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- Changed: The whore collar now always requires 20 times the average solicitation tip.

The changelog for 8.0 said above ^. I was in markath keep at the time i got the collar on. I tried solicitation to closest guard and he agreed. 750g or so was paid and collar got dropped off by that 1 sex event. The settings i have are min/max 10/30 gold per level and player was level 16.


Oh, i usually cure vampirism disease but i forgot this time. Decided to go with it while starting up Dawnguard quests. Didn't have much experience with the non-vampire lord transformation so i was curious. The game is stating that people fear me etc, but the worry was for nothing. Guards don't attack me day nor night. But it does stop health/mana/stamina generation in daylight. That brought some extra difficulty to devious play, especially with DCL's defeat. The sluts-mod pony rides may also get a bit slower, unless you wait until evening and risk getting paid less due time loss.


Speaking of guards attacking, they seem to attack my restrained captives. But they seem essential so when i was at Riverwood inn i was able to talk to the slave trader while the vampire/forsworn captive was kneeling down.

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2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

I kind of feel the same way.  I love Kimy's work, I love that she has a new release out, I love DCL, but even just getting DCL to install is an issue now, just due to the file size!

DCL file size is actually pretty laughable for what it does. ;)

2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

A consistent problem I see with a lot of loverslab mods I call the "wtf does this mod actually do?" problem.   Many mods dip their toes into a million little concepts and then end up doubling up on territory (even if its not necisarily a straight conflict).  DCL /radiant prostitutiton, DCL/defeat DCL/crime DCL/sexist guards ect.  Even worse sometimes you can't even figure out wtf the mod is supposed to do at all *cough* ddequip/POP.  DCL is getting there, I understand it only because I've been around since it was literally just about cursed loot.

Honestly, I thought about renaming DCL more than once. It's really grown beyond cursed chests. But...that's the name people know it as. I really don't know. I am not a marketing specialist. I am a coder! Haha!


Should I rename it? :D

2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

Now Kimy has done a great job with MCM toggles allowing you control over content, but at best it's bad packaging, and at worst it prevents any of the individual systems evolving into a real framework.  For example, as it stands right now there is NO actively supported standalone  defeat framework (Sexlab Defeat was last updated in 2016!).  It would be great if there was a "Kimy Defeat" that just managed combat surrender, then other modders could hook into it to suit a variety of tastes, whether they want to add DD, quests, monsters or w/e.  

Well, here is the thing. And it really boils down to that...


...but your load order can't hold more than 255 mods.


Easy as that.


And even without that limitation - would you rather want to bother installing two dozen one-trick pony mods and whatever dependencies they might rely on? Or one mod that can do that all, with just one click?


I dunno about you. But I don't like one-trick ponies. I like mods that matter. That's the kind of mods I personally use. And that's the kind of mod I make. I could have -easily- made the DCL prison a standalone mod. But I chose not to, because that way the crime feature can hook into many already existing DCL features and use its huge library of items, which makes it waaay more versatile than any other take on Skyrim crime I am aware of.

2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

All of these features work well but are pretty minimalist and could do with an upgrade if they are to become the top choice in their category.  They are unlikely to see much growth on their own besides tailoring specifically for Kimy projects. 

Honestly, most of these features I don't even consider minimalist. They are rather representing the aspects I personally think matter. In other words, stripped of (what I consider) unnecessary fluff. And creature stuff, because I still don't want to get exposed to that. There is that.

2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:


There is also the issue that these minimalist systems can crush any other potential new frameworks.  Even if someone could make a combat surrender mod that's  better than DCLs, it probably won't get made, because Kimy's ties into all this other content.  "It's not a good combat surrender system, its just the one attached to DCL." ...Well, it is pretty good, but you get what I mean...

That logic is flawed. If any of DCL's features would be sub-par to its competitors, people can always chose to install said competitors instead. That DCL can hook into its OTHER features when other mods can't, is what I think gives it an edge and makes it more interesting. DCL can offer about a dozen arrest outcomes when its competitors can...well...not. The prostitution feature sure isn't as complex as e.g. Radiant Prostitution, but it serves a specific purpose for ME, which was offering a bondage-aware alternative (which makes it the only mod doing that) that does NOT involve super-rude language (which makes it the only mod doing that). Blame it on me being a girl, but I don't care for that kind of writing. It doesn't turn me on at all. I am like "Ok, I am no prostitute and have no experience with that business, but if I were, I wouldn't want to be treated like THAT!". The combat surrender doesn't offer as many features as DA, but on the upside, it doesn't bug out 75% of the time. Unlike DA.


