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49 minutes ago, coolguy1111111 said:

is there a way to force start the Bound Queen quest? I've been playing for ages and for some reason have not come across the note to start it yet.

I didnt try it but I suppose consoling the initial "bound queen" book into your invertory and reading it should do the trick.

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I was pleasantly surprised how well the prison was handled from combat defeat. I was with Devious Follower (Lydia) heading to Blackreach in dwemer ruins. This might bend the lore a bit by an automaton handing me to the prison guard for cash ;) I paused the DF mod and after 1 night sleep i was let go and returned exactly to where i was captured, still in same restraints i had before. Follower wasn't there at the time but found me very soon. So when it's done like this it doesn't interrupt gameplay that much, which is good. My only grieve was that the sentence was 1 day, which meant 1 night sleep and "off you go". Make it minimum 2 days?

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Was looking at the code today and discovered a memory leak problem in three scripts that has probably existed for a number of versions.


dcur_dq_questscript, dcur_hq_questscript and dcur_library all use the PlaceActorAtMe function.  I discovered with another mod long ago that particular function marks the added actor as "Persistent" and will never allow that actor to be deleted.  Once you clear the references to that actor it remains using memory in the save game forever and as the code performs that function over and over you get an increase in the savegame file size as the number of those dismissed but not removable actors continues to increase.

The fix however is dead simple, use the PlaceAtMe function instead, literally all you need to do to fix it is remove the "Actor" from the function call.  The parameters are different for the two calls but since you let them default anyway and the defaults will correctly create a "non-persistent" new actor it's a really easy fix.


Of course that leaves another bug in the dcur_library code and possibly in the code cleaning up after the other two scripts.  Since you use the cleanuprape function in that library for both those "PlaceAtMe" actors and the "I scanned the area and found some NPCs to come and rape the PC" you commented out the Delete function so fixing the PlaceActorAtMe with the PlaceAtMe will still have the same problem because those actors never get deleted and the next time you run the function you get a new copy.   You need to either check those actors against a list of your internal actors or add a keyword to them and see if they have that keyword (any existing keyword you'd never add to an NPC will actually suffice though adding an all new one just to make it clearer won't really hurt).


Just remember that if you use PlaceAtMe to create new things in a repeatable script you also need to delete them when you are done or they will persist and multiply leaking memory.  Don't use PlaceActorAtMe in any repeating script, it has a defective setting that cannot be fixed since it's not exposed in the interface. 

I don't think anyone has been clamoring about the save file getting bigger to you but if they have, that's a probable source.

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Looking for some help on this one...I get arrested, sent to the prison, get through initial dialogue and as soon as the warden starts to have her way, I get a message stating that I got my hands free and attacked a guard.  Seems to create a never ending cycle repeating the same dialogue box and then stating 3 days will be added.  However, after the SexLab scene ends I am unable to exit the initial room and no dialogue options with anyone  Is this a mod conflict or something else.


Looking for any help.  Thanks!

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On 3/16/2019 at 1:54 PM, Zaflis said:

The changelog for 8.0 said above ^. I was in markath keep at the time i got the collar on. I tried solicitation to closest guard and he agreed. 750g or so was paid and collar got dropped off by that 1 sex event. The settings i have are min/max 10/30 gold per level and player was level 16.


Oh, i usually cure vampirism disease but i forgot this time. Decided to go with it while starting up Dawnguard quests. Didn't have much experience with the non-vampire lord transformation so i was curious. The game is stating that people fear me etc, but the worry was for nothing. Guards don't attack me day nor night. But it does stop health/mana/stamina generation in daylight. That brought some extra difficulty to devious play, especially with DCL's defeat. The sluts-mod pony rides may also get a bit slower, unless you wait until evening and risk getting paid less due time loss.


Speaking of guards attacking, they seem to attack my restrained captives. But they seem essential so when i was at Riverwood inn i was able to talk to the slave trader while the vampire/forsworn captive was kneeling down.

i have to agree there is an issue with the whore collar. every time i get equipped with one it tells me i need to earn 0 gold to release it. i go and solicit one person, get paid and it releases

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What am I missing to escape.. I stole the crowbar, made 4 lockpicks, positioned the utility knife, got two of the guard house keys. Also found the hint in the other cell.  But it still stays there is guards everywhere but outside the cell I see none.



Edit: I thought I was being clever in the basement..I formulated a plan to burn them with the use of my hands+flames spell.

Curse you Kimy!

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Hi Kimy,


Great job with this new version ! The prison seems to be a great improvment, but I can't really enjoy it because I've got immediate CTD when entering the basement.

