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29 minutes ago, Kimy said:

The by far biggest reason for people experiencing broken DD items is when they change their load order mid-playthrough. That's a big mistake to make and kills savegames like no tomorrow, but one that doesn't get as much awareness as other Skyrim "don't do that"s.  Never, ever, change your load order after starting a new game! You CAN update a mod when the mod author has deemed it save to (they usually know if a mod can be updated without requiring a new game), but you NEED to make sure that the ESP keeps its exact postion in the load order. For that reason, also NEVER use LOOT mid-playthrough.


Also, from some bug reports I get the impression that people install DCL 8 into existing save games. I wrote in big red letters NOT to do that! 8.0 needs a new game!

Thx for the answer. But in this case, i didnt installed/updated midgame. I started a new game just for the 8.0 update. Regarding the loadorder, i forgot to use Loot at the first time after i installed. I started new game, have gone through the looooong process of setting each MCM to what i want and saved. Thats where i remembered i didnt used Loot, and did it.

Else if i do, i note where DCL is located in load order and move it to its former place if Loot shifts it out of it. Have to say, i never had anything like this before. Some issues with Chloes questitems , but that seemed to be solved. In a very early save (of this started game) i have several entrys "--> Bad Editor ID (XXXXXXXX)


BTW, i really apprechiate that you inform about the need of a new game in the change log ;) . I allways seach first for that info !  regards

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12 minutes ago, Kimy said:


Seriously, the biggest problem with needs mods (which as I now remember is the the reason why I never finished the water bowl in your cell) is that vanilla Skyrim has no water potions. I thought they were there, but they are all in RND. I guess that's the reason why there is so much mead in vanilla prisons. Skyrim doesn't seem to believe in drinking water! :D


I am currently pondering how to address this, but I don't think I want to serve mead or wine to a prisoner. That's...silly...

Yeah, tbh, I wasn't aware of that limitation when I started making DCL. In hindsight, I would have gone a little less wild with some controls, had I known back then.


Kimy, I use Imps More Complex Needs and it has the ability to drink from streams and wells.  iNeed and RND have this feature also, i think, if i remember correctly.  To get to the point, if there were a water or well reference in the cell someone could drink from it.  I use the player home mod called Mammoth Manor, and it has a water reference to it, I can just hit my drink hot key and it will allow me to drink in the home.  Maybe it would solve the problem in DCL.  Also maybe put a water trough in the cell so it looks "lore friendly" lol.  Anyway just trying to help with ideas.  

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I was thinking there would be lots of possibilities in doing some gambling based on restraints. Where rewards are either getting free, keys or harder punishments. Maybe not between just player and 1 npc but more.


1 possibility is for the prison, the guards would arrange a petsuit crawling race ?  So there would be different rewards depending on your final standing. It could be about making 4 laps back and forward, a bit like the costume thing***. If there was 4 girls +player racing it, it should mean them colliding eachother. Now, they should especially be colliding with player, maybe even "teaming up" a little to not let her pass. Or maybe if that is too difficult to arrange, have random events like them pushing you strongly, causing you to roll over and lose control for a few seconds trying to get back on feet. And of course their movement speeds could be randomized a little bit.


First price: Gets free the next day. Second price: reduced 2 days from sentence. Third place: nothing. 4th and 5th: Next day as black rubber dolls from morning to next morning, they will have to do jobs in those outfits, no lucky day chance. Open eyes hood preferred.


There are other possibilities for similar gambling scenarios. Cursed trap could give you bondage mittens that start a quest for player to go to a location. She will meet some ghostly figures who invite her to a contest perhaps in some old crypt. There could be different crypts or different minigames in same one. Either way, it could end well or badly for the player. Maybe opportunity to introduce timed restraints?


What kind of minigames? Some ideas: "Find treasure in X time", "Hit ranged targets as they appear (bow or spells allowed)", "Find exit from a labyrinth blindfolded in X time (will teleport if time out)", "Solve a rotating pillar puzzle". All of them can be rated based on how long it took compared to max allowed time, or how many mistakes player made. I'm guessing "Win an arena fight" is almost out of question because people may use other defeat mods too.