Things like that.


Seriously, I don't feel the need to provide a DCL alternative for every single bondage related mod on LL. But if I feel that the existing mods fall short of what I enjoy to play - I might implement my own take. Just because I can. And I offer it to people who - like me - enjoy it.

2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

Now I can think of a lot of reason NOT to do this as well.  It may actually be easier to work on one super mod (as far as I know team Kimy is mostly a one woman show + testers)

As far as DCL goes, there is no team. It's really just me.

2 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

It may also be to maintain tight creative control, there have been some DD mods that have gone rogue, refusing to adopt new versions of the DD framework, in clear violation of modding etiquette. This factionalism is not good to say the least.  Maybe being a super mod keeps any of these systems from getting trapped on an island like captured dreams and DDe.

The fact that there was no general purpose prison mod available to use with DD was part of the reason why I chose to make one. I have to admit that I never considered "that other prison mod" to be overly interesting, so that played a part, too. In that particular case...I -personally- (as in my own opinion, and taste can't be argued) consider POP to be one of the most boring mods on LL. Even before Inte took it on, so no need to interpret the impact of any personal animosities into this. But a mod that parades your character from cell to pillory and back, with her getting abused and whipped twice or thrice on the way, and offers absolutely zero interactivity at any time, is boring in my book. Hence - my own take. It's the prison mod -I- would make. Well, it's the prison mod I -did- make...because I can.


That's really the gist of it.


I am still forcing absolutely nobody to install DCL. DCL is -my- take on a bondage mod, all its features included. And taste cannot be argued.

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Er bug report here. So I got sent to prison for 9 days with a 10k bounty. The quest proceeded until I had to enter my cell. The quest didn't update when I entered my cell. So, the cell was locked with no way out. It happened all three times I tried to do my prison sentence.

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Hi, I just installed the latest version (v8.0) of this mod. When I try the captured princess quest, every time when I entered the safe house in Riften, I got CTD.  Also when I play the Dargon prison quest, when I supposed to go to prison dungeon warehouse, the moment my PC enter dungenon, the game CTD, exactly the same way as I entered safe house in Riften. 


Other then those, this MOD works perfectly. Is anyone got similar problem? 

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2 hours ago, Kimy said:

DCL file size is actually pretty laughable for what it does. ;)

Honestly, I thought about renaming DCL more than once. It's really grown beyond cursed chests. But...that's the name people know it as. I really don't know. I am not a marketing specialist. I am a coder! Haha!


Should I rename it? :D


Honestly, you might consider putting a warning in the download page for DCL that states using an outdated mod manager can cause problems. It's effectively become a thing.


As for renaming? No. You've created one of a handful of mods which effectively replicate branding. DCL will forever be associated with certain things, like random bondage, dom NPCs, and so on. Just as Post-it Notes are a trademark of 3M and everyone knows what they are and what they do, suddenly changing the mod name will confuse people in the same way changing Post-it Notes to Sticky Paper would confuse people who associate the name with the product. :classic_wink:

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56 minutes ago, Cole745 said:

Er bug report here. So I got sent to prison for 9 days with a 10k bounty. The quest proceeded until I had to enter my cell. The quest didn't update when I entered my cell. So, the cell was locked with no way out. It happened all three times I tried to do my prison sentence.

Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Use bed and sleep until 8 AM, it should show messages.

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7 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

I kind of feel the same way.  I love Kimy's work, I love that she has a new release out, I love DCL, but even just getting DCL to install is an issue now, just due to the file size!

DCL's large file size is dominated by assets, many of which should ... or will ... be moved out into DD at some point. The scripts are a tiny parts of it, the ESP even tinier.


However, I hope that we aren't headed for a large and monolithic DD scenario. DD currently has two asset packs. I hope that new assets that are non-animation related will be put into a new asset pack rather than growing DDx indefinitely.


