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This time, I got stuck after completing the cleaning task. I was told to go to the warehouse and talk to the quartermaster, but all the doors remained locked and I couldn't go anywhere.


Also, talking about sex results in the guard/warden implying they are about to do that, but then nothing happens.


I reloaded the save from completing the ore-carrying task and tried again, and the same thing happened.


I guess my DCL install is damaged somehow, but I don't normally have this kind of issue with DCL.


Is this a one-off problem, or other people getting stuck in this specific spot?

Made another new game with a few mods removed, tried again with different difficulties from start.


Things played out differently this time. I got dialog with the Warden I didn't get the first time.


But I still got stuck in the same place.


Bound in new outfit, told to go to warehouse. All doors locked. No NPC in the room has any dialog except "Offer Sex" and "Nothing".

(The bound girl simply has no dialog).


Offer sex trigggers some backchat, but no sex and no other outcomes. Nothing triggers "move along".


I have a target location on my map, but cannot go there.

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14 hours ago, Kimy said:

It's simply unavoidable.

That’s nonsense. 
You want a compatibility bridge between POP and DCL? 
In your DCL MCM script, create a slider that goes from 0 to 100, name it say “POP arrest chance”. Make it use a StorageUtil global INT value (the container is ‘None’) and name it say “iGlobal_xpopArrestChance”. In the help section you can say something like ‘The chance you will be arrested by POP. If 0 you will never be arrested by POP. If 100 you will always be arrested by POP. 
I will do the same in POP’s MCM. That way if the player changes that value in DCL it will also change in POP and vice versa and neither mod cares about the presence of the other.


Next for your DCL’s arrest event,  
In POP there are two types of arrests. 
1. Submissive - the PC will surrender to her captor. All guard dialogue arrests are submissive. (xpoSubArrestPC)
2. Regular - the captor will use a paralyzing spell to subdue the PC. (xpoArrestPC)  

;kdcl = Kimys Deviously Cursed Loot (or whatever your label is).
;sCrimeFac = "", It will get eSenders crime faction, if thats none - it will grab the location crime faction, if thats none - the arrest will fail. 
;fExGold = -1, It will grab the existing PCs crime gold for the above crime faction.
;fExGold = 1, It will add the POP MCM major crime to the existing crime gold. 
;fExGold > 1, Will add that to the existing crime gold. 
Event kdclOnSubArrestPC(STRING eventName = "kdclSubArrestPC", STRING sCrimeFac = "", FLOAT fExGold = 0.0, Form eSender)
   UnRegisterForModEvent("kdclSubArrestPC") ;to stop spamming, can also use a local BOOL instead.
   BOOL bGotPOP = (Game.GetModByName("xazPrisonOverhaulPatched.esp") < 255); could also be checked in the DCLs MCM and set the POP arrest chance to 0 if false and disable the slider, that would be more efficient so this wont get called every arrest. 
   INT iRand = RandomInt(1, 99)
   INT iChance = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(None, iGlobal_xpopArrestChance”, 0)
      If (bGotPOP && (iChance > iRand) )
	;Trigger POP arrest.
 	eSender.SendModEvent("xpoSubArrestPC", sCrimeFac, fExGold) ;submissive in this case.
  	;Trigger submissive DCL arrest. 
   RegisterForModEvent("kdclSubArrestPC", "kdclOnSubArrestPC")

Then in a guard arrest dialogue (submissive), 


akSpeaker.SendModEvent("kdclSubArrestPC", "", -1) 

I will do something similar in POP. That way it does not matter which mod triggered the guard arrest mod event. 


14 hours ago, Kimy said:

Only one mod can provide a crime alternative at any time and people can pick which mod they like better, as it should be.

Also nonsense. Players do not have to uninstall one mod in order to use the other.  
What if someone likes the Leon quest but would also like more variety when it comes to the prison? With the above bridge that is possible. 


14 hours ago, Kimy said:

You made it crystal clear that POP is going to stick with ZAP for all eternity and I wanted a prison mod developed with DD in mind, using a large variety of DD devices, one that emphasizes less on non-interactive corporeal punishment and more on the labor aspect, and one that doesn't clash with DD content.

I am not forcing POP on DCL. But, I would like to give players more choices when it comes to the prison outcome so the PC can continue peeling potatoes in DCL and get the shit whipped out of her in POP. 
BTW: POP + DDe will work just fine with DD’s and all versions of DCL so saying that POP cannot work with DCL is also nonsense.