SO, everythings works fine for me in this new version of DCL, except the Danonar Prison scenario : missing textures on the shackles and on the woman's bodysuit in the basement, and this annoying CTD everytime I try anything in that basement, in front of the guard (checking my inventory, looking at the map, pausing the game, saving ...).


Any idea ?


Thks !

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I'm having problems getting DCL V8 to work, as soon as i load into a game or start a new one I CTD.

I've run Fnis and got all required mods for it to work. I've also used bodyslide on all files including DDa & DDx.
Is there any prefered load order for DCL and its requirements?
I'm sadly also using Vortex as a mod manager because NMM doesn't want to work.

Any help would be greatly appreaciated.

After manually installing it I no longer CTD, I suspect that Vortex placed the 'source' scripts in the wrong place. Or it could have been because of it's load after/before tool when mods try and overwrite files.
In any case it seems ot be working now.
Thanks to anyone who might have looked into my problem before it solved it myself.
Hope this additional info may help someone who may experience the same problem in the future.

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Hi Kimy, always loved your mod. have played it since V4.6 and being the OCD person that I am, i have literally every version of the mod since then.


I would like to consider removing sexlab defeat from my load order and just use DCL combat surrender, but i need to ask does DCL have an option to make the player essential?


the only reason defeat is still in my load order is so i can choose essential option. nothing worse than getting attacked and submitting, then bleeding out and dying in the middle of rape scene causing it to reload last save. I removed DA from my load order ages ago due to its instability.


If you can add a button option to MCM to make player essential, that would be awesome

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I've had Cursed Loot on and off in my mod order for a while now, but as soon as I saw the prison update I immediately reinstalled it. I have to say I absolutely love what's there: as soon as the Warden explained "you will be kept bound and gagged at all times" and I saw what the prison routine (and dress code) was I was hooked. I really wanted to see a prison mod that was genuinely kinky rather than just tedious, so the focus on keeping prisoners constantly, heavily restrained 24/7 and including sexual punishments was right up my alley. I haven't managed to escape so far and my two day sentence is now seven days due to extensions and the Warden falsifying records, but I am very interested in playing more of it. Also I gotta report that issue with the utility knife in the brick giving the same prompt about there being too many guards around, but I think you're already aware of that.


Something I've always liked about CL is that it's very modular for the most part. You can customize things extensively and it's always possible to disable or alter features that you don't want in a given play through, which is great. With this in mind I'd like to offer a few suggestions for optional changes/features etc for the prison.


First off an option to change the gender of the guards. Something tells me that a latex lesbian prison staffed entirely by women like the Warden would be popular.


I would also love to see an option to play a more barebones version of it where you're just kept in a cell and don't have to engage with things or go through the routine. As interesting as it is, I think it would be nice to just have the option to just be kept confined for the duration of the sentence, locked away and tightly bound at all times. This would be especially useful if you have a very long sentence. Perhaps you could also add the option to enable or disable specific work activities, as well as to randomize the routine each day.


I think it would also be beneficial to change or include different options for the feeding system. At present making the meal is part of the daily routine, but for players who use immersive needs mods (like me!) it can create problems. I ended up disabling it while in the prison but there is something that I think could work as a solution: include Dwemer-style pipes in each of the cells which inmates can use to get food/water (or more likely gruel mixed with nasty lewd things), almost like the water tank for a hamster cage. You'd have to change the gags used from ballgags to ring/panel gags, but I think it could work and would be useful on those days where you're just kept in the cell or if you add that as an option.


Lastly I'd like to see more customization with regards to what level of fines result in what sentence, that is how your bounty translates to prison time. It'd also be good to have more explanation of what the difficulty sliders do as well as insider info about how the inner workings of things.


I realize that you just make the things you want to make so I don't expect to see any or all of this implemented immediately just because I asked, but I wanted to share my opinions and suggestions. I am really liking the direction you're taking CL with this prison thing and would love to see it develop into something truly great.

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1 hour ago, DvPl said:

With this in mind I'd like to offer a few suggestions for optional changes/features etc for the prison.

DvPI pretty much nails what sort of things that I also think would be great to see added to this ... if it were the thing that things were being added to :) 

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Came across a pair of bugs in the prison! I was given the task to move between the foreman (?) and supervisor to model for them. When the final round consisted of a chastity bra and belt, they weren't unlocked when I was sent to bed.


The following morning the foreman refused to give me my task, looping his dialogue, because he couldn't take his payment of my character's body. Meaning I had to console in the prison key to unlock the belt, after which everything proceeded as expected. But just a minor hiccup, perhaps giving the guards the ability to break through belts?


Either way enjoying the content and variety of tasks inside and eager to explore more!

