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1 hour ago, Kimy said:

Interesting. The utter lack of interactivity offered by a certain other prison mod was what compelled me to create my own take, where control over your character is never really taken away from you. But...ok... *shrug*

Well, that other mod IS utter garbage, and I don't really see how to make pc actually interactive. But do you really  see crawling back and forward between two points interesting? At least you could make different scenarios toggleable (maybe they are, but mcm for that in its current state is kinda broken, tooltips are all wrong).

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1 hour ago, Kimy said:

Interesting. The utter lack of interactivity offered by a certain other prison mod was what compelled me to create my own take, where control over your character is never really taken away from you. But...ok... *shrug*

Player is in control but it's like driving in rush hour. You're stuck and you can't really go anywhere which is kinda the nature of the prison but I get what he's saying.

He'd like more freeform content. Like let's say you implement all of the new ropes from FT's batch of stuff he's working on. Create a magic rope cursed loot trap, player gets entangled by a magic rope with a mind of its own that gradually grows and imposes stricter and stricter bondage on the player. The counter is to either pay a mage to remove the rope or craft a magic dagger to cut it off or something. That kind of stuff that is less structured and more up to the player how they deal with it on their travels.

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Just tested it out and it's definitely better than the other prison mod, although it may be a bit too repetitive. I guess it all depends on how frequently someone goes to prison.


Anyway, two small bugs:

- When you're sent to the basement the quest marker points outside of the prison and not to the trap door.

- If you're getting freed and you attack the guard you get sent back to your cell but the quest marker pointing to your things remains.

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1 hour ago, harakoni said:

Player is in control but it's like driving in rush hour. You're stuck and you can't really go anywhere which is kinda the nature of the prison but I get what he's saying.

He'd like more freeform content. Like let's say you implement all of the new ropes from FT's batch of stuff he's working on. Create a magic rope cursed loot trap, player gets entangled by a magic rope with a mind of its own that gradually grows and imposes stricter and stricter bondage on the player. The counter is to either pay a mage to remove the rope or craft a magic dagger to cut it off or something. That kind of stuff that is less structured and more up to the player how they deal with it on their travels.

Any existing DCL quest could have plot forks or additional escape options added, but I doubt it will happen.


Personally, I don't have this fixation on certain assets, rope bondage, pet suit, or whatever, but I suppose for some people the assets and the appearance are more important than the  actions you take, the choices you make, the story or the dialog.


DCL has a few quests already where you get increasing bondage: Queen Sarah, Cursed Collar, Rubber Doll. Having a rope visual is not central to the idea of having more than one way to do these quests.


There's a design style at play here: games like the original Fallout went to considerable effort to make it so you could solve any problem in multiple ways. This approach wasn't really captured in the newer Fallout games.


Kimy has never taken that kind of approach. Her design style is very much the single-solution railroad style quest. You start at point A, and you move to B, C, D, E, and F, in that order, no deviating, no choices, you either progress, or you don't, and at each step progress is made in one and only one way.


It's a style that makes most efficient use of the developer's time; there's no wasted effort; no content that a given player misses out on.


I'm fairly sure that Kimy could come up with choices in quests, or multiple solutions, if she cared to, but she doesn't do it. We can only conclude that she doesn't want to, or at least, hasn't wanted to up until now. It's a valid trade-off. If she'd put three times as much time into one quest, we wouldn't have two others.


OTOH, a good part of DCL's content is pure random sandbox. Sure, it would be nice if some of the random sandbox content was a little more 'aware', and some of the linear content, slightly less linear, so that the two blend together better, but I guess it's a work in progress. DLC has never evidenced a grand design. Rather it adds features here and there as Kimy's interest shifts. The mod reflects the author.



If there was a quest that sits at the junction between random sandbox and linear story, it's the LBA runs. It's likely that LBA could be made more fun if there were multiple ways to complete it, rather than it being a sort of SLUTS without the cart. Maybe that could happen in future.


But returning to the OPs suggestion... @harakoni touches on an interesting idea... DCL's random sandbox could be made more interesting by adding more mini-quest based ways to escape. Even a couple more small quests could do a lot to create a much bigger sandbox to play in.


Right now, you get captured by bandits, gagged, stuck in an armbinder, maybe some other restraints, and then you run away and you're on the run in the wilderness.


That is the setup. Now you have to get out of those devices... That's the real play.

A lot of the time now, my char just freezes to death, which is a gateway to Simple Slavery in most cases.