People may well argue that this shouldn't happen because it fragments DD, and makes it harder for mod authors to know what devices they can rely on. I guess you can tell I don't agree that's true. I don't believe it's that big a problem for modders. However, if DDx2 is present, it may be fair to require that DDx is also present.

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21 hours ago, bob36512 said:

I tryed to go to prison, but i cant get it to work i made my way to whiterun and punched a guard.

I then surrender.

He says u will pay for your crimes literally then i get ported to the jarls palace door.


Chloe Quest seems to be the culprit for issue 1.


Also in combat Surrender the heal option does only heal, but i dont get ported away/to the beginning of dungeon


i've same problem and already post it, but really nobody gaf of us? a tip? nothing??

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21 hours ago, bob36512 said:

I tryed to go to prison, but i cant get it to work i made my way to whiterun and punched a guard.

I then surrender.

He says u will pay for your crimes literally then i get ported to the jarls palace door.


Chloe Quest seems to be the culprit for issue 1.


Also in combat Surrender the heal option does only heal, but i dont get ported away/to the beginning of dungeon


i've same problem and already post it, but really nobody gaf of us? a tip? nothing??

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Keep the name..  I am used to it an easily confused in me old age.. File size is what it is, you get a lot of bang for your buck with it so it's understandable.


DCL is a mixed bag of goodies which you can dip into and out of at any time thanks to MCM choices. Sure there are other mods that do some of the same thing and some maybe be better but as an overall package DCL can't be beat.


Just my two cents worth for the pot.  I see a fair bit of negativity in some posts so want to balance it out a bit.  It is fairly easy to complain about some features and far harder to compliment them without sounding like a kiss-ass.  DCL has been a must in my load order for so long I don't think I can remember when it wan't there and yes, most importantly it is current and actively updated. Not many mods can claim that after their first flurry of development..  Hats of to Kimy for sticking with it though the good and the bad ..


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Liking the new content so far, could do with some more randomization I think. Some ideas:


-Randomize the amounts of jobs per day instead of the same roster every day.

This could also mean that you need 15 ores instead of 3 and spend half a day mining instead of a few hours. Followed by early cell time for example.


-Randomize the roster. 

Now the same jobs always follow the same schedule. 



Now the punishments are limited to x days added and parole issues. This could be expanded by things like disallowing food for a day or things like wearing chastity with plugs, the guard of course have the keys to these. Or sleeping hooded with shocking plugs. etc


-MCM change

Min x / Max y jobs per day

Explanation what difficulty setting results to bounty -> days


-New content

Warden personal slave girl. For repeat offenders you can be tasked to be the personal slave girl of the warden.

Whipping on slow progress. All guard are equipped with whips a smack of the whip will persuade the lazy girls.

Device creation. Get tasked to make devices for sale (cellar addon)



And for bugs (contains some spoilers), had some issues that I could't get the dress off with the knife in the rocks. Needed to change the global dcur_prison_questcontrol to 60 from 61 to continue. Same goes for the lockpick on the cell door, also needed to change from 61 to 60 without moving into the cell trigger box (sets the value back to 61)

Also the wait/sleep-disable thing seems to be broken. No problems to wait or sleep while on the jobs. Also the trap door to the cellar is a bit hard to find if you have a bit darker ENB and/or texture packs. A light might fix this.

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10 hours ago, Kimy said:

DCL file size is actually pretty laughable for what it does.

I agree, but I did have to repack the .rar to get it to install with NMM


10 hours ago, Kimy said:

Should I rename it?

No.  Strong no.  Not unless you are going to break it into pieces.


10 hours ago, Kimy said:

most of these features I don't even consider minimalist. They are rather representing the aspects I personally think matter. In other words, stripped of (what I consider) unnecessary fluff. And creature stuff, because I still don't want to get exposed to that.

Maybe minimalist isn't the right word, but I'd say this is kind of exactly my point.  The combat surrender framework will never grow beyond  the things you specifically are interested in.  I'm super for an anything goes, pro-everything environment in kink communities.  I don't think YOU should have to work on things you don't like, that's obviously fucked up to even ask for.  I do think it's worth considering though, there are lots of other kinks out there.  Guy/Guy? Dudes in Bondage? Pony play? DCL doesn't really do these either, there will always be a large list of kink that you don't have. In a world where a stand alone combat surrender framework is the standard, I think it's more likely these will see support. Luckily my personal kinks align pretty well with what DCL does, but I'd hate to be on the other side of the wall.

