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39 minutes ago, thedarkone1234 said:

I think that depends on what context you got these items. If a cursed container in a dungeon got you, who knows since when are these poor chains sitting neglected there in some urn waiting for a female to pick them up.


For me, even that explanation doesn't pass the hand-waving test. Either the spell has to preserve it, or it's going to be a pile of dust. I've got old steel tools that were left in a shed for a mere twenty years or so, and they're utterly ruined. Multiply that up to 700 years and you've got something an archaeologist might be able to identify. You'll find items in better condition in museums, and on display in historical locations, but typically they have been looked after, or substantially "restored". There are also items on display that are in terrible condition. Most of the "historically valuable" iron age relics are very fragile things indeed.


Now, I know the draugr seem to be using some old equipment that is supposed to be hundreds of years old, and that's vanilla and "lore", but the only way you can really explain that is to throw your hands up and say "fantasy magic" and move on. It's just one of a limitless number of things in Skyrim that clearly isn't realistic, and isn't really worth worrying about. Skyrim isn't realistic, and a lot of the time that is the point of it.


TBH it doesn't stop me enjoying the mods with such items. I just notice it's a bit off, and move on.


I only brought it up, because some people complain the shiny stuff is unrealistic, and my point here is that it's all nonsense, start to finish, and you have to enjoy it for the fantasy.

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11 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I only brought it up, because some people complain the shiny stuff is unrealistic, and my point here is that it's all nonsense, start to finish, and you have to enjoy it for the fantasy.

I think people misuse "realistic" and "lore" a lot when trying to explain why items look out of place.  IMO it's that shiny doesn't suit the art style of Skyrim.  Basically nothing in Skyrim is shiny, not even the gold and glass.  It's not that it can't be shiny (we've discussed to death that these things could exist and be shiny), the problem is that when you have a picture of a girl with  dull steel armor and gold jewelry with minimal shine to it and then you put a full gloss latex hood on her, it just doesn't look right.  Largely these items are added to the game because we want to look at girls in them (or use the visual to aid in a roleplay as them).  It's the same reason many high quality, non-kink modded armors look "off" when around stock armors.


-I love girls in latex

-I am not overly concerned with things being hyper logical

-I don't think the latex stuff looks right in Skyrim

-I don't care enough to have a stake in the 'take it out' argument

-I do personally believe that the latex items seem to be of a little lower quality than the original DD items


I just want to jump in to emphasize that this whole debate seems to me, to be people not being able to communicate exactly what it is that they think about these items.  This problem comes up a lot in internet debates when people really want to talk about, tone/theme/style ect.



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20 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


For me, even that explanation doesn't pass the hand-waving test. Either the spell has to preserve it, or it's going to be a pile of dust. I've got old steel tools that were left in a shed for a mere twenty years or so, and they're utterly ruined. Multiply that up to 700 years and you've got something an archaeologist might be able to identify. You'll find items in better condition in museums, and on display in historical locations, but typically they have been looked after, or substantially "restored". There are also items on display that are in terrible condition. Most of the "historically valuable" iron age relics are very fragile things indeed.


Now, I know the draugr seem to be using some old equipment that is supposed to be hundreds of years old, and that's vanilla and "lore", but the only way you can really explain that is to throw your hands up and say "fantasy magic" and move on. It's just one of a limitless number of things in Skyrim that clearly isn't realistic, and isn't really worth worrying about. Skyrim isn't realistic, and a lot of the time that is the point of it.


TBH it doesn't stop me enjoying the mods with such items. I just notice it's a bit off, and move on.


I only brought it up, because some people complain the shiny stuff is unrealistic, and my point here is that it's all nonsense, start to finish, and you have to enjoy it for the fantasy.

So you can accept pink shiny armbinders but not rusty steel, in a fantasy world where the fashion is similar to the viking age? I find that a bit odd. Maybe it has more to do with the fact that you don't like the the look of rusty items and can't stand the thought of wearing them even for a little while. They are still very probable, and if someone puts an item on you, that item might have been stored in a cellar for just enough time to make it rusty but not ruined.