Dollmaker making some kind of bet with player, ending up caging when she loses... Could involve a client and a speedy delivery in appropriate gear, competing with another npc (Sasha?). Fast travel allowed, however manual running is always faster and the npc might win. Scatter 6 objects somewhere around Skyrim. Most points for the one who delivers more objects, bonus for one who arrives first. But if one finds 4 objects and finish, will win. I think the AI should just find 3 objects and run to goal. Also the objects should be along main roads, easy to get to. Reasonable winning prize for the work, like those DAMN boxes.

(The exciting bit here is that you don't know where npc is going to go. She could be getting to YOUR destination and arriving before, making you lose time and an object.)


*** The costume running is letting you move to the other npc before he swaps the restraints. I suggest a fix where after finishing his talk and just about to change gear, the guard would check if player is near him. If not, ask her over to re-initiate the dialog. "Girly, i can't dress you up from that far. Get over here!".

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3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

This sort of thing is because your Skyrim is broken. Uninstall mods until it works again.


1 hour ago, Kimy said:

broken DD items is when they change their load order mid-playthrough

I disagree. New Game, New Save, New Load order new... just new. The Blindfold will unequip for whatever reason (didn´t investigate till now), if you´re raped and forced to drink a drug. I have Skooma Whore installed and Hanshurtig11 is right, it is happening since v7.x. It didn´t do trouble to me, because you can just click on the inventory item and it is back to normal.


Will keep an eye on it and if I find a reason, I´ll share it. Maybe there is another pattern, I didn´t get till now. For sure is the rape/drug scenario trigger.




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How do you get arrested into the DCL prison? When getting arrested for vanilla crimes I get sent to regular jail, getting reported after solicitation always puts me in Walk of Shame, even if I set it to give 10000 bounty. Are there other ways to get arrested that result in Dagonar prison?

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2 minutes ago, neosuduno said:

No, had a mod order issue. Still, I would love the option to turn it off.

I guess you missed the first two times when I said that you CAN. Tick "Use Vanilla" in MCM, and the crime handling code will use vanilla prisons.

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I'm getting consistent crashes with DCUR Updates, which seems to come from this mod. I've been getting a lot of crashes lately and its always one of the last 4 lines.


Active Mod Files:

00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  HearthFires.esm
04  Dragonborn.esm
05  Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp  [Version 3.0.13a]
06  ApachiiHair.esm
07  ApachiiHairFemales.esm
08  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
09  hdtHighHeel.esm
0A  Heels Sound.esm
0B  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.62]
0C  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.3]
0D  SexLabAroused.esm  [Version 2.8]
0E  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
0F  Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
10  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
11  EFFCore.esm
12  HighResTexturePack01.esp
13  HighResTexturePack02.esp
14  HighResTexturePack03.esp
15  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
16  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
17  RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
18  FNISSexyMove.esp
19  FNIS.esp
1A  KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
1B  RaceMenu.esp
1C  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
1D  SkyUI.esp
1E  XPMSE.esp
1F  SOSRaceMenu.esp
20  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
21  SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
22  UUNP Vanilla Outfits.esp
23  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
++  Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
++  Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
24  mcgSpeedChange.esp
25  RaceMenuOverlays.esp
26  SLAnimLoader.esp
27  SlaveTats.esp
28  NibblesAnimObjects.esp
29  J42_ArmorRatingRedux.esp
2A  MagicResistanceRescaled.esp
2B  PathOfSorcery.esp
2C  DeviousTraining.esp
2D  betterwards.esp
2E  Smithing Perks Overhaul_Remade.esp
2F  Melt_Down_Everything.esp
30  ACE Archery.esp
31  Immersive Wenches.esp
32  Deviously Cursed Loot.esp
33  SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp
34  FNISspells.esp
35  EFFDialogue.esp
36  DeviousFollowers.esp  [Version 1.710]
37  Forgotten Wenches.esp
38  Judgment Wenches.esp
39  Hateful Wenches.esp
3A  DA_Skyship.esp
3B  Deviously Enslaved.esp
3C  ACE Armor.esp
3D  ACE Speech.esp
3E  ACE Synergy.esp
3F  LeazerBoundArmorRedux.esp
40  DW.esp
41  UIExtensions.esp
42  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
43  S_L_U_T_S.esp
44  Botox.esp
45  Botox_CharGen.esp



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On 3/18/2019 at 8:58 PM, Zaflis said:

I prefer not selecting any groups at all, it means everything will be built. But you can also do so that you select all DD you can see AND the "Unassigned". All that items that don't have a group will be in it.