10 hours ago, Kimy said:

offering a bondage-aware alternative (which makes it the only mod doing that) that does NOT involve super-rude language (which makes it the only mod doing that). Blame it on me being a girl, but I don't care for that kind of writing.


I'm a guy, I also hate the "hurrr durrr rape rape rape" dialog, it's just super lazy writing.   


Your system could be more than it is though, maybe the bones of it are indeed better than RP, because it is more aware.  Couldn't it be packaged for use by a larger market? People that aren't into bondage? M/M?  People who love the stupid little waitress game in RP?  That kind of radiant growth is what allowed DD to absolutely dominate the Skyrim bondage scene.

10 hours ago, Kimy said:

I don't feel the need to provide a DCL alternative for every single bondage related mod on LL. But if I feel that the existing mods fall short of what I enjoy to play - I might implement my own take. Just because I can. And I offer it to people who - like me - enjoy it.

I mean, you kind of already have.  Crime/Prison, combat surrender, rape, prostitution, sexist dialogue, linear stories.  I want to reiterate, that the stuff you make is REALLY GOOD, I'm just wondering if the community would be better off with it being more modular.


10 hours ago, Kimy said:

I am still forcing absolutely nobody to install DCL. DCL is -my- take on a bondage mod, all its features included. And taste cannot be argued.

I really hope you didn't get the impression I was suggesting anything like this.  I think what you've made is great, I just think with a little different packaging maybe it could serve even more of the community than it does right now.


But then again, maybe future me would prefer you spend your time on some other project so I get to play that a few days sooner! Ultimately, it's your time and what motivates you best is what you should work on.

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2 hours ago, naaitsab said:

And for bugs (contains some spoilers), had some issues that I could't get the dress off with the knife in the rocks. Needed to change the global dcur_prison_questcontrol to 60 from 61 to continue. Same goes for the lockpick on the cell door, also needed to change from 61 to 60 without moving into the cell trigger box (sets the value back to 61)

Confirmed. Will get fixed in the next update. People having this issue, should use this workaround for now! :)

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1 hour ago, Darkwing241 said:

I agree, but I did have to repack the .rar to get it to install with NMM

I am using NMM and DCL installs just fine with it. oO

1 hour ago, Darkwing241 said:

Maybe minimalist isn't the right word, but I'd say this is kind of exactly my point.  The combat surrender framework will never grow beyond  the things you specifically are interested in.  I'm super for an anything goes, pro-everything environment in kink communities.  I don't think YOU should have to work on things you don't like, that's obviously fucked up to even ask for.  I do think it's worth considering though, there are lots of other kinks out there.  Guy/Guy? Dudes in Bondage? Pony play? DCL doesn't really do these either, there will always be a large list of kink that you don't have. In a world where a stand alone combat surrender framework is the standard, I think it's more likely these will see support. Luckily my personal kinks align pretty well with what DCL does, but I'd hate to be on the other side of the wall.

I don't get that. If DCL isn't covering some interests, it's by definition not hogging that market. You can't really argue that DCL is preventing people from making a pony play mod by not catering to pony play. That doesn't make sense, no? People can just make their own mod for these kinks. Because you are correct, there is no sound reason for me to implement features I don't care for. Let's just say my Patreon income isn't nearly high enough for that. Haha!

1 hour ago, Darkwing241 said:

Your system could be more than it is though, maybe the bones of it are indeed better than RP, because it is more aware.  Couldn't it be packaged for use by a larger market? People that aren't into bondage? M/M?  People who love the stupid little waitress game in RP?  That kind of radiant growth is what allowed DD to absolutely dominate the Skyrim bondage scene.

If people have suggestions for the prostitution feature (or any other feature), I will totally listen. Obviously, chances are very low to get me to work on things I am known not to care for (I guess people following DCL should have realized by now that there is no need to ask me for creature stuff etc.), but if people have ideas that fit the general theme of DCL, I will consider them and always have!

1 hour ago, Darkwing241 said:

I mean, you kind of already have.  Crime/Prison, combat surrender, rape, prostitution, sexist dialogue, linear stories.  I want to reiterate, that the stuff you make is REALLY GOOD, I'm just wondering if the community would be better off with it being more modular.