When you play a game, most of the time you are busy taking in the environment, or focusing on combat, and your mind doesn't bother with analyzing if an armor that fits the setting should have been destroyed or not. Such minor details are easy to forgive if they aren't directly immersion breaking, and we are used to the fact that everything isn't totally realistic in games. In vanilla Skyrim your armor isn't even damaged in combat, and you don't have to eat, drink or sleep. Not really immersion breaking but surely something you might think about now and then. Personally I'd rather have some draugr and skeletons wear armor for the variation, than every draugr looking like the same dried corpse. At least they aren't wearing hobble dresses...which would be quite hilarious when I think about it. That could be something for a new horror mod - "Revenge of the Bondage Mummies". :)


Some people play to be immersed and some people play for the lols I guess. Or they don't have a problem with modern themes clashing with classic fantasy(Most asian modders would raise their hand). I'll admit I've had a few lols with DCL, or at it, but there is always the reload button when things get too crazy.


Regarding the retex project that sure sounds interesting and I will look for it. I could probably do something similar myself with my photoshop skills if the need arises. Thanks for the tip.

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On 2/21/2019 at 2:29 PM, Rogwar002 said:

Ugnh... but only with a toggle to disable them, if there are more. I love the idea of traps, that bind my toon. Even more so, because it looks hellish good. But I hate Yokes and Armbinders and Mittens as well. Because they are part of the mod, I still have them enabled. But only with little chances to spawn. But still: When your toon is bound and there is no other slot...

Using DCL or similar I still want to be able to play the game. Having no free hand is a real show stopper :D


Not DCL but DDI (or was it DDE? can´t remember) is the cause for that. There is a mixup in the esp. Persist since I can think of. I just correct it every new version with Tesedit. If I remember correct I mentioned that in one of the support forum.

But this is just an anoying bug, nothing serious and easy to fix yourself. Just go through the blindfolfds the DD framework is providing.


Yep. The quest will not restart a second time. You have to use console to restart the rubber doll quest. Just type player.setstage xx065666 10 where xx is your mod index number of DCL.

This should be an easy fix... early in rubberdollquestMC() it should look at the global dcur_rubberdollquest_completedonce and if it's 1 it should StartQuest().

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I would like some support on Estrus animation.


In the mod explanation, it says --

"If EC+ is not installed but Estrus for Skyrim is present, the game will attempt a fallback to that and just play the animations." I suppose this means that Estrus animation is available without EC+. 

Yet, tentacle attack option appears only when EC+ is installed. Disabling zzEstrus.esp does not make a difference. Am I missing something?


p.s Estrus animation plays fine when spell or shout is cast. I just have no idea how to link EstrusforSkyrim to Cursed Loot without EC+. With EC+, tentacle animations are pretty outdated, you know? :/

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@nightwolf - you say this:

On 3/9/2019 at 1:21 PM, nightwolf said:

So you can accept pink shiny armbinders but not rusty steel, in a fantasy world where the fashion is similar to the viking age? I find that a bit odd.

And immediately above it is your quote from me, in which I said this:

On 3/9/2019 at 1:21 PM, nightwolf said:

I only brought it up, because some people complain the shiny stuff is unrealistic, and my point here is that it's all nonsense, start to finish, and you have to enjoy it for the fantasy.


So the assertion that I can accept shiny pink armbinders but not rusty steel is incorrect. I accept both. I find both "unrealistic", in different ways, and I don't worry about it because realism is irrelevant, even in vanilla Skyrim.



Just to be clear, the rest of what I have to say here has nothing to do with nightwolf, except in so far as he wants it to be to do with him, it's just some musings on the question of what kinds of things work or don't work in a Skyrim game.



We might like a little thematic coherence though...


The moment you install a mod that has plants that give you keys, and looking inside chests magically ties you up in bondage, thematic coherence with vanilla Skyrim went out the window.


