save a lot of time.

Trained slave is just a faction. Add it through the console with addfac if you want.



There are a bunch of factions, idk which one is the correct one. When I tried, it didn't work. But if it's that easy it should be a breeze to implement.

When the slave is on the wall you can talk to Valkar and say "Fuck this, here's 1000 gold, you do it" and you can come back later and the slave is trained, or the screen fades to black like in the male version of "Dark Possession"


Batch files to add and remove slaves were posted quite awhile back.



Really, I doubt it will work in Mia, Vess and Niri's case though.

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You can turn down how long training shall take in MCM

It still takes at least 20 min even if I instantly end the sexlab animations. Seriously an insta train wouldn't hurt anybody if they don't want to use it. But it's great for debug purposes too as it will save a lot of time.

Trained slave is just a faction. Add it through the console with addfac if you want.



There are a bunch of factions, idk which one is the correct one. When I tried, it didn't work. But if it's that easy it should be a breeze to implement.

When the slave is on the wall you can talk to Valkar and say "Fuck this, here's 1000 gold, you do it" and you can come back later and the slave is trained, or the screen fades to black like in the male version of "Dark Possession"


Batch files to add and remove slaves were posted quite awhile back.



Really, I doubt it will work in Mia, Vess and Niri's case though.


Talk to the other guy that gave you the key to free the Jarl's daughter, Vernon.   He can train them for you while you are off doing other quests.   Takes a few days in game, but saves you the time of doing it.   He did Vess for me while I was off doing things.

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Talk to the other guy that gave you the key to free the Jarl's daughter, Vernon.   He can train them for you while you are off doing other quests.   Takes a few days in game, but saves you the time of doing it.   He did Vess for me while I was off doing things.



I can do that? Awesome!

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Dreamweaver asked Who said romance is dead?

Dark Brotherhood Astrid is saying romance is dead on the quest "Bound Until Death" when she gives you the quest.

HounDog wrote: i just found out it is a radiant quest called "scare my enemy"

I had this quest once in Whiterun stables after completing a dark brotherhood radiant quest from Night Mother, some quests after the whole quest-line of Dark Brotherhood.

This further proves my point, I've never done any brotherhood missions, in one of my first playthroughs, i got as far as killing the orphanage npc and then killed everyone on the hideout for waking me up (good times lol) and i havent touched the questline ever again.


it's a bit sad that come the 19th i'll have to put down skyrim for who knows how long, I'm going to do a marathon session this weekend as a goodbye.

My game playing stays ahead of the mod writers, so I flip between Skyrim and Fallout TTW. Witcher 3 is preloaded, so it will be added to the list. As long as there are good modders like Fish and the Coito author, I won't be far.


I wish i could do that but I've never been able to play multiple games at once, my brain refuses to store more than one control scheme.

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couple of things happen when you click that door - but none of them should be serious enough to cause a CTD.


You could try to type in the console

setstage MiaFindCaptives 120

before you use this doors. This way that script attached to them would do next to nothing.


If this wont change anything then there might be some serious issue with your game stability. Such simple scripts should not cause CTD. Ever.


Ye the setstage doesn't work. Also TES5Edit doesn't return any errors...


Tho this is the only door in the game with that issue.


this may shed some light on the situation...


Otherwise i have no idea where the issue could be.

(For the note i'm not that good at modding)





Follow the links in my sig and go through my guide and we'll get that fixed out soon.





Well i managed to make it work... Youst had to redo everything in mod organizer.

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Every time i was thinking about the idea of playing on controller it ended with "And how do you want to play a mage or an archer?".

I cant rly imagine doing pinpoint aiming at any other controller than a mouse.

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just did new play through up to completion of free the virgin.   couple of weird things I ran across.   Playing as a female character with Andrew on Dom.


1>Andrew wanders off alot and is not with the party half the time.   Sometimes on zoning he does a force kiss animation then wanders off again.


2>don't cast mass match maker in the dungeon, Volkar thinks you attacked him and breaks things (possible cause of stuff below) had to disable/enable him then he punishes you.  (dont know what Vernor would do if you cast that around him, probably the same thing)


3>upon being sent to Volkar, instead of starting dark possession he offers to train you.   He asks what device you would like to be put on and goes through a training segment.   Here is where it gets weird, I chose the horse (its never used so figured what the heck) so Vernor's voice gets used for most of the scene with Volkars body.  Upon completion of the segment, Volkar force greets you and Dark Possession starts.