I don't know. We both agreed that I don't need to cater to stuff I don't care for. Which in my book includes putting time in making things modular so other modders can use it to make things I don't care for (making features modular is way more time consuming that implementing them in a monolithic fashion). That circumstance aside, there is still only room for 255 mods in your load order, so modularization without a direct, compelling reason is even a bad idea to begin with.


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Everything went smooth for me with the new prison up untill after the cleaning part it send me to the warehouse to talk to a guy


i can't seem to get to the door since every gate is locked , even by forcing my way trough with unlock i cannot continue trough , the door just opens a tiny bit like there's nothing behind or linked to it

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17 minutes ago, Kimy said:

I don't get that. If DCL isn't covering some interests, it's by definition not hogging that market. You can't really argue that DCL is preventing people from making a pony play mod by not catering to pony play. That doesn't make sense, no? People can just make their own mod for these kinks.

But I'd argue it does.  The success of a mod, especially a framework mod relies on more than just how good it is at it's job. 


It's also important that the mod has content to go with it.  A framework that's good in isolation has no gameplay associated with it, it won't generate much interested even if it is very lightweight, bug free, easy to hook into ect.


On top of that, it's a very real thing that thing become popular because they are popular, or made by well know people.  I know I look at everything EnaiSiaion makes, pretty much just because of how great ordinator was.


Now I assume this is not true for all modders, but I know I love watching the download and endorsement counters tick up on my mods so I would fair that at least some chunk of modders are similarly motivated (I'd guess a large chunk, but who knows).  I think its fair to say that this could suppress creativity.


Now this is all a very minor problem, one that I'm not even sure should be addressed, but if you combine it with other issues like mod makers all needing to double up and create their own frameworks for things like combat surrender or crime when they make their own content mod and then all these combat surrender mods not necessarily being usable at the same time...

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17 minutes ago, kronnos44 said:

Everything went smooth for me with the new prison up untill after the cleaning part it send me to the warehouse to talk to a guy


i can't seem to get to the door since every gate is locked , even by forcing my way trough with unlock i cannot continue trough , the door just opens a tiny bit like there's nothing behind or linked to it

The quest marker is misleading. There's a trap door in in the hallway leading to the prison cellar where the warehouse is located.

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14 hours ago, Kimy said:

Well, here is the thing. And it really boils down to that...


...but your load order can't hold more than 255 mods.


 Easy as that.


And even without that limitation - would you rather want to bother installing two dozen one-trick pony mods and whatever dependencies they might rely on? Or one mod that can do that all, with just one click?


I dunno about you. But I don't like one-trick ponies. I like mods that matter. That's the kind of mods I personally use. And that's the kind of mod I make. I could have -easily- made the DCL prison a standalone mod. But I chose not to, because that way the crime feature can hook into many already existing DCL features and use its huge library of items, which makes it waaay more versatile than any other take on Skyrim crime I am aware of.


That's really a limitation of Oldrim. SSE with it's ESPFE's doesn't have that limitation. I know you code on LE, but I'm usually an advocate for a switch, since the only big thing SSE doesn't have is proper ENB support (and it doesn't need it that much). It also has some improvements in Papyrus.

In my SE playthrough I have 457 eps based mods (out of 660 total). One could argue: Isn't that too much? But I'm a person who wants to install everything I might use, because I don'T decide a character style beforehand, but let it play out ingame. And I want to add, that that instance runs faster, more stable and looks better than my 240 mods LE version.

The improved performance on scripts due to 60Hz alone is making it worth it.

Another note on ESPFE's: They also make patches for mods more easy as you can place them in the load order where you want and they don't take up a space in your 250 mods list and grant you at least 300 more mods you can use, but usually more.

Read here for more infos: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/625



In the end, I think the argument isn't really for many one trick ponies, but rather multiple smaller mods, which can be iterated faster upon. For example: DCL's prison and devious followers feature would be prime candidates for one standalone mod/library (like a devious NPCs mod, which also could include prostitution features), which by no means is a one-trick-pony.

This would also allow other people to hook into that mod and add their own flavor which you are not interested in.


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Very interesting new prison. When i tried it yesterday i found no bugs, very impressive for such a large addition.