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I have a weird problem. For some reason a Cursed Loot plug equipped itself and I have no way of removing it. It does not appear in inventory screen and has ID 80000000 and I can't remote it in console using this. Can't put any other plugs in because it says there is already one present. Safe word doesn't work. Some other mods that put their own quest plugs can't remove it too(like Captured Dreams). I don't remember when it first appeared but it had a proper object ID and was able to remove it. Then when I tried to equip some random inflatable plug this one appeared and now I'm stuck with it.  I currently don't have any cursed loot quests active. It has a red soulstone graphic


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5 hours ago, DvPl said:

Also I gotta report that issue with the utility knife in the brick giving the same prompt about there being too many guards around, but I think you're already aware of that.

Known issue - will get fixed soon. In the meantime, use naitsaab's workaround!

5 hours ago, DvPl said:

First off an option to change the gender of the guards. Something tells me that a latex lesbian prison staffed entirely by women like the Warden would be popular.

Replacing the entire guard based on a toggle would be quite tedious to implement, but I will keep it in mind. The warden is actually in because she got suggested by one of my Patreon supporters when the prison was already 90% done. What I can always do is adding a few more female staff, I guess?

5 hours ago, DvPl said:

I would also love to see an option to play a more barebones version of it where you're just kept in a cell and don't have to engage with things or go through the routine. As interesting as it is, I think it would be nice to just have the option to just be kept confined for the duration of the sentence, locked away and tightly bound at all times. This would be especially useful if you have a very long sentence. Perhaps you could also add the option to enable or disable specific work activities, as well as to randomize the routine each day.

While randomly shuffling around tasks would again result in code refactoring hell, I -could- look into a system that let's you skip certain tasks. That's actually already on my "to investigate" list. The "skip work" feature, together with the pardon system and "randomly changing your sentence" is actually there to mitigate tedium from very long sentences. The way the chances are set, it's very likely that you'll have to work only a few days, even if your sentence is seven days or more.

5 hours ago, DvPl said:

I think it would also be beneficial to change or include different options for the feeding system. At present making the meal is part of the daily routine, but for players who use immersive needs mods (like me!) it can create problems. I ended up disabling it while in the prison but there is something that I think could work as a solution: include Dwemer-style pipes in each of the cells which inmates can use to get food/water (or more likely gruel mixed with nasty lewd things), almost like the water tank for a hamster cage. You'd have to change the gags used from ballgags to ring/panel gags, but I think it could work and would be useful on those days where you're just kept in the cell or if you add that as an option.

Will look into this. I made the "cook your food" feature with needs mods in mind, but if I need to provide more food, I can always add that. I might have actually forgotten to make your character actually drink when making the water fountain, I put in your cell specifically to help with RND and similar mods. Haha!

5 hours ago, DvPl said:

Lastly I'd like to see more customization with regards to what level of fines result in what sentence, that is how your bounty translates to prison time. It'd also be good to have more explanation of what the difficulty sliders do as well as insider info about how the inner workings of things.

The difficulty slider actually -does- affect sentence length. I really can't make all individual factors customizable. There are so many of them that the resulting MCM would no longer fit into the allowed maximum.


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5 hours ago, Maddac said:

I would like to consider removing sexlab defeat from my load order and just use DCL combat surrender, but i need to ask does DCL have an option to make the player essential?

It's not an option, but it does make the player essential and always has.


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2 hours ago, pearisdriving said:

I have a weird problem. For some reason a Cursed Loot plug equipped itself and I have no way of removing it. It does not appear in inventory screen and has ID 80000000 and I can't remote it in console using this. Can't put any other plugs in because it says there is already one present. Safe word doesn't work. Some other mods that put their own quest plugs can't remove it too(like Captured Dreams). I don't remember when it first appeared but it had a proper object ID and was able to remove it. Then when I tried to equip some random inflatable plug this one appeared and now I'm stuck with it.  I currently don't have any cursed loot quests active. It has a red soulstone graphic


I have some alike problem with a (highsecurity) harness. Gets equipped, but does not show in inventory, but blocks other items from equipping.

And yes, equipped by an DCL event. Startet with DCL 8.0 for me.

BTW, the new prison is cool, thx Kimy !! ;)

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8 hours ago, Ballawalla said:

After manually installing it I no longer CTD, I suspect that Vortex placed the 'source' scripts in the wrong place. Or it could have been because of it's load after/before tool when mods try and overwrite files.

Right place - wrong place. Where script source files go does not matter. The engine does not read them. They are there for education, and for mod modifiers to use.

And thankful I am that Kimy includes them.