Sadly i tried but still they don't show up...any other idea? :(
And i've been to new kinky prison but after being led to my cell, once the door was closed, nothing happened; i've been waiting for a veeery long time without guards showing up...is it normal?

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Great mod I love it, and I have a suggestion for you to add.
Now I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this or if you've gotten this before but my suggestion is this, 
Considering how Sasha already refuses to remove the collar if you allow her to put it on you why not also make it so based off how you act with her if you allow her to belt you, she wont remove the belt until you have the collar on?

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6 hours ago, TomTheCline said:

I'm getting consistent crashes with DCUR Updates, which seems to come from this mod. I've been getting a lot of crashes lately and its always one of the last 4 lines.

Last line being

[03/19/2019 - 04:22:26PM] [DCUR] Periodical update starts

... It does seem to hint this way. Based on what i've read since 8.0, i'm not the only one who gets strange game freezes in the prison. They don't last long for me, very small fraction of a second and it's not that often so i don't pay much attention. But it has likely been at least twice that whole game locked up, perhaps to it. One point i had a save that would always crash if i tried to load it, i had to go back 2 autosaves to find a stable one. It was in the main room of prison after finishing in the mines. I figured it might have something to do with HDT devices bugging out. 30 mins later there i saw a (leg?) chain stretched out the whole room wide, but it didn't last more than 10 seconds after it fixed itself. A whole chain harness floating in the air at place where i was moments ago... There's lots of things you can do to improve your Skyrim's HDT stability, Google helps.


But you have more things making your game more unstable than normal. Devious Training was never really declared more than WIP version, as far as i know. Devious Body Alteration works well as alternative. There was a new version of DT just recently that i'll try some point propably. Every time i had --Wenches mods installed i crashed more often. Why is that, i don't know. For sure it won't leave marks to Papyrus, almost no crash reasons do.


1 hour ago, Gozo said:

Sadly i tried but still they don't show up...any other idea? :(
And i've been to new kinky prison but after being led to my cell, once the door was closed, nothing happened; i've been waiting for a veeery long time without guards showing up...is it normal?

If DD doesn't show up in Bodyslide, it's simply a matter of badly done installation, or you aren't using your mod manager properly. DDA, DDI, DDX in that order should be installed.


The other question was asked by other person too. What do you mean by "veeery long time"? In both vanilla prison and this new one you use bed to make time go by. You can try to sleep even 24 hours.

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14 minutes ago, Zaflis said:

But you have more things making your game more unstable than normal. Devious Training was never really declared more than WIP version, as far as i know. Devious Body Alteration works well as alternative. There was a new version of DT just recently that i'll try some point propably. Every time i had --Wenches mods installed i crashed more often. Why is that, i don't know. For sure it won't leave marks to Papyrus, almost no crash reasons do.

Yeah, on my new list DT isn't on there. I also took off Path of Sourcerery, Better Wards, and a bunch of other stuff.


As for Wenches, it can generate a ton of mobs. That might be it?


In any case, whats most befuddling is that this is essentially a subset of what I was using back in December. It should be more stable, yet I have a 100% reproducible CTD (involving RaceMenu and UUNP Morphs). I'm not sure whats going on, but the only thing I can think of is that one of the mods I updated is at fault.


For what its worth, here is the new load list I'll try later.