4>When Volkar summons his friends to help, the one that masturbates uses the female animation instead of the male one on the second time the scene is run.   This also happened the next two times that scene ran (once when I asked Volkar for a session with his friends but wanted paid) and again after staying a slave instead of tearing up the contract (chose the friend option when prompted)


5>After having Vess trained by Vernor, and making the bond, she did a blow job animation instead of the female on female animation.   This is not a bug, but proves that you can do the correct animation.   So can we please, please, please stop using the lesbian scene whenever you make the bond with Jenny and Sasha and every other slave!  Since it can be done correctly, playing a Futa with this mod would actually work (I dont play this mod with that anymore, its just too annoying to have the wrong animations played every time)



>6 not sure when it happened, sometime between Volkar punishing me for casting Mass Match maker, and having Andrew join me as follower, but the cell scan frequency in Aroused Redux got set to 0.   So basically I had non stop orgy going with the all the people in castle and arousal never went down.   All the slaves were raping me nonstop as everyones arousal (mine included) was at 99 and would never go down!  Once set back to 120 (default) the orgy finally ended and everyone cooled off for a bit...

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6 sounded really interesting i havent played miaslair a bit since i am waitin 4.5 but i am very tempted to try beta release now ;) hehe i miss sashas and jennys banter durin my journeys ,well thief guild quests are kinda solo jobs but otherwise i always had them with me. oh yes that dowload mirror is for latest beta right ? oh and i cant wait for 4.5 release :).

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6 sounded really interesting i havent played miaslair a bit since i am waitin 4.5 but i am very tempted to try beta release now ;) hehe i miss sashas and jennys banter durin my journeys ,well thief guild quests are kinda solo jobs but otherwise i always had them with me. oh yes that dowload mirror is for latest beta right ? oh and i cant wait for 4.5 release :).

It would come eventually... Unless Fish got his ass bitten off by some alligator :P



just did new play through up to completion of free the virgin.   couple of weird things I ran across.   Playing as a female character with Andrew on Dom.


1>Andrew wanders off alot and is not with the party half the time.   Sometimes on zoning he does a force kiss animation then wanders off again.

What follower mod are you using? Because i've never seen him wandering off anywhere on my own tests (EFF4). Hell - he doesn't leave even when he should...


2>don't cast mass match maker in the dungeon, Volkar thinks you attacked him and breaks things (possible cause of stuff below) had to disable/enable him then he punishes you.  (dont know what Vernor would do if you cast that around him, probably the same thing)

Thats to be expected. Volkar treats ANY kind of spellcast as hostile action. He most likely would punish you even if you try to heal him.


3>upon being sent to Volkar, instead of starting dark possession he offers to train you.   He asks what device you would like to be put on and goes through a training segment.   Here is where it gets weird, I chose the horse (its never used so figured what the heck) so Vernor's voice gets used for most of the scene with Volkars body.  Upon completion of the segment, Volkar force greets you and Dark Possession starts.

Would have to try because i dont rly knw what could possibly go wrong with this particular option.


4>When Volkar summons his friends to help, the one that masturbates uses the female animation instead of the male one on the second time the scene is run.   This also happened the next two times that scene ran (once when I asked Volkar for a session with his friends but wanted paid) and again after staying a slave instead of tearing up the contract (chose the friend option when prompted)

Thats a problem with tags i presume. Andrew has the same problem - female masturbation anims happen when you convince him to stroke himself.

There is some kind of gender detect already in those functions. Dont rly know why it isnt working. Would need to take a closer look at it.


5>After having Vess trained by Vernor, and making the bond, she did a blow job animation instead of the female on female animation.   This is not a bug, but proves that you can do the correct animation.   So can we please, please, please stop using the lesbian scene whenever you make the bond with Jenny and Sasha and every other slave!  Since it can be done correctly, playing a Futa with this mod would actually work (I dont play this mod with that anymore, its just too annoying to have the wrong animations played every time)

If i have to be painfully honest either I or Fish doesnt care much about Futa.

What you guys should do is to convince authors of those futa mods to make some kind of keyword which would allow other modders to detect if a female actor is a futa or not using HasKeywordString function.

Otherwise we cant rly do much.


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