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3 hours ago, Kimy said:

That "monopoly" suggestion you apparently copied from Inte is laughable for several reasons. I am not going to get into the part where - unlike Microsoft - I have no power to force anyone to install my software.

Well let me see here,

You control DDi.

You do not listen to any suggestions when it comes to DDi.

All mods that want to use DDs are forced to install/use DDi and only the way you allow them to use it, need I go on?  

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3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Instead of doing something constructive today, I decided to take some time to mess about in the prison.

I had a quick try with it earlier, but didn't finish a stint.


1. This time, I got stuck after completing the cleaning task. I was told to go to the warehouse and talk to the quartermaster, but all the doors remained locked and I couldn't go anywhere.


2. Also, talking about sex results in the guard/warden implying they are about to do that, but then nothing happens.


I reloaded the save from completing the ore-carrying task and tried again, and the same thing happened.


I guess my DCL install is damaged somehow, but I don't normally have this kind of issue with DCL.


Is this a one-off problem, or other people getting stuck in this specific spot?

1. You need to go the the basement. There is an actual quest arrow on the npc once you arrive there, so it showing you the door instead of hatch is a limitation of Skyrim engine.


2. Yeah i also reported this yesterday. Calling sex for a "None" object does not work.


I played my save a bit further yesterday and found something really weird. I did the quests for imperials, and then during and after the fight in Whiterun there is the prison's Warden and 1 other girl in red hobble dress hanging around by the gate, inside the city. Warden herself is fighting everyone she sees but is unkillable, still going even after the war.

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34 minutes ago, Inte said:

Well let me see here,

You control DDi.

You do not listen to any suggestions when it comes to DDi.

All mods that want to use DDs are forced to install/use DDi and only the way you allow them to use it, need I go on?  

The fun part is that, yes, I do control DDI, at least in the sense that I am leading its dev team. But that's again not a monopoly, because DDI isn't even the only bondage framework on LL. Your own POP is based on the readily available alternative. Shocking! Is DDI more popular than ZAP these days? Yes, I guess so? So, making a popular mod is "creating a monopoly" and "forcing people to install it". That doesn't make too much sense, but since you rarely make any sense, it's not that surprising.


Btw. Yes, I know it would be possible to make POP and DD/DCL play nice together. Of course I do, because as you might remember I accommodated your mod for years before removing all compatibility mechanics from DCL a few months ago, because I gave up hope to ever find common ground with a person who's all take, no give. A person who equals not getting their way with "not listening to any suggestions". A person who tried repeatedly to use their own mods and fans as weapons in a personal vendetta (remember that jerk move when you took your mods down in an attempt to make me look bad, like a toddler throwing a tantrum?) A person, who, despite I politely refrained to post anything in their mod threads for a long while, refuses to offer even THAT little courtesy in return even when asked to, and keeps coming back to stir up the same shit again, and again, and again, like a broken record?


Can you just FINALLY go away and mind your own stuff? Do I REALLY have to get the moderators involved to get you out of my life?

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14 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

Your specific technical suggestions seem constructive to me, but they would be better still if they weren't littered with unnecessary put-downs.

If you want a better quality of discussion, you also have to contribute to it.

You've thrown as many insults as you've had thrown at you, and is anyone better off for it?

Wait, calling something nonsensical as nonsense is a put-down? If so, then I apologize. 

What should I call something nonsensical then, good works? 


17 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

I'm not going to comment on your general character of behaviour again, as even this was too much statement of the obvious. However, I may comment on PoP in the future - positively or negatively - however, I see the individual case.

Well, I used to enjoy reading your posts when they were neutral (long as they might have been:classic_happy:) . You presented both sides and offered possible solutions. I remember reading something you posted about a NPC eating delicious NPC magical bread, I sprayed coffee all over my keyboard. 

Anyway, your recent posts seemed one sided to me. I said you are one of Kimy's lackey because it seemed that way to me at the time. If that was offensive to you (and apparently it was) then that was a faux pas on my part. Mea culpa!


27 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

As far as my comments on PoP lacking interactivity, you don't deny it, in fact you have produced many justifications for it, so presumably we don't disagree on the facts. I find that lack, disappointing, but not to the extent I consider the mod pointless or not worth using - rather it's something that holds it back, in my opinion - but others who don't agree with that aren't going to be put off by such comments, and may even see them as recommendations.

You seem to keep missing this point, or perhaps I'm not doing a very good job explaining it.

The idea behind POP punishment is to remove the player's interaction with the game. POP is not normal play where players get to do things like they would normally in the game. POP is punishment.   



