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On 3/16/2019 at 9:29 PM, WaxenFigure said:


Was looking at the code today and discovered a memory leak problem in three scripts that has probably existed for a number of versions.


dcur_dq_questscript, dcur_hq_questscript and dcur_library all use the PlaceActorAtMe function.  I discovered with another mod long ago that particular function marks the added actor as "Persistent" and will never allow that actor to be deleted.  Once you clear the references to that actor it remains using memory in the save game forever and as the code performs that function over and over you get an increase in the savegame file size as the number of those dismissed but not removable actors continues to increase.

The fix however is dead simple, use the PlaceAtMe function instead, literally all you need to do to fix it is remove the "Actor" from the function call.  The parameters are different for the two calls but since you let them default anyway and the defaults will correctly create a "non-persistent" new actor it's a really easy fix.


Of course that leaves another bug in the dcur_library code and possibly in the code cleaning up after the other two scripts.  Since you use the cleanuprape function in that library for both those "PlaceAtMe" actors and the "I scanned the area and found some NPCs to come and rape the PC" you commented out the Delete function so fixing the PlaceActorAtMe with the PlaceAtMe will still have the same problem because those actors never get deleted and the next time you run the function you get a new copy.   You need to either check those actors against a list of your internal actors or add a keyword to them and see if they have that keyword (any existing keyword you'd never add to an NPC will actually suffice though adding an all new one just to make it clearer won't really hurt).


Just remember that if you use PlaceAtMe to create new things in a repeatable script you also need to delete them when you are done or they will persist and multiply leaking memory.  Don't use PlaceActorAtMe in any repeating script, it has a defective setting that cannot be fixed since it's not exposed in the interface. 

I don't think anyone has been clamoring about the save file getting bigger to you but if they have, that's a probable source.

Okies, fixed that. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. And yeah, looking at the code, I suppose people would have to use the same DCL save game for a decade or two before the memory leak would have noticeable effects, haha! So I guess that's why nobody found it in all these years. :)


Btw. the rapists DO get removed, but I commented out Delete(), because as I found out, it doesn't work on non-unique actors (it will destroy their respawn points, if any). SetCriticalStage() will remove these actors, and that's what I am using. :)

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7 minutes ago, Zaflis said:

"DD quest items"? I'm starting to see a pattern now that everytime i get defeated in combat and it tries to send me to the new prison, game crashes. Earlier time i had rubber doll collar and at least the suit on, and now the Sasha's collar, suit and gag. So DCL quest items among other regular restraints. First i thought it's a fluke, Skyrim can be unstable. But now it's not long since last restart.


Also it's sometimes overlapping 2 defeat scenarios. Like now i was teleported to nearest inn and then to jail. I think i didn't see the jail itself nor loading screen when it crashes. I had been there at earlier point in the same save for 7 day sentence.

It shouldn't crash, it should send you to the vanilla prison instead. Is that not working?

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2 hours ago, Kimy said:

Such a button is already there.


Also, not sure what punishments you are talking about. No feature in 8.0 steals your items. Like in vanilla, your belongings are stored in a box when entering the prison, but you get it all back.

Yes, there is a feature that steal items, in 'Walk of Shame'. It was a problem in the previous version too.

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43 minutes ago, neosuduno said:

Yes, there is a feature that steal items, in 'Walk of Shame'. It was a problem in the previous version too.

That function can steal only specific whitelisted items (e.g. potions, gems and some jewelry) and money.

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38 minutes ago, Kimy said:

It shouldn't crash, it should send you to the vanilla prison instead. Is that not working?

It has never sent me to vanilla prison yet. Actually just now it worked for first time with Sasha's dom items on. The guard removed all of them off me cleanly though and so... 8 days remaining.


Ugly thing was not just that Belethor gave me a bounty just for being restrained, but that when guard caught me when i went outside, the 2 followers gave a good dose of lightning bolts causing his death. But i guess combat just ended there and next moment i was in prison. Looking forward to see if the 2 still want to keep fighting after i come back, but i'd think they will be calm.