My last few games have had keys drops turned down to almost nothing, so "go home, get keys out of chest, get free" is not an option.

But that's not a bad option, and it could be enriched with additional perils and assistance to add some variation.


How cool would it be if there were more ways out of this dilemma. Currently it's either "find a lot of keys" (depends on the chances you set), or "get back to town and randomly get given an LBA run while asking for help"? Or maybe an NPC takes pity on you and releases you for nothing. More likely they just add devices.


OK, there's solicitation "keys for sex" - almost forgot about that - alas solicitation is so hazardous this almost never gets you out of restraints, it usually ends up with you wearing more. Or in prison. You can configure this, but for a long time now it seems customers never remove armbinders they put on you. (They used to).


Sure, you can configure it so that townsfolk might help you escape, but that's a slot machine where you're probably going to end up bound worse, or raped then arrested, or freeze to death, depending on what mods you have installed. It is totally random, skill-free, plot-free. So just asking random townspeople until something bad happens or you get released is ... not a huge bunch of fun ... particularly because you know you're just playing the chances you configured for yourself in the MCM.



So, some suggestions:


1) "Help" dialog outcomes with NPCs vary dramatically based on NCP relation to you. Thus, asking NPCs who like you gives much better results than ones who don't.

2) "Help" dialog outcomes with NPCs varies depending on NPC kinkiness - maybe determined by morality, or arousal, or you can just assign it in the MCM.

3) "Help" dialog outcomes vary depending on location. Ask in a palace, good chance of help, ask in the market, not bad, but ask in a tavern, you're more likely to get bound and raped. Possibly, asking in your player home results in your kinky follower enslaving you :) 

4) An escape game where the NPC will trade keys for potions - let's sink some of those nasty healing potions out of the game.

5) An escape game where you are set free and THEN charged with a quest. Fail the quest and end up in worse trouble.

6) A key stealing game where you can literally trade keys for bounty - would work well with new crime content.

7) LBA modified by addition of NPCs who you can interact with while on an LBA run (they are strategically positioned at road junctions). Play a "double or nothing" game with these NPCs. They might also trade heals, dose you with helpful (possibly addictive) potions (and I don't just mean SW drugs, but new potions with long durations made specially to help on LBA quests where you can't drink), help you unfreeze (Frostfall makes LBA kind of lethal), or possibly send you to prison, or enslave you.

8 ) Make keys for sex configurable to offer more keys, with actual useful keys always given.

9) Add optional run-around quest to get into player homes if you're in heavy bondage, so you can't just grab keys from chest.

10) Add MCM option so "keys only drop when bound" option is replaced with a slider that boosts key drop rates when bound.

11) Mini LBA that occurs completely within the town of origin, but involves more severe devices (pet suit for example).

12) Add "hazard" NPCs in certain locations. If you get too close while bound, they will attack, add restraints, enslave you, rape, whatever. Their detection radius is LOW, and they require LOS. Makes town navigation hazardous but still possible. Adds extra challenge and mini-game to moving around town while bound.


Any one or more of these would give the player more choice.


What I'm trying to show here, is that there are all kinds of ways to spice up the existing random sandbox content, which is the backbone of DCL. Small improvements there add a lot of replay value and expand the richness of the sandbox. As you can see, I made up several ideas in no time at all. So, if you''re Kimy, it can't be that hard to come up with something better along these general lines that you might actually want to implement :) 


That said, I think (7) is probably the only dodgy open-ended arbitrarily complex to implement suggestion here, the others would offer good return on effort, but of course, that doesn't mean they're trivial to implement. Nothing ever is in Skyrim. In any case, they're just ideas, starting points for consideration that may or may not inspire something down the line.

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1 hour ago, Kimy said:

Interesting. The utter lack of interactivity offered by a certain other prison mod was what compelled me to create my own take, where control over your character is never really taken away from you. But...ok... *shrug*

I believe the idea he was trying to convey is that a good chunk of the content in DCL involves the player moving very slowing from one point to another.  The start of the LAL quest, the cursed collar and both the merchant quests (delivery and left outside bound) are examples of this. With all the enchants on the bondage gear the player is basically a slow moving tank walking across Skyrim. Would it be possible to trade speed for vulnerability?


For example: for the delivery quest there could be a chance for the player to be tied up in one of the beautiful pony outfits. The outfit is enchanted to allow the player to run at twice the normal speed at the cost of taking twice as much (or more) damage from enemies. Naturally the bindings would be inescapable until the delivery is completed.  In theory this could allow the player to explore Skyrim faster but at an increased risk. If the damage multiplier is high enough, the delivery quest would become a fast paced game for survival with the player trying desperately to not get hit by anything.