But that doesn't mean that LL mods don't have their own thematic coherence; they do.


Once you introduce this stuff into your game wholesale, it's a different world, with different rules, and the expectations are what you want them to be. In a game with DCL and SD+, everything revolves around bondage, sex and slavery, and pink armbinders are a valid part of that. So, perhaps are rusty restraints, but I find them less sensible. In a world fixated on bondage, with a plentiful supply of slaves, the only reason for a restraint to be made of steel, then allowed to go rusty, is ... nope ... can't think of it. At the very least, those restraints would be polished and restored as soon as somebody found them. We don't find "decayed" restraints of any other variety, so why just the metal ones?


As for supplies of ebonite, and pink ebonite colouring, we have no information, existing Bethesda lore simply does not address their availability in the modified Skyrim world of DCL. However, the Dollmaker appears capable of creating them, the Captured Dreams shop made them at some point, and there's some other shop that seems capable of sourcing them now :)


The hand-waving is done, the excuses are made. There's no realism, but there's sufficient mod-history and thematic justification for it.


There's never been an effort to explain away the rusty restraints though, but I'll accept them because they are, at least, restraints, and so thematically coherent with the bondage world we are creating. We made a game that's all about kinky bondage gear, why would we exclude one style of restraint over another?


In this game, kinky bondage qualities are more important than constructing a realistic economic model for the empire and its interactions across Tamriel.

The thematic priority is oriented around bondage, and things become thematically incoherent when they don't take the possibility of bondage, slavery, and sexual slavery into account.


The jarring, unimmersive moments, are when NPCs don't recognise the status of the PC correctly, or worse, display a kind of split personality, in one dialogue showing respect, and in the next contempt. These things trouble me far more than restraint materials. I think I would prefer draugr in hobble-dresses to NPCs who have a regular conversation with you, thank you for doing their quest, then violently rape you, or randomly lock several thousand septims worth of rare and expensive magic restraints onto you, and in the next sentence rage about how awful magic is.


Rusty steel, and pink armbinders, both fail the theme test against vanilla Skyrim, but anything that is bright pink is always going to stand out more than something that is brown. There are numerous examples of preserved Viking-era slave restraints from the Norse-derived language speaking cultural region. They are all made of black iron, not steel. Steel was hard to make and extremely valuable. It would be like making your slave restraints out of pure silver. Possible, perhaps, for the ultra-rich that wish to make a point? 


To my knowledge, no examples of viking-era leather full-sleeve armbinders have been found, and we know that that people in that area had little to no access to rubber. For people of that era, slavery was a commercial proposition, not a sex-game. Or perhaps full-sleeve armbinders existed, but were rare, and it's simply the case none were preserved? Rubber restraints are substantially less plausible, even than steel ones, but neither could ever have been common - in reality. I suspect it's reasonable to suppose that there were no bright pink armbinders anywhere in the world, prior to the industrial revolution, but there could have been if people were ever motivated to create them. It's likely that the reason we have them now is because the bright pink rubber sheeting was originally made for fashion purposes, and the makers of bondage clothes took advantage to offer a wider colour range. The same would apply to pink leather - it wasn't dyed pink with the intent of making bondage gear - it was first intended for regular clothing. The bondage market just isn't big enough, and historically was even smaller than it is now.


But if you care about realism, or history, you shouldn't play Skyrim at all.


I think Neal Stephenson addressed this war between the earth-tones and the bright colours nicely in Reamde.

Some people find those bright colours offensive, others find the earth-tones boring.


I'm not really in either camp. I can enjoy both.


What I find tedious, is that the earth-tone group like to bring up realism as a justification as to why their way is better; a bogus argument from multiple false premises.


If you want a game to be accessible to the widest audience, you need to support both.

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Srry this is my 3rd time asking but I think my message got covered by newer message before. I want to ask if there is a way to remove the follower's devices while she is wearing a gag. I tried removing it by console, the way which works on my character, but doesn't work on my follower. Is there another legit way to remove devices from my follower or a way by console? 

