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SexLab Mortality - A Wear & Tear inspired mod

Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared


i'm only asking because guywhoregisteredtodownload wrote he is going to upload it tomorrow one month ago. So maybe something bad happened...  


Maybe we should rename him "Guywhoregistredtodownloadbutstarteduploadinganywaybutthenhedisapeared"


Hey, Guywho..., you're still alive right?



Yes, just have a ton of stuff going on at home, haven't had time to breathe.


I've literally had like three lines of code I need to debug and then the next release for two months now.


When I find a moment at home to spare, I'll release the next version. I am not going to make the mistake of saying in the next couple days because it might not be.

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Guest GuyWhoAbruptlyDisappeared

Is this mod supposed to change the appearance of NPCs? I have another mod that changes the looks of all my followers, but after I installed this mod, Lydia went back to her vanilla model.


That is because in the original version of the mod, I added the housecarls to the trusted faction in a retarded manner (Actually went to their actor base and added them to the faction), not realizing that it had effects on the entire actor.


In the new version, they are added by a script, and there is no change to the actor records. 


In your case, simply move the mod that changes the appearance to load after Mortality, and the problem will go away if there's no other mod in the way. 


Alternatively, just open up the ESP in tes5edit and kill all references to Lydia and that will do the job just fine. It will have no apparent effect on the mod. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

What abouot a "guilt" debuff for player rapes, cheating with a non-spouse, and sleeping with a married NPC? It could lower your speechcraft because you're doubting yourself and prevent the well-rested buff. lol you could cure it by drinking or stop performing the guilt-causing action for a set amount of time.

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