But this wasn't a combat defeat caused sending to jail, and i wouldn't know if it makes a difference. Do these events work for other people? And 2 crashes for me isn't such a big sample size yet.

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Hi there, i'm sorry to bother you again with the same question, but i installed everything in the right order using NMM, run FNIS but when i use bodyslide i can't find any Devious item in there.....if i select in "Groups" the DDa, DDx and similar stuff, i can only build three catsuits, none of the other items appear in the toggle menu so i cannot batch build any of them :(
In fact if i start a new game some of the restraints are correct, but many of them are missing and invisible (sometimes i can see them using first person and usually they are displayed in my inventory but not in game), can anyone please help me?
I searched in many folders and could find some .nif files, but for many other items i only have _go.nif files, that are used for the inventory display i presume. Do you know what went wrong?
Thank you so much for your time, i hope someone can help me to appreciate fully this awesome mod!

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22 minutes ago, Gozo said:

Hi there, i'm sorry to bother you again with the same question, but i installed everything in the right order using NMM, run FNIS but when i use bodyslide i can't find any Devious item in there.....if i select in "Groups" the DDa, DDx and similar stuff, i can only build three catsuits, none of the other items appear in the toggle menu so i cannot batch build any of them :(

I prefer not selecting any groups at all, it means everything will be built. But you can also do so that you select all DD you can see AND the "Unassigned". All that items that don't have a group will be in it.

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52 minutes ago, Zaflis said:

It has never sent me to vanilla prison yet. Actually just now it worked for first time with Sasha's dom items on. The guard removed all of them off me cleanly though and so... 8 days remaining.


Ugly thing was not just that Belethor gave me a bounty just for being restrained, but that when guard caught me when i went outside, the 2 followers gave a good dose of lightning bolts causing his death. But i guess combat just ended there and next moment i was in prison. Looking forward to see if the 2 still want to keep fighting after i come back, but i'd think they will be calm.


But this wasn't a combat defeat caused sending to jail, and i wouldn't know if it makes a difference. Do these events work for other people? And 2 crashes for me isn't such a big sample size yet.

If you experience any more odd behavior, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a log. :)

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4 hours ago, Kimy said:

Male player characters and players already wearing DD quest items get sent to the vanilla prison.

Ah I was set as male in the sexlab profile, that makes sense (actual PC is female). Is it possible to make it check the actual sex rather than the sl profile? I set as male because I use some animations from the m2m pack and my character has a strapon in those scenes if she's set as female, which looks...silly. And I don't really ever need her to have a strapon because she's only ever submissive anyway. Very minor issue that might be specific to me but something to consider for a future release. Thanks a lot for the help + I love the mod!

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3 minutes ago, Demerots said:

Ah I was set as male in the sexlab profile, that makes sense (actual PC is female). Is it possible to make it check the actual sex rather than the sl profile? I set as male because I use some animations from the m2m pack and my character has a strapon in those scenes if she's set as female, which looks...silly. And I don't really ever need her to have a strapon because she's only ever submissive anyway. Very minor issue that might be specific to me but something to consider for a future release. Thanks a lot for the help + I love the mod!

Haha, I was using the SL gender because I had people complaining about me excluding their transwomen by using the game engine to determine gender and not SL. Can't win this! :D

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3 minutes ago, Kimy said:

Haha, I was using the SL gender because I had people complaining about me excluding their transwomen by using the game engine to determine gender and not SL. Can't win this! :D

Totally understandable and this is probably the better choice, my problem is *super* niche. The last potential change is just making it a flag in the DCL MCM itself.

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On 3/17/2019 at 5:02 PM, Kimy said:

Known issue - will get fixed soon. In the meantime, use naitsaab's workaround!

I did, though for some reason when the guard opened my cell to check me, he said everything was in order despite me mostly having escaped my bonds.

On 3/17/2019 at 5:02 PM, Kimy said:

Replacing the entire guard based on a toggle would be quite tedious to implement, but I will keep it in mind. The warden is actually in because she got suggested by one of my Patreon supporters when the prison was already 90% done. What I can always do is adding a few more female staff, I guess?