I believe that bondage is suppose to be about making the player feel vulnerable.  While making the player slower can have this effect, there may be other ways to achieve this.


As always, thank you for creating these awesome mods!



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15 minutes ago, SirCrazy said:

For example: for the delivery quest there could be a chance for the player to be tied up in one of the beautiful pony outfits. The outfit is enchanted to allow the player to run at twice the normal speed at the cost of taking twice as much (or more) damage from enemies. Naturally the bindings would be inescapable until the delivery is completed.  In theory this could allow the player to explore Skyrim faster but at an increased risk. If the damage multiplier is high enough, the delivery quest would become a fast paced game for survival with the player trying desperately to not get hit by anything.

This has been suggested more than once. I can't be bothered to dig up my own post of almost exactly the same thoughts, but I'm sure it wasn't the first of its kind either.

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What i want to say
The prison is terrible, it's a brothel, not a prison
Just thoughts, it may come in handy


1. Schedule. On the first day rise at 10 am, finish at 2 nights.
Probably this would not be a problem in the for usual custody, but if prisoners are used at work - the schedule should be hard.
06:30 Wake up
07: 00–07: 30 Breakfast
08: 00–08: 30 Morning check, job referral
08: 30–17: 00 Work
12: 30–13: 00 Lunch
17: 00-17: 30 Dinner
17: 30–20: 00 Free time (sex with security!)
20: 00–20: 30 Evening check
20: 30–06: 30 Sleep
So in life. Approximately. Can be simplified.


2. 1 meal per day at the very end of day. Seriously? Where did prisoners take the strength to work full day? ? Also iNeed did not recognize the food and water. He usually asks when taking an unknown food, how to register it, but here he didn’t even flinch.


3. Did not notice punishments such as flogging or bondage furniture. Maybe we need more boldly behave :)


4. Placement. Copy the catacombs in Windhelm from the POP. Or copy Solitude jail. There will be a place for Supervisor and Warden. And for executioner.


5. Work. More or less, only carrying the ore in the mine looks a bit believable for jail. Feel free to take as an example the mine and the forge of Captured Dreams. A fashion show between the Supervisor and Foreman, if the jail were longer, and the corridor is longer, and the guards along the way molested. Cooking. Every prisoner prepares an individual ration for himself. Are you kidding? Job in the kitchen, guilty clean potatoes for the whole barracks. (this is an army joke)


6. If you want so much to turn a prison into a brothel - do not stop, add a visit clients, prisoners make money to speed up release with overtime work in bed. Clandestine sale of prisoners to perverts. Renting out to military camps. More hell!


7. Loss of skills?

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35 minutes ago, MaikCG said:

6. If you want so much to turn a prison into a brothel - do not stop, add a visit clients, prisoners make money to speed up release with overtime work in bed. Clandestine sale of prisoners to perverts. Renting out to military camps. More hell!

Perfect. Focus on the strengths. This could have all the stuff that Red Wave promised but never delivered...

Insane prisoners, callous and indifferent jailers, greedy selfish administrators. A special punishment for real troublemakers.


The only thing I can add to this ... "Clandestine sale  or rental  of prisoners to perverts."


Needs good perverts though! Any ideas?


35 minutes ago, MaikCG said:

7. Loss of skills?

Definitely, especially if you are bad. Two weeks in the bubble helmet and bondage mittens should impair a skill or two ... maybe even develop some skills you never knew you had.


Also, prison tattoos!

I think I could make some if we need something more appropriate to label hardened recidivists, so that honest townspeople can spot the villains easily.

Might impair your speech skill a bit ... or spoil your relationship rankings ... I wouldn't mind at all if all those friendly follower ladies in the tavern stopped mistaking me for their lover.


Combine with Apropos and Wounds for extra misery. Wounds needs whipping scenes, so I'm not sure it will add anything here.



Somehow, I suspect Kimy considers this done though. So a big wish-list is not likely to be appreciated.



Never mind. I'm sure most of us will enjoy it for what it is. You can hardly turn your nose up at a big chunk of brand-new free bondage content, now can you?


The thing with Kimy content is that everyone can see their own way to make it better, everyone has their own wish list. They feel like that, not because it's bad, but because it's good ... because it gets the imagination fired up and gets people interested and inspired. It always leaves you wanting more. Except maybe DCL slavery implementation - there seems to be a blind spot there.