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1 hour ago, peteretea said:


Srry this is my 3rd time asking but I think my message got covered by newer message before. I want to ask if there is a way to remove the follower's devices while she is wearing a gag. I tried removing it by console, the way which works on my character, but doesn't work on my follower. Is there another legit way to remove devices from my follower or a way by console? 

Normally, you can remove them if you have the appropriate key, by interacting with the follower's inventory.


You may need a head-restraints key rather than restraints key. Sometimes you need more than one.


However, if the device is bugged, first remove duplicate copies of the device from the follower.


You can user removeitem from the console, as you would the player, but the target is the follower, not the player.

Target the follower using the console, then omit "player." from the start of commands you would normally use on the player.

Use the console to inspect the follower's worn items so you know what device ID to remove.


AFAICR Removal by console certainly does work, just as it works on the player.

I'm pretty sure I used this to fix Chloe after she got multiple copies of items added to her.

If it didn't work, it could be because you tried to remove the wrong ID, or had the wrong NPC selected.


In extreme cases, you might resort to killing the NPC, looting the corpse, then resurrecting the NPC, as this should de-slot them from DD.

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37 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

Normally, you can remove them if you have the appropriate key, by interacting with the follower's inventory.


You may need a head-restraints key rather than restraints key. Sometimes you need more than one.


However, if the device is bugged, first remove duplicate copies of the device from the follower.


You can user removeitem from the console, as you would the player, but the target is the follower, not the player.

Target the follower using the console, then omit "player." from the start of commands you would normally use on the player.

Use the console to inspect the follower's worn items so you know what device ID to remove.


AFAICR Removal by console certainly does work, just as it works on the player.

I'm pretty sure I used this to fix Chloe after she got multiple copies of items added to her.

If it didn't work, it could be because you tried to remove the wrong ID, or had the wrong NPC selected.


In extreme cases, you might resort to killing the NPC, looting the corpse, then resurrecting the NPC, as this should de-slot them from DD.

Thanks a lot for the help... I figured out why. When I type 1 and 0 together in the console an animation will always come out, which prevents me from removing the item. Do I set one hotkey wrong?

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35 minutes ago, peteretea said:

Thanks a lot for the help... I figured out why. When I type 1 and 0 together in the console an animation will always come out, which prevents me from removing the item. Do I set one hotkey wrong?

I don't really understand. You have something bound to the number keys? Normally these are used by Skyrim for item shortcuts. You can bind them in the SkyUI favourites menu.


You could possibly have bound them to some other mod.


I still don't see how playing an animation would block typing text in the console though.


It might help if you pause the game first (go into a menu)?

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So, I couldn't find the answer on here, and I'm not sure if I'm just super blind or what, but I'm doing the Leon quest in Utsolf's mansion, where my character has to get the duplicate items that Kayla has, and for the life of me I can't find the slave boots.


I have searched up and down for them, Even going through that locked door on the top floor, I cannot find those boots.

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2 hours ago, whyjayeffvee said:

So, I couldn't find the answer on here, and I'm not sure if I'm just super blind or what, but I'm doing the Leon quest in Utsolf's mansion, where my character has to get the duplicate items that Kayla has, and for the life of me I can't find the slave boots.


I have searched up and down for them, Even going through that locked door on the top floor, I cannot find those boots.

Since all problems always occur on that stage, should I assume I am the only one who has the bug where I don't even get teleported to the mansion? ?

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17 hours ago, whyjayeffvee said:

So, I couldn't find the answer on here, and I'm not sure if I'm just super blind or what, but I'm doing the Leon quest in Utsolf's mansion, where my character has to get the duplicate items that Kayla has, and for the life of me I can't find the slave boots.


I have searched up and down for them, Even going through that locked door on the top floor, I cannot find those boots.

If I recall, it's on the floor you come in (and change on) in something you don't normally expect to find items in.