Some suggestions:


-Imprison your companions also. You could add some fun outcomes then when you get released from prison, like your companions punishing you and adding some DD gear as revenge for what they had go through in prison thanks to you. Or one of the guards started to like one of your companions so much that he doesn't want to release her, so you have to try to get her free again in a miniquest. Options would be trying to bribe the guard or convincing one of his superiors to force him to release her again.


-Some connection with the thieves guild and the assasins guild like a high risk high reward mission you can take for the thieves guild where you "voluntarily" get yourself imprisoned and then have to try to rescue or kill an important imprisoned member or enemy of said guild.


-Add a few male prisoners. They are high privileged criminals, making corrupt deals with the guards. Sometimes the guards sell female criminals to them, they have to share the night with them in their luxurious cell then.


-Bondage brawl tournaments between the inmates. If you participate and succeed this could shorten your sentence time, if you lose early some punishment might happen because a guard did bet on you and is angry now that he lost so much money.


Is there a toggle somewhere to completely shut off DCLs prison handling? Because if it gets resumed i'd like to retry Sewer Rats too, the mod was promising so far.


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3 hours ago, Kimy said:

I don't get that. If DCL isn't covering some interests, it's by definition not hogging that market. You can't really argue that DCL is preventing people from making a pony play mod by not catering to pony play. That doesn't make sense, no? People can just make their own mod for these kinks. Because you are correct, there is no sound reason for me to implement features I don't care for. Let's just say my Patreon income isn't nearly high enough for that. Haha!

I think he means that DCL is taking a lot of stuff under its control with only the themes you (and luckily, just as the author of the post you're responding to, me) enjoy. And I kind of can see the point, I'd hate it if 50% of the mod was the stuff I like, but the other 50% was something that repulses me.

Not that it's a big issue right now as far as I can tell, as most of DCL features are togglable... Still I guess it feels like dead weight for other people. Whiterun Brothel Revamped kind of comes to mind as example. There is some good stuff in it, but the forced bestiality is something that turns me off. And while you can disable it you're also disabling like 80% of the mod. Feels like a waste of space. Maybe?


3 hours ago, Kimy said:

I am using NMM and DCL installs just fine with it. oO

Mod Organizer 1.3 here, no issues either.


As a bottom line I'd like to thank you again for keeping this (and your other mods) alive! Long time fan here. :) As someone above said it's hard to thank you for your work on these without sounding like a kiss-ass, but I don't even mind that - you totally earned it. :D

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1 hour ago, Darkwing241 said:

But I'd argue it does.  The success of a mod, especially a framework mod relies on more than just how good it is at it's job. 


It's also important that the mod has content to go with it.  A framework that's good in isolation has no gameplay associated with it, it won't generate much interested even if it is very lightweight, bug free, easy to hook into ect.

There is some misunderstanding going on. DCL isn't a framework mod. It's not a modders' resource by any stretch of imagination, nor wants to be one. DCL is a content mod. It delivers features and quests to the -end user-, not other modders. Therefore it was neither my intention nor my goal to create an extensible combat surrender feature other mods can hook into, or use as basis for their own features. All the feature was designed to do was handle combat surrender in a way I think fits DCL. I would have needed to code it in a totally different way, had I meant this feature to be a modder's resource.


That being said, I provide source code for a reason. Other modders can use portions of my code, if they wish. I explicitly allowed that. Would another combat surrender mod be incompatible with DCL? With certainty, just the way DA and Defeat aren't compatible with it. But I am not keeping anyone from doing it, if they want a combat surrender mod supporting pony play outcomes or whatnot. I just still don't feel any need to accommodate that on my end, or provide a basis for that. Despite you seemed to agree with my stance that I don't need to work on things I don't feel like working on, there is still a notion in your line of reasoning that I should implement my features in a way that people can use it to build stuff on I don't care for. I don't feel I have any such obligation.

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1 hour ago, xboronx said:

Is there a toggle somewhere to completely shut off DCLs prison handling? Because if it gets resumed i'd like to retry Sewer Rats too, the mod was promising so far.


There is a toggle that will disable the prison, but none that would disable crime handling completely. A lot of DCL features now hook into crime handling, so if I allowed users to disable it completely, these features would no longer work as intended. So I am afraid DCL is not compatible with other crime overhaul mods.

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