I install PoP in my games, but hardly ever end up in prison. Now I can drop three ESPs from my LO, and not go to prison differently :) Correction... Two ESPs and an ESM - though I might keep SUM, the faction tool is useful for fixing DiD.

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I like the idea of if you are in prison that the guards rent out the player character to perverts for sex or you could suggest to the guards to offer yourself up to a male or female visitor for sex in exchange to speed up your release.


Anyone recommend a sweet spot I would guess it would be called to be right in the middle between being able to adventure and being free to getting bound


Anyone use this with yps Immersive Fashion

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I am probably doing something wrong, but Leah's new outfit's stockings (CBBE version) seems to have lots of clipping issues when she moves. If I remove her top and give her the formal dress matching to her shoes the problem mostly goes away leading me to think either the top or bottom isn't being built in bodyslide properly and where they overlap is conflicting, but I tried rebuilding the outfit and shoes one at a time in bodyslide in case something wasn't going where it was suppose to with no luck.


Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


Also, bodyslide has a with nipple cover version of the formal dress, is that not used yet?

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59 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

The thing with Kimy content is that everyone can see their own way to make it better, everyone has their own wish list. They feel like that, not because it's bad, but because it's good ... because it gets the imagination fired up and gets people interested and inspired. It always leaves you wanting more.

Since that seems to be one of the few positive comments about the new version, or what I am doing in general, I will just say...thanks!

59 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

Except maybe DCL slavery implementation - there seems to be a blind spot there.

The XDFF feature isn't done. Far from it. The next phase is on my to-do list for the next major version


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4 hours ago, qwerty31 said:

maybe they are, but mcm for that in its current state is kinda broken, tooltips are all wrong)

If the MCM is broken, it means you didn't start a new game, despite the posting said to do that in large, red letters.

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1 hour ago, MaikCG said:

1. Schedule. On the first day rise at 10 am, finish at 2 nights.
Probably this would not be a problem in the for usual custody, but if prisoners are used at work - the schedule should be hard.
06:30 Wake up
07: 00–07: 30 Breakfast
08: 00–08: 30 Morning check, job referral
08: 30–17: 00 Work
12: 30–13: 00 Lunch
17: 00-17: 30 Dinner
17: 30–20: 00 Free time (sex with security!)
20: 00–20: 30 Evening check
20: 30–06: 30 Sleep
So in life. Approximately. Can be simplified.


2. 1 meal per day at the very end of day. Seriously? Where did prisoners take the strength to work full day? ? Also iNeed did not recognize the food and water. He usually asks when taking an unknown food, how to register it, but here he didn’t even flinch.

Right. In real life, they'd have more than one meal. Cooking three meals a day would make the prison more interesting...how exactly? The design issue at hand when designing a prison is that prison life isn't terribly interesting. Which is why I went to such lengths to make all these different activities for your imprisoned bad girl.

1 hour ago, MaikCG said:


3. Did not notice punishments such as flogging

And for executioner.

If you think I'd ever add something like that, you don't know me very well.

1 hour ago, MaikCG said:

Cooking. Every prisoner prepares an individual ration for himself. Are you kidding? Job in the kitchen, guilty clean potatoes for the whole barracks. (this is an army joke)

I get the idea, and no, it's not very realistic. But it's more interactive than just grabbing the same item from the kitchen and gulp it down.

1 hour ago, MaikCG said:


6. If you want so much to turn a prison into a brothel - do not stop, add a visit clients, prisoners make money to speed up release with overtime work in bed. Clandestine sale of prisoners to perverts. Renting out to military camps. More hell!

Actually not really what I had in mind for it. That guards even -can- abuse you was a compromise feature I added not because I personally wanted it, but because I am sure some people would like it. Again, there is a toggle that completly disables that part.

1 hour ago, MaikCG said:


7. Loss of skills?

That mechanic is silly enough that I didn't want to replicate it.

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15 minutes ago, Kimy said:

Since that seems to be one of the few positive comments about the new version, or what I am doing in general, I will just say...thanks!

No. Thank you!


DCL 8.0 is a great piece of new content, and an impressive amount to deliver so soon after 7.0


Your continuing efforts are much appreciated by me ... and I expect many others.


However, I'm just a Kimy lackey, so you should expect nothing but abject toadying from me!

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8 minutes ago, Kimy said:

3. Did not notice punishments such as flogging

Leon and Leah used to be rather keen on swishing the old crop.



Now, if you want to be whipped within an inch of your life, Pet Project is the mod.