Active Mod Files:

00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  HearthFires.esm
04  Dragonborn.esm
05  Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp  [Version 3.0.13a]
06  hdtHighHeel.esm
07  ApachiiHair.esm
08  ApachiiHairFemales.esm
09  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
0A  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.62]
0B  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.3]
0C  SexLabAroused.esm  [Version 2.8]
0D  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
0E  Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
0F  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
10  HighResTexturePack01.esp
11  HighResTexturePack02.esp
12  HighResTexturePack03.esp
13  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
14  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
15  SkyUI.esp
16  RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
17  XPMSE.esp
18  SOSRaceMenu.esp
19  RaceMenu.esp
1A  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
++  Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
1B  Botox.esp
1C  Botox_CharGen.esp
1D  FNISSexyMove.esp
1E  FNIS.esp
1F  mcgSpeedChange.esp
20  KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
21  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
22  SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
23  UUNP Vanilla Outfits.esp
24  Immersive Wenches.esp
25  Forgotten Wenches.esp
26  Judgment Wenches.esp
27  SLAnimLoader.esp
28  NibblesAnimObjects.esp
29  Deviously Cursed Loot.esp
2A  FNISspells.esp
2B  DeviousFollowers.esp  [Version 1.710]
2C  Hateful Wenches.esp
2D  Deviously Enslaved.esp
2E  DW.esp
2F  SlaveTats.esp
30  PetCollar.esp
31  SexLab_SOS-Stapon.esp
32  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 3.1.7]
33  Deviously Cursed Loot LAL AddOn.esp
34  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
35  S_L_U_T_S.esp


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7 hours ago, Zaflis said:

If DD doesn't show up in Bodyslide, it's simply a matter of badly done installation, or you aren't using your mod manager properly. DDA, DDI, DDX in that order should be installed.


The other question was asked by other person too. What do you mean by "veeery long time"? In both vanilla prison and this new one you use bed to make time go by. You can try to sleep even 24 hours.

I've installed them in that order and i don't know what could be wrong, did you use NMM? After some searches I've found .nif files of missing items, but they are in shapedata folder, i tried to use them in Openoutfit (through bodyslide) in order to export a .nif file for meshes but as a try, it failed...probably i should export it in a different folder?

Or is it another dead end?

For the prison question, i waited for 20 minutes in real life, i could only drink/wash from the bowel (with deviously no success :) ), notice my restraints were impossible to struggle out and if i used the bed there was the same message showing in regular cells that ends your stay in the dungeon.

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18 hours ago, Kimy said:

The by far biggest reason for people experiencing broken DD items is when they change their load order mid-playthrough. That's a big mistake to make and kills savegames like no tomorrow, but one that doesn't get as much awareness as other Skyrim "don't do that"s.  Never, ever, change your load order after starting a new game! You CAN update a mod when the mod author has deemed it save to (they usually know if a mod can be updated without requiring a new game), but you NEED to make sure that the ESP keeps its exact postion in the load order. For that reason, also NEVER use LOOT mid-playthrough.

A random idea I just had...


1) Record the mod index of DCL on first install... If the index ever changes, make the MCM show nothing but a warning that you changed your load-order and any saves from here on are hosed. (Could record the whole LO if you wanted, but this simple check would catch most silliness).


2) Detect invalid updates.


A lot of mods can update a running save by design because they were built with the update steps in; they detect the version and apply the necessary code changes. Defeat (hate it if you will) is very careful about this sort of thing, and how it sets up its properties. SL Adventures and SLD also do it. SLD will patch modified array properties on update, for example.


I get that DCL doesn't want to support that - it's a ton of work, especially for such a huge mod - but it could easily detect invalid major version updates and shut-down.

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16 hours ago, Rogwar002 said:

I disagree.

I disagree with your disagreement.


You have a ton of mods in your LO. New, or otherwise. Doesn't matter.

The first step is to convince yourself they are not the cause, ONE way to do this is to remove them.

There are others, but it doesn't invalidate this process.


Having those mods present, no matter how recent the install, is very different from testing WITHOUT them.


If you follow the steps, you get a working Skyrim. It might not be the fastest or easiest way, but it's a way.


1) Skyrim fails with mods installed.

2) Remove mods, test again (without MO if you have it). Does Skyrim work? If YES, mods are the cause. If NO, go to 3

3) Remove SKSE, run without SKSE. Does Skyrim work? If YES, SKSE hosed. If NO, go to 4.