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17 hours ago, thedarkone1234 said:

Since all problems always occur on that stage, should I assume I am the only one who has the bug where I don't even get teleported to the mansion?

Neither of these things are correct, so I'm not sure what point is being made here.


The mansion teleporting bug is still happening - for some people - and it's not the case that "all problems always" occur on that stage.


It's common for people to fail to find items, but not because they failed to spawn. They're just hard to find. I've done the quest, maybe eight, nine times, different games, different LOs, different DCL versions, and never once had a problem on that stage, and only once had a problem teleporting. In the case of the failed teleport, I reloaded and tried again, and it worked.


The theory goes that the teleport fails due to the number of actors in the cell you're leaving.

Perhaps this is true, but in that case, the source location for the port should probably be Honningbrew Meadery - to me, this seems a more immersive location to catch a mysterious ride from - and the Meadery doesn't accumulate lots of followers, shoppers, Interesting NPCs, etc.


The locations around Whiterun market can all be very busy. Sure the BM is the worst, but all the shops can get quite full if you have mods that add NPCs to Whiterun.

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23 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I don't really understand. You have something bound to the number keys? Normally these are used by Skyrim for item shortcuts. You can bind them in the SkyUI favourites menu.


You could possibly have bound them to some other mod.


I still don't see how playing an animation would block typing text in the console though.


It might help if you pause the game first (go into a menu)?

I do see the item being removed, but still even if I pause the game while I am typing lots of lines come in the console and an animation starts, Idk why but thanks a lot for your help!

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8 minutes ago, peteretea said:

I do see the item being removed, but still even if I pause the game while I am typing lots of lines come in the console and an animation starts, Idk why but thanks a lot for your help!

Sounds like the hot key bind causing your problem is from a SexLab tool, like matchmaker?

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8 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


The theory goes that the teleport fails due to the number of actors in the cell you're leaving.

Perhaps this is true, but in that case, the source location for the port should probably be Honningbrew Meadery - to me, this seems a more immersive location to catch a mysterious ride from - and the Meadery doesn't accumulate lots of followers, shoppers, Interesting NPCs, etc.


The locations around Whiterun market can all be very busy. Sure the BM is the worst, but all the shops can get quite full if you have mods that add NPCs to Whiterun.

So going into a shop or somewhere more empty, using moveto player on Claudius and then doing the teleport convo should solve things?

Will test it out when I get the chance...

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So i'm going to be really honest, this mod serves all my needs perfectly, i even use it over defeat for combat surrender, cuz defeat doesnt apply Devious Devices like i want, while DCL does. Yeah i'm aware of Devious Captures, but even that brings it nowhere near what i expect and want. However the only 'problem' i have with DCL right now that kind of kills my immersion/realistic feel to it, is the fact that creatures also apply Devious Devices even if they are disabled and dont actually rape you. They still apply the devices regardless. Therefor i would rather have it where even if they are enabled or not, that they simply wont apply devices at all. (Like how would a wolf even apply a armbinder to someone?) I've tried looking into it all myself, and found that inside the Surrender() function it applies devices regardless if something happend or not. I sadly cant manage to compile the scripts myself due to millions of errors, problably being related to the fact i didnt setup the compilers correctly. I've never made skyrim mods, i just know how to read code. :P


The actual not applying of devices by creatures could be an option, since some people might not mind it?

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8 hours ago, subdued said:

I haven't played Skyrim in like a year, is there anywhere I can find a full changelist to see what new features have been added since I last played? I can only find the changelist for v7.5 on the download page.

It's on the bottom of the readme in the zip file itself (under docs or if you installed it in the fomod somewhere in your data folder)

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1 hour ago, thedarkone1234 said:

So going into a shop or somewhere more empty, using moveto player on Claudius and then doing the teleport convo should solve things?

Will test it out when I get the chance...

This has been the recommended solution since whenever, but in 7.X Kimy moved Claudius out of the market anyway.