Because it's your follower doing the whipping - who is probably some OP monster with outrageous 1H skill - and it seems OK with them doing non-stop power-attacks, you get mashed to a pulp if you have Wounds installed. The result is probably nothing at all like Srende intended, because in PP, you're not even being punished, it's just supposed to be some "fun".


I'm going to guess that Kimy was referring more to the executioner anyway. I have no need for one of those. If I want to get killed I'll just go stand out in the snow for five minutes.

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7 minutes ago, Hiderius said:



I enjoy your mod it is well done, keep up the good work, I especially like the LAL start. Any plans on creating another LAL start like the princess one

Not on my immediate to-do list, but who knows! I am certainly going to make more devious quests!

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25 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

I'm going to guess that Kimy was referring more to the executioner anyway. I have no need for one of those. If I want to get killed I'll just go stand out in the snow for five minutes.

I agree. It sounds like a pain in the ass to me. I mean what is the point of torturing your poor (Dragonborn?) if they're dead halfway through. I mean you could but what fun is that?

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1.  well I got through the prison part fine, enjoyed it mostly, I do share some of the concerns as to repetitive nature, but you have that same problem in prison overhaul, not sure just how that could be remedied, but a lot more random dialogue could possibly help some. rather than NPC always saying the same thing. Even if the resulting event is still the same the varied dialogue could maybe help some. ( Of course varied events, will take a lot of work, and I am sure that would help too )


  But eventually the jailing will become probably bothersome or repetitive enough to want to just turn it off in the MCM, which is what I do with many of the event's, and it is very nice that you have allowed us a lot of control for this, and that is very helpful, thank you.  


2.  I have one problem, and it may be because my system is getting older, but when I first start playing your mod I run around just fine, and open and close chest's door's what ever and all is good. ( I do play it alone with no other mods except for the required mods, and clothing, and armor mods.)


However after I am playing your mod for awhile it seems like there is a pausing that starts to happen, as if a cloak or spell is being dropped way to fast looking for something that it does not find.  FPS is always solid 60, but the random pausing that happens to me becomes bothersome.  I am unsure what might be doing this, but just mentioning it, in case you have and Idea about that or something I might try to alleviate the problem.


3.  It is a good mod, I have more lengthy game plays with Slaverun 3.0 as there is so much to do with it, and I very much enjoy Devious follower, was having fun with Whiterun brothel overhaul, but Tyrant has stopped doing anything with it, and removed it from the mods available list.  But this is a very fun diversion, and I always like seeing what new things you have come up with. ( Good work, thank you )

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It's funny how all prison mod ideas tend to intersect in a few places. POP is primarily about public humiliation with little player interaction. It's objectively punishment. DCL 8.0's addition is about player initiated action first and public humiliation second. It's also objectively punishment. My project sort of ended up there too, at least partially. For people playing through DCL 8.0 to see what it's like, there are things you can do that don't involve the "script." I won't spoil those.


It's pretty good.

Is it glorious, repeatable fun that makes you want to get arrested? No, and I appreciate that. I've always been a fan of "playable deterrents" in Skyrim, and this a big one. By way of explanation, that's where you make a mistake and get a negative outcome that's still entirely playable so you don't have to reload the game. Mods like Apropos and SD+ are great examples of this in that they can be used to punish things like wanton PC promiscuity and reckless play combat failure. Unless you turn off the sex or you like to degrade or "whore" your PC (no judgement, you do you), you do not want to go to prison in DCL 8.0. I like this. It adds risk to stealing and otherwise behaving badly that really wasn't there before, though with the way my game is set up (train to level skills), vanilla is arguably more punishing. It's really the time invested and the abuse my PC would be subjected to, neither of which I'd ever willingly choose.


I might have to make this a sneaky thief/assassin playthrough just to make the possibility of getting caught kind of terrifying.



One of my projects was a crime rework. Get arrested and your PC is issued some rags, a cloak for warmth, a ball and chain from DD, and a guard as a minder. The idea was to use the existing jails and some simple original animations for things like washing clothes, polishing armor, scrubbing floors, etc. to give the PC jobs just as you did. The player would then be engaged in a race against skill loss to either befriend or seduce the minder in between tasks for time off the sentence. I had the dialogue mapped out outside the CK and partially created before I took a break due to CK crashes.


Yours is better and yet possessed of enough similarities that I don't really see the point in continuing mine. If you ever decide to expand upon what you have, perhaps for a high security wing or somesuch thing, feel free to use the idea. :classic_wink:

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