4) Reinstall clean Skyrim. Does Skyrim work? If YES, Skyrim broken, now fixed. Put mods back. If NO, your Windows is broken, go to 5.

5) Reinstall Windows.


Sure, you can add more steps, you can try removing just some mods, you can try reinstalling some mods, or whatever you like, but those are optimisations - just ways to try and shortcut the process.


But the process works without those optimisations ... OK there's something missing ...


Your mod-manager: MO or NMM install may be broken, but removing all your mods and running without the manager tests that.


In step (2) you must remove the mods entirely, and all their script files. If you have MO, it's easy, if you have NMM, you likely need to jump to step (4).

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Hey, I was wondering if its possible to make some edits to this mod with Tes5edit to make certain items also appear on male characters?

I have no idea how to re-model/fit the kinky outfits for guys so I'm not even gonna try, but I would imagine some items like hoods, mittens or chains items could be made visible on male characters as well without too much work? I don't really mind if they clip a bunch, it's the thought that matters!


I try to make my mods work on both genders+futa as much as possible and devices is usually where the odd vanishing of items based on gender gets weirdly inconsistent.

I'm all thumbs when it comes to modding, any help would be appreciated.

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26 minutes ago, kiesu said:

Hey, I was wondering if its possible to make some edits to this mod with Tes5edit to make certain items also appear on male characters?

I have no idea how to re-model/fit the kinky outfits for guys so I'm not even gonna try, but I would imagine some items like hoods, mittens or chains items could be made visible on male characters as well without too much work? I don't really mind if they clip a bunch, it's the thought that matters!


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51 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

Yes I know this mod and have it, but it does not touch all devices and seems to have forgotten to touch even some basic items that just have different ids. Basically, even if two chain items with different id would look identical on female character, DDforhim might only change one of them to work with men while the other vanishes. Hence I'm looking for some advice on how to fix invisible items myself, since ddforhim doesnt look like it is going be updated to touch missing items.

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4 hours ago, Gozo said:

I've installed them in that order and i don't know what could be wrong, did you use NMM? After some searches I've found .nif files of missing items, but they are in shapedata folder, i tried to use them in Openoutfit (through bodyslide) in order to export a .nif file for meshes but as a try, it failed...probably i should export it in a different folder?

Or is it another dead end?

For the prison question, i waited for 20 minutes in real life, i could only drink/wash from the bowel (with deviously no success :) ), notice my restraints were impossible to struggle out and if i used the bed there was the same message showing in regular cells that ends your stay in the dungeon.

I will never use NMM again, sorry. MO2 now but i'm eyeing at Vortex. I hear it has higher performance than MO2 but it might be more bugged (unsure). The installed folders are always right, trying weird things like nif exports or copying elsewhere is just avoiding the problem and potentially making it worse. Installing a mod should be very simple and straightforward thing, you don't need to know anything technical, not even about Bodyslide. It's mainly just about installing all the required mods and their requirements, read descriptions carefully.


When opening Bodyslide, clear group filters if something was on, select correct main body and preset to it from top left, then toggle morphs and batch build all. From the options select the main body again (which is propably Unified UNP HDT, or CBBE HDT if you use that), and other matching HDT clothings and stuff.


If everything still fails, try to find a LoversLab Skyrim modding guide or something, there should be some around. Other than that i'm nearly always online on Steam and Discord if one wants live tech support or just chat about naughty Skyrim things etc ;) 


Vanilla prison didn't show any messages if i remember, you just get black screen and appear outside some guard house. It is currently possible that you get out with 1 night sleep from the new prison if your sentence was only 1 day. I suggested earlier to make it mean 1 workday + another night.

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12 hours ago, Zaflis said:

 Every time i had --Wenches mods installed i crashed more often. Why is that, i don't know. For sure it won't leave marks to Papyrus, almost no crash reasons do.

