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When saying a new game is required does it mean any old save will be unplayable or that the new things won't be effective / broken?


I might prefer to delay the patching a bit if it is either unplayalbe or broken, as there are some things I wanted to try with my existing save.


But still, it sounds really cool, so I will probably speed things up for the new things ?

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2 hours ago, Nothing Doing said:

I'm assuming the Total Crime Overhaul is incompatible with PO/POP?

At this point, it probably is incompatible - either last in LO wins, or last to start wins.


Maybe this won't happen, but if it was me, I'd update PoP so it has priority in catching the crimes, and then let you choose the chance of different outcomes in the PoP MCM, allowing a player to use both mods in the same way that DAYMOYL allows you to have SexLab Defeat outcomes.

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Didn't tried new update yet, but we definitely need some kind of update for POP compatibility since it's also great mod, there must be some solution for it like % chance for pop or dcur or let pop handle normal "direct" arrest and dcl bount hunter arrest.  

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Many thanks to Kimy for this great mod!

I am already having a great time in the new prison. I love the concept with all the different restraints being used.


I encountered a bug. In the cooking quest, collecting a potato doesn't work for me (all other ingredients do), and therefore I am stuck there.

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Hi Kimy. thanks for the update. sounds awesome. I have 2 questions...do I need to start a new game for this update ? and how does DCL prison mod interact with the quest "The Forsworn Conspiracy"...where you get sent to the Markath prison ? Thanks again :)

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8 hours ago, Nothing Doing said:

I'm assuming the Total Crime Overhaul is incompatible with PO/POP?

Yes, they are incompatible. POP and DCL Crime hook in to the same vanilla system and only one mod can do it. It's not recommended to keep both in the same load order as things will go haywire.

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1 hour ago, Max50005 said:

Might be a stupid question but how do I get inprisoned? I did a killing spree and had ~4000 bounty and only got a slap on the hand the guard saying it a "minor crime". Tried that a few times with other outcomes but none of them being inprisoned

Were you wearing DD items already? The prison cannot be used if the character is wearing quest or non-generic DD items.

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Wait, i just had small bounty on me like few gold and i talk to guard and had vanilla dialogue (Wait i know you) and i was seneded to vanilla prison so it is actually compatible with POP(Oh you just said above that POP is incompatible), then i tried to attack guard and then i holstered weapon and had DCL arrest dialogue. 



Would love to see some explanation when arrest is handled by DCL and when by vanilla/(POP?) prison




Basically right after arrest dialogue with guard no matter which outcome i've got (prison, walk of shame...etc) guard still trying to talk to me and arrest player second time then guards turn hostile  :/  

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Hi i have the problem that the Game Crash as soon as i in the prison. I dont know why everthing is updatet POP is not install so that cant be the problem.

The Mods all the New versions. But also notice the game will crash when i will try on the maid boots. Can it be that this is the main problem ? 


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41 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

Wait, i just had small bounty on me like few gold and i talk to guard and had vanilla dialogue (Wait i know you) and i was seneded to vanilla prison so it is actually compatible with POP(Oh you just said above that POP is incompatible), then i tried to attack guard and then i holstered weapon and had DCL arrest dialogue. 

That's odd, because in both situations, the new DCL dialogue should be used, -except- when the character is male (the DCL prison is for females only), or when the player character is wearing quest/non-generic DD devices already (the prison needs the slots and won't function without them)


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3 hours ago, Hylian_H said:

Cool update! just a quick question: When will the stuf made by Fuertin be added? That stuff looks amazing!

Feuertin's items aren't going into DCL, they will be going in the DD framework. :)

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5 hours ago, schtrik said:

Many thanks to Kimy for this great mod!

I am already having a great time in the new prison. I love the concept with all the different restraints being used.


I encountered a bug. In the cooking quest, collecting a potato doesn't work for me (all other ingredients do), and therefore I am stuck there.

Make sure you pick the potato from the container the quest marker is pointing at. There are a few other potatoes that will NOT update the quest (I put them there as a backup in case somebody uses the wrong recipe...)

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Just tested the new system with petty crime (stole some apples!) and I can confirm it working correctly. Those of you having issues, please make sure to have started a new game! Also, please note that the new system will pass crime through to the vanilla system if you are in Markarth and have NOT completed the Cidhna quest. This is needed so these quests are not broken by the crime overhaul system. This will also ensure compatibility with Devious Cidhna!


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8 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

At this point, it probably is incompatible - either last in LO wins, or last to start wins.

Neither. DCL will process all crime, no matter where it is in your load order. It will pass crime processing to the vanilla system in certain situations (e.g. Cidhna, or when the character is male), but it will still go through DCL's code first.


If you have POP in your load order, the only time you will see it triggering is when a bounty hunter arrests you (DCL doesn't directly hook into that system), or when a 3rd party mod hands the player to POP directly.


I have added a note in the readme about this, and that people should refrain from using both mods in the same load order, for the same reason they should generally never install two mods doing the same thing.

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Kimy, I've been using your mods pretty much from the very beginning, so thank you for your work.

I've got some critique though.

Base mod functionality really tied into base skyrim gameplay (adding danger to looting containers).

Most of your recent additions though (dollmaker stuff or this prison you just added) all seem kinda boring really. Most of it just tying pc up and interacting with npcs/collecting stuff at really slow pace. There's no interactivity, its just tedious. You could probably just describe it all in a pop up window with text and it would be pretty much the same.

Maybe I'm in the wrong here and most folks really enjoy this kinda gameplay and I know I can disable stuff I don't like. But I felt the need to express my opinion, sorry if it seemed hostile, I mean no offence.

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5 hours ago, Kimy said:

Were you wearing DD items already? The prison cannot be used if the character is wearing quest or non-generic DD items.


Just vanilla dragonscale armor and dragonbone weapons. I also pushed all the weights in the conciqences settings down and arrested up still only got the just a minor crime consiquence. I know it's Skyrim but I think whiping a city would at least cost a fine xD

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2 hours ago, qwerty31 said:

Kimy, I've been using your mods pretty much from the very beginning, so thank you for your work.

I've got some critique though.

Base mod functionality really tied into base skyrim gameplay (adding danger to looting containers).

Most of your recent additions though (dollmaker stuff or this prison you just added) all seem kinda boring really. Most of it just tying pc up and interacting with npcs/collecting stuff at really slow pace. There's no interactivity, its just tedious. You could probably just describe it all in a pop up window with text and it would be pretty much the same.

Maybe I'm in the wrong here and most folks really enjoy this kinda gameplay and I know I can disable stuff I don't like. But I felt the need to express my opinion, sorry if it seemed hostile, I mean no offence.

Interesting. The utter lack of interactivity offered by a certain other prison mod was what compelled me to create my own take, where control over your character is never really taken away from you. But...ok... *shrug*

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2 hours ago, Prime66 said:

Well, I started a new game with nothing but the requirements but the Prison Supervisor won't talk to me. Any Idea what's going on? 

Where does the quest marker point to?

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Hi, I was trying to download this mod a few days ago when it was on its 7.5 version and my game just CTDs after the bethesda logo. I unistalled the mod and the game worked again, anyone know what i need to do to make this mod work?
When i run FNIS it loads all the animations from DD 4.0 instead of 4,2, maybe thats the reason its not working?

Thank you guys for the good work here.

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