That's fair. I just prefer women, but I realize that it'd be a lot of extra work.

On 3/17/2019 at 5:02 PM, Kimy said:

While randomly shuffling around tasks would again result in code refactoring hell, I -could- look into a system that let's you skip certain tasks. That's actually already on my "to investigate" list. The "skip work" feature, together with the pardon system and "randomly changing your sentence" is actually there to mitigate tedium from very long sentences. The way the chances are set, it's very likely that you'll have to work only a few days, even if your sentence is seven days or more.

That makes sense and I like the idea of cutting down on tedium. I'd just prefer if it was more customizable and controllable: if it had a similar level of options and criteria the player could dictate as say, the Solicitation or Rape features, it'd work brilliantly.

On 3/17/2019 at 5:02 PM, Kimy said:

Will look into this. I made the "cook your food" feature with needs mods in mind, but if I need to provide more food, I can always add that. I might have actually forgotten to make your character actually drink when making the water fountain, I put in your cell specifically to help with RND and similar mods. Haha!

Yeah, I noticed that and got the impression you had that in mind. It just seems odd to me that one of the guards makes a comment about having to take gags out to feed you when Ring and Panel gags allow that without the need to ever ungag the prisoner.

On 3/17/2019 at 5:02 PM, Kimy said:

The difficulty slider actually -does- affect sentence length. I really can't make all individual factors customizable. There are so many of them that the resulting MCM would no longer fit into the allowed maximum.


Again that's fair, it's just unfortunate that it restricts customization. Personally there are other parts of the mod that I ignore (like misogyny) and would gladly trade them for more prison customization.


Still I think you did an excellent job and have been having a blast so far :D

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On 3/16/2019 at 9:53 AM, naaitsab said:

Needed to change the global dcur_prison_questcontrol to 60 from 61 to continue. Same goes for the lockpick on the cell door, also needed to change from 61 to 60 without moving into the cell trigger box (sets the value back to 61)

Also the wait/sleep-disable thing seems to be broken. No problems to wait or sleep while on the jobs. Also the trap door to the cellar is a bit hard to find if you have a bit darker ENB and/or texture packs. A light might fix this.


How?  I don't mess around a lot with the console, but setstage dcur_prison_questcontrol 61 comes up as quest id not found, and a help search and trying it out on one of the other dcur_prison quest ids came back as there being no stage 61.

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5 hours ago, Kimy said:

That function can steal only specific whitelisted items (e.g. potions, gems and some jewelry) and money.

Maybe, but does that exclude the White Phial and Azura's star?  Personally, I would disable theft altogether. It is not something that a guard should allow, even with public humiliation. There is no reason that someone stealing over 1000 septims worth of items would be overlooked.

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1 hour ago, gooberboy9999 said:


How?  I don't mess around a lot with the console, but setstage dcur_prison_questcontrol 61 comes up as quest id not found, and a help search and trying it out on one of the other dcur_prison quest ids came back as there being no stage 61.


46 minutes ago, Azshael_ said:


set dcur_prison_questcontrol to 60


Oh dear. I had missed naaitsab's post. Managed to escape now. Thank you.



Hehe, those 5 DAMM boxes in the end as a reward.


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4 hours ago, Demerots said:

Totally understandable and this is probably the better choice, my problem is *super* niche. The last potential change is just making it a flag in the DCL MCM itself.

If the strapons are your only problem, I am fairly certain there is a speciglfic setting to disable them, and then you can be a female.

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Some points i stumbled across, but not 8.0 specific. When sexlab scene is triggered by DCL, masks get "visible" removed (and not shown again at the end).

They are still eqipped in menu and show again, when doing anything (try unlock, remain gagged, removed. etc).

When rape is getting triggered due DCL the dom/sub part seems to be chosen more by chance then by the actual scenery.

PAH and HomeSweeetHome seems to handle this better. If i remember right,  first issue startet with last update before 8.0.