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Isn't it possible to make it so if crime mod is loaded after DCUR, it will override the guard dialogs and that sort of "handling"? It's very basic thing in Skyrim modding, load order manipulation. Any extra scripts should be able to be disabled with a toggle/global var or something. I don't see this as Cursed Loot VS PoP. It's Cursed Loot VS "All crime mods", wether they are from Nexus or whatever.


If Inte wants to preserve DCUR's alternative crime options such as whore collars etc, it's on PoP to implement the compatibility.

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Hello @Kimy, dear! I'm pretty enjoying with all new stuff and like an always, a lot of thanks for your work.


All the new features worked well until one moment and I can't find a way out, so I hope you can clarify what can I do to make it works.

I got into the new prison and I spent a night and cell. Then, there was a work in a mine and the cleaning work, afther which I had to visit a quartermaster and here I got stuck. I have a feeling that the guard should come with me to open the way to quartermaster, but he just froze in place and did nothing. All the cells are locked (besides of one, which is empty), and the quest marker shows on the door, near to which I appeared when I got to the prison, but this door behind the cell bars, so I can't reach it. What exactly must happen when I'm getting the assignment to visit the quartermaster? And what can be wrong that I stuck in hallway without any opportunity to move at least to somewhere? (And yes, I have started a new game to make everything work perfect.)



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@Kimy, @Inte please stop the drama.

Who controls the mod (the author) has the right to do what he/she wants.

Constructive advises (also some constructive criticism) is and always be accepted (and encouraged.)

Just keep the tones down.


This applies also to all other people following and posting on this thread and all other threads of LoversLab.

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Have to agree with Inte on this one.

Right now people are either forced to remove Pop or forced to remove DCL.(they are both great mods in their own way)

Might be a good idea to upload the older version(was it 7.3 or 7.4?) for people that wants to use both mods together.

If your not planning to make them work together.

You dont have to support older version, but at least give people an option on what version they want to use.

Alot of modders leave older versions up so dont see the issue there.

Or i guess if someone got permission to upload the older version somewhere else?

Both mods where working fine together for a long time without issues, at least on my end.

So dont really get the reason why that was changed, but oh well. It seems alot of solutions where already posted in the last few pages.


Thanks for the hard work and dont burn your self out. Have a nice day ;)



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1 hour ago, Dust+ said:

...I had to visit a quartermaster and here I got stuck. I have a feeling that the guard should come with me to open the way to quartermaster, but he just froze in place and did nothing. All the cells are locked...



Hatch on the floor.

Guards were harmed in the making of this screenshot...

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28 minutes ago, Zaflis said:

Hatch on the floor.

Guards were harmed in the making of this screenshot...

Ha! I didn't notice the downstairs because of the ENB and the quest marker shows the exit door somehow...

Anyway, thanks!

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4 hours ago, Kimy said:

The fun part is that, yes, I do control DDI

Yes, it’s hilarious. 


4 hours ago, Kimy said:

But that's again not a monopoly, because DDI isn't even the only bondage framework on LL.

I beg to differ. ZAP is a furniture and/or pose mod. Always has been. 
If a mod wants to use DDs, DDi is the only choice available and who controls DDi? Yeah...

4 hours ago, Kimy said:

...because I gave up hope to ever find common ground with a person who's all take, no give.

You take all of our 'discussions' an make them about you. 


No give? 
I’ve created DDe (a whole mod) to make POP compatible with DDs and DCL.
I’ve made it so POP will turn off all scenarios that conflict with the pre-worn and conflicting quest DDs, even tho it meant re-writing about 90% of its code to work with DDe.
I’ve added a ton of code to treat quest DDs with ‘kid gloves’. 
I’ve expanded the functions in DDe to try and fix broken DCL devices. 

I've rebuilt DDe/POP after DDi 3 broke them. 
... and on, and on.
What have you given/done to find a common ground? Add a single line of code in DCL to allow for a POP arrest? Big whoop-de-doo. 


4 hours ago, Kimy said:

A person who tried repeatedly to use their own mods and fans as weapons in a personal vendetta (remember that jerk move when you took your mods down in an attempt to make me look bad, like a toddler throwing a tantrum?)

My fans? What, all 3 of them? Was it all 3 at once? Wait, @Punga is MIA. So, both of my fans then? What are you talking about? 
I removed my mods because you threatened to blacklist them and me, if I did not comply with your rules, and I will not be stifled.