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22 hours ago, Kimy said:

There is a toggle that will disable the prison, but none that would disable crime handling completely. A lot of DCL features now hook into crime handling, so if I allowed users to disable it completely, these features would no longer work as intended. So I am afraid DCL is not compatible with other crime overhaul mods.

I see. Most likely the other mod is abandonded anyways, so no problem :).


I have one issue in general with Skyrim crime though, i made a thread about it a few weeks ago:



As far as i understand it you get a 1 day sentence per 1000 crime in vanilla Skyrim. Unfortunately as soon as you hit a bounty of 1000 the guards forcegreet you though, and you can only either pay off your bounty or go to prison. Is it somehow possible to increase this limit to 5000 or 10000?

This way i could nicely accumulate bounties via Sexlab Adventures various taxes and bounties. Usually they are easily to pay off, but if i get a bad luck streak it would lead to a nice long prison sentence.

So if this is easily adjustable that would be an awesome additional mcm slider :).



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17 hours ago, WaxenFigure said:

Was looking at the code today and discovered a memory leak problem in three scripts that has probably existed for a number of versions.


dcur_dq_questscript, dcur_hq_questscript and dcur_library all use the PlaceActorAtMe function.  I discovered with another mod long ago that particular function marks the added actor as "Persistent" and will never allow that actor to be deleted.  Once you clear the references to that actor it remains using memory in the save game forever and as the code performs that function over and over you get an increase in the savegame file size as the number of those dismissed but not removable actors continues to increase.

The fix however is dead simple, use the PlaceAtMe function instead, literally all you need to do to fix it is remove the "Actor" from the function call.  The parameters are different for the two calls but since you let them default anyway and the defaults will correctly create a "non-persistent" new actor it's a really easy fix.


Of course that leaves another bug in the dcur_library code and possibly in the code cleaning up after the other two scripts.  Since you use the cleanuprape function in that library for both those "PlaceAtMe" actors and the "I scanned the area and found some NPCs to come and rape the PC" you commented out the Delete function so fixing the PlaceActorAtMe with the PlaceAtMe will still have the same problem because those actors never get deleted and the next time you run the function you get a new copy.   You need to either check those actors against a list of your internal actors or add a keyword to them and see if they have that keyword (any existing keyword you'd never add to an NPC will actually suffice though adding an all new one just to make it clearer won't really hurt).


Just remember that if you use PlaceAtMe to create new things in a repeatable script you also need to delete them when you are done or they will persist and multiply leaking memory.  Don't use PlaceActorAtMe in any repeating script, it has a defective setting that cannot be fixed since it's not exposed in the interface. 

I don't think anyone has been clamoring about the save file getting bigger to you but if they have, that's a probable source.




In my judgment, this is an important finding and justifies a quick hotfix (as opposed to waiting for an update).  Heavily modded load orders quickly result in large save files.  Saving any added size from a save file is critically important.

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1 hour ago, malarmephisto said:

When using the 8.0 and sending to the prison, 
The game crashes as i speak with the warden, or save the game.
Every time.

Possible causes:

- Your HDT body installation is incomplete or done wrong way. There are guides for it in Internet.

- Having wrong skeleton. One you need is XP32 Extended (XPMSE).

- Didn't batch build everything in Bodyslide.

- Didn't run FNIS with skeleton arm fix. DD must appear in its log.

- You are using SSE, while the mod is built for Skyrim Legendary Edition.

- Didn't sort load order (let LOOT sort it if even slightly unsure).

- Too weak computer or didn't make precautions to have stable Skyrim. Crashfixes, Loadgame CTD fix, SKSE settings and Skyrim preferences better for script load and performance.

There are guides for all of these. And test the devices from Cursed Loot's MCM debug.

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Personally, I am not a fan of the Prison. I wish there was the option to turn the prison feature off, but keep the rest of DCU active. I do not like misogyny in most forms, and this is less BDSM and nearly all misogyny. There is a reason I turn it off in the settings.

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27 minutes ago, neosuduno said:

Personally, I am not a fan of the Prison. I wish there was the option to turn the prison feature off, but keep the rest of DCU active. I do not like misogyny in most forms, and this is less BDSM and nearly all misogyny. There is a reason I turn it off in the settings.

There's a new crime tab in the MCM, you can make it easier or disable the forced sex.

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Alright, going back to a previous post.  I have uninstalled, reinstalled, started two new games and every time I get arrested, I cannot get past speaking with the Warden, or the first guard if either choses to initiate a SexLab scene.  



This pops up and starts an endless back and forth that I cannot escape.  Ultimately it ends with the continuation of the SexLab scene with the Warden but after it finishes, I am left with nothing I can do, except Debug out of Cursed Loot.  Curious if there is an issue with SLSO or another mod?



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