The sexlab dom/sub problem .. hm, i really dont know, but i started notecing a while ago.

Since 8.0 if sometimes have problems with items getting equipped due traps, but not being visible properly in the inventory.  regards


Edit: Even worse, i just noticed, that items can be equipped and neither be visible in inventory or inworld, but become equipped (shown) inworld, (but are not shown in inventory) as soon as you equipp another DD item for that slot. Wearing normal items, like boots , work for some reason.  strange.... ^^

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Hi, I think I previously post a problem regarding to get CTD when enter into based room. The first one is if you choose the captured princess and went into based room in Riften; the second is if you are in jail, after you fininished cleaning, and enter into prison basement to meet quarter master. I got CTD the moment I enter into basement. I'm kind of getting stuck in the quest because of this. Can anyone help?

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2 hours ago, Hanshurtig11 said:

Edit: Even worse, i just noticed, that items can be equipped and neither be visible in inventory or inworld, but become equipped (shown) inworld, (but are not shown in inventory) as soon as you equipp another DD item for that slot. Wearing normal items, like boots , work for some reason.  strange.... ^^

This sort of thing is because your Skyrim is broken. Uninstall mods until it works again.

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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

This sort of thing is because your Skyrim is broken. Uninstall mods until it works again.

I encounter this problem sometimes. It happens when I get defeated by someone exactly as he dies and such edge cases.


My solution to this is twofold:

1. Try to sell any bondage items in your inv to Laura or the dollmaker, or store them in a chest. This might reestablish the connection between some items and their inworld version, and then you can remove them.

2. If some items remain bugged after this: get fully naked (so that in the invertory you seem to have NOTHING on) and then console player.inv

You will see you have a few worn items, without any names. Try to console into your invertory items with the IDs of these nameless item +1. For example if an invisible worn ID is ends with A, try consoling the same ID but with B. If the item you got seems similar to the one stuck in you, proceed to equipping it with the console with 0 as the third parameter and then remove it normally.

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The by far biggest reason for people experiencing broken DD items is when they change their load order mid-playthrough. That's a big mistake to make and kills savegames like no tomorrow, but one that doesn't get as much awareness as other Skyrim "don't do that"s.  Never, ever, change your load order after starting a new game! You CAN update a mod when the mod author has deemed it save to (they usually know if a mod can be updated without requiring a new game), but you NEED to make sure that the ESP keeps its exact postion in the load order. For that reason, also NEVER use LOOT mid-playthrough.


Also, from some bug reports I get the impression that people install DCL 8 into existing save games. I wrote in big red letters NOT to do that! 8.0 needs a new game!

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16 hours ago, DvPl said:

That's fair. I just prefer women, but I realize that it'd be a lot of extra work.

As I said, people who want more F/F scenarios make a fair point, and I will see what I can do about it. There is already a toggle that will turn -most- sex scenes into F/F scenes, but yes, at this point the warden is the only female staff in the prison. Any extensions to the prison might bring in some more, though.

16 hours ago, DvPl said:

Yeah, I noticed that and got the impression you had that in mind. It just seems odd to me that one of the guards makes a comment about having to take gags out to feed you when Ring and Panel gags allow that without the need to ever ungag the prisoner.

But ball gags look so much better! Haha!


Seriously, the biggest problem with needs mods (which as I now remember is the the reason why I never finished the water bowl in your cell) is that vanilla Skyrim has no water potions. I thought they were there, but they are all in RND. I guess that's the reason why there is so much mead in vanilla prisons. Skyrim doesn't seem to believe in drinking water! :D


I am currently pondering how to address this, but I don't think I want to serve mead or wine to a prisoner. That's...silly...

16 hours ago, DvPl said:

Again that's fair, it's just unfortunate that it restricts customization. Personally there are other parts of the mod that I ignore (like misogyny) and would gladly trade them for more prison customization.

Yeah, tbh, I wasn't aware of that limitation when I started making DCL. In hindsight, I would have gone a little less wild with some controls, had I known back then.


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