I've had that problem with Immersive Wenches too.   Especially when trying to do Chloe's quest.  If I have Wenches installed, I almost never can get into Helgen Keep to rescue Chloe.   CTD almost 100% of the time.  With a previous version of Cursed Loot I tested it, turning first Immersive Wenches off, then Cursed Loot.  If only one esp was turned on I could get in to Helgen Keep, if both were on, almost guaranteed CTD.  When I compared the two files with Tes5Edit, I think there was a world space conflict, but, I know almost nothing about editing the files, so I never touched it to see if that was the issue.  I just stopped using the two together if I wanted to do Chloe's quest.  I haven't updated to Cursed Loot 8 yet, so I haven't tested to see if it still CTD for me or not.


On another note, with the hobble dress, which animation works better for going up slopes?  With the small steps animation, I am constantly getting stuck when I try to go up hills or slopes.  It gets bad enough that I had to learn how to use TCL just to get up the slopes just to be able to continue the current quests.   Because of how easily I get motion sick, I haven't tried the hopping animation yet(because I didn't know if it would make the screen bounce with each hop.), but if it will handle going up slopes better, then I'll have to switch to it when I update to Cursed Loot 8.  (Also I can't remember if the animations for the hobble dress are in Cursed Loot, or a different file...)


In spite of minor annoyances like the hobble dress or that yoke that wraps around & deforms the breasts so horrifyingly (does it have a specific toggle for turning it off, or do I have to turn off all yokes to avoid it?), I love Cursed Loot & it always is in my mod list when I play & the enslaved Princess start is my all time favorite start.

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14 hours ago, Zaflis said:

Last line being

[03/19/2019 - 04:22:26PM] [DCUR] Periodical update starts

... It does seem to hint this way.

A log entry being the last one before a crash tells you exactly -nothing- about whether or not it was the actual cause for the crash. It could be. Or or could be not. DCL makes more generous use of logging than most mods (it helps me tracking down issues). If a mod that does NOT log (and most actually don't) makes the game crash, there is still a chance that the last entry that DID happen was from DCL, and people then mistakenly blame it for the crash.


When people experience crashes, the reason in the overwhelming majority of cases is sheer engine load put up by too many performance critical mods in their load order. There is no single culprit to blame in these cases, except that Skyrim cannot handle the load people throw on it. People need to look at what they install and keep in mind that there is a limit to how many script heavy mods you can install. DCL is certainly not a lightweight in terms of scripting, although it does make use of coding techniques to minimize engine load spikes. Size alone is a poor indicator of how much engine load it creates, even. It's completely possible to crash Skyrim with less than a dozen lines of code. In the end, then people start to experience issues, it's time to let go of a few scripted mods that aren't 100% needed, until the issues vanish.

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So ignoring that I posted in the past because I never got it to work properly before my computer bit the dust.


But does anyone have the best order to install ALL the necessary mods from a blank game? (or hell a zip for everything and save a lot of time if that would work [can you tell I'm a newbie to modding]) I feel that caused a lot of problem the last time I attempted because I missed mods that I needed, and installed in the wrong order so the fix program (forgot the name) didn't catch everything it needed to do and caused problems with appearances.

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On 3/18/2019 at 9:15 PM, Kimy said:

Haha, I was using the SL gender because I had people complaining about me excluding their transwomen by using the game engine to determine gender and not SL. Can't win this! :D

Do it like SLA Redux does. Add an option allowing the user to select the gender or use SexLabs ;)

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On 3/19/2019 at 8:27 AM, zwdragonbone8314 said:

Hi, I think I previously post a problem regarding to get CTD when enter into based room. The first one is if you choose the captured princess and went into based room in Riften; the second is if you are in jail, after you fininished cleaning, and enter into prison basement to meet quarter master. I got CTD the moment I enter into basement. I'm kind of getting stuck in the quest because of this. Can anyone help?

I have the exact same problem. Wondered if anyone knew what could cause this and/or how to fix it.

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On 3/16/2019 at 10:53 AM, naaitsab said:

And for bugs (contains some spoilers), had some issues that I could't get the dress off with the knife in the rocks. Needed to change the global dcur_prison_questcontrol to 60 from 61 to continue. Same goes for the lockpick on the cell door, also needed to change from 61 to 60 without moving into the cell trigger box (sets the value back to 61)


i cant figure out the console command to do this. anyone have advice?

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