But again, you make this about you. (It’s about the players, in case you are confused.)  


4 hours ago, Kimy said:

A person, who, despite I politely refrained to post anything in their mod threads for a long while, refuses to offer even THAT little courtesy in return even when asked to, and keeps coming back to stir up the same shit again, and again, and again, like a broken record?

This is the first discussion we are having in this thread and even this one started after you started a smear campaign against my mods. Am I to stand idly by and allow it to happen? As to why it’s happening? I do not know. My guess would be, monopoly.


You do not want to support POP in DCL? That’s fine. But, state that as your reason and stop with the slander. 

By the by, all of our previous ‘discussions’ happened on my threads after you came by to impose your rules. 


I’m done here. 

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1 hour ago, shadow866 said:

Have to agree with Inte on this one.

Right now people are either forced to remove Pop or forced to remove DCL.(they are both great mods in their own way)

Might be a good idea to upload the older version(was it 7.3 or 7.4?) for people that wants to use both mods together.

If your not planning to make them work together.

You dont have to support older version, but at least give people an option on what version they want to use.

Alot of modders leave older versions up so dont see the issue there.

Or i guess if someone got permission to upload the older version somewhere else?

Both mods where working fine together for a long time without issues, at least on my end.

So dont really get the reason why that was changed, but oh well. It seems alot of solutions where already posted in the last few pages.


Thanks for the hard work and dont burn your self out. Have a nice day ;)



It's 7.5 afaik, the last update to not include crime. I have it if needed I guess?

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To be honest i really dont get it.


There are ways to make POP and Cursed Loot work together but it will not happen but why not?


Sure i can see Cursed Loot has a different approach for Jail as POP has, but both are good Ideas.


And to be honest, for me its never a good Idea to force People to use only this or that if its not really impossible to make it work togehter.


Fairness is another thing comes to my Mind.

Before Cursed Loot had a Crime System people including the People who use Cursed Loot used POP cause it was a nice Mod, was updated and fixed and it had a good Idea for Vanilla Prisons.

Now after Cursed Loot has its own Crime System (also not a bad one but for me it is too much doing same and same and same stuff each day without any random aspects)  you decided POP is no longer needed but also People should no longer use it if they use Cursed Loot.

And yes i know POP also had not really random stuff happening but at same time it would offer some random part if you can get arrestet from cursedloot or POP.


I dont know why you dont like Inte or why he possible dont like you, but i could see in this Thread he offered solutions so both Mods could work together, from you i only read that you know it can work togehter but you will not do it.


Would it be really that bad if both Mods still work togehter? Why did you not remove POP long ago if you have Issues with Inte, could it be cause you had no own Crime System in Cursed Loot and needed POP ?


I really like  Cursed Loot and i think you do a great Job with this Mod, but at same time i really dont like how you remove Mod Compatiblity and also go that far to make it incompatible only to stop other People using a different Mod with your Mod together cause that is how this entire "Own crime feature removed compatiblity with pop" thing looks for me.




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Hey Kimy, I have a Question or Request has the Misogyny feature a Toggle for the Elder Race if not is it possible to add one or tie it to the one that is present in the rape menu? 

It's a real turn off when Tolfdir suddenly asks me for a Blowjob :D  

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2 hours ago, crazyduck said:

There are ways to make POP and Cursed Loot work together but it will not happen but why not?

It's work for me. Work, that I'd rather spend doing something else. In this case, literally anything else. Because I am (largely) still not getting paid for doing this. Let's just say, if my Patreon income would be much, MUCH higher than it currently is, I would think about working on things I have no personal interest in, if the people supporting me financially express an interest in certain features.


Now after Cursed Loot has its own Crime System (also not a bad one but for me it is too much doing same and same and same stuff each day without any random aspects)  you decided POP is no longer needed but also People should no longer use it if they use Cursed Loot.

I didn't -decide- that. There is not one single line of code in DCL sabotaging POP, or any other mod for that matter. The absence of active support doesn't make it a malicious action on my part. The incompatibility is result of two mods doing the same thing. I still owe nobody a minute of my time when I don't want to work on something, and that includes coding compatibility layers with other mods.


I dont know why you dont like Inte or why he possible dont like you, but i could see in this Thread he offered solutions so both Mods could work together, from you i only read that you know it can work togehter but you will not do it.

Aside from that one technical post, any of their -other- postings should give you a good enough idea why we're not getting along.