But in my game (and perhaps other people's games) the shops are surprisingly crowded at times.


Possibly crowded enough to cause issues, though I have no idea how many actors there would need to be.

It may depend on your computer, and what other things are generating load at the time.


This is why I think the Meadery would be safer.

It's near enough; Kimy uses it already; and it's not one of those places where large numbers of actors congregate, even on the strangest of days.

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1 hour ago, thedarkone1234 said:

So going into a shop or somewhere more empty, using moveto player on Claudius and then doing the teleport convo should solve things?

Will test it out when I get the chance...

This has been the recommended solution since whenever, but in 7.X Kimy moved Claudius out of the market anyway.


But in my game (and perhaps other people's games) the shops are surprisingly crowded at times - possibly crowded enough to cause issues?

Though I have no idea how many actors there would need to be. It may depend on your computer, and what other things are generating load at the time.


This is why I think the Meadery would be safer.

It's near enough; Kimy uses it already; and it's not one of those places where large numbers of actors congregate, even on the strangest of days.

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LL seems to be working again, so here we go!


Version 8.0


- Added: Total Crime Overhaul. Crime just got a whole lot kinkier! If you get arrested by a guard, they now have many more options at their disposal to punish you. Guards can now start several DCL quests, including Walk of Shame, Belt of Shame, Whore Collar and more! They also can punish you by locking restraints on you and leaving it to you to struggle out of them. You can sure try to beg or bribe your way out, but success isn't guaranteed and your sentence might get harsher for trying to whore yourself out of it. More serious crime can also result in getting sent to prison. DCL's very own, new prison.
- Added: Dagonar Prison for Women: Skyrim's worst lock-up for female offenders is where the really bad girls are getting sent to serve time for their crimes. No longer are criminals allowed to just sit in a cell and sleep through their sentence! Prisoners are expected to work to pay off their debt to society! Inmates will have to work in the mines, or in the workshop, serve drinks to the guard, clean their cells and cook their own (disgusting) prison food. The all-male guard also values security and has a deep stock of restraints available to keep inmates in line! And they really enjoy binding their inmates and might chose to use you as a display model for the newest lockable gear! They might see you as a part of the compensation, too. Talking about security - no, you won't break out of this prison by lifting a loose crate. Escape is possible, but it's not easy, and might require careful planning and some luck. Try! But don't get caught, or you might pile up additional jail time for your transgressions. Thankfully there is a pardon system in place giving some inmates the chance for an early release, too!
- Added: Combat Surrender: Getting defeated by guards will now result in a prison sentence. Likewise will getting defeated by a bounty hunter get the player handed over to the hold posting the highest bounty for her.
- Added: Combat Surrender: Getting defeated by other humanoid enemies while having a bounty for any violent crime on you will result in them handing you over to the hold that posted the highest bounty on you. Occassionally they will cash in on petty crimes, too!
- Added: New ModEvent SendModEvent("dcur-triggerPrison"), that can trigger the DCL prison from any other mod. A crime faction can and should be set before calling this (StorageUtil.SetFormValue(libs.playerRef, "dcur_prison_ArrestingFaction") or StorageUtil.SetFormValue(libs.playerRef, "dcur_prison_ArrestingGuard")), sot the prison quest will calculate the sentence based on the crime faction's bounty and also clean the bounty.  
- Changed: DCL crime events now all route through the new DCL crime system via bounties. Direct hand-overs to any quests etc are no longer performed. This way, all outcomes have a chance to occur, not just a single one.
- Changed: Loss of Control no longer happens during active quests.
- Changed: Leah wanted a kinkier outfit and ordered one from the Dollmaker.
- Changed: The whore collar now always requires 20 times the average solicitation tip.
- Changed: Combat Surrender: Creatures no longer tie you up after defeat.
- Fixed: Couriers can no longer trigger rape attacks.
- Fixed: Walk of Shame now cleans the player's bounty.


New game required: Yes!

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