Why did you not remove POP long ago if you have Issues with Inte,

I should have done this way earlier, that's for sure. Blame it my being a lot nicer and a lot more patient with other people's crap than I should be, if anything.


could it be cause you had no own Crime System in Cursed Loot and needed POP ?

That's a pretty nasty accusation. DCL never NEEDED POP at any point in its history and none of its functionality relied on it. What DCL did was handing the player to POP in certain situations. DCL has similar integration with at least a half-dozen other mods. In contrast of what Inte and fans think of me, I believe that mods working together in this fashion benefit them all. Apparently I am building a monopoly by adding more integration features with other mods than any other mod I am aware of.


I really like  Cursed Loot and i think you do a great Job with this Mod, but at same time i really dont like how you remove Mod Compatiblity

I removed that compatibility layer not because I can't stand Inte (I lost respect for Inte a while ago, and still left the code in for the longest time, go figure!), but because they failed to update their mods to the newest DD version for way more than a year. Since DCL needs said new version, that in turn makes POP incompatible with DCL.

Ironically enough, Inte's now claiming that DD Equip is fully compatible with DD4 and has been for a long time, or so. Apparently, the big fat red font they used to tell people otherwise on DDe's download page for over a year was just an oversight, but that's Inte for you. Inte makes up their very own version of reality as they see fit.


and also go that far to make it incompatible only to stop other People using a different Mod with your Mod together cause that is how this entire "Own crime feature removed compatiblity with pop" thing looks for me.

Another nasty accusation, but hey, I am getting used to that coming from Inte fans. Do you really think I am childish enough to work almost full-time hours for several months on a feature for no other purpose than harming another person's mod? Are you kidding me?


The reason for me making that prison was - and I said so a few times already - because I find POP boring, in combination with the fact that it's not a DD mod. I wanted a DD prison. So I made one. End of story.

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1 hour ago, Prime66 said:

Hey Kimy, I have a Question or Request has the Misogyny feature a Toggle for the Elder Race if not is it possible to add one or tie it to the one that is present in the rape menu? 

It's a real turn off when Tolfdir suddenly asks me for a Blowjob :D  

I will make it respect the existing toggle! :)

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Hi, I have problems with Chloe quest, after I meet, free her and ask her to follow. After "good to go" dialogue I get task to head deeper into the ruins, pointing to powder that is "squeeze past", once I do it, I get to other side, but quest doesn't advance. I took a hint and searched every corpse I could find in Helgen keep and still can't advance the quest. Am I missing something or did it bug out? I tried starting new game with and without LaL, but still stuck in same place-

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4 minutes ago, L0ller said:

Hi, I have problems with Chloe quest, after I meet, free her and ask her to follow. After "good to go" dialogue I get task to head deeper into the ruins, pointing to powder that is "squeeze past", once I do it, I get to other side, but quest doesn't advance. I took a hint and searched every corpse I could find in Helgen keep and still can't advance the quest. Am I missing something or did it bug out? I tried starting new game with and without LaL, but still stuck in same place-

just continue down the cavern looting bodies, the quest maker won't move but there are still some bodies you need to loot, in order to continue the quest,  in the caves past the "squeeze past" point.

hope this helps

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Any possibility of toggle that still allows guards and the Warden to visit the player in their cell even though the "Sex Disabled" option is toggled? Such a toggle could bring a nice balance between having a lot of sex versus none while in prison.


Also during a cell visit it'd be nice to have the guard use other restraints (armbinder, yoke, straitjacket without dress) if you choose to struggle and resist. If the player decides to endure whatever happens the guard may keep the gag and boots on you.

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5 minutes ago, UnEvenSteven said:

Any possibility of toggle that still allows guards and the Warden to visit the player in their cell even though the "Sex Disabled" option is toggled? Such a toggle could bring a nice balance between having a lot of sex versus none while in prison.

Wouldn't it make more sense the other way around?

5 minutes ago, UnEvenSteven said:

Also during a cell visit it'd be nice to have the guard use other restraints (armbinder, yoke, straitjacket without dress) if you choose to struggle and resist. If the player decides to endure whatever happens the guard may keep the gag and boots on you.

Can do! :)

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5 minutes ago, Kimy said:

Wouldn't it make more sense the other way around?


Did I word the request incorrectly? Suppose I did. So instead the "Sex Disabled" shouldn't be toggled thus allowing sex but have another toggle restricting sex to cell visits? I don't know, whatever would work for you if you decide to implement the feature ?


6 minutes ago, Kimy said:

Can do! :)


Awesome! ? Thank you Kimy!

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